path: root/docs
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49 files changed, 4284 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# fflate
+## Index
+### Classes
+* [AsyncDecompress](classes/
+* [AsyncDeflate](classes/
+* [AsyncGunzip](classes/
+* [AsyncGzip](classes/
+* [AsyncInflate](classes/
+* [AsyncUnzipInflate](classes/
+* [AsyncUnzlib](classes/
+* [AsyncZipDeflate](classes/
+* [AsyncZlib](classes/
+* [DecodeUTF8](classes/
+* [Decompress](classes/
+* [Deflate](classes/
+* [EncodeUTF8](classes/
+* [Gunzip](classes/
+* [Gzip](classes/
+* [Inflate](classes/
+* [Unzip](classes/
+* [UnzipInflate](classes/
+* [UnzipPassThrough](classes/
+* [Unzlib](classes/
+* [Zip](classes/
+* [ZipDeflate](classes/
+* [ZipPassThrough](classes/
+* [Zlib](classes/
+### Interfaces
+* [AsyncDeflateOptions](interfaces/
+* [AsyncGunzipOptions](interfaces/
+* [AsyncGzipOptions](interfaces/
+* [AsyncInflateOptions](interfaces/
+* [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+* [AsyncUnzipOptions](interfaces/
+* [AsyncUnzlibOptions](interfaces/
+* [AsyncZipOptions](interfaces/
+* [AsyncZippable](interfaces/
+* [AsyncZlibOptions](interfaces/
+* [DeflateOptions](interfaces/
+* [FlateError](interfaces/
+* [GzipOptions](interfaces/
+* [UnzipDecoder](interfaces/
+* [UnzipDecoderConstructor](interfaces/
+* [UnzipFile](interfaces/
+* [UnzipFileInfo](interfaces/
+* [UnzipOptions](interfaces/
+* [Unzipped](interfaces/
+* [ZipAttributes](interfaces/
+* [ZipInputFile](interfaces/
+* [ZipOptions](interfaces/
+* [Zippable](interfaces/
+* [ZlibOptions](interfaces/
+### Type aliases
+* [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](
+* [AsyncZippableFile](
+* [FlateCallback](
+* [FlateStreamHandler](
+* [StringStreamHandler](
+* [UnzipCallback](
+* [UnzipFileFilter](
+* [UnzipFileHandler](
+* [ZippableFile](
+### Variables
+* [FlateErrorCode](
+### Functions
+* [decompress](
+* [decompressSync](
+* [deflate](
+* [deflateSync](
+* [gunzip](
+* [gunzipSync](
+* [gzip](
+* [gzipSync](
+* [inflate](
+* [inflateSync](
+* [strFromU8](
+* [strToU8](
+* [unzip](
+* [unzipSync](
+* [unzlib](
+* [unzlibSync](
+* [zip](
+* [zipSync](
+* [zlib](
+* [zlibSync](
+## Type aliases
+### AsyncFlateStreamHandler
+Ƭ **AsyncFlateStreamHandler**: (err: [FlateError](interfaces/,data: Uint8Array,final: boolean) => void
+Handler for asynchronous data (de)compression streams
+**`param`** Any error that occurred
+**`param`** The data output from the stream processor
+**`param`** Whether this is the final block
+### AsyncZippableFile
+Ƭ **AsyncZippableFile**: Uint8Array \| []
+A file that can be used to asynchronously create a ZIP archive
+### FlateCallback
+Ƭ **FlateCallback**: (err: [FlateError](interfaces/,data: Uint8Array) => void
+Callback for asynchronous (de)compression methods
+**`param`** Any error that occurred
+**`param`** The resulting data. Only present if `err` is null
+### FlateStreamHandler
+Ƭ **FlateStreamHandler**: (data: Uint8Array,final: boolean) => void
+Handler for data (de)compression streams
+**`param`** The data output from the stream processor
+**`param`** Whether this is the final block
+### StringStreamHandler
+Ƭ **StringStreamHandler**: (data: string,final: boolean) => void
+Handler for string generation streams
+**`param`** The string output from the stream processor
+**`param`** Whether this is the final block
+### UnzipCallback
+Ƭ **UnzipCallback**: (err: [FlateError](interfaces/,data: [Unzipped](interfaces/ => void
+Callback for asynchronous ZIP decompression
+**`param`** Any error that occurred
+**`param`** The decompressed ZIP archive
+### UnzipFileFilter
+Ƭ **UnzipFileFilter**: (file: [UnzipFileInfo](interfaces/ => boolean
+A filter for files to be extracted during the unzipping process
+**`param`** The info for the current file being processed
+**`returns`** Whether or not to extract the current file
+### UnzipFileHandler
+Ƭ **UnzipFileHandler**: (file: [UnzipFile](interfaces/ => void
+Handler for streaming ZIP decompression
+**`param`** The file that was found in the archive
+### ZippableFile
+Ƭ **ZippableFile**: Uint8Array \| []
+A file that can be used to create a ZIP archive
+## Variables
+### FlateErrorCode
+• `Const` **FlateErrorCode**: object = { UnexpectedEOF: 0, InvalidBlockType: 1, InvalidLengthLiteral: 2, InvalidDistance: 3, StreamFinished: 4, NoStreamHandler: 5, InvalidHeader: 6, NoCallback: 7, InvalidUTF8: 8, ExtraFieldTooLong: 9, InvalidDate: 10, FilenameTooLong: 11, StreamFinishing: 12, InvalidZipData: 13, UnknownCompressionMethod: 14} as const
+Codes for errors generated within this library
+#### Type declaration:
+Name | Type |
+------ | ------ |
+`ExtraFieldTooLong` | 9 |
+`FilenameTooLong` | 11 |
+`InvalidBlockType` | 1 |
+`InvalidDate` | 10 |
+`InvalidDistance` | 3 |
+`InvalidHeader` | 6 |
+`InvalidLengthLiteral` | 2 |
+`InvalidUTF8` | 8 |
+`InvalidZipData` | 13 |
+`NoCallback` | 7 |
+`NoStreamHandler` | 5 |
+`StreamFinished` | 4 |
+`StreamFinishing` | 12 |
+`UnexpectedEOF` | 0 |
+`UnknownCompressionMethod` | 14 |
+## Functions
+### decompress
+▸ **decompress**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncInflateOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchrononously expands compressed GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE data, automatically detecting the format
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`opts` | [AsyncInflateOptions](interfaces/ | The decompression options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon decompression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **decompress**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchrononously expands compressed GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE data, automatically detecting the format
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon decompression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### decompressSync
+▸ **decompressSync**(`data`: Uint8Array, `out?`: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
+Expands compressed GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE data, automatically detecting the format
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`out?` | Uint8Array | Where to write the data. Saves memory if you know the decompressed size and provide an output buffer of that length. |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
+### deflate
+▸ **deflate**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncDeflateOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously compresses data with DEFLATE without any wrapper
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`opts` | [AsyncDeflateOptions](interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon compression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **deflate**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously compresses data with DEFLATE without any wrapper
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon compression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### deflateSync
+▸ **deflateSync**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts?`: [DeflateOptions](interfaces/ Uint8Array
+Compresses data with DEFLATE without any wrapper
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`opts?` | [DeflateOptions](interfaces/ | The compression options |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
+### gunzip
+▸ **gunzip**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncGunzipOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously expands GZIP data
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`opts` | [AsyncGunzipOptions](interfaces/ | The decompression options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon decompression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **gunzip**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously expands GZIP data
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon decompression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### gunzipSync
+▸ **gunzipSync**(`data`: Uint8Array, `out?`: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
+Expands GZIP data
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`out?` | Uint8Array | Where to write the data. GZIP already encodes the output size, so providing this doesn't save memory. |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
+### gzip
+▸ **gzip**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncGzipOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously compresses data with GZIP
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`opts` | [AsyncGzipOptions](interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon compression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **gzip**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously compresses data with GZIP
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon compression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **gzip**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncGzipOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously compresses data with GZIP
