path: root/stylis.js/test
diff options
authorSebastian <>2021-08-23 16:46:06 -0300
committerSebastian <>2021-08-23 16:48:30 -0300
commit38acabfa6089ab8ac469c12b5f55022fb96935e5 (patch)
tree453dbf70000cc5e338b06201af1eaca8343f8f73 /stylis.js/test
parentf26125e039143b92dc0d84e7775f508ab0cdcaa8 (diff)
added web vendorsHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'stylis.js/test')
4 files changed, 1199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stylis.js/test/Middleware.js b/stylis.js/test/Middleware.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d867ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stylis.js/test/Middleware.js
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import {compile, serialize, stringify, middleware, rulesheet, prefixer, namespace} from "../index.js"
+const stack = []
+describe('Middleware', () => {
+ test('rulesheet', () => {
+ serialize(compile(`@import url('');.user{ h1 {width:0;} @media{width:1;}@keyframes name{from{width:0;}to{width:1;}}}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify, rulesheet(value => stack.push(value))]))
+ expect(stack).to.deep.equal([
+ `@import url('');`,
+ `.user h1{width:0;}`,
+ `@media{.user{width:1;}}`,
+ `@-webkit-keyframes name{from{width:0;}to{width:1;}}`,
+ `@keyframes name{from{width:0;}to{width:1;}}`,
+ ])
+ })
+ test('namespace', () => {
+ expect(serialize(compile(`.user{width:0; :global(p,a){width:1;} h1 {width:1; h2:last-child {width:2} h2 h3 {width:3}}}`), middleware([namespace, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `.user{width:0;}`, `p,a{width:1;}`, `h1.user.user{width:1;}`, `h1.user h2:last-child.user{width:2;}`, `h1.user h2 h3.user{width:3;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('comments', () => {
+ expect(serialize(compile(`/*@noflip*/ .user{//noflip\n\n}`), middleware([value => value.type === 'comm' ? 'color:red;' : '', stringify]))).to.deep.equal([
+ `color:red;.user{color:red;}`
+ ].join())
+ })
+ test('prefixer', () => {
+ expect(serialize(compile(`.user{h1:last-child{clip-path:none;}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `.user h1:last-child{-webkit-clip-path:none;clip-path:none;}`,
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`@keyframes name{from{transform: rotate(0deg);}to{transform: rotate(360deg);}}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `@-webkit-keyframes name{from{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg);-moz-transform:rotate(0deg);-ms-transform:rotate(0deg);transform:rotate(0deg);}to{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);-moz-transform:rotate(360deg);-ms-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg);}}`,
+ `@keyframes name{from{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg);-moz-transform:rotate(0deg);-ms-transform:rotate(0deg);transform:rotate(0deg);}to{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);-moz-transform:rotate(360deg);-ms-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg);}}`
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`a:read-only{color:red;}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `a:-moz-read-only{color:red;}`, `a:read-only{color:red;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`a:read-write{color:red;}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `a:-moz-read-write{color:red;}`, `a:read-write{color:red;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`a::placeholder{color:red;}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `a::-webkit-input-placeholder{color:red;}`, `a::-moz-placeholder{color:red;}`, `a:-ms-input-placeholder{color:red;}`, `a::placeholder{color:red;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`textarea::placeholder{font-size:14px;@media{font-size:16px;}}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder{font-size:14px;}textarea::-moz-placeholder{font-size:14px;}textarea:-ms-input-placeholder{font-size:14px;}textarea::placeholder{font-size:14px;}`,
+ `@media{textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder{font-size:16px;}textarea::-moz-placeholder{font-size:16px;}textarea:-ms-input-placeholder{font-size:16px;}textarea::placeholder{font-size:16px;}}`
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`div:read-write{background-color:red;span{background-color:green;}}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `div:-moz-read-write{background-color:red;}`,
+ `div:read-write{background-color:red;}`,
+ `div:-moz-read-write span{background-color:green;}`,
+ `div:read-write span{background-color:green;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`div:read-write span{background-color:hotpink;}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `div:-moz-read-write span{background-color:hotpink;}`,
+ `div:read-write span{background-color:hotpink;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`.read-write:read-write,.read-only:read-only,.placeholder::placeholder{background-color:hotpink;}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `.read-write:-moz-read-write{background-color:hotpink;}`,
+ `.read-only:-moz-read-only{background-color:hotpink;}`,
+ `.placeholder::-webkit-input-placeholder{background-color:hotpink;}`,
+ `.placeholder::-moz-placeholder{background-color:hotpink;}`,
+ `.placeholder:-ms-input-placeholder{background-color:hotpink;}`,
+ `.read-write:read-write,.read-only:read-only,.placeholder::placeholder{background-color:hotpink;}`,
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(serialize(compile(`:read-write{background-color:hotpink;}`), middleware([prefixer, stringify]))).to.equal([
+ `:-moz-read-write{background-color:hotpink;}`,
+ `:read-write{background-color:hotpink;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
diff --git a/stylis.js/test/Parser.js b/stylis.js/test/Parser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bed9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stylis.js/test/Parser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
