path: root/@linaria/packages/babel/__utils__/strategy-tester.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '@linaria/packages/babel/__utils__/strategy-tester.ts')
1 files changed, 976 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/@linaria/packages/babel/__utils__/strategy-tester.ts b/@linaria/packages/babel/__utils__/strategy-tester.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..168b491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/@linaria/packages/babel/__utils__/strategy-tester.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
+/* eslint-env jest */
+/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
+import { join, resolve } from 'path';
+import * as babel from '@babel/core';
+import dedent from 'dedent';
+import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi';
+import { Module } from '../src';
+import type { Evaluator, StrictOptions } from '../src';
+import serializer from './linaria-snapshot-serializer';
+async function transformAsync(
+ code: string,
+ opts?: babel.TransformOptions
+): Promise<babel.BabelFileResult> {
+ return (await babel.transformAsync(code, opts))!;
+async function transformFileAsync(
+ filename: string,
+ opts?: babel.TransformOptions
+): Promise<babel.BabelFileResult> {
+ return (await babel.transformFileAsync(filename, opts))!;
+type TranspileFn = (
+ input: string,
+ conf?: (original: babel.TransformOptions) => babel.TransformOptions
+) => Promise<babel.BabelFileResult>;
+// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-export
+export function run(
+ dirname: string,
+ evaluator: Evaluator,
+ strategyDependentTests: (transpile: TranspileFn) => void = () => {}
+): void {
+ const babelrc: babel.TransformOptions = {
+ babelrc: false,
+ configFile: false,
+ plugins: [],
+ presets: [
+ [
+ require.resolve('../src'),
+ {
+ displayName: true,
+ evaluate: true,
+ rules: [
+ {
+ action: evaluator,
+ },
+ {
+ test: /\/node_modules\/(?!@linaria)/,
+ action: 'ignore',
+ },
+ {
+ test: /\/@linaria\/(?:core|react)\/\w+\.ts/,
+ action: (
+ filename: string,
+ options: StrictOptions,
+ text: string
+ ) => {
+ const { code } = babel.transformSync(text, {
+ filename,
+ })!;
+ return [code, new Map<string, string[]>()];
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ };
+ const transpile: TranspileFn = async (
+ input: string,
+ conf: (original: typeof babelrc) => typeof babelrc = (i) => i
+ ) => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transformAsync(input, {
+ filename: join(dirname, 'source.js'),
+ ...conf(babelrc),
+ });
+ // The slug will be machine specific, so replace it with a consistent one
+ return {
+ metadata,
+ code,
+ };
+ };
+ beforeEach(() => Module.invalidateEvalCache());
+ it('evaluates identifier in scope', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const answer = 42;
+ const foo = () => answer;
+ const days = foo() + ' days';
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${'${days}'}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('hoistable identifiers', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ {
+ var days = 42;
+ }
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${'${days}'}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('non-hoistable identifiers', async () => {
+ expect.assertions(1);
+ try {
+ await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ {
+ const days = 42;
+ }
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${'${days}'}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ expect(
+ stripAnsi(e.message.replace(dirname, '<<DIRNAME>>'))
+ ).toMatchSnapshot();
+ }
+ });
+ it('evaluates babel helpers', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ function copyAndExtend(a, b) {
+ return { ...a, ...b };
+ }
+ const obj = copyAndExtend({ a: 1 }, { a: 2 });
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${'${obj.a}'}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates imported typescript enums', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ import { Colors } from '@linaria/babel-preset/__fixtures__/enums';
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ color: ${'${Colors.BLUE}'};
+ \`;
+ `,
+ (config) => ({
+ ...config,
+ presets: ['@babel/preset-typescript', ...(config.presets ?? [])],
+ filename: 'source.ts',
+ })
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates local expressions', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const answer = 42;
+ const foo = () => answer;
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${"${foo() + ' days'}"}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates functions with nested identifiers', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const objects = { key: { fontSize: 12 } };
+ const foo = (k) => {
+ const obj = objects[k];
+ return obj;
+ };
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ ${"${foo('key')}"}
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates expressions with dependencies', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ import slugify from '@linaria/babel-preset/__fixtures__/slugify';
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${"${slugify('test')}"}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates expressions with expressions depending on shared dependency', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const slugify = require('@linaria/babel-preset/__fixtures__/slugify').default;
+ const boo = t => slugify(t) + 'boo';
+ const bar = t => slugify(t) + 'bar';
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${"${boo('test') + bar('test')}"}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates multiple expressions with shared dependency', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const slugify = require('@linaria/babel-preset/__fixtures__/slugify').default;
+ const boo = t => slugify(t) + 'boo';
+ const bar = t => slugify(t) + 'bar';
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${"${boo('test')}"}"
+ content: "${"${bar('test')}"}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates interpolations with sequence expression', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ color: ${'${(external, () => "blue")}'};
