AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-22nexus fetch, bouncing low amountsnexus-postfinanceMS
2023-11-22nexus fetch: fix helper invocationMS
2023-11-22nexus fetch: adapting the parser to camt.054 2019MS
2023-11-21Fix currency and currency_specificationAntoine A
2023-11-21nexus fetchMS
2023-11-21Basic auth challengeAntoine A
2023-11-21Catch and format SQLExceptionAntoine A
2023-11-20Test iban payto uri normalizationAntoine A
2023-11-20Validate contact data with anastatis regexAntoine A
2023-11-20Common auth test routineAntoine A
2023-11-20Common history test routineAntoine A
2023-11-20Apply new specAntoine A
2023-11-20Bounce malformed incoming transactions and improve exchange transactionAntoine A
2023-11-20nexus fetchMS
2023-11-20nexus submit: not indenting pain.001MS
2023-11-19nexus submit: no batch bookingMS
2023-11-19nexus submit: adjusting pain.001 after PoFiMS
2023-11-18nexus fetch: check for BOOK status.MS
2023-11-18nexus fetch: enabling ingestion / UXMS
2023-11-18nexus fetchMS
2023-11-18nexus dbMS
2023-11-17nexus fetch: debugMS
2023-11-17nexus fetch parserMS
2023-11-17Apply new specAntoine A
2023-11-17nexus fetch: removing noise around payment subjectMS
2023-11-17Add Taler Conversion Info APIAntoine A
2023-11-17Clean code and improve documentationAntoine A
2023-11-17fixing helper callMS
2023-11-16Support conversion both waysAntoine A
2023-11-16EBICS 3: enabling ES.MS
2023-11-16nexus fetch: flag for extra EBICS loggingMS
2023-11-16Support long polling for withdrawal confirmation and improve polling testingAntoine A
2023-11-16nexus fetch: debugMS
2023-11-16nexus fetch: parsing outgoing payments.MS
2023-11-15Clean testsAntoine A
2023-11-15util DCEMS
2023-11-15nexus fetchMS
2023-11-15nexus: adding --debug to read from STDINMS
2023-11-15nexus fetch: URL-encoding the payer name.MS
2023-11-15nexus fetch: adapt time parser to camt.054MS
2023-11-15Fix cashout API not checking ownershipAntoine A
2023-11-15nexus fetch: workaround #7980MS
2023-11-15nexus fetchMS
2023-11-15nexus fetch: ignoring seen paymentsMS
2023-11-14Add revenue APIAntoine A