+import {compile, serialize, stringify} from "../index.js"
+const stylis = string => serialize(compile(`.user{${string}}`), stringify)
+describe('Parser', () => {
+ test('unnested', () => {
+ expect(serialize(compile(`--foo:none;@supports{--bar:none;}`), stringify)).to.equal(`--foo:none;@supports{--bar:none;}`)
+ })
+ test('escape', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ height:calc(\\))\t!important;
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user{height:calc(\\))!important;}`)
+ })
+ test('calc', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ height:calc( 100vh - 1px );
+ height:calc(
+ 100vh -
+ 1px
+ );
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user{height:calc( 100vh - 1px );height:calc(\n 100vh -\n 1px\n );}`)
+ })
+ test('at-rules', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ @-ms-viewport {
+ width:device-width;
+ }
+ @viewport {
+ width:device-width;
+ }
+ @page & {
+ invalid:true;
+ }
+ @page {
+ size:A4 landscape;
+ }
+ @document url(://,url-prefix(//,domain(,regexp("https:.*") {
+ body {
+ color: red;
+ }
+ }
+ @viewport {
+ min-width:640px;
+ max-width:800px;
+ }
+ @counter-style list {
+ system:fixed;
+ symbols:url();
+ suffix:" ";
+ }
+ @-moz-document url-prefix() {
+ .selector {
+ color:lime;
+ }
+ }
+ @page {
+ color:red;
+ @bottom-right {
+ content: counter(pages);
+ margin-right: 1cm;
+ }
+ width: none;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `@-ms-viewport{width:device-width;}`,
+ `@viewport{width:device-width;}`,
+ `@page &{invalid:true;}`,
+ `@page{size:A4 landscape;}`,
+ `@document url(://,url-prefix(//,domain(,regexp("https:.*"){.user body{color:red;}}`,
+ `@viewport{min-width:640px;max-width:800px;}`,
+ `@counter-style list{system:fixed;symbols:url();suffix:" ";}`,
+ `@-moz-document url-prefix(){.user .selector{color:lime;}}`,
+ `@page{color:red;@bottom-right{content:counter(pages);margin-right:1cm;}width:none;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('universal selector', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ * {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ svg {
+ &, & * {
+ fill: currentColor;
+ }
+ }
+ * * {color:hotpink;}
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user *{color:red;}`,
+ `.user svg,.user svg *{fill:currentColor;}`,
+ `.user * *{color:hotpink;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('flat', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ color:20px;
+ font-size:20px
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user{color:20px;font-size:20px;}`)
+ })
+ test('namespace', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ & {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('& in a string', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ & [href=""] {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user [href=""]{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('comments', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ // line comment
+ // color: red;
+ /**
+ * removes block comments and line comments,
+ * there's a fire in the house // there is
+ */
+ button /*
+ // what's
+ xxx
+ */
+ {color: blue;}
+ // hello
+ button /* 1 */
+ {
+ color: red; /* 2 */
+ }
+ /*! 1 */
+ color: red;
+ /*! 2 */
+ h1 {
+ /*! 1 */
+ color: red;
+ /*! 2 */
+ color: red;
+ /*! 3 */
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user{color:red;}`,
+ `.user button{color:blue;}.user button{color:red;}`,
+ `.user h1{color:red;color:red;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('&', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ & {
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ &&& {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ & + & {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ .wrapper button& {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ &:hover & {
+ color: green;
+ }
+ div:hover & {
+ color: green;
+ }
+ div:hover & {
+ h1 & {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user{color:blue;}`,
+ `.user.user.user{color:red;}`,
+ `.user+.user{color:red;}`,
+ `.wrapper button.user{color:red;}`,
+ `.user:hover .user{color:green;}`,
+ `div:hover .user{color:green;}`,
+ `h1 div:hover .user{color:red;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('&:before', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ &:before{
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user:before{color:blue;}`)
+ })
+ test('& :hover', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ & :hover{
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user :hover{color:blue;}`)
+ })
+ test('div :hover', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ div :hover {
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user div :hover{color:blue;}`)
+ })
+ test('@import', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`@import url('');`)).to.equal(`@import url('');`)
+ })
+ test('@supports', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ @supports (display:block) {
+ color:red;
+ h1 {
+ color:red;
+ h2 {
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ }
+ display:none;
+ }
+ @supports (appearance: none) {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ @supports (backdrop-filter: blur(10px)) {
+ backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ '@supports (display:block){.user{color:red;display:none;}.user h1{color:red;}.user h1 h2{color:blue;}}',
+ '@supports (appearance: none){.user{color:red;}}',
+ '@supports (backdrop-filter: blur(10px)){.user{backdrop-filter:blur(10px);}}'
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('@media', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ @media (max-width:600px) {
+ color:red;
+ h1 {
+ color:red;
+ h2 {
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ }
+ display:none;
+ }
+ @media (min-width:576px) {
+ &.card-deck {
+ .card {
+ &:not(:first-child) {
+ margin-left:15px;
+ }
+ &:not(:last-child) {
