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authorMarcello Stanisci <>2016-11-14 15:52:59 +0100
committerMarcello Stanisci <>2016-11-14 15:52:59 +0100
commit7b20ec17a7f5e0f3166f9daff2357e1fd5349005 (patch)
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parent0ab4b9c2378f45e6a8a323e95173f83e04dff617 (diff)
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html><!-- This is the second edition of Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman.
-Free Software Foundation
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-Copyright C 2002, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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-Cover design by Rob Myers.
-Cover photograph by Peter Hinely.
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---><head><title>Free Software, Free Society, 2nd ed.: 16. Words to Avoid (or Use with Care)
-Because They Are Loaded or Confusing</title><meta name="description" content="This is the second edition of Richard Stallman's collection of essays."><meta name="keywords" content="Free Software, Free Society, 2nd ed.: 16. Words to Avoid (or Use with Care)
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-<a name="Words-to-Avoid"></a>
-<header><div id="logo"><a href="/"><img src="../gnu.svg" height="100" width="100"></a></div><h1 class="book-title">Free Software, Free Society, 2nd ed.</h1></header><section id="main"><a name="Words-to-Avoid-_0028or-Use-with-Care_0029--Because-They-Are-Loaded-or-Confusing"></a>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 16. Words to Avoid (or Use with Care) <br>Because They Are Loaded or Confusing </h1>
-<a name="index-call-to-action_002c-use-correct-terminology-_0028see-also-terminology_0029-7"></a>
-<a name="index-terminology_002c-importance-of-using-correct-7"></a>
-<p>There are a number of words and phrases that we recommend avoiding, or
-avoiding in certain contexts and usages. Some are ambiguous or
-misleading; others presuppose a viewpoint that we hope you disagree
-with. (See also “Categories of Free and Nonfree Software,” on
-p. @refx{Categories-pg}{.)
-<a name="BSD_002dStyle"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> BSD-Style </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060BSD_002dstyle_002c_0027_0027-problematic-term"></a>
-<p>The expression “BSD-style license” leads to confusion because it
-lumps together licenses that have important differences. For instance,
-the original
-<a name="index-BSD-licenses-_0028see-also-both-_0060_0060BSD_002dstyle_0027_0027-and-GPL_0029-1"></a>
-<a name="index-GPL_002c-BSD-license-and"></a>
-BSD license with the advertising clause is incompatible with the GNU
-General Public License, but the revised BSD license is compatible with
-the GPL.
-<p>To avoid confusion, it is best to name the specific license in
-question and avoid the vague term “BSD-style.”
-<a name="Closed"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Closed </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060closed_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>Describing nonfree software as “closed” clearly refers to the term
-“open source.” In the free software movement, we do not want to be
-confused with the open source camp, so we are careful to avoid saying
-things that would encourage people to lump us in with them. For
-instance, we avoid describing nonfree software as “closed.” We call
-it “nonfree” or “proprietary.”
-<p>@vglue -13pt@null
-<a name="Cloud-Computing"></a>
-</p><h3 class="subheading"> Cloud Computing </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060cloud-computing_002c_0027_0027-avoid-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>The term “cloud computing” is a marketing buzzword with no clear
-meaning. It is used for a range of different activities whose only
-common characteristic is that they use the Internet for something
-beyond transmitting files. Thus, the term is a nexus of confusion. If
-you base your thinking on it, your thinking will be vague.
-<p>When thinking about or responding to a statement someone else has made
-using this term, the first step is to clarify the topic. Which kind of
-activity is the statement really about, and what is a good, clear term
-for that activity? Once the topic is clear, the discussion can head
-for a useful conclusion.
-<a name="index-Ellison_002c-Larry"></a>
-Larry Ellison, a proprietary software
-<a name="index-developers_002c-proprietary-software-2"></a>
-developer, also noted the vacuity of the term “cloud
-computing.”<a name="DOCF32" href="#FOOT32">(32)</a>He decided to use the term anyway
-{@parfillskip=0pt@parbecause, as a proprietary software developer, he isn’t motivated by
-the same ideals as we are.
