path: root/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin
diff options
authorMS <>2020-05-27 16:57:27 +0200
committerMS <>2020-05-27 16:57:27 +0200
commit10ced95a5d4c70dfb06fad8e852972e00e19bfb4 (patch)
treecc841d9a3328de80c86a3500aff85a8bcc150c05 /nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin
parentcb2e48c5d7a3f817e6f8889a2963722918a05de7 (diff)
re- enabling the Taler module
Diffstat (limited to 'nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin')
4 files changed, 519 insertions, 559 deletions
diff --git a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/Helpers.kt b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/Helpers.kt
index 0db30ba6..4999851f 100644
--- a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/Helpers.kt
+++ b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/Helpers.kt
@@ -224,7 +224,6 @@ suspend fun fetchEbicsC5x(
* Create a PAIN.001 XML document according to the input data.
* Needs to be called within a transaction block.
diff --git a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/JSON.kt b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/JSON.kt
index 8c042a18..e9c16ffe 100644
--- a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/JSON.kt
+++ b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/JSON.kt
@@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ data class Pain001Data(
val creditorIban: String,
val creditorBic: String,
val creditorName: String,
- val debitorAccount: String,
val sum: Amount,
val currency: String,
val subject: String
diff --git a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/Main.kt b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/Main.kt
index 017a27e5..cb3c6383 100644
--- a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/Main.kt
+++ b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/Main.kt
@@ -480,7 +480,6 @@ fun serverMain(dbName: String) {
creditorIban = body.iban,
creditorBic = body.bic,
creditorName =,
- debitorAccount =,
sum = amount.amount,
currency = amount.currency,
subject = body.subject
diff --git a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt
index c15b370a..c9f9e485 100644
--- a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt
+++ b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt
@@ -20,559 +20,522 @@ import tech.libeufin.util.*
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min
-//class Taler(app: Route) {
-// /** Payment initiating data structures: one endpoint "$BASE_URL/transfer". */
-// private data class TalerTransferRequest(
-// val request_uid: String,
-// val amount: String,
-// val exchange_base_url: String,
-// val wtid: String,
-// val credit_account: String
-// )
-// private data class TalerTransferResponse(
-// // point in time when the nexus put the payment instruction into the database.
-// val timestamp: GnunetTimestamp,
-// val row_id: Long
-// )
-// /** History accounting data structures */
-// private data class TalerIncomingBankTransaction(
-// val row_id: Long,
-// val date: GnunetTimestamp, // timestamp
-// val amount: String,
-// val credit_account: String, // payto form,
-// val debit_account: String,
-// val reserve_pub: String
-// )
-// private data class TalerIncomingHistory(
-// var incoming_transactions: MutableList<TalerIncomingBankTransaction> = mutableListOf()
-// )
-// private data class TalerOutgoingBankTransaction(
-// val row_id: Long,
-// val date: GnunetTimestamp, // timestamp
-// val amount: String,
-// val credit_account: String, // payto form,
-// val debit_account: String,
-// val wtid: String,
-// val exchange_base_url: String
-// )
-// private data class TalerOutgoingHistory(
-// var outgoing_transactions: MutableList<TalerOutgoingBankTransaction> = mutableListOf()
-// )
-// /** Test APIs' data structures. */
-// private data class TalerAdminAddIncoming(
-// val amount: String,
-// val reserve_pub: String,
-// /**
-// * This account is the one giving money to the exchange. It doesn't
-// * have to be 'created' as it might (and normally is) simply be a payto://
-// * address pointing to a bank account hosted in a different financial
-// * institution.
-// */
-// val debit_account: String
-// )
-// private data class GnunetTimestamp(
-// val t_ms: Long
-// )
-// private data class TalerAddIncomingResponse(
-// val timestamp: GnunetTimestamp,
-// val row_id: Long
-// )
-// /**
-// * Helper data structures.
-// */
-// data class Payto(
-// val name: String = "NOTGIVEN",
-// val iban: String,
-// val bic: String = "NOTGIVEN"
-// )
-// /**
-// * Helper functions
-// */
-// fun parsePayto(paytoUri: String): Payto {
-// /**
-// * First try to parse a "iban"-type payto URI. If that fails,
-// * then assume a test is being run under the "x-taler-bank" type.
-// * If that one fails too, throw exception.
