path: root/sandbox/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/sandbox/Database.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sandbox/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/sandbox/Database.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 665 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/sandbox/Database.kt b/sandbox/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/sandbox/Database.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 79f7a404..00000000
--- a/sandbox/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/sandbox/Database.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.sandbox
-import org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection
-import tech.libeufin.util.internalServerError
-import java.sql.DriverManager
-import java.sql.PreparedStatement
-import java.sql.SQLException
-import java.util.*
-private const val DB_CTR_LIMIT = 1000000
-data class Customer(
- val login: String,
- val passwordHash: String,
- val name: String,
- val email: String,
- val phone: String,
- val cashoutPayto: String,
- val cashoutCurrency: String
-data class TalerAmount(
- val value: Long,
- val frac: Int
-data class BankAccount(
- val iban: String,
- val bic: String,
- val bankAccountLabel: String,
- val owningCustomerId: Long,
- val isPublic: Boolean = false,
- val lastNexusFetchRowId: Long,
- val balance: TalerAmount? = null,
- val hasDebt: Boolean
-enum class TransactionDirection {
- credit, debit
-enum class TanChannel {
- sms, email, file
-data class BankInternalTransaction(
- val creditorAccountId: Long,
- val debtorAccountId: Long,
- val subject: String,
- val amount: TalerAmount,
- val transactionDate: Long,
- val accountServicerReference: String,
- val endToEndId: String,
- val paymentInformationId: String
-data class BankAccountTransaction(
- val creditorIban: String,
- val creditorBic: String,
- val creditorName: String,
- val debtorIban: String,
- val debtorBic: String,
- val debtorName: String,
- val subject: String,
- val amount: TalerAmount,
- val transactionDate: Long, // microseconds
- val accountServicerReference: String,
- val paymentInformationId: String,
- val endToEndId: String,
- val direction: TransactionDirection,
- val bankAccountId: Long,
-data class TalerWithdrawalOperation(
- val withdrawalUuid: UUID,
- val amount: TalerAmount,
- val selectionDone: Boolean = false,
- val aborted: Boolean = false,
- val confirmationDone: Boolean = false,
- val reservePub: ByteArray?,
- val selectedExchangePayto: String?,
- val walletBankAccount: Long
-data class Cashout(
- val cashoutUuid: UUID,
- val localTransaction: Long? = null,
- val amountDebit: TalerAmount,
- val amountCredit: TalerAmount,
- val buyAtRatio: Int,
- val buyInFee: TalerAmount,
- val sellAtRatio: Int,
- val sellOutFee: TalerAmount,
- val subject: String,
- val creationTime: Long,
- val tanConfirmationTime: Long? = null,
- val tanChannel: TanChannel,
- val tanCode: String,
- val bankAccount: Long,
- val cashoutAddress: String,
- val cashoutCurrency: String
-class Database(private val dbConfig: String) {
- private var dbConn: PgConnection? = null
- private var dbCtr: Int = 0
- private val preparedStatements: MutableMap<String, PreparedStatement> = mutableMapOf()
- init {
- Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver")
- }
- private fun reconnect() {
- dbCtr++
- val myDbConn = dbConn
- if ((dbCtr < DB_CTR_LIMIT && myDbConn != null) && !(myDbConn.isClosed))
- return
- dbConn?.close()
- preparedStatements.clear()
- dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbConfig).unwrap(
- dbCtr = 0
- dbConn?.execSQLUpdate("SET search_path TO libeufin_bank;")
- }
- private fun prepare(sql: String): PreparedStatement {
- var ps = preparedStatements[sql]
- if (ps != null) return ps
- val myDbConn = dbConn
- if (myDbConn == null) throw internalServerError("DB connection down")
- ps = myDbConn.prepareStatement(sql)
- preparedStatements[sql] = ps
- return ps
- }
- /**
- * Helper that returns false if the row to be inserted
- * hits a unique key constraint violation, true when it
- * succeeds. Any other error (re)throws exception.