+ margin-right:15px;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @supports (display:block) {
+ @media (min-width:10px) {
+ background-color:seagreen;
+ }
+ }
+ @media (max-width:600px) {
+ & { color:red }
+ }
+ &:hover {
+ color:orange
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ '@media (max-width:600px){.user{color:red;display:none;}.user h1{color:red;}.user h1 h2{color:blue;}}',
+ '@media (min-width:576px){.user.card-deck .card:not(:first-child){margin-left:15px;}.user.card-deck .card:not(:last-child){margin-right:15px;}}',
+ '@supports (display:block){@media (min-width:10px){.user{background-color:seagreen;}}}',
+ '@media (max-width:600px){.user{color:red;}}.user:hover{color:orange;}'
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('@media specifity', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ > #box-not-working {
+ background:red;
+ padding-left:8px;
+ width:10px;
+ @media only screen and (min-width:10px) {
+ width: calc(10px + 90px * (100vw - 10px) / 90);
+ }
+ @media only screen and (min-width:90px) {
+ width: 90px;
+ }
+ height: 10px;
+ @media only screen and (min-width:10px) {
+ height: calc(10px + 90px * (100vw - 10px) / 90);
+ }
+ @media only screen and (min-width:90px) {
+ height: 90px;
+ }
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ '.user >#box-not-working{background:red;padding-left:8px;width:10px;height:10px;}',
+ '@media only screen and (min-width:10px){.user >#box-not-working{width:calc(10px + 90px * (100vw - 10px) / 90);}}',
+ '@media only screen and (min-width:90px){.user >#box-not-working{width:90px;}}',
+ '@media only screen and (min-width:10px){.user >#box-not-working{height:calc(10px + 90px * (100vw - 10px) / 90);}}',
+ '@media only screen and (min-width:90px){.user >#box-not-working{height:90px;}}'
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('@font-face', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ @font-face {
+ font-family:Pangolin;
+ src:url('Pangolin-Regular.ttf') format('truetype');
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(
+ `@font-face{font-family:Pangolin;src:url('Pangolin-Regular.ttf') format('truetype');}`
+ )
+ })
+ test('multiple selectors', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ span, h1 {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ h1, &:after, &:before {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user span,.user h1{color:red;}`,
+ `.user h1,.user:after,.user:before{color:red;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('[title="a,b"] and :matches(a,b)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ .test:matches(a,b,c), .test {
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ .test[title=","] {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ [title="a,b,c, something"], h1, [title="a,b,c"] {
+ color:red
+ }
+ [title="a"],
+ [title="b"] {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user .test:matches(a,b,c),.user .test{color:blue;}`,
+ `.user .test[title=","]{color:red;}`,
+ `.user [title="a,b,c, something"],.user h1,.user [title="a,b,c"]{color:red;}`,
+ `.user [title="a"],.user [title="b"]{color:red;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('quotes', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ .foo:before {
+ content:".hello {world}";
+ content:".hello {world} ' ";
+ content:'.hello {world} " ';
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user .foo:before{content:".hello {world}";content:".hello {world} ' ";content:'.hello {world} " ';}`)
+ })
+ test('quotes - escaping', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ .foo:before {
+ content:"\\"";
+ content:"\\\\\\"";
+ content:'\\'';
+ content:'\\\\\\'';
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user .foo:before{content:"\\"";content:"\\\\\\"";content:'\\'';content:'\\\\\\'';}`)
+ })
+ test('remove empty css', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`& { }`)
+ ).to.equal(``)
+ })
+ test('urls', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ background:url(});
+ background:url( '('; // sdsd
+ background:url("` +
+ `XMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAIklEQVQI12P8//8/Aw4wbdq0rKysAZG1trbGJXv06FH8sgDIJBbBfp+hFAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==");`
+ )
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user{background:url(});`,
+ `background:url( '(';`,
+ `background:url("`,
+ `XMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAIklEQVQI12P8//8/Aw4wbdq0rKysAZG1trbGJXv06FH8sgDIJBbBfp+hFAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==");}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('last semicolon omission', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ .content {
+ color:red
+ }
+ .content {
+ color:blue
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(
+ [`.user .content{color:red;}`, `.user .content{color:blue;}`].join('')
+ )
+ })
+ test(':matches(:not())', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ h1:matches(.a,.b,:not(.c)) {
+ display: none
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user h1:matches(.a,.b,:not(.c)){display:none;}`)
+ })
+ test('@keyframes', () => {
+ expect(serialize(compile(`
+ @-webkit-keyframes slidein {
+ to { transform:translate(20px); }
+ }
+ @keyframes slidein {
+ to { transform:translate(20px); }
+ }
+ @keyframes hahaha {
+ 0%,
+ 1%{t:0}
+ }
+ @keyframes infinite-spinning {
+ from {
+ transform: rotate(0deg);
+ }
+ to {
+ transform: rotate(360deg);
+ }
+ }
+ `), stringify)).to.equal([
+ `@-webkit-keyframes slidein{to{transform:translate(20px);}}`,
+ `@keyframes slidein{to{transform:translate(20px);}}`,
+ `@keyframes hahaha{0%,1%{t:0;}}`,
+ `@keyframes infinite-spinning{from{transform:rotate(0deg);}to{transform:rotate(360deg);}}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('edge cases', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ @media (min-width:537px) {
+ border-bottom:4px solid red;
+ }
+ &::placeholder {
+ color:pink;
+ }
+ .a {color:'red'}
+ .b {color:"red"}