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`opts` | [AsyncGzipOptions](interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon compression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **gzip**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously compresses data with GZIP
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon compression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### gzipSync
+▸ **gzipSync**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts?`: [GzipOptions](interfaces/ Uint8Array
+Compresses data with GZIP
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`opts?` | [GzipOptions](interfaces/ | The compression options |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
+### inflate
+▸ **inflate**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncInflateOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously expands DEFLATE data with no wrapper
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`opts` | [AsyncInflateOptions](interfaces/ | The decompression options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon decompression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **inflate**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously expands DEFLATE data with no wrapper
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon decompression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### inflateSync
+▸ **inflateSync**(`data`: Uint8Array, `out?`: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
+Expands DEFLATE data with no wrapper
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`out?` | Uint8Array | Where to write the data. Saves memory if you know the decompressed size and provide an output buffer of that length. |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
+### strFromU8
+▸ **strFromU8**(`dat`: Uint8Array, `latin1?`: boolean): string
+Converts a Uint8Array to a string
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`dat` | Uint8Array | The data to decode to string |
+`latin1?` | boolean | Whether or not to interpret the data as Latin-1. This should not need to be true unless encoding to binary string. |
+**Returns:** string
+### strToU8
+▸ **strToU8**(`str`: string, `latin1?`: boolean): Uint8Array
+Converts a string into a Uint8Array for use with compression/decompression methods
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`str` | string | The string to encode |
+`latin1?` | boolean | Whether or not to interpret the data as Latin-1. This should not need to be true unless decoding a binary string. |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
+### unzip
+▸ **unzip**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncUnzipOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [UnzipCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously decompresses a ZIP archive
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The raw compressed ZIP file |
+`opts` | [AsyncUnzipOptions](interfaces/ | The ZIP extraction options |
+`cb` | [UnzipCallback]( | The callback to call with the decompressed files |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **unzip**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [UnzipCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously decompresses a ZIP archive
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The raw compressed ZIP file |
+`cb` | [UnzipCallback]( | The callback to call with the decompressed files |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### unzipSync
+▸ **unzipSync**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts?`: [UnzipOptions](interfaces/ [Unzipped](interfaces/
+Synchronously decompresses a ZIP archive. Prefer using `unzip` for better
+performance with more than one file.
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The raw compressed ZIP file |
+`opts?` | [UnzipOptions](interfaces/ | The ZIP extraction options |
+**Returns:** [Unzipped](interfaces/
+### unzlib
+▸ **unzlib**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncGunzipOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously expands Zlib data
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`opts` | [AsyncGunzipOptions](interfaces/ | The decompression options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon decompression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **unzlib**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously expands Zlib data
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon decompression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### unzlibSync
+▸ **unzlibSync**(`data`: Uint8Array, `out?`: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
+Expands Zlib data
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to decompress |
+`out?` | Uint8Array | Where to write the data. Saves memory if you know the decompressed size and provide an output buffer of that length. |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
+### zip
+▸ **zip**(`data`: [AsyncZippable](interfaces/, `opts`: [AsyncZipOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously creates a ZIP file
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | [AsyncZippable](interfaces/ | The directory structure for the ZIP archive |
+`opts` | [AsyncZipOptions](interfaces/ | The main options, merged with per-file options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The callback to call with the generated ZIP archive |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **zip**(`data`: [AsyncZippable](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously creates a ZIP file
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | [AsyncZippable](interfaces/ | The directory structure for the ZIP archive |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The callback to call with the generated ZIP archive |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### zipSync
+▸ **zipSync**(`data`: [Zippable](interfaces/, `opts?`: [ZipOptions](interfaces/ Uint8Array
+Synchronously creates a ZIP file. Prefer using `zip` for better performance
+with more than one file.
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | [Zippable](interfaces/ | The directory structure for the ZIP archive |
+`opts?` | [ZipOptions](interfaces/ | The main options, merged with per-file options |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
+### zlib
+▸ **zlib**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts`: [AsyncZlibOptions](interfaces/, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously compresses data with Zlib
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`opts` | [AsyncZlibOptions](interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon compression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+▸ **zlib**(`data`: Uint8Array, `cb`: [FlateCallback]( [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+Asynchronously compresses data with Zlib
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`cb` | [FlateCallback]( | The function to be called upon compression completion |
+**Returns:** [AsyncTerminable](interfaces/
+### zlibSync
+▸ **zlibSync**(`data`: Uint8Array, `opts?`: [ZlibOptions](interfaces/ Uint8Array
+Compress data with Zlib
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data to compress |
+`opts?` | [ZlibOptions](interfaces/ | The compression options |
+**Returns:** Uint8Array
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+# Class: AsyncDecompress
+Asynchronous streaming GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE decompression
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncDecompress**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncDecompress**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncDecompress](
+Creates an asynchronous decompression stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is decompressed |
+**Returns:** [AsyncDecompress](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be decompressed
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: AsyncDeflate
+Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE compression
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncDeflate**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncDeflate**(`opts`: [DeflateOptions](../interfaces/, `cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncDeflate](
+Creates an asynchronous DEFLATE stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`opts` | [DeflateOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncDeflate](
+\+ **new AsyncDeflate**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncDeflate](
+Creates an asynchronous DEFLATE stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncDeflate](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](../interfaces/
+A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to
+push() will silently fail.