- */
- private fun myExecute(stmt: PreparedStatement): Boolean {
- try {
- stmt.execute()
- } catch (e: SQLException) {
- logger.error(e.message)
- // NOTE: it seems that _every_ error gets the 0 code.
- if (e.errorCode == 0) return false
- // rethrowing, not to hide other types of errors.
- throw e
- }
- return true
- }
- fun configGet(configKey: String): String? {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("SELECT config_value FROM configuration WHERE config_key=?;")
- stmt.setString(1, configKey)
- val rs = stmt.executeQuery()
- rs.use {
- if(! return null
- return it.getString("config_value")
- }
- }
- fun configSet(configKey: String, configValue: String) {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("CALL bank_set_config(TEXT(?), TEXT(?))")
- stmt.setString(1, configKey)
- stmt.setString(2, configValue)
- stmt.execute()
- }
- fun customerCreate(customer: Customer): Boolean {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- INSERT INTO customers (
- login
- ,password_hash
- ,name
- ,email
- ,phone
- ,cashout_payto
- ,cashout_currency
- )
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- """
- )
- stmt.setString(1, customer.login)
- stmt.setString(2, customer.passwordHash)
- stmt.setString(3,
- stmt.setString(4,
- stmt.setString(5,
- stmt.setString(6, customer.cashoutPayto)
- stmt.setString(7, customer.cashoutCurrency)
- return myExecute(stmt)
- }
- fun customerGetFromLogin(login: String): Customer? {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- password_hash,
- name,
- email,
- phone,
- cashout_payto,
- cashout_currency
- FROM customers
- WHERE login=?
- """)
- stmt.setString(1, login)
- val rs = stmt.executeQuery()
- rs.use {
- if (! return null
- return Customer(
- login = login,
- passwordHash = it.getString("password_hash"),
- name = it.getString("name"),
- phone = it.getString("phone"),
- email = it.getString("email"),
- cashoutCurrency = it.getString("cashout_currency"),
- cashoutPayto = it.getString("cashout_payto")
- )
- }
- }
- // Possibly more "customerGetFrom*()" to come.
- // Returns false on conflicts.
- fun bankAccountCreate(bankAccount: BankAccount): Boolean {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- INSERT INTO bank_accounts
- (iban
- ,bic
- ,bank_account_label
- ,owning_customer_id
- ,is_public
- ,last_nexus_fetch_row_id
- )
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- """)
- stmt.setString(1, bankAccount.iban)
- stmt.setString(2, bankAccount.bic)
- stmt.setString(3, bankAccount.bankAccountLabel)
- stmt.setLong(4, bankAccount.owningCustomerId)
- stmt.setBoolean(5, bankAccount.isPublic)
- stmt.setLong(6, bankAccount.lastNexusFetchRowId)
- // using the default zero value for the balance.
- return myExecute(stmt)
- }
- fun bankAccountSetMaxDebt(
- bankAccountLabel: String,
- maxDebt: TalerAmount
- ): Boolean {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- UPDATE bank_accounts
- SET max_debt=(?,?)::taler_amount
- WHERE bank_account_label=?
- """)
- stmt.setLong(1, maxDebt.value)
- stmt.setInt(2, maxDebt.frac)
- stmt.setString(3, bankAccountLabel)
- return myExecute(stmt)
- }
- fun bankAccountGetFromLabel(bankAccountLabel: String): BankAccount? {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- iban
- ,bic
- ,owning_customer_id
- ,is_public
- ,last_nexus_fetch_row_id
- ,(balance).val AS balance_value
- ,(balance).frac AS balance_frac
- ,has_debt
- FROM bank_accounts
- WHERE bank_account_label=?