-// *
-// * Note: since the Nexus doesn't have the notion of "x-taler-bank",
-// * such URIs must yield a iban-compatible tuple of values. Therefore,
-// * the plain bank account number maps to a "iban", and the <bank hostname>
-// * maps to a "bic".
-// */
-// /**
-// * payto://iban/BIC?/IBAN?name=<name>
-// * payto://x-taler-bank/<bank hostname>/<plain account number>
-// */
-// val ibanMatch = Regex("payto://iban/([A-Z0-9]+/)?([A-Z0-9]+)\\?name=(\\w+)").find(paytoUri)
-// if (ibanMatch != null) {
-// val (bic, iban, name) = ibanMatch.destructured
-// return Payto(name, iban, bic.replace("/", ""))
-// }
-// val xTalerBankMatch = Regex("payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/([0-9]+)").find(paytoUri)
-// if (xTalerBankMatch != null) {
-// val xTalerBankAcctNo = xTalerBankMatch.destructured.component1()
-// return Payto("Taler Exchange", xTalerBankAcctNo, "localhost")
-// }
-// throw NexusError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "invalid payto URI ($paytoUri)")
-// }
-// /** Sort query results in descending order for negative deltas, and ascending otherwise. */
-// private fun <T : Entity<Long>> SizedIterable<T>.orderTaler(delta: Int): List<T> {
-// return if (delta < 0) {
-// this.sortedByDescending { }
-// } else {
-// this.sortedBy { }
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * NOTE: those payto-builders default all to the x-taler-bank transport.
-// * A mechanism to easily switch transport is needed, as production needs
-// * 'iban'.
-// */
-// private fun buildPaytoUri(name: String, iban: String, bic: String): String {
-// return "payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/$iban"
-// }
-// private fun buildPaytoUri(iban: String, bic: String): String {
-// return "payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/$iban"
-// }
-// /** Builds the comparison operator for history entries based on the sign of 'delta' */
-// private fun getComparisonOperator(delta: Int, start: Long, table: IdTable<Long>): Op<Boolean> {
-// return if (delta < 0) {
-// {
-// less start
-// }
-// } else {
-// {
-// greater start
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// /** Helper handling 'start' being optional and its dependence on 'delta'. */
-// private fun handleStartArgument(start: String?, delta: Int): Long {
-// return expectLong(start) ?: if (delta >= 0) {
-// /**
-// * Using -1 as the smallest value, as some DBMS might use 0 and some
-// * others might use 1 as the smallest row id.
-// */
-// -1
-// } else {
-// /**
-// * NOTE: the database currently enforces there MAX_VALUE is always
-// * strictly greater than any row's id in the database. In fact, the
-// * database throws exception whenever a new row is going to occupy
-// * the MAX_VALUE with its id.
-// */
-// Long.MAX_VALUE
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * The Taler layer cannot rely on the ktor-internal JSON-converter/responder,
-// * because this one adds a "charset" extra information in the Content-Type header
-// * that makes the GNUnet JSON parser unhappy.
-// *
-// * The workaround is to explicitly convert the 'data class'-object into a JSON
-// * string (what this function does), and use the simpler respondText method.
-// */
-// private fun customConverter(body: Any): String {
-// return jacksonObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(body)
-// }
-// /**
-// * This function indicates whether a payment in the raw table was already reported
-// * by some other EBICS message. It works for both incoming and outgoing payments.
-// * Basically, it tries to match all the relevant details with those from the records
-// * that are already stored in the local "taler" database.
-// *
-// * @param entry a new raw payment to be checked.
-// * @return true if the payment was already "seen" by the Taler layer, false otherwise.
-// */
-// private fun duplicatePayment(entry: RawBankTransactionEntity): Boolean {
-// return false
-// }
-// /**
-// * This function checks whether the bank didn't accept one exchange's payment initiation.
-// *
-// * @param entry the raw entry to check
-// * @return true if the payment failed, false if it was successful.