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be deflated
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: AsyncGunzip
+Asynchronous streaming GZIP decompression
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncGunzip**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncGunzip**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncGunzip](
+Creates an asynchronous GUNZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncGunzip](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](../interfaces/
+A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to
+push() will silently fail.
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be GUNZIPped
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: AsyncGzip
+Asynchronous streaming GZIP compression
+Asynchronous streaming GZIP compression
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncGzip**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncGzip**(`opts`: [GzipOptions](../interfaces/, `cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncGzip](
+Creates an asynchronous GZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`opts` | [GzipOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncGzip](
+\+ **new AsyncGzip**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncGzip](
+Creates an asynchronous GZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncGzip](
+\+ **new AsyncGzip**(`opts`: [GzipOptions](../interfaces/, `cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncGzip](
+Creates an asynchronous GZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`opts` | [GzipOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncGzip](
+\+ **new AsyncGzip**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncGzip](
+Creates an asynchronous GZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncGzip](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](../interfaces/
+A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to
+push() will silently fail.
+A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to
+push() will silently fail.
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be GZIPped
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be GZIPped
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: AsyncInflate
+Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE decompression
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncInflate**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncInflate**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncInflate](
+Creates an asynchronous inflation stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncInflate](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](../interfaces/
+A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to
+push() will silently fail.
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be inflated
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: AsyncUnzipInflate
+Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE decompression for ZIP archives
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncUnzipInflate**
+## Implements
+* [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [terminate](
+* [compression](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncUnzipInflate**(`_`: string, `sz?`: number): [AsyncUnzipInflate](
+Creates a DEFLATE decompression that can be used in ZIP archives
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type |
+------ | ------ |
+`_` | string |
+`sz?` | number |
+**Returns:** [AsyncUnzipInflate](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+*Implementation of [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/[ondata](../interfaces/*
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](../interfaces/
+*Implementation of [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/[terminate](../interfaces/*
+### compression
+▪ `Static` **compression**: number = 8
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`data`: Uint8Array, `final`: boolean): void
+*Implementation of [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/*
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type |
+------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array |
+`final` | boolean |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: AsyncUnzlib
+Asynchronous streaming Zlib decompression
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncUnzlib**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncUnzlib**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncUnzlib](
+Creates an asynchronous Zlib decompression stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncUnzlib](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](../interfaces/
+A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to
+push() will silently fail.
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be decompressed from Zlib
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: AsyncZipDeflate
+Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE compression for ZIP archives
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncZipDeflate**
+## Implements
+* [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [attrs](
+* [comment](
+* [compression](
+* [crc](
+* [extra](
+* [filename](
+* [flag](
+* [mtime](
+* [ondata](
+* [os](
+* [size](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [process](
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncZipDeflate**(`filename`: string, `opts?`: [DeflateOptions](../interfaces/ [AsyncZipDeflate](
+Creates a DEFLATE stream that can be added to ZIP archives
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`filename` | string | The filename to associate with this data stream |
+`opts?` | [DeflateOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+**Returns:** [AsyncZipDeflate](
+## Properties
+### attrs
+• `Optional` **attrs**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[attrs](../interfaces/*
+### comment
+• `Optional` **comment**: string
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[comment](../interfaces/*
+### compression
+• **compression**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[compression](../interfaces/*
+### crc
+• **crc**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[crc](../interfaces/*
+### extra
+• `Optional` **extra**: Record\<number, Uint8Array>
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[extra](../interfaces/*
+### filename
+• **filename**: string
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[filename](../interfaces/*
+### flag
+• **flag**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[flag](../interfaces/*
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: GzipOptions[\"mtime\"]
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[mtime](../interfaces/*
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[ondata](../interfaces/*
+### os
+• `Optional` **os**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[os](../interfaces/*
+### size
+• **size**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[size](../interfaces/*
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](../interfaces/
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[terminate](../interfaces/*
+## Methods
+### process
+▸ **process**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final`: boolean): void
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type |
+------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array |
+`final` | boolean |
+**Returns:** void
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be deflated
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: AsyncZlib
+Asynchronous streaming Zlib compression
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncZlib**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new AsyncZlib**(`opts`: [ZlibOptions](../interfaces/, `cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncZlib](
+Creates an asynchronous DEFLATE stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`opts` | [ZlibOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncZlib](
+\+ **new AsyncZlib**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [AsyncZlib](
+Creates an asynchronous DEFLATE stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [AsyncZlib](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](../interfaces/
+A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to
+push() will silently fail.