-<a name="Commercial"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Commercial </h3>
-<a name="index-commercial-software-_0028see-also-software_0029-1"></a>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060commercial_002c_0027_0027-problematic-use-of-term"></a>
-<a name="index-software_002c-commercial-_0028see-also-commercial-software_0029-1"></a>
-<p>Please don’t use “commercial” as a synonym for “nonfree.” That
-confuses two entirely different issues.
-<p>A program is commercial if it is developed as a business activity. A
-commercial program can be free or nonfree, depending on its manner of
-distribution. Likewise, a program developed by a school or an
-individual can be free or nonfree, depending on its manner of
-distribution. The two questions—what sort of entity developed the
-program and what freedom its users have—are independent.
-<a name="index-universities-1"></a>
-<p>In the first decade of the free software movement, free software
-packages were almost always noncommercial; the components of the
-GNU/Linux operating system were developed by individuals or by
-nonprofit organizations such as the FSF and universities. Later, in
-the 1990s, free commercial software started to appear.
-<p>Free commercial software is a contribution to our community, so we
-should encourage it. But people who think that “commercial” means
-“nonfree” will tend to think that the “free commercial”
-combination is self-contradictory, and dismiss the possibility. Let’s
-be careful not to use the word “commercial” in that way.
-<a name="Compensation"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Compensation </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060compensation_002c_0027_0027-false-assumptions-connected-to-term"></a>
-<a name="index-copyright_002c-false-assumptions-related-to-_0060_0060compensation_0027_0027-for-authors"></a>
-<p>To speak of “compensation for authors” in connection with copyright
-carries the assumptions that (1) copyright exists for the sake of
-authors and (2) whenever we read something, we take on a debt to the
-author which we must then repay. The first assumption is simply false,
-and the second is outrageous.
-<a name="Consumer"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Consumer </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060consumer_002c_0027_0027-problematic-use-of-term-_0028see-also-_0060_0060open-source_0027_0027_0029"></a>
-<p>The term “consumer,” when used to refer to computer users, is loaded
-with assumptions we should reject. Playing a digital recording, or
-running a program, does not consume it.
-<p>The terms “producer” and “consumer” come from economic theory, and
-bring with them its narrow perspective and misguided assumptions. They
-tend to warp your thinking.
-<p>In addition, describing the users of software as “consumers”
-presumes a narrow role for them: it regards them as cattle that
-passively graze on what others make available to them.
-<p>This kind of thinking leads to travesties like the
-<a name="index-Consumer-Broadband-and-Digital-Television-Promotion-Act-_0028CBDTPA_0029"></a>
-CBDTPA, the “Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act,”
-which would require copying restriction facilities in every digital
-device. If all the users do is “consume,” then why should they mind?
-<p>The shallow economic conception of users as “consumers” tends to go
-hand in hand with the idea that published works are mere “content.”
-<p>To describe people who are not limited to passive use of works, we
-suggest terms such as “individuals” and “citizens.”
-<a name="Content"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Content </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060content_002c_0027_0027-problematic-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>If you want to describe a feeling of comfort and satisfaction, by all
-means say you are “content,” but using the word as a noun to
-describe written and other works of authorship adopts an attitude you
-might rather avoid. It regards these works as a commodity whose
-purpose is to fill a box and make money. In effect, it disparages the
-works themselves.
-<p>Those who use this term are often the publishers that push for
-increased copyright power in the name of the authors (“creators,” as
-they say) of the works. The term “content” reveals their real
-attitude towards these works and their authors. (See
-<a name="index-Love_002c-Courtney"></a>
-Love’s open letter to
-<a name="index-Case_002c-Steve"></a>
-Steve Case<a name="DOCF33" href="#FOOT33">(33)</a>
-and search for “content provider” in that page. Alas, Ms. Love is
-unaware that the term
-<a name="index-_0060_0060intellectual-property_002c_0027_0027-bias-and-fallacy-of-term-_0028see-also-ownership_0029-5"></a>
-“intellectual property” is also biased and confusing.)
