path: root/preact/hooks/src/index.d.ts
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authorSebastian <sebasjm@gmail.com>2021-08-23 16:46:06 -0300
committerSebastian <sebasjm@gmail.com>2021-08-23 16:48:30 -0300
commit38acabfa6089ab8ac469c12b5f55022fb96935e5 (patch)
tree453dbf70000cc5e338b06201af1eaca8343f8f73 /preact/hooks/src/index.d.ts
parentf26125e039143b92dc0d84e7775f508ab0cdcaa8 (diff)
added web vendorsHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'preact/hooks/src/index.d.ts')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/preact/hooks/src/index.d.ts b/preact/hooks/src/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9f6788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preact/hooks/src/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import { PreactContext, Ref as PreactRef, RefObject } from '../..';
+type Inputs = ReadonlyArray<unknown>;
+export type StateUpdater<S> = (value: S | ((prevState: S) => S)) => void;
+ * Returns a stateful value, and a function to update it.
+ * @param initialState The initial value (or a function that returns the initial value)
+ */
+export function useState<S>(initialState: S | (() => S)): [S, StateUpdater<S>];
+export function useState<S = undefined>(): [
+ S | undefined,
+ StateUpdater<S | undefined>
+export type Reducer<S, A> = (prevState: S, action: A) => S;
+ * An alternative to `useState`.
+ *
+ * `useReducer` is usually preferable to `useState` when you have complex state logic that involves
+ * multiple sub-values. It also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep
+ * updates because you can pass `dispatch` down instead of callbacks.
+ * @param reducer Given the current state and an action, returns the new state
+ * @param initialState The initial value to store as state
+ */
+export function useReducer<S, A>(
+ reducer: Reducer<S, A>,
+ initialState: S
+): [S, (action: A) => void];
+ * An alternative to `useState`.
+ *
+ * `useReducer` is usually preferable to `useState` when you have complex state logic that involves
+ * multiple sub-values. It also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep
+ * updates because you can pass `dispatch` down instead of callbacks.
+ * @param reducer Given the current state and an action, returns the new state
+ * @param initialArg The initial argument to pass to the `init` function
+ * @param init A function that, given the `initialArg`, returns the initial value to store as state
+ */
+export function useReducer<S, A, I>(
+ reducer: Reducer<S, A>,
+ initialArg: I,
+ init: (arg: I) => S
+): [S, (action: A) => void];
+/** @deprecated Use the `Ref` type instead. */
+type PropRef<T> = { current: T };
+type Ref<T> = { current: T };
+ * `useRef` returns a mutable ref object whose `.current` property is initialized to the passed argument
+ * (`initialValue`). The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component.
+ *
+ * Note that `useRef()` is useful for more than the `ref` attribute. It’s handy for keeping any mutable
+ * value around similar to how you’d use instance fields in classes.
+ *
+ * @param initialValue the initial value to store in the ref object
+ */
+export function useRef<T>(initialValue: null): RefObject<T>;
+export function useRef<T>(initialValue: T): Ref<T>;
+export function useRef<T>(): Ref<T | undefined>;
+type EffectCallback = () => void | (() => void);
+ * Accepts a function that contains imperative, possibly effectful code.
+ * The effects run after browser paint, without blocking it.
+ *
+ * @param effect Imperative function that can return a cleanup function
+ * @param inputs If present, effect will only activate if the values in the list change (using ===).
+ */
+export function useEffect(effect: EffectCallback, inputs?: Inputs): void;
+type CreateHandle = () => object;
+ * @param ref The ref that will be mutated
+ * @param create The function that will be executed to get the value that will be attached to
+ * ref.current
+ * @param inputs If present, effect will only activate if the values in the list change (using ===).
+ */
+export function useImperativeHandle<T, R extends T>(
+ ref: PreactRef<T>,
+ create: () => R,
+ inputs?: Inputs
+): void;
+ * Accepts a function that contains imperative, possibly effectful code.
+ * Use this to read layout from the DOM and synchronously re-render.
+ * Updates scheduled inside `useLayoutEffect` will be flushed synchronously, after all DOM mutations but before the browser has a chance to paint.
+ * Prefer the standard `useEffect` hook when possible to avoid blocking visual updates.
+ *
+ * @param effect Imperative function that can return a cleanup function
+ * @param inputs If present, effect will only activate if the values in the list change (using ===).
+ */
+export function useLayoutEffect(effect: EffectCallback, inputs?: Inputs): void;
+ * Returns a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the `inputs`
+ * has changed (using ===).
+ */
+export function useCallback<T extends Function>(callback: T, inputs: Inputs): T;
+ * Pass a factory function and an array of inputs.
+ * useMemo will only recompute the memoized value when one of the inputs has changed.
+ * This optimization helps to avoid expensive calculations on every render.
+ * If no array is provided, a new value will be computed whenever a new function instance is passed as the first argument.
+ */
+// for `inputs`, allow undefined, but don't make it optional as that is very likely a mistake
+export function useMemo<T>(factory: () => T, inputs: Inputs | undefined): T;
+ * Returns the current context value, as given by the nearest context provider for the given context.
+ * When the provider updates, this Hook will trigger a rerender with the latest context value.
+ *
+ * @param context The context you want to use
+ */
+export function useContext<T>(context: PreactContext<T>): T;
+ * Customize the displayed value in the devtools panel.
+ *
+ * @param value Custom hook name or object that is passed to formatter
+ * @param formatter Formatter to modify value before sending it to the devtools
+ */
+export function useDebugValue<T>(value: T, formatter?: (value: T) => any): void;
+export function useErrorBoundary(
+ callback?: (error: any) => Promise<void> | void
+): [any, () => void];