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be deflated
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: DecodeUTF8
+Streaming UTF-8 decoding
+## Hierarchy
+* **DecodeUTF8**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new DecodeUTF8**(`cb?`: [StringStreamHandler](../ [DecodeUTF8](
+Creates a UTF-8 decoding stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [StringStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is decoded |
+**Returns:** [DecodeUTF8](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [StringStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be decoded from UTF-8 binary
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Decompress
+Streaming GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE decompression
+## Hierarchy
+* **Decompress**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Decompress**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Decompress](
+Creates a decompression stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is decompressed |
+**Returns:** [Decompress](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [FlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be decompressed
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Deflate
+Streaming DEFLATE compression
+## Hierarchy
+* **Deflate**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Deflate**(`opts`: [DeflateOptions](../interfaces/, `cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Deflate](
+Creates a DEFLATE stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`opts` | [DeflateOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [Deflate](
+\+ **new Deflate**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Deflate](
+Creates a DEFLATE stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [Deflate](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [FlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be deflated
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: EncodeUTF8
+Streaming UTF-8 encoding
+## Hierarchy
+* **EncodeUTF8**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new EncodeUTF8**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [EncodeUTF8](
+Creates a UTF-8 decoding stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is encoded |
+**Returns:** [EncodeUTF8](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [FlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: string, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be encoded to UTF-8
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | string | The string data to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Gunzip
+Streaming GZIP decompression
+## Hierarchy
+* **Gunzip**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Gunzip**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Gunzip](
+Creates a GUNZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is inflated |
+**Returns:** [Gunzip](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [FlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be GUNZIPped
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Gzip
+Streaming GZIP compression
+Streaming GZIP compression
+## Hierarchy
+* **Gzip**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Gzip**(`opts`: [GzipOptions](../interfaces/, `cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Gzip](
+Creates a GZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`opts` | [GzipOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [Gzip](
+\+ **new Gzip**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Gzip](
+Creates a GZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [Gzip](
+\+ **new Gzip**(`opts`: [GzipOptions](../interfaces/, `cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Gzip](
+Creates a GZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`opts` | [GzipOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [Gzip](
+\+ **new Gzip**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Gzip](
+Creates a GZIP stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [Gzip](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [FlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be GZIPped
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Inflate
+Streaming DEFLATE decompression
+## Hierarchy
+* **Inflate**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Inflate**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Inflate](
+Creates an inflation stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is inflated |
+**Returns:** [Inflate](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [FlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be inflated
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the final chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Unzip
+A ZIP archive decompression stream that emits files as they are discovered
+## Hierarchy
+* **Unzip**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [onfile](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+* [register](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Unzip**(`cb?`: [UnzipFileHandler](../ [Unzip](
+Creates a ZIP decompression stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [UnzipFileHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever a file in the ZIP archive is found |
+**Returns:** [Unzip](
+## Properties
+### onfile
+• **onfile**: [UnzipFileHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever a file is discovered
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): any
+Pushes a chunk to be unzipped
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** any
+### register
+▸ **register**(`decoder`: [UnzipDecoderConstructor](../interfaces/ void
+Registers a decoder with the stream, allowing for files compressed with
+the compression type provided to be expanded correctly
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`decoder` | [UnzipDecoderConstructor](../interfaces/ | The decoder constructor |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: UnzipInflate
+Streaming DEFLATE decompression for ZIP archives. Prefer AsyncZipInflate for
+better performance.
+## Hierarchy
+* **UnzipInflate**
+## Implements
+* [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [compression](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new UnzipInflate**(): [UnzipInflate](
+Creates a DEFLATE decompression that can be used in ZIP archives
+**Returns:** [UnzipInflate](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+*Implementation of [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/[ondata](../interfaces/*
+### compression
+▪ `Static` **compression**: number = 8
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`data`: Uint8Array, `final`: boolean): void
+*Implementation of [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/*
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type |
+------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array |
+`final` | boolean |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: UnzipPassThrough
+Streaming pass-through decompression for ZIP archives
+## Hierarchy
+* **UnzipPassThrough**
+## Implements
+* [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [compression](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+*Implementation of [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/[ondata](../interfaces/*
+### compression
+▪ `Static` **compression**: number = 0
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`data`: Uint8Array, `final`: boolean): void
+*Implementation of [UnzipDecoder](../interfaces/*
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type |
+------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array |
+`final` | boolean |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Unzlib
+Streaming Zlib decompression
+## Hierarchy
+* **Unzlib**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Unzlib**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Unzlib](
+Creates a Zlib decompression stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is inflated |
+**Returns:** [Unzlib](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [FlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be unzlibbed
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Zip
+A zippable archive to which files can incrementally be added
+## Hierarchy
+* **Zip**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [add](
+* [end](
+* [terminate](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Zip**(`cb?`: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ [Zip](
+Creates an empty ZIP archive to which files can be added
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data for the generated ZIP archive is available |
+**Returns:** [Zip](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### add
+▸ **add**(`file`: [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/ void
+Adds a file to the ZIP archive
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`file` | [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/ | The file stream to add |
+**Returns:** void
+### end
+▸ **end**(): void
+Ends the process of adding files and prepares to emit the final chunks.
+This *must* be called after adding all desired files for the resulting
+ZIP file to work properly.
+**Returns:** void
+### terminate
+▸ **terminate**(): void
+A method to terminate any internal workers used by the stream. Subsequent
+calls to add() will fail.
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: ZipDeflate
+Streaming DEFLATE compression for ZIP archives. Prefer using AsyncZipDeflate
+for better performance
+## Hierarchy
+* **ZipDeflate**
+## Implements
+* [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [attrs](
+* [comment](
+* [compression](
+* [crc](
+* [extra](
+* [filename](
+* [flag](
+* [mtime](
+* [ondata](
+* [os](
+* [size](
+### Methods
+* [process](
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new ZipDeflate**(`filename`: string, `opts?`: [DeflateOptions](../interfaces/ [ZipDeflate](
+Creates a DEFLATE stream that can be added to ZIP archives
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`filename` | string | The filename to associate with this data stream |
+`opts?` | [DeflateOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+**Returns:** [ZipDeflate](
+## Properties
+### attrs
+• `Optional` **attrs**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[attrs](../interfaces/*
+### comment
+• `Optional` **comment**: string
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[comment](../interfaces/*
+### compression
+• **compression**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[compression](../interfaces/*
+### crc
+• **crc**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[crc](../interfaces/*
+### extra
+• `Optional` **extra**: Record\<number, Uint8Array>
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[extra](../interfaces/*
+### filename
+• **filename**: string
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[filename](../interfaces/*
+### flag
+• **flag**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[flag](../interfaces/*
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: GzipOptions[\"mtime\"]
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[mtime](../interfaces/*
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[ondata](../interfaces/*
+### os
+• `Optional` **os**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[os](../interfaces/*
+### size
+• **size**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[size](../interfaces/*
+## Methods
+### process
+▸ **process**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final`: boolean): void
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type |
+------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array |
+`final` | boolean |
+**Returns:** void
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be deflated
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: ZipPassThrough
+A pass-through stream to keep data uncompressed in a ZIP archive.