+ .a {color:red;}[role=button]{color:red;}
+ .b {padding:30 3}
+ .c {v-text-anchor: middle;}
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `@media (min-width:537px){.user{border-bottom:4px solid red;}}`,
+ `.user::placeholder{color:pink;}`,
+ `.user .a{color:'red';}`,
+ `.user .b{color:"red";}`,
+ `.user .a{color:red;}`,
+ `.user [role=button]{color:red;}`,
+ `.user .b{padding:30 3;}`,
+ `.user .c{v-text-anchor:middle;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('whitespace', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ @import\r\n "./a.css";
+ div {
+ ${'width:0; '}
+ }
+ .foo {
+ color : hotpink;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `@import "./a.css";`,
+ `.user div{width:0;}`,
+ `.user .foo{color:hotpink;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('no trailing semi-colons', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`
+ h2 {
+ display:none
+ }
+ div:hover
+ {
+ color:red
+ }
+ `)).to.equal([
+ '.user h2{display:none;}',
+ '.user div:hover{color:red;}'
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('multiline declaration', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`
+ html {
+ background:
+ linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)),
+ url(/static/background.svg);
+ }
+ `)).to.equal(`.user html{background:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)),url(/static/background.svg);}`)
+ })
+ test('nesting selector multiple levels', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ a {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user a a a a a a a a a a a a{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('nesting @media multiple levels', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ div {
+ @media {
+ a {
+ color:red;
+ @media {
+ h1 {
+ color:hotpink;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([`@media{.user div a{color:red;}`, `@media{.user div a h1{color:hotpink;}}}`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('noop tail I', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`color:red/**/`)).to.equal(`.user{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('noop tail II', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`color:red//`,)).to.equal('.user{color:red;}')
+ })
+ test('noop tail III', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`color:red[]`)).to.equal(`.user{color:red[];}`)
+ })
+ test('noop tail IV', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`color:red()`)).to.equal(`.user{color:red();}`)
+ })
+ test('noop tail V', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`color:red''`)).to.equal(`.user{color:red'';}`)
+ })
+ test('noop tail VI', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`color:red""`)).to.equal(`.user{color:red"";}`)
+ })
+ test('noop tail VII', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`h1{color:red/**}`)).to.equal(`.user h1{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('context character I', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`.a{color:red;/* } */}`)).to.equal(`.user .a{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('context character II', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`.a{color:red;/*}*/}`)).to.equal(`.user .a{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('context character III', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`.a{color:red;/*{*/}`)).to.equal(`.user .a{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('context character IV', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`.a{/**/color:red}`)).to.equal(`.user .a{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('context character V', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`.a{color:red;/*//color:blue;*/}`)).to.equal(`.user .a{color:red;}`)
+ })
+ test('context character VI', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(
+ `background: url("img}.png");.a {background: url("img}.png");}`
+ )
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user{background:url("img}.png");}`,
+ `.user .a{background:url("img}.png");}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('context character VII', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`background: url(img}.png);.a {background: url(img}.png);}`)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user{background:url(img}.png);}`,
+ `.user .a{background:url(img}.png);}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('context character VIII', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`background: url[img}.png];.a {background: url[img}.png];}`)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user{background:url[img}.png];}`,
+ `.user .a{background:url[img}.png];}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('`--` in an identifier (#220)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ .block--modifier {
+ color: hotpink;
+ }
+ .card {
+ color: black;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user .block--modifier{color:hotpink;}`,
+ `.user .card{color:black;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('comments in rules not increasing depth of consecutive rules (#154)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ font-size:2rem;
+ .one{color:black;/* foo */}
+ .two{color:black;/* bar */}
+ .three{color:black;/* baz */}
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ '.user{font-size:2rem;}',
+ '.user .one{color:black;}',
+ '.user .two{color:black;}',
+ '.user .three{color:black;}'
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('comment in a group of selectors inside a media query (#152)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ @media (min-width: 400px) {
+ div /* comment */ {
+ border-left:1px solid hotpink;
+ }
+ span {
+ border-top:none;
+ }
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`@media (min-width: 400px){.user div{border-left:1px solid hotpink;}.user span{border-top:none;}}`)
+ })
+ test('comment - bang at the start (#114)', () => {
