path: root/bank/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/bank/ConversionService.kt
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1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bank/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/bank/ConversionService.kt b/bank/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/bank/ConversionService.kt
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+++ b/bank/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/bank/ConversionService.kt
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+package tech.libeufin.sandbox
+import CamtBankAccountEntry
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
+import io.ktor.client.*
+import io.ktor.client.plugins.*
+import io.ktor.client.request.*
+import io.ktor.client.statement.*
+import io.ktor.http.*
+import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
+import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
+import tech.libeufin.util.*
+import java.math.BigDecimal
+import kotlin.system.exitProcess
+ * This file contains the logic for downloading/submitting incoming/outgoing
+ * fiat transactions to Nexus. It needs the following values for operating.
+ *
+ * 1. Nexus URL.
+ * 2. Credentials to authenticate at Nexus JSON API.
+ * 3. Long-polling interval.
+ * 4. Frequency of the download loop.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *
+ * 1. The account to credit on incoming transactions is ALWAYS "admin".
+ * 2. The time to submit a new payment is as soon as "admin" receives one
+ * incoming regional payment.
+ * 3. At this time, Nexus does NOT offer long polling when it serves the
+ * transactions via its JSON API. => Fixed.
+ * 4. At this time, Nexus does NOT offer any filter when it serves the
+ * transactions via its JSON API. => Can be fixed by using the TWG.
+ */
+ * Timeout the HTTP client waits for the server to respond,
+ * after the request is made.
+ */
+val waitTimeout = 30000L
+ * Time to wait before HTTP requesting again to the server.
+ * This helps to avoid tight cycles in case the server responds
+ * quickly or the client doesn't long-poll.
+ */
+val newIterationTimeout = 2000L
+ * Response format of Nexus GET /transactions.
+ */
+data class TransactionItem(
+ val index: String,
+ val camtData: CamtBankAccountEntry
+data class NexusTransactions(
+ val transactions: List<TransactionItem>
+ * This exception signals that the buy-in service could NOT
+ * GET the list of fiat transactions from Nexus due to a client
+ * error. Because this is fatal (e.g. wrong credentials, URL not found..),
+ * the service should be stopped.
+ */
+class BuyinClientError : Exception()
+ * This exception signals that POSTing a cash-out operation
+ * to Nexus failed due to the client. This is a fatal condition
+ * therefore the monitor should be stopped.
+ */
+class CashoutClientError : Exception()
+ * Executes the 'block' function every 'loopNewReqMs' milliseconds.
+ * Does not exit/fail the process upon exceptions - just logs them.
+ */
+fun downloadLoop(block: () -> Unit) {
+ // Needs "runBlocking {}" to call "delay()" and in case 'block'
+ // contains suspend functions.
+ runBlocking {
+ while(true) {
+ try { block() }
+ catch (e: BuyinClientError) {
+ logger.error("The buy-in monitor had a client error while GETting new" +
+ " transactions from Neuxs. Stopping it")
+ // Rethrowing and let the caller manage it
+ throw e
+ }
+ // Tolerating any other error type that's not due to the client.
+ catch (e: Exception) {
+ logger.error("Sandbox fiat-incoming monitor excepted: ${e.message}")
+ }
+ delay(newIterationTimeout)
+ }
+ }
+ * Applies the buy-in ratio and fees to the fiat amount
+ * that came from Nexus. The result is the regional amount
+ * that will be wired to the exchange Sandbox account.
+ */
+fun applyBuyinRatioAndFees(
+ amount: BigDecimal,
+ ratiosAndFees: RatioAndFees
+): BigDecimal {
+ val maybeBuyinAmount = ((amount * ratiosAndFees.buy_at_ratio.toBigDecimal())
+ - ratiosAndFees.buy_in_fee.toBigDecimal()).roundToTwoDigits()
+ // Bank's fault, as buying in should never lead to negative.
+ if (maybeBuyinAmount < BigDecimal.ZERO) {
+ logger.error("Negative buy-in scenario: input fiat amount was '${amount}'" +
+ ", buy-in ratio was '${ratiosAndFees.buy_at_ratio}'," +
+ " buy-in fee was '${ratiosAndFees.buy_in_fee}'")
+ throw internalServerError("Applying buy-in fees yielded negative regional amount")
+ }
+ return maybeBuyinAmount
+private fun ensureDisabledRedirects(client: HttpClient) {
+ client.config {
+ if (followRedirects) throw Exception(
+ "HTTP client follows redirects, please disable."