- """)
- stmt.setString(1, bankAccountLabel)
- val rs = stmt.executeQuery()
- rs.use {
- if (! return null
- return BankAccount(
- iban = it.getString("iban"),
- bic = it.getString("bic"),
- balance = TalerAmount(
- it.getLong("balance_value"),
- it.getInt("balance_frac")
- ),
- bankAccountLabel = bankAccountLabel,
- lastNexusFetchRowId = it.getLong("last_nexus_fetch_row_id"),
- owningCustomerId = it.getLong("owning_customer_id"),
- hasDebt = it.getBoolean("has_debt")
- )
- }
- }
- // More bankAccountGetFrom*() to come, on a needed basis.
- enum class BankTransactionResult {
- }
- fun bankTransactionCreate(
- tx: BankInternalTransaction
- ): BankTransactionResult {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- SELECT out_nx_creditor, out_nx_debtor, out_balance_insufficient
- FROM bank_wire_transfer(?,?,TEXT(?),(?,?)::taler_amount,?,TEXT(?),TEXT(?),TEXT(?))
- """
- )
- stmt.setLong(1, tx.creditorAccountId)
- stmt.setLong(2, tx.debtorAccountId)
- stmt.setString(3, tx.subject)
- stmt.setLong(4, tx.amount.value)
- stmt.setInt(5, tx.amount.frac)
- stmt.setLong(6, tx.transactionDate)
- stmt.setString(7, tx.accountServicerReference)
- stmt.setString(8, tx.paymentInformationId)
- stmt.setString(9, tx.endToEndId)
- val rs = stmt.executeQuery()
- rs.use {
- if (! throw internalServerError("Bank transaction didn't properly return")
- if (rs.getBoolean("out_nx_debtor")) {
- logger.error("No debtor account found")
- return BankTransactionResult.NO_DEBTOR
- }
- if (rs.getBoolean("out_nx_creditor")) {
- logger.error("No creditor account found")
- return BankTransactionResult.NO_CREDITOR
- }
- if (rs.getBoolean("out_balance_insufficient")) {
- logger.error("Balance insufficient")
- return BankTransactionResult.CONFLICT
- }
- return BankTransactionResult.SUCCESS
- }
- }
- fun bankTransactionGetForHistoryPage(
- upperBound: Long,
- bankAccountId: Long,
- fromMs: Long,
- toMs: Long
- ): List<BankAccountTransaction> {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- creditor_iban
- ,creditor_bic
- ,creditor_name
- ,debtor_iban
- ,debtor_bic
- ,debtor_name
- ,subject
- ,(amount).val AS amount_val
- ,(amount).frac AS amount_frac
- ,transaction_date
- ,account_servicer_reference
- ,payment_information_id
- ,end_to_end_id
- ,direction
- ,bank_account_id
- FROM bank_account_transactions
- WHERE bank_transaction_id < ?
- AND bank_account_id=?
- AND transaction_date BETWEEN ? AND ?
- """)
- stmt.setLong(1, upperBound)
- stmt.setLong(2, bankAccountId)
- stmt.setLong(3, fromMs)
- stmt.setLong(4, toMs)
- val rs = stmt.executeQuery()
- rs.use {
- val ret = mutableListOf<BankAccountTransaction>()
- if (! return ret
- do {
- ret.add(
- BankAccountTransaction(
- creditorIban = it.getString("creditor_iban"),
- creditorBic = it.getString("creditor_bic"),
- creditorName = it.getString("creditor_name"),
- debtorIban = it.getString("debtor_iban"),
- debtorBic = it.getString("debtor_bic"),
- debtorName = it.getString("debtor_name"),
- amount = TalerAmount(
- it.getLong("amount_val"),
- it.getInt("amount_frac")
- ),
- accountServicerReference = it.getString("account_servicer_reference"),
- endToEndId = it.getString("end_to_end_id"),
- direction = it.getString("direction").run {
- when(this) {
- "credit" ->
- "debit" -> TransactionDirection.debit
- else -> throw internalServerError("Wrong direction in transaction: $this")
- }
- },
- bankAccountId = it.getLong("bank_account_id"),
- paymentInformationId = it.getString("payment_information_id"),
- subject = it.getString("subject"),
- transactionDate = it.getLong("transaction_date")
- ))
- } while (
- return ret
- }
- }
- fun talerWithdrawalCreate(
- walletBankAccount: Long,
- amount: TalerAmount
- ): Boolean {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- taler_withdrawal_operations
- (withdrawal_uuid, wallet_bank_account, amount)
- VALUES (?,?,(?,?)::taler_amount)
- """) // Take all defaults from the SQL.