-// */
-// private fun paymentFailed(entry: RawBankTransactionEntity): Boolean {
-// return false
-// }
-// /** Attach Taler endpoints to the main Web server */
-// init {
-// app.get("/taler") {
-// call.respondText("Taler Gateway Hello\n", ContentType.Text.Plain, HttpStatusCode.OK)
-// return@get
-// }
-//"/taler/transfer") {
-// val exchangeId = transaction { authenticateRequest(call.request.headers["Authorization"]).id.value }
-// val transferRequest = call.receive<TalerTransferRequest>()
-// val amountObj = parseAmount(transferRequest.amount)
-// val creditorObj = parsePayto(transferRequest.credit_account)
-// val opaque_row_id = transaction {
-// val creditorData = parsePayto(transferRequest.credit_account)
-// val exchangeBankAccount = getBankAccountsFromNexusUserId(exchangeId).first()
-// val nexusUser = extractNexusUser(exchangeId)
-// /** Checking the UID has the desired characteristics */
-// TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.find {
-// TalerRequestedPayments.requestUId eq transferRequest.request_uid
-// }.forEach {
-// if (
-// (it.amount != transferRequest.amount) or
-// (it.creditAccount != transferRequest.exchange_base_url) or
-// (it.wtid != transferRequest.wtid)
-// ) {
-// throw NexusError(
-// HttpStatusCode.Conflict,
-// "This uid (${transferRequest.request_uid}) belongs to a different payment already"
-// )
-// }
-// }
-// val pain001 = addPreparedPayment(
-// Pain001Data(
-// creditorIban = creditorData.iban,
-// creditorBic = creditorData.bic,
-// creditorName =,
-// subject = transferRequest.wtid,
-// sum = amountObj.amount,
-// currency = amountObj.currency,
-// debitorAccount =
-// ),
-// nexusUser
-// )
-// val rawEbics = if (!isProduction()) {
-// {
-// sourceFileName = "test"
-// unstructuredRemittanceInformation = transferRequest.wtid
-// transactionType = "DBIT"
-// currency = amountObj.currency
-// this.amount = amountObj.amount.toPlainString()
-// counterpartBic = creditorObj.bic
-// counterpartIban = creditorObj.iban
-// counterpartName =
-// bankAccount = exchangeBankAccount
-// bookingDate =
-// this.nexusUser = nexusUser
-// status = "BOOK"
-// }
-// } else null
-// val row = {
-// preparedPayment = pain001 // not really used/needed, just here to silence warnings
-// exchangeBaseUrl = transferRequest.exchange_base_url
-// requestUId = transferRequest.request_uid
-// amount = transferRequest.amount
-// wtid = transferRequest.wtid
-// creditAccount = transferRequest.credit_account
-// rawConfirmed = rawEbics
-// }
-// }
-// call.respond(
-// HttpStatusCode.OK,
-// TextContent(
-// customConverter(
-// TalerTransferResponse(
-// /**
-// * Normally should point to the next round where the background
-// * routine will send new PAIN.001 data to the bank; work in progress..
-// */
-// timestamp = GnunetTimestamp(,
-// row_id = opaque_row_id
-// )
-// ),
-// ContentType.Application.Json
-// )
-// )
-// return@post
-// }
-// /** Test-API that creates one new payment addressed to the exchange. */
-//"/taler/admin/add-incoming") {
-// val exchangeId = transaction { authenticateRequest(call.request.headers["Authorization"]).id.value }
-// val addIncomingData = call.receive<TalerAdminAddIncoming>()
-// val debtor = parsePayto(addIncomingData.debit_account)
-// val amount = parseAmount(addIncomingData.amount)
-// val (bookingDate, opaque_row_id) = transaction {
-// val exchangeBankAccount = getBankAccountsFromNexusUserId(exchangeId).first()
-// val rawPayment = {
-// sourceFileName = "test"
-// unstructuredRemittanceInformation = addIncomingData.reserve_pub
-// transactionType = "CRDT"
-// currency = amount.currency
-// this.amount = amount.amount.toPlainString()
-// counterpartBic = debtor.bic
-// counterpartName =
-// counterpartIban = debtor.iban
-// bookingDate =
-// status = "BOOK"
-// nexusUser = extractNexusUser(exchangeId)
-// bankAccount = exchangeBankAccount
-// }
-// /** This payment is "valid by default" and will be returned
-// * as soon as the exchange will ask for new payments. */
-// val row = {
-// payment = rawPayment
-// valid = true
-// }
-// Pair(rawPayment.bookingDate,
-// }
-// call.respond(
-// TextContent(
-// customConverter(
-// TalerAddIncomingResponse(
-// timestamp = GnunetTimestamp(bookingDate/ 1000),
-// row_id = opaque_row_id
-// )
-// ),
-// ContentType.Application.Json
-// )
-// )
-// return@post
-// }