+ expect(serialize(compile(`/*! test */body{color:red;}`), stringify)).to.equal('body{color:red;}')
+ })
+ test('parenthesis in string literal I (#151)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ @media only screen and (max-width: 320px){
+ background: url("${'image_(1).jpg'}");
+ }
+ @media only screen and (min-width:321px) {
+ background: url("${'image_(1).jpg'}");
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `@media only screen and (max-width: 320px){.user{background:url("${'image_(1).jpg'}");}}`,
+ `@media only screen and (min-width:321px){.user{background:url("${'image_(1).jpg'}");}}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('parenthesis in string literal II (#123)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ .a {
+ background: url("${'image_(1).jpg'})");
+ }
+ .b {
+ background: url("abc");
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user .a{background:url("image_(1).jpg)");}`,
+ `.user .b{background:url("abc");}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('parenthesis in string literal III (#128)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ .icon {
+ background:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='12' height='12' viewBox='0 0 16 16' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M14.117.323L8.044 6.398 2.595.323a1.105 1.105 0 0 0-1.562 1.562L6.482 7.96.323 14.119a1.105 1.105 0 0 0 1.562 1.562L7.96 9.608l5.449 6.073a1.103 1.103 0 1 0 1.56-1.562L9.517 8.046l6.159-6.161a1.103 1.103 0 1 0-1.56-1.562z' fill='rgba(85, 85, 85, 0.5)'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
+ }
+ div {
+ background: cyan;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user .icon{background:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='12' height='12' viewBox='0 0 16 16' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M14.117.323L8.044 6.398 2.595.323a1.105 1.105 0 0 0-1.562 1.562L6.482 7.96.323 14.119a1.105 1.105 0 0 0 1.562 1.562L7.96 9.608l5.449 6.073a1.103 1.103 0 1 0 1.56-1.562L9.517 8.046l6.159-6.161a1.103 1.103 0 1 0-1.56-1.562z' fill='rgba(85, 85, 85, 0.5)'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");}`,
+ `.user div{background:cyan;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('parenthesis in string literal IV (#116)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ .a .b .c {
+ width: calc(100% / "func()");
+ }
+ .d {
+ background: yellow;
+ }
+ `)
+ ).to.equal([
+ `.user .a .b .c{width:calc(100% / "func()");}`,
+ `.user .d{background:yellow;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('nested parenthesis', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`width: calc(calc(1) + 10);`)).to.equal(`.user{width:calc(calc(1) + 10);}`)
+ })
+ test('css variables edge cases (#144, #173)', () => {
+ expect(
+ stylis(`
+ --braces: { };
+ --at-keyword-unknown-block: @foobar {};
+ --at-keyword-known-block: @media {};
+ --cdo-at-top-level: <!--;
+ --cdc-at-top-level: -->;
+ --semicolon-not-top-level: (;);
+ --cdo-not-top-level: (<!--);
+ --cdc-not-top-level: (-->);
+ --ampersand-preserved: foo & bar;
+ `)
+ ).to.equal(`.user{` + [
+ `--braces:{};`,
+ `--at-keyword-unknown-block:@foobar{};`,
+ `--at-keyword-known-block:@media{};`,
+ `--cdo-at-top-level:<!--;`,
+ `--cdc-at-top-level:-->;`,
+ `--semicolon-not-top-level:(;);`,
+ `--cdo-not-top-level:(<!--);`,
+ `--cdc-not-top-level:(-->);`,
+ `--ampersand-preserved:foo & bar;`
+ ].join('') +'}')
+ })
+ test('does not hang on unterminated block comment (#129)', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`/*`)).to.equal(``)
+ })
+ test('does not hang on unterminated function', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`(`)).to.equal(``)
+ })
+ test('handles single `/` in a value', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`font: 12px/14px serif;`)).to.equal(`.user{font:12px/14px serif;}`)
+ })
+ test('nested', () => {
+ expect(stylis(`
+ div {
+ h2 {
+ color:red;
+ h3 {
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .foo & {
+ width:1px;
+ &:hover {
+ color:black;
+ }
+ li {
+ color:white;
+ }
+ }
+ h1, div {
+ color:red;
+ h2,
+ &:before {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ color:blue;
+ header {
+ font-size:12px;
+ }
+ @media {
+ color:red;
+ }
+ @media {
+ color:blue;
+ }
+ }
+ &.foo {
+ &.bar {
+ color:orange
+ }
+ }
+ &.foo {
+ &.bar {
+ &.barbar {
+ color:orange
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `)).to.equal([
+ `.user div h2{color:red;}`+
+ `.user div h2 h3{color:blue;}`+
+ `.foo .user{width:1px;}`+
+ `.foo .user:hover{color:black;}`+
+ `.foo .user li{color:white;}`+
+ `.user h1,.user div{color:red;color:blue;}`+
+ `.user h1 h2,.user div h2,.user h1:before,.user div:before{color:red;}`+
+ `.user h1 header,.user div header{font-size:12px;}`+
+ `@media{.user h1,.user div{color:red;}}`+
+ `@media{.user h1,.user div{color:blue;}}`+
+ `{color:orange;}`+
+ `{color:orange;}`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
diff --git a/stylis.js/test/Prefixer.js b/stylis.js/test/Prefixer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c744804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stylis.js/test/Prefixer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+import {prefix} from "../index.js"
+describe('Prefixer', () => {
+ test('flex-box', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`display:block;`, 7)).to.equal(['display:block;'].join())