+## Hierarchy
+* **ZipPassThrough**
+## Implements
+* [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [attrs](
+* [comment](
+* [compression](
+* [crc](
+* [extra](
+* [filename](
+* [mtime](
+* [ondata](
+* [os](
+* [size](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new ZipPassThrough**(`filename`: string): [ZipPassThrough](
+Creates a pass-through stream that can be added to ZIP archives
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`filename` | string | The filename to associate with this data stream |
+**Returns:** [ZipPassThrough](
+## Properties
+### attrs
+• `Optional` **attrs**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[attrs](../interfaces/*
+### comment
+• `Optional` **comment**: string
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[comment](../interfaces/*
+### compression
+• **compression**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[compression](../interfaces/*
+### crc
+• **crc**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[crc](../interfaces/*
+### extra
+• `Optional` **extra**: Record\<number, Uint8Array>
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[extra](../interfaces/*
+### filename
+• **filename**: string
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[filename](../interfaces/*
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: GzipOptions[\"mtime\"]
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[mtime](../interfaces/*
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[ondata](../interfaces/*
+### os
+• `Optional` **os**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[os](../interfaces/*
+### size
+• **size**: number
+*Implementation of [ZipInputFile](../interfaces/[size](../interfaces/*
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be added. If you are subclassing this with a custom
+compression algorithm, note that you must push data from the source
+file only, pre-compression.
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Class: Zlib
+Streaming Zlib compression
+## Hierarchy
+* **Zlib**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new Zlib**(`opts`: [ZlibOptions](../interfaces/, `cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Zlib](
+Creates a Zlib stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`opts` | [ZlibOptions](../interfaces/ | The compression options |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [Zlib](
+\+ **new Zlib**(`cb?`: [FlateStreamHandler](../ [Zlib](
+Creates a Zlib stream
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`cb?` | [FlateStreamHandler](../ | The callback to call whenever data is deflated |
+**Returns:** [Zlib](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [FlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`chunk`: Uint8Array, `final?`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be zlibbed
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`chunk` | Uint8Array | The chunk to push |
+`final?` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Interface: AsyncDeflateOptions
+Options for compressing data asynchronously into a DEFLATE format
+## Hierarchy
+* [DeflateOptions](
+* AsyncOptions
+ ↳ **AsyncDeflateOptions**
+ ↳↳ [AsyncZipOptions](
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [consume](
+* [level](
+* [mem](
+## Properties
+### consume
+• `Optional` **consume**: boolean
+*Inherited from [AsyncDeflateOptions]([consume](*
+Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in
+unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage.
+### level
+• `Optional` **level**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([level](*
+The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9.
+0 will store the data without compression.
+1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best.
+The default level is 6.
+Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data.
+In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results.
+For example, a 1 MB text file could:
+- become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms
+- become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms
+- become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms
+### mem
+• `Optional` **mem**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 \| 11 \| 12
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([mem](*
+The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory.
+Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB.
+It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance.
+In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance.
+The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data.
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+# Interface: AsyncGunzipOptions
+Options for decompressing GZIP data asynchronously
+## Hierarchy
+* AsyncOptions
+ ↳ **AsyncGunzipOptions**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [consume](
+## Properties
+### consume
+• `Optional` **consume**: boolean
+*Inherited from [AsyncDeflateOptions]([consume](*
+Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in
+unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage.
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+# Interface: AsyncGzipOptions
+Options for compressing data asynchronously into a GZIP format
+## Hierarchy
+* [GzipOptions](
+* AsyncOptions
+ ↳ **AsyncGzipOptions**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [consume](
+* [filename](
+* [level](
+* [mem](
+* [mtime](
+## Properties
+### consume
+• `Optional` **consume**: boolean
+*Inherited from [AsyncDeflateOptions]([consume](*
+Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in
+unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage.
+### filename
+• `Optional` **filename**: string
+*Inherited from [GzipOptions]([filename](*
+The filename of the data. If the `gunzip` command is used to decompress the data, it will output a file
+with this name instead of the name of the compressed file.
+### level
+• `Optional` **level**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([level](*
+The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9.
+0 will store the data without compression.
+1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best.
+The default level is 6.
+Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data.
+In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results.
+For example, a 1 MB text file could:
+- become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms
+- become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms
+- become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms
+### mem
+• `Optional` **mem**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 \| 11 \| 12
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([mem](*
+The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory.
+Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB.
+It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance.
+In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance.
+The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data.
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: Date \| string \| number
+*Inherited from [GzipOptions]([mtime](*
+When the file was last modified. Defaults to the current time.
+Set this to 0 to avoid revealing a modification date entirely.
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+# Interface: AsyncInflateOptions
+Options for decompressing DEFLATE data asynchronously
+## Hierarchy
+* AsyncOptions
+ ↳ **AsyncInflateOptions**
+ ↳↳ [AsyncUnzlibOptions](
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [consume](
+* [size](
+## Properties
+### consume
+• `Optional` **consume**: boolean
+*Inherited from [AsyncDeflateOptions]([consume](*
+Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in
+unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage.
+### size
+• `Optional` **size**: number
+The original size of the data. Currently, the asynchronous API disallows
+writing into a buffer you provide; the best you can do is provide the
+size in bytes and be given back a new typed array.
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+# Interface: AsyncTerminable
+A terminable compression/decompression process
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncTerminable**
+## Callable
+▸ (): void
+Terminates the worker thread immediately. The callback will not be called.
+**Returns:** void
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+# Interface: AsyncUnzipOptions
+Options for asynchronously expanding a ZIP archive
+## Hierarchy
+* [UnzipOptions](
+ ↳ **AsyncUnzipOptions**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [filter](
+## Properties
+### filter
+• `Optional` **filter**: [UnzipFileFilter](../
+*Inherited from [UnzipOptions]([filter](*
+A filter function to extract only certain files from a ZIP archive
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+# Interface: AsyncUnzlibOptions
+Options for decompressing Zlib data asynchronously
+## Hierarchy
+* [AsyncInflateOptions](
+ ↳ **AsyncUnzlibOptions**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [consume](
+* [size](
+## Properties
+### consume
+• `Optional` **consume**: boolean
+*Inherited from [AsyncDeflateOptions]([consume](*
+Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in
+unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage.
+### size
+• `Optional` **size**: number
+*Inherited from [AsyncInflateOptions]([size](*
+The original size of the data. Currently, the asynchronous API disallows
+writing into a buffer you provide; the best you can do is provide the
+size in bytes and be given back a new typed array.