-<p>However, as long as other people use the term “content provider,”
-political dissidents can well call themselves “malcontent
-<p>The term “content management” takes the prize for vacuity.
-“Content” means “some sort of information,” and “management” in
-this context means “doing something with it.” So a “content
-management system” is a system for doing something to some sort of
-information. Nearly all programs fit that description.
-<p>In most cases, that term really refers to a system for updating pages
-on a web site. For that, we recommend the term “web site revision
-system” (WRS).
-<a name="Creator"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Creator </h3>
-<a name="index-copyright_002c-_0060_0060creator_0027_0027"></a>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060creator_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>The term “creator” as applied to authors implicitly compares them to
-a deity (“the creator”). The term is used by publishers to elevate
-authors’ moral standing above that of ordinary people in order to
-justify giving them increased copyright power, which the publishers
-can then exercise in their name. We recommend saying “author”
-instead. However, in many cases “copyright holder” is what you
-really mean.
-<a name="Digital-Goods"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Digital Goods </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060digital-goods_002c_0027_0027-problematic-term"></a>
-<p>The term “digital goods,” as applied to copies of works of
-authorship, erroneously identifies them with physical goods—which
-cannot be copied, and which therefore have to be manufactured and
-<a name="Digital-Rights-Management"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Digital Rights Management </h3>
-<a name="index-DRM_002c-call-it-_0060_0060Digital-Restrictions-Management_0027_0027"></a>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060Digital-Rights-Management_002c_0027_0027-avoid-use-of-term-_0028see-also-DRM_0029"></a>
-<p>“Digital Rights Management” refers to technical schemes designed to
-impose restrictions on computer users. The use of the word “rights”
-in this term is propaganda, designed to lead you unawares into seeing
-the issue from the viewpoint of the few that impose the restrictions,
-and ignoring that of the general public on whom these restrictions are
-<p>Good alternatives include “Digital Restrictions Management,” and
-“digital handcuffs.”
-<a name="Ecosystem"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Ecosystem </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060ecosystem_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-description-of-free-software-community"></a>
-<p>It is a mistake to describe the free software community, or any human
-community, as an “ecosystem,” because that word implies the absence
-of ethical judgment.
-<p>The term “ecosystem” implicitly suggests an attitude of
-nonjudgmental observation: don’t ask how what <em>should</em> happen,
-just study and explain what <em>does</em> happen. In an ecosystem, some
-organisms consume other organisms. We do not ask whether it is fair
-for an owl to eat a mouse or for a mouse to eat a plant, we only
-observe that they do so. Species’ populations grow or shrink according
-to the conditions; this is neither right nor wrong, merely an
-ecological phenomenon.
-<p>By contrast, beings that adopt an ethical stance towards their
-surroundings can decide to preserve things that, on their own, might
-vanish—such as civil society, democracy, human rights, peace, public
-health, clean air and water, endangered species, traditional
-arts…and computer users’ freedom.
-<a name="For-Free"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> For Free </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060for-free_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>If you want to say that a program is free software, please don’t say
-that it is available “for free.” That term specifically means “for
-zero price.” Free software is a matter of freedom, not price.
-<p>Free software copies are often available for free—for example, by
-downloading via FTP. But free software copies are also available for a
-price on CD-ROMs; meanwhile, proprietary software copies are
-occasionally available for free in promotions, and some proprietary
-packages are normally available at no charge to certain users.
-<p>To avoid confusion, you can say that the program is available
-“as free software.”
-<a name="Freely-Available"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Freely Available </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060freely-available_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>Don’t use “freely available software” as a synonym for “free
-software.” The terms are not equivalent. Software is “freely
-available” if anyone can easily get a copy. “Free software” is
-defined in terms of the freedom of users that have a copy of it. These
-are answers to different questions.