+ )
+ }
+ * This function downloads the incoming fiat transactions from Nexus,
+ * stores them into the database and triggers the related wire transfer
+ * to the Taler exchange (to be specified in 'accountToCredit'). Once
+ * started, this function is not supposed to return, except on _client
+ * side_ errors. On server side errors it pauses and retries. When
+ * it returns, the caller is expected to handle the error.
+ */
+fun buyinMonitor(
+ demobankName: String, // used to get config values.
+ client: HttpClient,
+ accountToCredit: String,
+ accountToDebit: String = "admin"
+) {
+ ensureDisabledRedirects(client)
+ val demobank = ensureDemobank(demobankName)
+ /**
+ * Getting the config values to send authenticated requests
+ * to Nexus. Sandbox needs one account at Nexus before being
+ * able to use these values.
+ */
+ val nexusBaseUrl = getConfigValueOrThrow(demobank.config::nexusBaseUrl)
+ val usernameAtNexus = getConfigValueOrThrow(demobank.config::usernameAtNexus)
+ val passwordAtNexus = getConfigValueOrThrow(demobank.config::passwordAtNexus)
+ /**
+ * This is the endpoint where Nexus serves all the transactions that
+ * have ingested from the fiat bank.
+ */
+ val endpoint = "bank-accounts/$usernameAtNexus/transactions"
+ val uriWithoutStart = joinUrl(nexusBaseUrl, endpoint) + "?long_poll_ms=$waitTimeout"
+ // downloadLoop does already try-catch (without failing the process).
+ downloadLoop {
+ /**
+ * This bank account will act as the debtor, once a new fiat
+ * payment is detected. It's the debtor that pays the related
+ * regional amount to the exchange, in order to start a withdrawal
+ * operation (in regional coins).
+ */
+ val debitBankAccount = getBankAccountFromLabel(accountToDebit)
+ /**
+ * Setting the 'start' URI param in the following command
+ * lets Sandbox receive only unseen payments from Nexus.
+ */
+ val uriWithStart = "$uriWithoutStart&start=${debitBankAccount.lastFiatFetch}"
+ runBlocking {
+ // Maybe get new fiat transactions.
+ logger.debug("GETting fiat transactions from: $uriWithStart")
+ val resp = client.get(uriWithStart) {
+ expectSuccess = false // Avoids excepting on !2xx
+ basicAuth(usernameAtNexus, passwordAtNexus)
+ }
+ // The server failed, pause and try again
+ if (resp.status.value.toString().startsWith('5')) {
+ logger.error("Buy-in monitor requested to a failing Nexus. Retry.")
+ logger.error("Nexus responded: ${resp.bodyAsText()}")
+ return@runBlocking
+ }
+ // The client failed, fail the process.
+ if (resp.status.value.toString().startsWith('4')) {
+ logger.error("Buy-in monitor failed at GETting to Nexus. Stopping the buy-in monitor.")
+ logger.error("Nexus responded: ${resp.bodyAsText()}")
+ throw BuyinClientError()
+ }
+ // Expect 200 OK. What if 3xx?
+ if (resp.status.value != HttpStatusCode.OK.value) {
+ logger.error("Unhandled response status ${resp.status.value}, failing Sandbox")
+ throw BuyinClientError()
+ }
+ // Nexus responded 200 OK, analyzing the result.
+ /**
+ * Wire to "admin" if the subject is a public key, or do
+ * nothing otherwise.
+ */
+ val respObj = jacksonObjectMapper().readValue(
+ resp.bodyAsText(),
+ ) // errors are logged by the caller (without failing).
+ respObj.transactions.forEach {
+ // Ignoring payments with an invalid reserved public key.
+ if (extractReservePubFromSubject(it.camtData.getSingletonSubject()) == null)
+ return@forEach
+ // Extracts the amount and checks it's at most two fractional digits.
+ val maybeValidAmount = it.camtData.amount.value
+ if (!validatePlainAmount(maybeValidAmount)) {
+ logger.error("Nexus gave one amount with invalid fractional digits: $maybeValidAmount." +
+ " The transaction has index ${it.index}")
+ // Advancing the last fetched pointer, to avoid GETting
+ // this invalid payment again.