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+# Interface: AsyncZipOptions
+Options for asynchronously creating a ZIP archive
+## Hierarchy
+* [AsyncDeflateOptions](
+* [ZipAttributes](
+ ↳ **AsyncZipOptions**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [attrs](
+* [comment](
+* [consume](
+* [extra](
+* [level](
+* [mem](
+* [mtime](
+* [os](
+## Properties
+### attrs
+• `Optional` **attrs**: number
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([attrs](*
+The file's attributes. These are traditionally somewhat complicated
+and platform-dependent, so using them is scarcely necessary. However,
+here is a representation of what this is, bit by bit:
+TTTT = file type (rarely useful)
+u = setuid, g = setgid, t = sticky
+rwx = user permissions, rwx = group permissions, rwx = other permissions
+0000000000 = unused
+A = archive, D = directory, V = volume label, S = system file, H = hidden, R = read-only
+If you want to set the Unix permissions, for instance, just bit shift by 16, e.g. 0644 << 16
+### comment
+• `Optional` **comment**: string
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([comment](*
+The comment to attach to the file. This field is defined by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt,
+section 4.4.26. The comment must be at most 65,535 bytes long UTF-8 encoded. This
+field is not read by consumer software.
+### consume
+• `Optional` **consume**: boolean
+*Inherited from [AsyncDeflateOptions]([consume](*
+Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in
+unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage.
+### extra
+• `Optional` **extra**: Record\<number, Uint8Array>
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([extra](*
+Extra metadata to add to the file. This field is defined by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt,
+section 4.4.28. At most 65,535 bytes may be used in each ID. The ID must be an
+integer between 0 and 65,535, inclusive.
+This field is incredibly rare and almost never needed except for compliance with
+proprietary standards and software.
+### level
+• `Optional` **level**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([level](*
+The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9.
+0 will store the data without compression.
+1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best.
+The default level is 6.
+Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data.
+In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results.
+For example, a 1 MB text file could:
+- become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms
+- become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms
+- become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms
+### mem
+• `Optional` **mem**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 \| 11 \| 12
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([mem](*
+The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory.
+Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB.
+It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance.
+In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance.
+The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data.
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: GzipOptions[\"mtime\"]
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([mtime](*
+When the file was last modified. Defaults to the current time.
+### os
+• `Optional` **os**: number
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([os](*
+The operating system of origin for this file. The value is defined
+by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section For example, 0 (the default)
+is MS/DOS, 3 is UNIX, 19 is macOS.
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+# Interface: AsyncZippable
+The complete directory structure of an asynchronously ZIPpable archive
+## Hierarchy
+* **AsyncZippable**
+## Indexable
+▪ [path: string]: [AsyncZippable]( \| [AsyncZippableFile](../
+The complete directory structure of an asynchronously ZIPpable archive
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+# Interface: AsyncZlibOptions
+Options for compressing data asynchronously into a Zlib format
+## Hierarchy
+* [ZlibOptions](
+* AsyncOptions
+ ↳ **AsyncZlibOptions**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [consume](
+* [level](
+* [mem](
+## Properties
+### consume
+• `Optional` **consume**: boolean
+*Inherited from [AsyncDeflateOptions]([consume](*
+Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in
+unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage.
+### level
+• `Optional` **level**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([level](*
+The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9.
+0 will store the data without compression.
+1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best.
+The default level is 6.
+Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data.
+In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results.
+For example, a 1 MB text file could:
+- become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms
+- become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms
+- become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms
+### mem
+• `Optional` **mem**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 \| 11 \| 12
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([mem](*
+The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory.
+Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB.
+It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance.
+In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance.
+The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data.
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+# Interface: DeflateOptions
+Options for compressing data into a DEFLATE format
+## Hierarchy
+* **DeflateOptions**
+ ↳ [GzipOptions](
+ ↳ [ZlibOptions](
+ ↳ [AsyncDeflateOptions](
+ ↳ [ZipOptions](
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [level](
+* [mem](
+## Properties
+### level
+• `Optional` **level**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
+The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9.
+0 will store the data without compression.
+1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best.
+The default level is 6.
+Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data.
+In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results.
+For example, a 1 MB text file could:
+- become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms
+- become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms
+- become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms
+### mem
+• `Optional` **mem**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 \| 11 \| 12
+The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory.
+Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB.
+It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance.
+In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance.
+The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data.
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+# Interface: FlateError
+An error generated within this library
+## Hierarchy
+* [Error](
+ ↳ **FlateError**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [Error](
+* [code](
+* [message](
+* [name](
+* [stack](
+## Properties
+### Error
+• **Error**: ErrorConstructor
+### code
+• **code**: number
+The code associated with this error
+### message
+• **message**: string
+*Inherited from [FlateError]([message](*
+### name
+• **name**: string
+*Inherited from [FlateError]([name](*
+### stack
+• `Optional` **stack**: string
+*Inherited from [FlateError]([stack](*
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+# Interface: GzipOptions
+Options for compressing data into a GZIP format
+## Hierarchy
+* [DeflateOptions](
+ ↳ **GzipOptions**
+ ↳↳ [AsyncGzipOptions](
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [filename](
+* [level](
+* [mem](
+* [mtime](
+## Properties
+### filename
+• `Optional` **filename**: string
+The filename of the data. If the `gunzip` command is used to decompress the data, it will output a file
+with this name instead of the name of the compressed file.
+### level
+• `Optional` **level**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([level](*
+The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9.
+0 will store the data without compression.
+1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best.
+The default level is 6.
+Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data.
+In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results.
+For example, a 1 MB text file could:
+- become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms
+- become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms
+- become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms
+### mem
+• `Optional` **mem**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 \| 11 \| 12
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([mem](*
+The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory.
+Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB.
+It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance.
+In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance.
+The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data.
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: Date \| string \| number
+When the file was last modified. Defaults to the current time.
+Set this to 0 to avoid revealing a modification date entirely.
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+# Interface: UnzipDecoder
+A decoder for files in ZIP streams
+## Hierarchy
+* **UnzipDecoder**
+## Implemented by
+* [AsyncUnzipInflate](../classes/
+* [UnzipInflate](../classes/
+* [UnzipPassThrough](../classes/
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [ondata](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [push](
+## Properties
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+### terminate
+• `Optional` **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](
+A method to terminate any internal workers used by the stream. Subsequent
+calls to push() should silently fail.