-<a name="Freeware-1"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Freeware </h3>
-<a name="index-freeware-_0028see-also-software_0029-1"></a>
-<p>Please don’t use the term “freeware” as a synonym for “free
-software.” The term “freeware” was used often in the 1980s for
-programs released only as executables, with source code not
-available. Today it has no particular agreed-on definition.
-<p>When using languages other than English, please avoid borrowing
-English terms such as “free software” or “freeware.” It is better
-to translate the term “free software” into your language. (Please
-see p. @refx{FS Translations-pg}{ for a list of recommended unambiguous
-translations for the term “free software” into various languages.)
-<p>By using a word in your own language, you show that you are really
-referring to freedom and not just parroting some mysterious foreign
-marketing concept. The reference to freedom may at first seem strange
-or disturbing to your compatriots, but once they see that it means
-exactly what it says, they will really understand what the issue is.
-<a name="Give-Away-Software"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Give Away Software </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060give-away-software_002c_0027_0027-misleading-use-of-term-1"></a>
-<p>It’s misleading to use the term “give away” to mean “distribute a
-program as free software.” This locution has the same problem as
-“for free”: it implies the issue is price, not freedom. One way to
-avoid the confusion is to say “release as free software.”
-<a name="Hacker"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Hacker </h3>
-<a name="index-hackers-7"></a>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060hacker_002c_0027_0027-actual-meaning-of-term-_0028see-also-_0060_0060cracker_0027_0027_0029-1"></a>
-<a name="index-MIT-5"></a>
-<p>A hacker is someone who enjoys playful cleverness<a name="DOCF34" href="#FOOT34">(34)</a>—not
-necessarily with computers. The programmers in the old MIT free
-software community of the 60s and 70s referred to themselves as
-hackers. Around 1980, journalists who discovered the hacker community
-mistakenly took the term to mean “security breaker.”
-<p>Please don’t spread this mistake. People who break security are
-<a name="Intellectual-Property"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Intellectual Property </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060intellectual-property_002c_0027_0027-bias-and-fallacy-of-term-_0028see-also-ownership_0029-6"></a>
-<a name="index-trademarks-and_002for-trademark-law-1"></a>
-<p>Publishers and lawyers like to describe copyright as “intellectual
-property”—a term also applied to patents, trademarks, and other
-more obscure areas of law. These laws have so little in common, and
-differ so much, that it is ill-advised to generalize about them. It is
-best to talk specifically about “copyright,” or about “patents,”
-or about “trademarks.”
-<p>The term “intellectual property” carries a hidden assumption—that
-the way to think about all these disparate issues is based on an
-analogy with physical objects, and our conception of them as physical
-<p>When it comes to copying, this analogy disregards the crucial
-difference between material objects and information: information can
-be copied and shared almost effortlessly, while material objects can’t
-<p>To avoid spreading unnecessary bias and confusion, it is best to adopt
-a firm policy not to speak or even think in terms of “intellectual
-<p>The hypocrisy of calling these powers “rights” is starting to make
-<a name="index-World-_0060_0060Intellectual-Property_0027_0027-Organization-_0028WIPO_0029-_0028see-also-_0060_0060intellectual-property_0027_0027_0029-2"></a>
-World “Intellectual Property” Organization embarrassed.
-<a name="LAMP-System"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> LAMP System </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060LAMP-system_002c_0027_0027-problematic-term-_0028see-also-GLAMP_0029"></a>
-<p>“LAMP” stands for “Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP”—a common
-combination of software to use on a web server, except that “Linux”
-in this context really refers to the GNU/Linux system. So instead of
-“LAMP” it should be
-<a name="index-GLAMP-_0028GNU_002c-Linux_002c-Apache_002c-MySQL-and-PHP_0029-system"></a>
-<a name="index-GNU_002c-GLAMP-_0028GNU_002c-Linux_002c-Apache_002c-MySQL-and-PHP_0029-system"></a>
-“GLAMP”: “GNU, Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.”