-// /** This endpoint triggers the refunding of invalid payments. 'Refunding'
-// * in this context means that nexus _prepares_ the payment instruction and
-// * places it into a further table. Eventually, another routine will perform
-// * all the prepared payments. */
-//"/ebics/taler/{id}/accounts/{acctid}/refund-invalid-payments") {
-// val userId = transaction { authenticateRequest(call.request.headers["Authorization"]).id.value }
-// val nexusUser = getNexusUser(userId)
-// val callerBankAccount = expectNonNull(call.parameters["acctid"])
-// transaction {
-// val bankAccount = getBankAccount(
-// userId,
-// callerBankAccount
-// )
-// TalerIncomingPaymentEntity.find {
-// TalerIncomingPayments.refunded eq false and (TalerIncomingPayments.valid eq false)
-// }.forEach {
-// addPreparedPayment(
-// Pain001Data(
-// creditorName = it.payment.counterpartName,
-// creditorIban = it.payment.counterpartIban,
-// creditorBic = it.payment.counterpartBic,
-// sum = calculateRefund(it.payment.amount),
-// subject = "Taler refund",
-// currency = it.payment.currency,
-// debitorAccount = callerBankAccount
-// ),
-// nexusUser
-// )
-// it.refunded = true
-// }
-// }
-// return@post
-// }
-// /** This endpoint triggers the examination of raw incoming payments aimed
-// * at separating the good payments (those that will lead to a new reserve
-// * being created), from the invalid payments (those with a invalid subject
-// * that will soon be refunded.) Recently, the examination of raw OUTGOING
-// * payment was added as well.
-// */
-//"/ebics/taler/{id}/crunch-raw-transactions") {
-// val id = ensureNonNull(call.parameters["id"])
-// // first find highest ID value of already processed rows.
-// transaction {
-// val subscriberAccount = getBankAccountsFromNexusUserId(id).first()
-// /**
-// * Search for fresh incoming payments in the raw table, and making pointers
-// * from the Taler incoming payments table to the found fresh (and valid!) payments.
-// */
-// val latestIncomingPaymentId: Long = TalerIncomingPaymentEntity.getLast()
-// RawBankTransactionEntity.find {
-// /** Those with exchange bank account involved */
-// RawBankTransactionsTable.bankAccount eq and
-// /** Those that are incoming */
-// (RawBankTransactionsTable.transactionType eq "CRDT") and
-// /** Those that are booked */
-// (RawBankTransactionsTable.status eq "BOOK") and
-// /** Those that came later than the latest processed payment */
-// (
-// }.forEach {
-// if (duplicatePayment(it)) {
-// logger.warn("Incomint payment already seen")
-// throw NexusError(
-// HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
-// "Incoming payment already seen"
-// )
-// }
-// if (CryptoUtil.checkValidEddsaPublicKey(it.unstructuredRemittanceInformation)) {
-// {
-// payment = it
-// valid = true
-// }
-// } else {
-// {
-// payment = it
-// valid = false
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * Search for fresh OUTGOING transactions acknowledged by the bank. As well
-// * searching only for BOOKed transactions, even though status changes should
-// * be really unexpected here.
-// */
-// val latestOutgoingPaymentId = TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.getLast()
-// RawBankTransactionEntity.find {
-// /** Those that came after the last processed payment */
-// greater latestOutgoingPaymentId and
-// /** Those involving the exchange bank account */
-// (RawBankTransactionsTable.bankAccount eq and
-// /** Those that are outgoing */
-// (RawBankTransactionsTable.transactionType eq "DBIT")
-// }.forEach {
-// if (paymentFailed(it)) {
-// logger.error("Bank didn't accept one payment from the exchange")
-// throw NexusError(
-// HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
-// "Bank didn't accept one payment from the exchange"
-// )
-// }
-// if (duplicatePayment(it)) {
-// logger.warn("Incomint payment already seen")
-// throw NexusError(
-// HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
-// "Outgoing payment already seen"
-// )
-// }
-// var talerRequested = TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.find {
-// TalerRequestedPayments.wtid eq it.unstructuredRemittanceInformation
-// }.firstOrNull() ?: throw NexusError(
-// HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
-// "Unrecognized fresh outgoing payment met (subject: ${it.unstructuredRemittanceInformation})."