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates dependencies with sequence expression', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const color = (external, () => 'blue');
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ color: ${'${color}'};
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates component interpolations', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ const { styled } = require('@linaria/react');
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ color: red;
+ \`;
+ export const Paragraph = styled.p\`
+ ${'${Title}'} {
+ color: blue;
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('throws when interpolation evaluates to undefined', async () => {
+ expect.assertions(1);
+ try {
+ await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ const { styled } = require('@linaria/react');
+ let fontSize;
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ font-size: ${'${fontSize}'};
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ expect(
+ stripAnsi(e.message.replace(dirname, '<<DIRNAME>>'))
+ ).toMatchSnapshot();
+ }
+ });
+ it('throws when interpolation evaluates to null', async () => {
+ expect.assertions(1);
+ try {
+ await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ const { styled } = require('@linaria/react');
+ const color = null;
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ color: ${'${color}'};
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ expect(
+ stripAnsi(e.message.replace(dirname, '<<DIRNAME>>'))
+ ).toMatchSnapshot();
+ }
+ });
+ it('throws when interpolation evaluates to NaN', async () => {
+ expect.assertions(1);
+ try {
+ await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ const { styled } = require('@linaria/react');
+ const height = NaN;
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ height: ${'${height}'}px;
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ expect(
+ stripAnsi(e.message.replace(dirname, '<<DIRNAME>>'))
+ ).toMatchSnapshot();
+ }
+ });
+ it('handles wrapping another styled component', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ const { css } = require('..');
+ const { styled } = require('@linaria/react');
+ const Title = styled.h1\`
+ color: red;
+ \`;
+ export const BlueTitle = styled(Title)\`
+ font-size: 24px;
+ color: blue;
+ \`;
+ export const GreenTitle = styled(BlueTitle)\`
+ color: green;
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('handles indirect wrapping another styled component', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ const { styled } = require('@linaria/react');
+ const Title = styled.h1\`
+ color: red;
+ \`;
+ const hoc = Cmp => Cmp;
+ export const CustomTitle = styled(hoc(Title))\`
+ font-size: 24px;
+ color: blue;
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('inlines object styles as CSS string', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const fill = (top = 0, left = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0) => ({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top,
+ right,
+ bottom,
+ left,
+ });
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ ${'${fill(0, 0)}'}
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('inlines array styles as CSS string', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const fill = (top = 0, left = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0) => [
+ { position: 'absolute' },
+ {
+ top,
+ right,
+ bottom,
+ left,
+ }
+ ];
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ ${'${fill(0, 0)}'}
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('ignores inline arrow function expressions', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${'${props => props.content}'}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('simplifies react components', async () => {
+ const div = '<div>{props.children + constant}</div>';
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import React from 'react';
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ import constant from './broken-dependency';
+ const FuncComponent = (props) => ${div};
+ class ClassComponent extends React.PureComponent {
+ method() {
+ return constant;
+ }
+ render() {
+ return ${div};
+ }
+ }
+ export const StyledFunc = styled(FuncComponent)\`
+ color: red;
+ \`;
+ export const StyledClass = styled(ClassComponent)\`
+ color: blue;
+ \`;
+ `,
+ (config) => ({
+ ...config,
+ plugins: ['@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx', ...(config.plugins || [])],
+ })
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('ignores inline vanilla function expressions', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${'${function(props) { return props.content }}'}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('ignores external expressions', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const generate = props => props.content;
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ &:before {
+ content: "${'${generate}'}"
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('evaluates complex styles with functions and nested selectors', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { css } from '@linaria/core';
+ export const bareIconClass = css\`\`;
+ const getSizeStyles = (fs) => ({
+ [\`${'&.${bareIconClass}'}\`]: {
+ fontSize: fs * 1.5,
+ },
+ });
+ export const SIZES = {
+ XS: css\`${'${getSizeStyles(11)}'}\`,
+ };
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('throws codeframe error when evaluation fails', async () => {
+ expect.assertions(1);
+ try {
+ await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const foo = props => { throw new Error('This will fail') };
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ font-size: ${'${foo()}'}px;
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ expect(
+ stripAnsi(e.message.replace(dirname, '<<DIRNAME>>'))
+ ).toMatchSnapshot();
+ }
+ });
+ it('handles escapes properly', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transformFileAsync(
+ resolve(__dirname, '../__fixtures__/escape-character.js'),
+ babelrc