-<a name="Linux-System"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Linux System </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060Linux-system_002c_0027_0027-avoid-use-of-term"></a>
-<a name="index-Torvalds_002c-Linus-1"></a>
-<a name="index-GNU_002c-GNU-Project-7"></a>
-<a name="index-kernel_002c-Linux-1"></a>
-<a name="index-Linux-kernel-1"></a>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060Linux_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term-_0028see-also-open-source_0029-3"></a>
-<p>Linux is the name of the kernel that Linus Torvalds developed starting
-in 1991. The operating system in which Linux is used is basically GNU
-with Linux added. To call the whole system “Linux” is both unfair
-and confusing. Please call the complete system GNU/Linux, both to give
-the GNU Project credit and to distinguish the whole system from the
-kernel alone.
-<a name="Market"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Market </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060market_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>It is misleading to describe the users of free software, or the
-software users in general, as a “market.”
-<p>This is not to say there is no room for markets in the free software
-community. If you have a free software support business, then you
-have clients, and you trade with them in a market. As long as you
-respect their freedom, we wish you success in your market.
-<p>But the free software movement is a social movement, not a business,
-and the success it aims for is not a market success. We are trying to
-serve the public by giving it freedom—not competing to draw business
-away from a rival. To equate this campaign for freedom to a business’
-efforts for mere success is to deny the importance of freedom and
-legitimize proprietary software.
-<a name="MP3-Player"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> MP3 Player </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060MP3-Player_002c_0027_0027-problematic-use-of-term"></a>
-<a name="index-MP3-1"></a>
-<a name="index-Ogg-Vorbis"></a>
-<a name="index-FLAC"></a>
-<p>In the late 1990s it became feasible to make portable, solid-state
-digital audio players. Most support the patented MP3 codec, but not
-all. Some support the patent-free audio codecs Ogg Vorbis and FLAC,
-and may not even support MP3-encoded files at all, precisely to avoid
-these patents. To call such players “MP3 players” is not only
-confusing, it also puts MP3 in an undeserved position of privilege
-which encourages people to continue using that vulnerable format. We
-suggest the terms “digital audio player,” or simply “audio player”
-if context permits.
-<a name="Open"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Open </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060open_002c_0027_0027-misleading-use-of-term-1"></a>
-<p>Please avoid using the term “open” or “open source” as a
-substitute for “free software.” Those terms refer to a different
-position based on different values. Free software is a political
-movement; open source is a development model.
-<p>When referring to the open source position, using its name is
-appropriate; but please do not use it to label us or our work—that
-leads people to think we share those views.
-<a name="PC"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> PC </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060PC_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>It’s OK to use the abbreviation “PC” to refer to a certain kind of
-computer hardware, but please don’t use it with the implication that
-the computer is running Microsoft
-<a name="index-Windows-1"></a>
-Windows. If you install GNU/Linux on the same computer, it is still a
-<p>The term “WC” has been suggested for a computer running Windows.
-<a name="Photoshop"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Photoshop </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060photoshop_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>Please avoid using the term “photoshop” as a verb, meaning any kind
-of photo manipulation or image editing in general. Photoshop is just
-the name of one particular image editing program, which should be
-avoided since it is proprietary. There are plenty of free
-alternatives, such as
-<a name="index-GIMP"></a>
-<a name="index-GNU_002c-GIMP"></a>
-<a name="Piracy"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Piracy </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060piracy_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term-4"></a>
-<p>Publishers often refer to copying they don’t approve of as “piracy.”
-In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking
-ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on
-them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the
-world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all)
-circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions
-more complete.)