-// )
-// talerRequested.rawConfirmed = it
-// }
-// }
-// call.respondText (
-// "New raw payments Taler-processed",
-// ContentType.Text.Plain,
-// HttpStatusCode.OK
-// )
-// return@post
-// }
-// /** Responds only with the payments that the EXCHANGE made. Typically to
-// * merchants but possibly to refund invalid incoming payments. A payment is
-// * counted only if was once confirmed by the bank.
-// */
-// app.get("/taler/history/outgoing") {
-// /* sanitize URL arguments */
-// val subscriberId = transaction { authenticateRequest(call.request.headers["Authorization"]).id.value }
-// val delta: Int = expectInt(call.expectUrlParameter("delta"))
-// val start: Long = handleStartArgument(call.request.queryParameters["start"], delta)
-// val startCmpOp = getComparisonOperator(delta, start, TalerRequestedPayments)
-// /* retrieve database elements */
-// val history = TalerOutgoingHistory()
-// transaction {
-// /** Retrieve all the outgoing payments from the _clean Taler outgoing table_ */
-// val subscriberBankAccount = getBankAccountsFromNexusUserId(subscriberId).first()
-// val reqPayments = TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.find {
-// TalerRequestedPayments.rawConfirmed.isNotNull() and startCmpOp
-// }.orderTaler(delta)
-// if (reqPayments.isNotEmpty()) {
-// reqPayments.subList(0, min(abs(delta), reqPayments.size)).forEach {
-// history.outgoing_transactions.add(
-// TalerOutgoingBankTransaction(
-// row_id =,
-// amount = it.amount,
-// wtid = it.wtid,
-// date = GnunetTimestamp(it.rawConfirmed?.bookingDate?.div(1000) ?: throw NexusError(
-// HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Null value met after check, VERY strange.")),
-// credit_account = it.creditAccount,
-// debit_account = buildPaytoUri(subscriberBankAccount.iban, subscriberBankAccount.bankCode),
-// exchange_base_url = "FIXME-to-request-along-subscriber-registration"
-// )
-// )
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// call.respond(
-// HttpStatusCode.OK,
-// TextContent(customConverter(history), ContentType.Application.Json)
-// )
-// return@get
-// }
-// /** Responds only with the valid incoming payments */
-// app.get("/taler/history/incoming") {
-// val exchangeId = transaction { authenticateRequest(call.request.headers["Authorization"]).id.value }
-// val delta: Int = expectInt(call.expectUrlParameter("delta"))
-// val start: Long = handleStartArgument(call.request.queryParameters["start"], delta)
-// val history = TalerIncomingHistory()
-// val startCmpOp = getComparisonOperator(delta, start, TalerIncomingPayments)
-// transaction {
-// /**
-// * Below, the test harness creates the exchange's bank account
-// * object based on the payto:// given as the funds receiver.
-// *
-// * This is needed because nexus takes this information from the
-// * bank - normally - but tests are currently avoiding any interaction
-// * with banks or sandboxes.
-// */
-// if (!isProduction()) {
-// throw Error("currently not implemented")
-// val EXCHANGE_BANKACCOUNT_ID = "exchange-bankaccount-id"
-// if (BankAccountEntity.findById(EXCHANGE_BANKACCOUNT_ID) == null) {
-// val newBankAccount = = EXCHANGE_BANKACCOUNT_ID) {
-// accountHolder = "Test Exchange"
-// iban = "42"
-// bankCode = "localhost"
-// }
-// val nexusUser = extractNexusUser(exchangeId)
-// {
-// bankAccount = newBankAccount
-// ebicsSubscriber = getEbicsTransport(exchangeId)
-// this.nexusUser = nexusUser
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// val orderedPayments = TalerIncomingPaymentEntity.find {
-// TalerIncomingPayments.valid eq true and startCmpOp
-// }.orderTaler(delta)
-// if (orderedPayments.isNotEmpty()) {
-// orderedPayments.subList(0, min(abs(delta), orderedPayments.size)).forEach {
-// history.incoming_transactions.add(
-// TalerIncomingBankTransaction(
-// date = GnunetTimestamp(it.payment.bookingDate / 1000),
-// row_id =,
-// amount = "${it.payment.currency}:${it.payment.amount}",
-// reserve_pub = it.payment.unstructuredRemittanceInformation,
-// credit_account = buildPaytoUri(
-// it.payment.bankAccount.accountHolder,
-// it.payment.bankAccount.iban,
-// it.payment.bankAccount.bankCode
-// ),
-// debit_account = buildPaytoUri(
-// it.payment.counterpartName,
-// it.payment.counterpartIban,
-// it.payment.counterpartBic
-// )
-// )
-// )
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// call.respond(TextContent(customConverter(history), ContentType.Application.Json))
-// return@get
-// }
-// }
-//} \ No newline at end of file
+/** Payment initiating data structures: one endpoint "$BASE_URL/transfer". */
+data class TalerTransferRequest(
+ val request_uid: String,
+ val amount: String,
+ val exchange_base_url: String,
+ val wtid: String,
+ val credit_account: String
+data class TalerTransferResponse(
+ // point in time when the nexus put the payment instruction into the database.