+ transaction {
+ debitBankAccount.refresh()
+ debitBankAccount.lastFiatFetch = it.index
+ }
+ }
+ val convertedAmount = applyBuyinRatioAndFees(
+ maybeValidAmount.toBigDecimal(),
+ ratiosAndFees
+ )
+ transaction {
+ wireTransfer(
+ debitAccount = accountToDebit,
+ creditAccount = accountToCredit,
+ demobank = demobankName,
+ subject = it.camtData.getSingletonSubject(),
+ amount = "${demobank.config.currency}:$convertedAmount"
+ )
+ // Nexus enqueues the transactions such that the index increases.
+ // If Sandbox crashes here, it'll ask again using the last successful
+ // index as the start parameter. Being this an exclusive bound, only
+ // transactions later than it are expected.
+ debitBankAccount.refresh()
+ debitBankAccount.lastFiatFetch = it.index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* DB query helper that fetches the latest cash-out operations that were
+ confirmed in the regional currency. A cash-out operation is 'confirmed'
+ when the bank account pointed by the parameter 'bankAccountLabel' gets
+ one incoming payment.
+ The List return type (instead of SizedIterable) lets the caller NOT open
+ a transaction block to access the values -- although some operations _on
+ the values_ may be forbidden.
+fun getUnsubmittedTransactions(bankAccountLabel: String): List<BankAccountTransactionEntity> {
+ return transaction {
+ val bankAccount = getBankAccountFromLabel(bankAccountLabel)
+ val lowerExclusiveLimit = bankAccount.lastFiatSubmission?.id?.value ?: 0
+ BankAccountTransactionEntity.find {
+ greater lowerExclusiveLimit and (
+ BankAccountTransactionsTable.direction eq "CRDT"
+ ) and (BankAccountTransactionsTable.account eq
+ }.sortedBy { }.map { it }
+ /* The latest payment must occupy the highest index,
+ to reliably update the 'lastFiatSubmission' column of
+ the bank account. */
+ }
+ * This function listens for regio-incoming events (LIBEUFIN_REGIO_TX)
+ * on the 'watchedBankAccount' and submits the related cash-out payment
+ * to Nexus. The fiat payment will then take place ENTIRELY on Nexus'
+ * responsibility.
+ */
+suspend fun cashoutMonitor(
+ httpClient: HttpClient,
+ watchedBankAccount: String = "admin",
+ demobankName: String = "default", // used to get config values.
+ dbEventTimeout: Long = 0 // 0 waits forever.
+) {
+ ensureDisabledRedirects(httpClient)
+ // Register for a REGIO_TX event.
+ val eventChannel = buildChannelName(
+ NotificationsChannelDomains.LIBEUFIN_REGIO_TX,
+ watchedBankAccount
+ )
+ val objectMapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
+ val demobank = getDemobank(demobankName)
+ val bankAccount = getBankAccountFromLabel(watchedBankAccount)
+ val config = demobank?.config ?: throw internalServerError(
+ "Demobank '$demobankName' has no configuration."
+ )
+ /**
+ * The monitor needs the cash-out currency to correctly POST
+ * payment initiations at Nexus. Recall: Nexus bank accounts
+ * do not mandate any particular currency, as they serve as mere
+ * bridges to the backing bank. And: a backing bank may have
+ * multiple currencies, or the backing bank may not explicitly
+ * specify any currencies to be _the_ currency of the backed
+ * bank account.
+ */
+ if (config.cashoutCurrency == null) {
+ logger.error("Config lacks cash-out currency.")
+ exitProcess(1)
+ }
+ val nexusBaseUrl = getConfigValueOrThrow(config::nexusBaseUrl)
+ val usernameAtNexus = getConfigValueOrThrow(config::usernameAtNexus)
+ val passwordAtNexus = getConfigValueOrThrow(config::passwordAtNexus)
+ val paymentInitEndpoint = {
+ var nexusBaseUrlFromConfig = this
+ if (!nexusBaseUrlFromConfig.endsWith('/'))
+ nexusBaseUrlFromConfig += '/'
+ /**
+ * WARNING: Nexus gives the possibility to have bank account names
+ * DIFFERENT from their owner's username. Sandbox however MUST have
+ * its Nexus bank account named THE SAME as its username.