+ expect(prefix(`display:flex!important;`, 7)).to.equal([`display:-webkit-box!important;`, `display:-webkit-flex!important;`, `display:-ms-flexbox!important;`, `display:flex!important;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`display:inline-flex;`, 7)).to.equal([`display:-webkit-inline-box;`, `display:-webkit-inline-flex;`, `display:-ms-inline-flexbox;`, `display:inline-flex;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`display:inline-box;`, 7)).to.equal([`-webkit-display:inline-box;`, `display:inline-box;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`flex:inherit;`, 4)).to.equal([`-webkit-flex:inherit;`, `-ms-flex:inherit;`, `flex:inherit;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`flex-grow:none;`, 9)).to.equal([`-webkit-box-flex:none;`, `-webkit-flex-grow:none;`, `-ms-flex-positive:none;`, `flex-grow:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`flex-shrink:none;`, 11)).to.equal([`-webkit-flex-shrink:none;`, `-ms-flex-negative:none;`, `flex-shrink:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`flex-basis:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-flex-basis:none;`, `-ms-flex-preferred-size:none;`, `flex-basis:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`align-self:value;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-align-self:value;`, `-ms-flex-item-align:value;`, `align-self:value;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`align-self:flex-start;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-align-self:flex-start;`, `-ms-flex-item-align:flex-start;`, `align-self:flex-start;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`align-self:flex-end;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-align-self:flex-end;`, `-ms-flex-item-align:flex-end;`, `align-self:flex-end;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`align-content:value;`, 13)).to.equal([`-webkit-align-content:value;`, `-ms-flex-line-pack:value;`, `align-content:value;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`align-content:flex-start;`, 13)).to.equal([`-webkit-align-content:flex-start;`, `-ms-flex-line-pack:flex-start;`, `align-content:flex-start;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`align-content:flex-end;`, 13)).to.equal([`-webkit-align-content:flex-end;`, `-ms-flex-line-pack:flex-end;`, `align-content:flex-end;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`align-items:value;`, 11)).to.equal([`-webkit-align-items:value;`, `-webkit-box-align:value;`, `-ms-flex-align:value;`, `align-items:value;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`justify-content:flex-end;`, 15)).to.equal([`-webkit-box-pack:end;`, `-ms-flex-pack:end;`, `-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;`, `justify-content:flex-end;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`justify-content:flex-start;`, 15)).to.equal([`-webkit-box-pack:start;`, `-ms-flex-pack:start;`, `-webkit-justify-content:flex-start;`, `justify-content:flex-start;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`justify-content:justify;`, 15)).to.equal([`-webkit-box-pack:justify;`, `-ms-flex-pack:justify;`, `-webkit-justify-content:justify;`, `justify-content:justify;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`justify-content:space-between;`, 15)).to.equal([`-webkit-box-pack:justify;`, `-webkit-justify-content:space-between;`, `justify-content:space-between;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`justify-items:center;`, 13)).to.equal([`justify-items:center;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`order:flex;`, 5)).to.equal([`-webkit-order:flex;`, `-ms-flex-order:flex;`, `order:flex;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`flex-direction:column;`, 14)).to.equal([`-webkit-flex-direction:column;`, `-ms-flex-direction:column;`, `flex-direction:column;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('transform', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`transform:rotate(30deg);`, 9)).to.equal([`-webkit-transform:rotate(30deg);`, `-moz-transform:rotate(30deg);`, `-ms-transform:rotate(30deg);`, `transform:rotate(30deg);`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('cursor', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`cursor:none;`, 6)).to.equal([`cursor:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`cursor:grab;`, 6)).to.equal([`cursor:-webkit-grab;`, `cursor:grab;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`cursor:image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x), pointer;`, 6)).to.equal([
+ `cursor:-webkit-image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x), pointer;`,
+ `cursor:image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x), pointer;`
+ ].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`cursor:image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x), grab;`, 6)).to.equal([
+ `cursor:-webkit-image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x), -webkit-grab;`,
+ `cursor:image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x), grab;`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('backface-visibility', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`backface-visibility:hidden;`, 19)).to.equal([`-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;`, `backface-visibility:hidden;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('transition', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`transition:transform 1s,transform all 400ms,text-transform;`, 10)).to.equal([
+ `-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 1s,-webkit-transform all 400ms,text-transform;`,
+ `transition:transform 1s,transform all 400ms,text-transform;`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