+ val timestamp: GnunetTimestamp,
+ val row_id: Long
+/** History accounting data structures */
+data class TalerIncomingBankTransaction(
+ val row_id: Long,
+ val date: GnunetTimestamp, // timestamp
+ val amount: String,
+ val credit_account: String, // payto form,
+ val debit_account: String,
+ val reserve_pub: String
+data class TalerIncomingHistory(
+ var incoming_transactions: MutableList<TalerIncomingBankTransaction> = mutableListOf()
+data class TalerOutgoingBankTransaction(
+ val row_id: Long,
+ val date: GnunetTimestamp, // timestamp
+ val amount: String,
+ val credit_account: String, // payto form,
+ val debit_account: String,
+ val wtid: String,
+ val exchange_base_url: String
+data class TalerOutgoingHistory(
+ var outgoing_transactions: MutableList<TalerOutgoingBankTransaction> = mutableListOf()
+/** Test APIs' data structures. */
+data class TalerAdminAddIncoming(
+ val amount: String,
+ val reserve_pub: String,
+ /**
+ * This account is the one giving money to the exchange. It doesn't
+ * have to be 'created' as it might (and normally is) simply be a payto://
+ * address pointing to a bank account hosted in a different financial
+ * institution.
+ */
+ val debit_account: String
+data class GnunetTimestamp(
+ val t_ms: Long
+data class TalerAddIncomingResponse(
+ val timestamp: GnunetTimestamp,
+ val row_id: Long
+ * Helper data structures.
+ */
+data class Payto(
+ val name: String = "NOTGIVEN",
+ val iban: String,
+ val bic: String = "NOTGIVEN"
+fun parsePayto(paytoUri: String): Payto {
+ /**
+ * First try to parse a "iban"-type payto URI. If that fails,
+ * then assume a test is being run under the "x-taler-bank" type.
+ * If that one fails too, throw exception.
+ *
+ * Note: since the Nexus doesn't have the notion of "x-taler-bank",
+ * such URIs must yield a iban-compatible tuple of values. Therefore,
+ * the plain bank account number maps to a "iban", and the <bank hostname>
+ * maps to a "bic".
+ */
+ /**
+ * payto://iban/BIC?/IBAN?name=<name>
+ * payto://x-taler-bank/<bank hostname>/<plain account number>
+ */
+ val ibanMatch = Regex("payto://iban/([A-Z0-9]+/)?([A-Z0-9]+)\\?name=(\\w+)").find(paytoUri)
+ if (ibanMatch != null) {
+ val (bic, iban, name) = ibanMatch.destructured
+ return Payto(name, iban, bic.replace("/", ""))
+ }
+ val xTalerBankMatch = Regex("payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/([0-9]+)").find(paytoUri)
+ if (xTalerBankMatch != null) {
+ val xTalerBankAcctNo = xTalerBankMatch.destructured.component1()
+ return Payto("Taler Exchange", xTalerBankAcctNo, "localhost")
+ }
+ throw NexusError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "invalid payto URI ($paytoUri)")
+/** Sort query results in descending order for negative deltas, and ascending otherwise. */
+fun <T : Entity<Long>> SizedIterable<T>.orderTaler(delta: Int): List<T> {
+ return if (delta < 0) {
+ this.sortedByDescending { }
+ } else {
+ this.sortedBy { }
+ }
+ * NOTE: those payto-builders default all to the x-taler-bank transport.
+ * A mechanism to easily switch transport is needed, as production needs
+ * 'iban'.