-<p>If you don’t believe that copying not approved by the publisher is
-just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word
-“piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized
-copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is
-illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer
-to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your
-<a name="PowerPoint"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> PowerPoint </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060PowerPoint_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>Please avoid using the term “PowerPoint” to mean any kind of slide
-presentation. “PowerPoint” is just the name of one particular
-proprietary program to make presentations, and there are plenty of
-free alternatives, such as
-<a name="index-TeX-3"></a>
-<a name="index-beamer-class_002c-TeX"></a>
-<tt>beamer</tt> class
-<a name="index-OpenOffice_002eorg"></a>’s
-<a name="index-Impress_002c-OpenOffice_002eorg"></a>
-<a name="Protection"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Protection </h3>
-<a name="index-copyright_002c-_0060_0060protection_0027_0027"></a>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060protection_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>Publishers’ lawyers love to use the term “protection” to describe
-copyright. This word carries the implication of preventing destruction
-or suffering; therefore, it encourages people to identify with the
-owner and publisher who benefit from copyright, rather than with the
-users who are restricted by it.
-<p>It is easy to avoid “protection” and use neutral terms instead. For
-example, instead of saying, “Copyright protection lasts a very long
-time,” you can say, “Copyright lasts a very long time.”
-<p>If you want to criticize copyright instead of supporting it, you can
-use the term “copyright restrictions.” Thus, you can say,
-“Copyright restrictions last a very long time.”
-<p>The term “protection” is also used to describe malicious features.
-For instance, “copy protection” is a feature that interferes with
-copying. From the user’s point of view, this is obstruction. So we
-could call that malicious feature “copy obstruction.” More often it
-is called Digital Restrictions Management (DRM)—see the Defective by
-Design campaign, at <a href=""></a>.
-<a name="RAND-_0028Reasonable-and-Non_002dDiscriminatory_0029"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> RAND (Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060RAND-_0028Reasonable-and-Non_002dDiscriminatory_0029_002c_0027_0027-avoid-use-of-term-_0028see-also-patents_0029"></a>
-<p>Standards bodies that promulgate patent-restricted standards that
-prohibit free software typically have a policy of obtaining patent
-licenses that require a fixed fee per copy of a conforming program.
-They often refer to such licenses by the term “RAND,” which stands
-for “reasonable and non-discriminatory.”
-<p>That term whitewashes a class of patent licenses that are normally
-neither reasonable nor nondiscriminatory. It is true that these
-licenses do not discriminate against any specific person, but they do
-discriminate against the free software community, and that makes them
-unreasonable. Thus, half of the term “RAND” is deceptive and the
-other half is prejudiced.
-<p>Standards bodies should recognize that these licenses are
-discriminatory, and drop the use of the term “reasonable and
-non-discriminatory” or “RAND” to describe them. Until they do so,
-writers who do not wish to join in the whitewashing would do well to
-reject that term. To accept and use it merely because patent-wielding
-companies have made it widespread is to let those companies dictate
-the views you express.
-<a name="index-patents_002c-_0060_0060uniform-fee-only_0027_0027"></a>
-<p>We suggest the term “uniform fee only,” or “UFO” for short, as a
-replacement. It is accurate because the only condition in these
-licenses is a uniform royalty fee.
-<a name="Sell-Software"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Sell Software </h3>
-<a name="index-selling_002c-_0060_0060sell-software_002c_0027_0027-ambiguous-term"></a>
-<p>The term “sell software” is ambiguous. Strictly speaking, exchanging
-a copy of a free program for a sum of money is selling; but people
-usually associate the term “sell” with proprietary restrictions on
-the subsequent use of the software. You can be more precise, and
-prevent confusion, by saying either “distributing copies of a program
-for a fee” or “imposing proprietary restrictions on the use of a
-program,” depending on what you mean.
-<p>See “Selling Free Software” (p. @refx{Selling-pg}{) for further
-discussion of this issue.