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('handles complex component', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transformFileAsync(
+ resolve(__dirname, '../__fixtures__/complex-component.js'),
+ babelrc
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('generates stable class names', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transformFileAsync(
+ resolve(__dirname, '../__fixtures__/components-library.js'),
+ babelrc
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('derives display name from filename', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transformAsync(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ export default styled.h1\`
+ font-size: 14px;
+ \`;
+ `,
+ {
+ ...babelrc,
+ filename: join(dirname, 'FancyName.js'),
+ }
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('derives display name from parent folder name', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transformAsync(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ export default styled.h1\`
+ font-size: 14px;
+ \`;
+ `,
+ {
+ ...babelrc,
+ filename: join(dirname, 'FancyName/index.js'),
+ }
+ )!;
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it("throws if couldn't determine a display name", async () => {
+ expect.assertions(1);
+ try {
+ await transformAsync(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ export default styled.h1\`
+ font-size: 14px;
+ \`;
+ `,
+ {
+ ...babelrc,
+ filename: join(dirname, '/.js'),
+ }
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ expect(
+ stripAnsi(e.message.replace(dirname, '<<DIRNAME>>'))
+ ).toMatchSnapshot();
+ }
+ });
+ it('does not strip instanbul coverage sequences', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transformAsync(
+ dedent`
+ import { styled } from '@linaria/react';
+ const a = 42;
+ export const Title = styled.h1\`
+ height: ${'${a}'}px;
+ \`;
+ `,
+ {
+ ...babelrc,
+ cwd: '/home/user/project',
+ filename: 'file.js',
+ plugins: [
+ [
+ // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
+ require('babel-plugin-istanbul').default({
+ ...babel,
+ assertVersion: () => {},
+ }),
+ { cwd: '/home/user/project' },
+ ],
+ ],
+ }
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ // PR #524
+ it('should work with String and Number object', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { css } from '@linaria/core';
+ export const style = css\`
+ width: ${'${new String("100%")}'};
+ opacity: ${'${new Number(0.75)}'};
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('should work with generated classnames as selectors', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import { css } from "@linaria/core";
+ export const text = css\`\`;
+ export const square = css\`
+ .${'${text}'} {
+ color: red;
+ }
+ \`;
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('should process `css` calls inside components', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import React from 'react'
+ import {css} from '@linaria/core'
+ export function Component() {
+ const opacity = 0.2;
+ const className = css\`
+ opacity: ${'${opacity}'};
+ \`;
+ return React.createElement("div", { className });
+ }
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('should process `styled` calls inside components', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import React from 'react'
+ import {css} from '@linaria/core'
+ export function Component() {
+ const opacity = 0.2;
+ const MyComponent = styled.h1\`
+ opacity: ${'${opacity}'};
+ \`;
+ return React.createElement(MyComponent);
+ }
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('should process `css` calls with complex interpolation inside components', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import React from 'react'
+ import {css} from '@linaria/core'
+ import externalDep from '@linaria/babel-preset/__fixtures__/sample-script';
+ const globalObj = {
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ };
+ export function Component() {
+ const classes = {
+ value: 0.2,
+ cell: css\`
+ opacity: 0;
+ \`,
+ };
+ const classes2 = classes;
+ const referencedExternalDep = externalDep
+ const className = css\`
+ opacity: ${'${globalObj.opacity}'};
+ font-size: ${'${externalDep}'}
+ font-size: ${'${referencedExternalDep}'}
+ &:hover .${'${classes2.cell}'} {
+ opacity: ${'${classes.value}'};
+ }
+ \`;
+ return React.createElement("div", { className });
+ }
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('should process `styled` calls with complex interpolation inside components', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import React from 'react'
+ import {css} from '@linaria/core'
+ const globalObj = {
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ };
+ const Styled1 = styled.p\`
+ opacity: ${'${globalObj.opacity}'}
+ \`
+ export function Component() {
+ const classes = {
+ value: 0.2,
+ cell: css\`
+ opacity: 0;
+ \`,
+ };
+ const classes2 = classes;
+ const MyComponent = styled\`
+ opacity: ${'${globalObj.opacity}'};
+ &:hover .${'${classes2.cell}'} {
+ opacity: ${'${classes.value}'};
+ }
+ ${'${Styled1}'} {
+ font-size: 1;
+ }
+ \`;
+ return React.createElement(MyComponent);
+ }
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('should handle shadowed identifier inside components', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import React from 'react'
+ import {css} from '@linaria/core'
+ const color = 'red';
+ export default function Component() {
+ const color = 'blue'
+ const val = { color };
+ return React.createElement('div', {className: css\`background-color:${'${val.color}'};\`});
+ }
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('it should not throw location error for hoisted identifier', async () => {
+ const { code, metadata } = await transpile(
+ dedent`
+ import React from 'react'
+ import {css} from '@linaria/core'
+ const size = () => 5
+ export default function Component() {
+ const color = size()
+ return css\`opacity:${'${color}'};\`
+ }
+ `
+ );
+ expect(code).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(metadata).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ strategyDependentTests(transpile);