+ */
+ nexusBaseUrlFromConfig + "bank-accounts/$usernameAtNexus/payment-initiations"
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ val listenHandle = PostgresListenHandle(eventChannel)
+ // pessimistically LISTEN
+ listenHandle.postgresListen()
+ // but optimistically check for data, case some
+ // arrived _before_ the LISTEN.
+ var newTxs = getUnsubmittedTransactions(watchedBankAccount)
+ // Data found, UNLISTEN.
+ if (newTxs.isNotEmpty()) {
+ logger.debug("Found cash-out's without waiting any DB event.")
+ listenHandle.postgresUnlisten()
+ }
+ // Data not found, wait.
+ else {
+ logger.debug("Need to wait a DB event for new cash-out's")
+ val isNotificationArrived = listenHandle.waitOnIODispatchers(dbEventTimeout)
+ if (isNotificationArrived && listenHandle.receivedPayload == "CRDT")
+ newTxs = getUnsubmittedTransactions(watchedBankAccount)
+ }
+ if (newTxs.isEmpty()) {
+ logger.debug("DB event timeout expired")
+ continue
+ }
+ logger.debug("POSTing new cash-out's")
+ newTxs.forEach {
+ logger.debug("POSTing cash-out '${it.subject}' to $paymentInitEndpoint")
+ val body = object {
+ /**
+ * This field is UID of the request _as assigned by the
+ * client_. That helps to reconcile transactions or lets
+ * Nexus implement idempotency. It will NOT identify the created
+ * resource at the server side. The ID of the created resource is
+ * assigned _by Nexus_ and communicated in the (successful) response.
+ */
+ val uid = it.accountServicerReference
+ val iban = it.creditorIban
+ val bic = it.creditorBic
+ val amount = "${config.cashoutCurrency}:${it.amount}"
+ val subject = it.subject
+ val name = it.creditorName
+ }
+ val resp = try {
+ {
+ expectSuccess = false // Avoids excepting on !2xx
+ basicAuth(usernameAtNexus, passwordAtNexus)
+ contentType(ContentType.Application.Json)
+ setBody(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(body))
+ }
+ }
+ // Hard-error, response did not even arrive.
+ catch (e: Exception) {
+ logger.error("Cash-out monitor could not reach Nexus. Pause and retry")
+ logger.error(e.message)
+ /**
+ * Explicit delaying because the monitor normally
+ * waits on DB events, and this retry likely won't
+ * wait on a DB event.
+ */
+ delay(2000)
+ return@forEach
+ }
+ // Server fault. Pause and retry.
+ if (resp.status.value.toString().startsWith('5')) {
+ logger.error("Cash-out monitor POSTed to a failing Nexus. Pause and retry")
+ logger.error("Server responded: ${resp.bodyAsText()}")
+ /**
+ * Explicit delaying because the monitor normally
+ * waits on DB events, and this retry likely won't
+ * wait on a DB event.
+ */
+ delay(2000L)
+ return@forEach
+ }
+ // Client fault, fail Sandbox.
+ if (resp.status.value.toString().startsWith('4')) {
+ logger.error("Cash-out monitor failed at POSTing to Nexus.")
+ logger.error("Nexus responded: ${resp.bodyAsText()}")
+ throw CashoutClientError()
+ }
+ // Expecting 200 OK. What if 3xx?
+ if (resp.status.value != HttpStatusCode.OK.value) {
+ logger.error("Cash-out monitor, unhandled response status: ${resp.status.value}.")
+ throw CashoutClientError()
+ }
+ // Successful case, mark the wire transfer as submitted,
+ // and advance the pointer to the last submitted payment.
+ val responseBody = resp.bodyAsText()
+ transaction {
+ {
+ localTransaction =
+ submissionTime = resp.responseTime.timestamp
+ /**
+ * The following block associates the submitted payment
+ * to the UID that Nexus assigned to it. It is currently not
+ * used in Sandbox, but might help for reconciliation.
+ */
+ if (responseBody.isNotEmpty())
+ maybeNexusResposnse = responseBody
+ }
+ // Advancing the 'last submitted bookmark', to avoid
+ // handling the same transaction multiple times.
+ bankAccount.lastFiatSubmission = it
+ }
+ }
+ }