+## Methods
+### push
+▸ **push**(`data`: Uint8Array, `final`: boolean): void
+Pushes a chunk to be decompressed
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`data` | Uint8Array | The data in this chunk. Do not consume (detach) this data. |
+`final` | boolean | Whether this is the last chunk in the data stream |
+**Returns:** void
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+# Interface: UnzipDecoderConstructor
+A constructor for a decoder for unzip streams
+## Hierarchy
+* **UnzipDecoderConstructor**
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [compression](
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+\+ **new UnzipDecoderConstructor**(`filename`: string, `size?`: number, `originalSize?`: number): [UnzipDecoder](
+Creates an instance of the decoder
+#### Parameters:
+Name | Type | Description |
+------ | ------ | ------ |
+`filename` | string | The name of the file |
+`size?` | number | The compressed size of the file |
+`originalSize?` | number | The original size of the file |
+**Returns:** [UnzipDecoder](
+## Properties
+### compression
+• **compression**: number
+The compression format for the data stream. This number is determined by
+the spec in PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section 4.4.5. For example, 0 = no
+compression, 8 = deflate, 14 = LZMA
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+# Interface: UnzipFile
+Streaming file extraction from ZIP archives
+## Hierarchy
+* **UnzipFile**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [compression](
+* [name](
+* [ondata](
+* [originalSize](
+* [size](
+* [terminate](
+### Methods
+* [start](
+## Properties
+### compression
+• **compression**: number
+The compression format for the data stream. This number is determined by
+the spec in PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section 4.4.5. For example, 0 = no
+compression, 8 = deflate, 14 = LZMA. If start() is called but there is no
+decompression stream available for this method, start() will throw.
+### name
+• **name**: string
+The name of the file
+### ondata
+• **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to call whenever data is available
+### originalSize
+• `Optional` **originalSize**: number
+The original size of the file. Will not be present for archives created
+in a streaming fashion.
+### size
+• `Optional` **size**: number
+The compressed size of the file. Will not be present for archives created
+in a streaming fashion.
+### terminate
+• **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](
+A method to terminate any internal workers used by the stream. ondata
+will not be called any further.
+## Methods
+### start
+▸ **start**(): void
+Starts reading from the stream. Calling this function will always enable
+this stream, but ocassionally the stream will be enabled even without
+this being called.
+**Returns:** void
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+# Interface: UnzipFileInfo
+Information about a file to be extracted from a ZIP archive
+## Hierarchy
+* **UnzipFileInfo**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [compression](
+* [name](
+* [originalSize](
+* [size](
+## Properties
+### compression
+• **compression**: number
+The compression format for the data stream. This number is determined by
+the spec in PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section 4.4.5. For example, 0 = no
+compression, 8 = deflate, 14 = LZMA. If the filter function returns true
+but this value is not 8, the unzip function will throw.
+### name
+• **name**: string
+The name of the file
+### originalSize
+• **originalSize**: number
+The original size of the file
+### size
+• **size**: number
+The compressed size of the file
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+# Interface: UnzipOptions
+Options for expanding a ZIP archive
+## Hierarchy
+* **UnzipOptions**
+ ↳ [AsyncUnzipOptions](
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [filter](
+## Properties
+### filter
+• `Optional` **filter**: [UnzipFileFilter](../
+A filter function to extract only certain files from a ZIP archive
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+# Interface: Unzipped
+An unzipped archive. The full path of each file is used as the key,
+and the file is the value
+## Hierarchy
+* **Unzipped**
+## Indexable
+▪ [path: string]: Uint8Array
+An unzipped archive. The full path of each file is used as the key,
+and the file is the value
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+# Interface: ZipAttributes
+Attributes for files added to a ZIP archive object
+## Hierarchy
+* **ZipAttributes**
+ ↳ [ZipOptions](
+ ↳ [AsyncZipOptions](
+ ↳ [ZipInputFile](
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [attrs](
+* [comment](
+* [extra](
+* [mtime](
+* [os](
+## Properties
+### attrs
+• `Optional` **attrs**: number
+The file's attributes. These are traditionally somewhat complicated
+and platform-dependent, so using them is scarcely necessary. However,
+here is a representation of what this is, bit by bit:
+TTTT = file type (rarely useful)
+u = setuid, g = setgid, t = sticky
+rwx = user permissions, rwx = group permissions, rwx = other permissions
+0000000000 = unused
+A = archive, D = directory, V = volume label, S = system file, H = hidden, R = read-only
+If you want to set the Unix permissions, for instance, just bit shift by 16, e.g. 0644 << 16
+### comment
+• `Optional` **comment**: string
+The comment to attach to the file. This field is defined by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt,
+section 4.4.26. The comment must be at most 65,535 bytes long UTF-8 encoded. This
+field is not read by consumer software.
+### extra
+• `Optional` **extra**: Record\<number, Uint8Array>
+Extra metadata to add to the file. This field is defined by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt,
+section 4.4.28. At most 65,535 bytes may be used in each ID. The ID must be an
+integer between 0 and 65,535, inclusive.
+This field is incredibly rare and almost never needed except for compliance with
+proprietary standards and software.
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: GzipOptions[\"mtime\"]
+When the file was last modified. Defaults to the current time.
+### os
+• `Optional` **os**: number
+The operating system of origin for this file. The value is defined
+by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section For example, 0 (the default)
+is MS/DOS, 3 is UNIX, 19 is macOS.
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+# Interface: ZipInputFile
+A stream that can be used to create a file in a ZIP archive
+## Hierarchy
+* [ZipAttributes](
+ ↳ **ZipInputFile**
+## Implemented by
+* [AsyncZipDeflate](../classes/
+* [ZipDeflate](../classes/
+* [ZipPassThrough](../classes/
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [attrs](
+* [comment](
+* [compression](
+* [crc](
+* [extra](
+* [filename](
+* [flag](
+* [mtime](
+* [ondata](
+* [os](
+* [size](
+* [terminate](
+## Properties
+### attrs
+• `Optional` **attrs**: number
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([attrs](*
+The file's attributes. These are traditionally somewhat complicated
+and platform-dependent, so using them is scarcely necessary. However,
+here is a representation of what this is, bit by bit:
+TTTT = file type (rarely useful)
+u = setuid, g = setgid, t = sticky
+rwx = user permissions, rwx = group permissions, rwx = other permissions
+0000000000 = unused
+A = archive, D = directory, V = volume label, S = system file, H = hidden, R = read-only
+If you want to set the Unix permissions, for instance, just bit shift by 16, e.g. 0644 << 16
+### comment
+• `Optional` **comment**: string
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([comment](*
+The comment to attach to the file. This field is defined by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt,
+section 4.4.26. The comment must be at most 65,535 bytes long UTF-8 encoded. This
+field is not read by consumer software.