+ test('writing-mode', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`writing-mode:none;`, 12)).to.equal([`-webkit-writing-mode:none;`, `-ms-writing-mode:none;`, `writing-mode:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`writing-mode:vertical-lr;`, 12)).to.equal([`-webkit-writing-mode:vertical-lr;`, `-ms-writing-mode:tb;`, `writing-mode:vertical-lr;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`writing-mode:vertical-rl;`, 12)).to.equal([`-webkit-writing-mode:vertical-rl;`, `-ms-writing-mode:tb-rl;`, `writing-mode:vertical-rl;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`writing-mode:horizontal-tb;`, 12)).to.equal([`-webkit-writing-mode:horizontal-tb;`, `-ms-writing-mode:lr;`, `writing-mode:horizontal-tb;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`writing-mode:sideways-rl;`, 12)).to.equal([`-webkit-writing-mode:sideways-rl;`, `-ms-writing-mode:tb-rl;`, `writing-mode:sideways-rl;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`writing-mode:sideways-lr;`, 12)).to.equal([`-webkit-writing-mode:sideways-lr;`, `-ms-writing-mode:tb;`, `writing-mode:sideways-lr;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('columns', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`columns:auto;`, 7)).to.equal([`-webkit-columns:auto;`, `columns:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-count:auto;`, 12)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-count:auto;`, `column-count:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-fill:auto;`, 11)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-fill:auto;`, `column-fill:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-gap:auto;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-gap:auto;`, `column-gap:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-rule:auto;`, 11)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-rule:auto;`, `column-rule:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-rule-color:auto;`, 17)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-rule-color:auto;`, `column-rule-color:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-rule-style:auto;`, 17)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-rule-style:auto;`, `column-rule-style:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-rule-width:auto;`, 17)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-rule-width:auto;`, `column-rule-width:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-span:auto;`, 11)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-span:auto;`, `column-span:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`column-width:auto;`, 12)).to.equal([`-webkit-column-width:auto;`, `column-width:auto;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('text', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`text-align:left;`, 10)).to.equal([`text-align:left;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`text-transform:none;`, 14)).to.equal([`text-transform:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`text-shadow:none;`, 11)).to.equal([`text-shadow:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`text-size-adjust:none;`, 16)).to.equal([`-webkit-text-size-adjust:none;`, `-moz-text-size-adjust:none;`, `-ms-text-size-adjust:none;`, `text-size-adjust:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`text-decoration:none;`, 15)).to.equal([`-webkit-text-decoration:none;`, `text-decoration:none;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('mask', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`mask:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask:none;`, `mask:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-image:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-image:none;`, `mask-image:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-image:linear-gradient(#fff);`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-image:linear-gradient(#fff);`, `mask-image:linear-gradient(#fff);`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-mode:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-mode:none;`, `mask-mode:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-clip:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-clip:none;`, `mask-clip:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-size:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-size:none;`, `mask-size:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-repeat:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-repeat:none;`, `mask-repeat:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-origin:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-origin:none;`, `mask-origin:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-position:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-position:none;`, `mask-position:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`mask-composite:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-mask-composite:none;`, `mask-composite:none;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('filter', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`filter:grayscale(100%);`, 6)).to.equal([`-webkit-filter:grayscale(100%);`, `filter:grayscale(100%);`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`fill:red;`, 4)).to.equal([`fill:red;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('position', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`position:relative;`, 8)).to.equal([`position:relative;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`position:sticky;`, 8)).to.equal([`-webkit-position:sticky;`, `position:sticky;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('box', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`box-decoration-break:slice;`, 20)).to.equal([`-webkit-box-decoration-break:slice;`, `box-decoration-break:slice;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`box-sizing:border-box;`, 10)).to.equal([`box-sizing:border-box;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('clip', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`clip-path:none;`, 9)).to.equal([`-webkit-clip-path:none;`, `clip-path:none;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('size', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`width:auto;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:auto;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:unset;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:unset;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:initial;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:initial;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:inherit;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:inherit;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:10;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:10;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:min();`, 