- stmt.setObject(1, opUUID)
- stmt.setLong(2, walletBankAccount)
- stmt.setLong(3, amount.value)
- stmt.setInt(4, amount.frac)
- return myExecute(stmt)
- }
- fun talerWithdrawalGet(opUUID: UUID): TalerWithdrawalOperation? {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- (amount).val as amount_val
- ,(amount).frac as amount_frac
- ,withdrawal_uuid
- ,selection_done
- ,aborted
- ,confirmation_done
- ,reserve_pub
- ,selected_exchange_payto
- ,wallet_bank_account
- FROM taler_withdrawal_operations
- WHERE withdrawal_uuid=?
- """)
- stmt.setObject(1, opUUID)
- stmt.executeQuery().use {
- if (! return null
- return TalerWithdrawalOperation(
- amount = TalerAmount(
- it.getLong("amount_val"),
- it.getInt("amount_frac")
- ),
- selectionDone = it.getBoolean("selection_done"),
- selectedExchangePayto = it.getString("selected_exchange_payto"),
- walletBankAccount = it.getLong("wallet_bank_account"),
- confirmationDone = it.getBoolean("confirmation_done"),
- aborted = it.getBoolean("aborted"),
- reservePub = it.getBytes("reserve_pub"),
- withdrawalUuid = it.getObject("withdrawal_uuid") as UUID
- )
- }
- }
- // Values coming from the wallet.
- fun talerWithdrawalSetDetails(
- exchangePayto: String,
- reservePub: ByteArray
- ): Boolean {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- UPDATE taler_withdrawal_operations
- SET selected_exchange_payto = ?, reserve_pub = ?, selection_done = true
- WHERE withdrawal_uuid=?
- """
- )
- stmt.setString(1, exchangePayto)
- stmt.setBytes(2, reservePub)
- stmt.setObject(3, opUUID)
- return myExecute(stmt)
- }
- fun talerWithdrawalConfirm(opUUID: UUID): Boolean {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- UPDATE taler_withdrawal_operations
- SET confirmation_done = true
- WHERE withdrawal_uuid=?
- """
- )
- stmt.setObject(1, opUUID)
- return myExecute(stmt)
- }
- fun cashoutCreate(op: Cashout): Boolean {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- INSERT INTO cashout_operations (
- cashout_uuid
- ,amount_debit
- ,amount_credit
- ,buy_at_ratio
- ,buy_in_fee
- ,sell_at_ratio
- ,sell_out_fee
- ,subject
- ,creation_time
- ,tan_channel
- ,tan_code
- ,bank_account
- ,cashout_address
- ,cashout_currency
- )
- ?
- ,(?,?)::taler_amount
- ,(?,?)::taler_amount
- ,?
- ,(?,?)::taler_amount
- ,?
- ,(?,?)::taler_amount
- ,?
- ,?
- ,?::tan_enum
- ,?
- ,?
- ,?
- ,?
- );
- """)
- stmt.setObject(1, op.cashoutUuid)
- stmt.setLong(2, op.amountDebit.value)
- stmt.setInt(3, op.amountDebit.frac)
- stmt.setLong(4, op.amountCredit.value)
- stmt.setInt(5, op.amountCredit.frac)
- stmt.setInt(6, op.buyAtRatio)
- stmt.setLong(7, op.buyInFee.value)
- stmt.setInt(8, op.buyInFee.frac)
- stmt.setInt(9, op.sellAtRatio)
- stmt.setLong(10, op.sellOutFee.value)
- stmt.setInt(11, op.sellOutFee.frac)
- stmt.setString(12, op.subject)
- stmt.setLong(13, op.creationTime)
- stmt.setString(14,
- stmt.setString(15, op.tanCode)
- stmt.setLong(16, op.bankAccount)
- stmt.setString(17, op.cashoutAddress)
- stmt.setString(18, op.cashoutCurrency)
- return myExecute(stmt)
- }
- fun cashoutConfirm(
- opUuid: UUID,
- tanConfirmationTimestamp: Long,
- bankTransaction: Long // regional payment backing the operation
- ): Boolean {
- reconnect()
- val stmt = prepare("""
- UPDATE cashout_operations
- SET tan_confirmation_time = ?, local_transaction = ?