+### compression
+• **compression**: number
+The compression format for the data stream. This number is determined by
+the spec in PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section 4.4.5. For example, 0 = no
+compression, 8 = deflate, 14 = LZMA
+### crc
+• **crc**: number
+A CRC of the original file contents. This attribute may be invalid after
+the file is added to the ZIP archive; it must be correct only before the
+stream completes.
+If you don't want to have to generate this yourself, consider extending the
+ZipPassThrough class and overriding its process() method, or using one of
+ZipDeflate or AsyncZipDeflate.
+### extra
+• `Optional` **extra**: Record\<number, Uint8Array>
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([extra](*
+Extra metadata to add to the file. This field is defined by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt,
+section 4.4.28. At most 65,535 bytes may be used in each ID. The ID must be an
+integer between 0 and 65,535, inclusive.
+This field is incredibly rare and almost never needed except for compliance with
+proprietary standards and software.
+### filename
+• **filename**: string
+The filename to associate with the data provided to this stream. If you
+want a file in a subdirectory, use forward slashes as a separator (e.g.
+`directory/filename.ext`). This will still work on Windows.
+### flag
+• `Optional` **flag**: number
+Bits 1 and 2 of the general purpose bit flag, specified in PKZIP's
+APPNOTE.txt, section 4.4.4. Should be between 0 and 3. This is unlikely
+to be necessary.
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: GzipOptions[\"mtime\"]
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([mtime](*
+When the file was last modified. Defaults to the current time.
+### ondata
+• `Optional` **ondata**: [AsyncFlateStreamHandler](../
+The handler to be called when data is added. After passing this stream to
+the ZIP file object, this handler will always be defined. To call it:
+`stream.ondata(error, chunk, final)`
+error = any error that occurred (null if there was no error)
+chunk = a Uint8Array of the data that was added (null if there was an
+final = boolean, whether this is the final chunk in the stream
+### os
+• `Optional` **os**: number
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([os](*
+The operating system of origin for this file. The value is defined
+by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section For example, 0 (the default)
+is MS/DOS, 3 is UNIX, 19 is macOS.
+### size
+• **size**: number
+The size of the file in bytes. This attribute may be invalid after
+the file is added to the ZIP archive; it must be correct only before the
+stream completes.
+If you don't want to have to compute this yourself, consider extending the
+ZipPassThrough class and overriding its process() method, or using one of
+ZipDeflate or AsyncZipDeflate.
+### terminate
+• `Optional` **terminate**: [AsyncTerminable](
+A method called when the stream is no longer needed, for clean-up
+purposes. This will not always be called after the stream completes,
+so you may wish to call this.terminate() after the final chunk is
+processed if you have clean-up logic.
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+# Interface: ZipOptions
+Options for creating a ZIP archive
+## Hierarchy
+* [DeflateOptions](
+* [ZipAttributes](
+ ↳ **ZipOptions**
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [attrs](
+* [comment](
+* [extra](
+* [level](
+* [mem](
+* [mtime](
+* [os](
+## Properties
+### attrs
+• `Optional` **attrs**: number
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([attrs](*
+The file's attributes. These are traditionally somewhat complicated
+and platform-dependent, so using them is scarcely necessary. However,
+here is a representation of what this is, bit by bit:
+TTTT = file type (rarely useful)
+u = setuid, g = setgid, t = sticky
+rwx = user permissions, rwx = group permissions, rwx = other permissions
+0000000000 = unused
+A = archive, D = directory, V = volume label, S = system file, H = hidden, R = read-only
+If you want to set the Unix permissions, for instance, just bit shift by 16, e.g. 0644 << 16
+### comment
+• `Optional` **comment**: string
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([comment](*
+The comment to attach to the file. This field is defined by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt,
+section 4.4.26. The comment must be at most 65,535 bytes long UTF-8 encoded. This
+field is not read by consumer software.
+### extra
+• `Optional` **extra**: Record\<number, Uint8Array>
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([extra](*
+Extra metadata to add to the file. This field is defined by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt,
+section 4.4.28. At most 65,535 bytes may be used in each ID. The ID must be an
+integer between 0 and 65,535, inclusive.
+This field is incredibly rare and almost never needed except for compliance with
+proprietary standards and software.
+### level
+• `Optional` **level**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([level](*
+The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9.
+0 will store the data without compression.
+1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best.
+The default level is 6.
+Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data.
+In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results.
+For example, a 1 MB text file could:
+- become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms
+- become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms
+- become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms
+### mem
+• `Optional` **mem**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 \| 11 \| 12
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([mem](*
+The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory.
+Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB.
+It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance.
+In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance.
+The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data.
+### mtime
+• `Optional` **mtime**: GzipOptions[\"mtime\"]
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([mtime](*
+When the file was last modified. Defaults to the current time.
+### os
+• `Optional` **os**: number
+*Inherited from [ZipAttributes]([os](*
+The operating system of origin for this file. The value is defined
+by PKZIP's APPNOTE.txt, section For example, 0 (the default)
+is MS/DOS, 3 is UNIX, 19 is macOS.
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+# Interface: Zippable
+The complete directory structure of a ZIPpable archive
+## Hierarchy
+* **Zippable**
+## Indexable
+▪ [path: string]: [Zippable]( \| [ZippableFile](../
+The complete directory structure of a ZIPpable archive
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+# Interface: ZlibOptions
+Options for compressing data into a Zlib format
+## Hierarchy
+* [DeflateOptions](
+ ↳ **ZlibOptions**
+ ↳↳ [AsyncZlibOptions](
+## Index
+### Properties
+* [level](
+* [mem](
+## Properties
+### level
+• `Optional` **level**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([level](*
+The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9.
+0 will store the data without compression.
+1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best.
+The default level is 6.
+Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data.
+In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results.
+For example, a 1 MB text file could:
+- become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms
+- become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms
+- become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms
+### mem
+• `Optional` **mem**: 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9 \| 10 \| 11 \| 12
+*Inherited from [DeflateOptions]([mem](*
+The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory.
+Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB.
+It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance.
+In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance.
+The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data.