5)).to.equal([`width:min();`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:var(--foo-content);`, 5)).to.equal([`width:var(--foo-content);`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:var(-content);`, 5)).to.equal([`width:var(-content);`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:var(--max-content);`, 5)).to.equal([`width:var(--max-content);`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:--max-content;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:--max-content;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:fit-content;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:-webkit-fit-content;`, `width:-moz-content;`, `width:fit-content;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`min-width:max-content;`, 9)).to.equal([`min-width:-webkit-max-content;`, `min-width:-moz-max-content;`, `min-width:max-content;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`max-width:min-content;`, 9)).to.equal([`max-width:-webkit-min-content;`, `max-width:-moz-min-content;`, `max-width:min-content;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`height:fill-available;`, 6)).to.equal([`height:-webkit-fill-available;`, `height:-moz-available;`, `height:fill-available;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`max-height:fit-content;`, 10)).to.equal([`max-height:-webkit-fit-content;`, `max-height:-moz-content;`, `max-height:fit-content;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:stretch;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:-webkit-fill-available;`, `width:-moz-available;`, `width:fill-available;`, `width:stretch;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`width:stretch !important;`, 5)).to.equal([`width:-webkit-fill-available !important;`, `width:-moz-available !important;`, `width:fill-available !important;`, `width:stretch !important;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`min-block-size:max-content;`, 14)).to.equal([`min-block-size:-webkit-max-content;`, `min-block-size:-moz-max-content;`, `min-block-size:max-content;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`min-inline-size:max-content;`, 15)).to.equal([`min-inline-size:-webkit-max-content;`, `min-inline-size:-moz-max-content;`, `min-inline-size:max-content;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('zoom', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`min-zoom:0;`, 8)).to.equal([`min-zoom:0;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('background', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`background:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`background:none;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`background:image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x);`, 10)).to.equal([`background:-webkit-image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x);`, `background:image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x);`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`background-image:image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x);`, 16)).to.equal([`background-image:-webkit-image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x);`, `background-image:image-set(url(foo.jpg) 2x);`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('background-clip', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`background-clip:text;`, 15)).to.equal([`-webkit-background-clip:text;`, `background-clip:text;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('margin-inline', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`margin-inline-start:20px;`, 19)).to.equal([`-webkit-margin-start:20px;`, `margin-inline-start:20px;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`margin-inline-end:20px;`, 17)).to.equal([`-webkit-margin-end:20px;`, `margin-inline-end:20px;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('user-select', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`user-select:none;`, 11)).to.equal([`-webkit-user-select:none;`, `-moz-user-select:none;`, `-ms-user-select:none;`, `user-select:none;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('appearance', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`appearance:none;`, 10)).to.equal([`-webkit-appearance:none;`, `-moz-appearance:none;`, `-ms-appearance:none;`, `appearance:none;`].join(''))
+ })
+ test('animation', () => {
+ expect(prefix(`animation:inherit;`, 9)).to.equal([`-webkit-animation:inherit;`, `animation:inherit;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`animation-duration:0.6s;`, 18)).to.equal([`-webkit-animation-duration:0.6s;`, `animation-duration:0.6s;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`animation-name:slidein;`, 14)).to.equal([`-webkit-animation-name:slidein;`, `animation-name:slidein;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`animation-iteration-count:infinite;`, 25)).to.equal([`-webkit-animation-iteration-count:infinite;`, `animation-iteration-count:infinite;`].join(''))
+ expect(prefix(`animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.1,0.7,1.0,0.1);`, 25)).to.equal([
+ `-webkit-animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.1,0.7,1.0,0.1);`,
+ `animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.1,0.7,1.0,0.1);`
+ ].join(''))
+ })
diff --git a/stylis.js/test/Tokenizer.js b/stylis.js/test/Tokenizer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2be5bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stylis.js/test/Tokenizer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import {tokenize} from "../index.js"
+describe('Tokenizer', () => {
+ test('tokenize', () => {
+ expect(tokenize('h1 h2 (h1 h2) 1 / 3 * 2 + 1 [1 2] "1 2" a')).to.deep.equal([
+ 'h1', ' ', 'h2', ' ', '(h1 h2)', ' ', '1', ' ', '/', ' ', '3', ' ', '*', ' ', '2', ' ', '+', ' ', '1', ' ', '[1 2]', ' ', '"1 2"', ' ', 'a'
+ ])
+ })