- WHERE cashout_uuid=?;
- """)
- stmt.setLong(1, tanConfirmationTimestamp)
- stmt.setLong(2, bankTransaction)
- stmt.setObject(3, opUuid)
- return myExecute(stmt)
- }
- // used by /abort
- enum class CashoutDeleteResult {
- }
- fun cashoutDelete(opUuid: UUID): CashoutDeleteResult {
- val stmt = prepare("""
- SELECT out_already_confirmed
- FROM cashout_delete(?)
- """)
- stmt.setObject(1, opUuid)
- stmt.executeQuery().use {
- if (! {
- throw internalServerError("Cashout deletion gave no result")
- }
- if (it.getBoolean("out_already_confirmed")) return CashoutDeleteResult.CONFLICT_ALREADY_CONFIRMED
- return CashoutDeleteResult.SUCCESS
- }
- }
- fun cashoutGetFromUuid(opUuid: UUID): Cashout? {
- val stmt = prepare("""
- (amount_debit).val as amount_debit_val
- ,(amount_debit).frac as amount_debit_frac
- ,(amount_credit).val as amount_credit_val
- ,(amount_credit).frac as amount_credit_frac
- ,buy_at_ratio
- ,(buy_in_fee).val as buy_in_fee_val
- ,(buy_in_fee).frac as buy_in_fee_frac
- ,sell_at_ratio
- ,(sell_out_fee).val as sell_out_fee_val
- ,(sell_out_fee).frac as sell_out_fee_frac
- ,subject
- ,creation_time
- ,tan_channel
- ,tan_code
- ,bank_account
- ,cashout_address
- ,cashout_currency
- ,tan_confirmation_time
- ,local_transaction
- FROM cashout_operations
- WHERE cashout_uuid=?;
- """)
- stmt.setObject(1, opUuid)
- stmt.executeQuery().use {
- if (! return null
- return Cashout(
- amountDebit = TalerAmount(
- value = it.getLong("amount_debit_val"),
- frac = it.getInt("amount_debit_frac")
- ),
- amountCredit = TalerAmount(
- value = it.getLong("amount_credit_val"),
- frac = it.getInt("amount_credit_frac")
- ),
- bankAccount = it.getLong("bank_account"),
- buyAtRatio = it.getInt("buy_at_ratio"),
- buyInFee = TalerAmount(
- value = it.getLong("buy_in_fee_val"),
- frac = it.getInt("buy_in_fee_frac")
- ),
- cashoutAddress = it.getString("cashout_address"),
- cashoutCurrency = it.getString("cashout_currency"),
- cashoutUuid = opUuid,
- creationTime = it.getLong("creation_time"),
- sellAtRatio = it.getInt("sell_at_ratio"),
- sellOutFee = TalerAmount(
- value = it.getLong("sell_out_fee_val"),
- frac = it.getInt("sell_out_fee_frac")
- ),
- subject = it.getString("subject"),
- tanChannel = it.getString("tan_channel").run {
- when(this) {
- "sms" -> TanChannel.sms
- "email" ->
- "file" -> TanChannel.file
- else -> throw internalServerError("TAN channel $this unsupported")
- }
- },
- tanCode = it.getString("tan_code"),
- localTransaction = it.getLong("local_transaction"),
- tanConfirmationTime = it.getLong("tan_confirmation_time").run {
- if (this == 0L) return@run null
- return@run this
- }
- )
- }
- }