-<a name="Software-Industry"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Software Industry </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060software-industry_002c_0027_0027-problematic-term"></a>
-<p>The term “software industry” encourages people to imagine that
-software is always developed by a sort of factory and then delivered
-to “consumers.” The free software community shows this is not the
-case. Software businesses exist, and various businesses develop free
-and/or nonfree software, but those that develop free software are not
-run like factories.
-<p>The term “industry” is being used as propaganda by advocates of
-software patents. They call software development “industry” and then
-try to argue that this means it should be subject to patent
-monopolies. The
-<a name="index-European-Parliament"></a>
-<a name="index-European-Union_002c-proposed-European-Union-software-patents-directive"></a>
-<a name="index-patents_002c-proposed-European-Union-software-patents-directive"></a>
-European Parliament, rejecting software patents in
-2003,<a name="DOCF35" href="#FOOT35">(35)</a> voted to define “industry” as “automated
-production of material goods.”
-<a name="Theft"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Theft </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060theft_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term-1"></a>
-<p>Copyright apologists often use words like “stolen” and “theft” to
-describe copyright infringement. At the same time, they ask us to
-treat the legal system as an authority on ethics: if copying is
-forbidden, it must be wrong.
-<p>So it is pertinent to mention that the legal system—at least in the
-US—rejects the idea that copyright infringement is “theft.”
-Copyright apologists are making an appeal to authority…and
-misrepresenting what authority says.
-<p>The idea that laws decide what is right or wrong is mistaken in
-general. Laws are, at their best, an attempt to achieve justice; to
-say that laws define justice or ethical conduct is turning things
-upside down.
-<a name="Trusted-Computing"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Trusted Computing </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060trusted-computing_002c_0027_0027-avoid-use-of-term-_0028see-also-treacherous-computing_0029"></a>
-<p>“Trusted computing” is the proponents’ name for a scheme to redesign
-computers so that application
-<a name="index-developers_002c-proprietary-software-3"></a>
-developers can trust your computer to obey them instead of you. From
-their point of view, it is “trusted”; from your point of view, it is
-<a name="index-treacherous-computing"></a>
-<a name="Vendor"></a>
-<h3 class="subheading"> Vendor </h3>
-<a name="index-_0060_0060vendor_002c_0027_0027-erroneous-use-of-term"></a>
-<p>Please don’t use the term “vendor” to refer generally to anyone that
-develops or packages software. Many programs are developed in order to
-sell copies, and their
-<a name="index-developers_002c-term-_0060_0060vendor_0027_0027-and"></a>
-developers are therefore their vendors; this even includes some free
-software packages. However, many programs are developed by volunteers
-or organizations which do not intend to sell copies. These developers
-are not vendors. Likewise, only some of the packagers of GNU/Linux
-distributions are vendors. We recommend the general term “supplier”
-<a name="index-terminology_002c-importance-of-using-correct-8"></a>
-<a name="index-call-to-action_002c-use-correct-terminology-_0028see-also-terminology_0029-8"></a>
-<div class="footnote">
-<h3><a name="FOOT32" href="#DOCF32">(32)</a></h3>
-<p>Dan Farber, “Oracle’s Ellison Nails Cloud
-Computing,” 26 September 2008,
-<a href=""></a>.
-@vglue -1pc
-</p><h3><a name="FOOT33" href="#DOCF33">(33)</a></h3>
-<p>An unedited transcript of American rock musician
-Courtney Love’s 16 May 2000 speech to the Digital Hollywood
-online-entertainment conference, in New York, is available at
-<a href=""></a>.
-@vglue -1pc
-</p><h3><a name="FOOT34" href="#DOCF34">(34)</a></h3>
-<p>See my
-article, “On Hacking,” at
-<a href=""></a>.
-@vglue -1pc
-</p><h3><a name="FOOT35" href="#DOCF35">(35)</a></h3>
-<p>“Directive on the patentability of
-computer-implemented inventions,” 24 September 2003,
-<a href=""></a>.
-@vglue -1pc
-<hr size="2"></section></body></html>