+ */
+fun buildPaytoUri(name: String, iban: String, bic: String): String {
+ return "payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/$iban"
+fun buildPaytoUri(iban: String, bic: String): String {
+ return "payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/$iban"
+/** Builds the comparison operator for history entries based on the sign of 'delta' */
+fun getComparisonOperator(delta: Int, start: Long, table: IdTable<Long>): Op<Boolean> {
+ return if (delta < 0) {
+ {
+ less start
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ greater start
+ }
+ }
+/** Helper handling 'start' being optional and its dependence on 'delta'. */
+fun handleStartArgument(start: String?, delta: Int): Long {
+ return expectLong(start) ?: if (delta >= 0) {
+ /**
+ * Using -1 as the smallest value, as some DBMS might use 0 and some
+ * others might use 1 as the smallest row id.
+ */
+ -1
+ } else {
+ /**
+ * NOTE: the database currently enforces there MAX_VALUE is always
+ * strictly greater than any row's id in the database. In fact, the
+ * database throws exception whenever a new row is going to occupy
+ * the MAX_VALUE with its id.
+ */
+ }
+ * The Taler layer cannot rely on the ktor-internal JSON-converter/responder,
+ * because this one adds a "charset" extra information in the Content-Type header
+ * that makes the GNUnet JSON parser unhappy.
+ *
+ * The workaround is to explicitly convert the 'data class'-object into a JSON
+ * string (what this function does), and use the simpler respondText method.
+ */
+fun customConverter(body: Any): String {
+ return jacksonObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(body)
+ * This function indicates whether a payment in the raw table was already reported
+ * by some other EBICS message. It works for both incoming and outgoing payments.
+ * Basically, it tries to match all the relevant details with those from the records
+ * that are already stored in the local "taler" database.
+ *
+ * @param entry a new raw payment to be checked.
+ * @return true if the payment was already "seen" by the Taler layer, false otherwise.
+ */
+fun duplicatePayment(entry: RawBankTransactionEntity): Boolean {
+ return false
+ * This function checks whether the bank didn't accept one exchange's payment initiation.
+ *
+ * @param entry the raw entry to check
+ * @return true if the payment failed, false if it was successful.
+ */
+fun paymentFailed(entry: RawBankTransactionEntity): Boolean {
+ return false
+class Taler(app: Route) {
+ /** Attach Taler endpoints to the main Web server */
+ init {
+ app.get("/taler") {
+ call.respondText("Taler Gateway Hello\n", ContentType.Text.Plain, HttpStatusCode.OK)
+ return@get
+ }
+"/taler/transfer") {
+ val exchangeUser = authenticateRequest(call.request)
+ val transferRequest = call.receive<TalerTransferRequest>()
+ val amountObj = parseAmount(transferRequest.amount)
+ val creditorObj = parsePayto(transferRequest.credit_account)
+ val opaque_row_id = transaction {
+ val creditorData = parsePayto(transferRequest.credit_account)
+ /** Checking the UID has the desired characteristics */
+ TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.find {
+ TalerRequestedPayments.requestUId eq transferRequest.request_uid
+ }.forEach {
+ if (
+ (it.amount != transferRequest.amount) or
+ (it.creditAccount != transferRequest.exchange_base_url) or
+ (it.wtid != transferRequest.wtid)
+ ) {
+ throw NexusError(
+ HttpStatusCode.Conflict,
+ "This uid (${transferRequest.request_uid}) belongs to a different payment already"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ val pain001 = addPreparedPayment(
+ Pain001Data(
+ creditorIban = creditorData.iban,
+ creditorBic = creditorData.bic,
+ creditorName =,
+ subject = transferRequest.wtid,
+ sum = amountObj.amount,
+ currency = amountObj.currency
+ ),
+ { /* FIXME; exchange should communicate this value */ }
+ )
+ val rawEbics = if (!isProduction()) {
+ {
+ unstructuredRemittanceInformation = transferRequest.wtid
+ transactionType = "DBIT"
+ currency = amountObj.currency
+ this.amount = amountObj.amount.toPlainString()
+ counterpartBic = creditorObj.bic
+ counterpartIban = creditorObj.iban
+ counterpartName =
+ bankAccount = { /* FIXME; exchange should communicate this value */ }
+ bookingDate =
+ status = "BOOK"
+ }
+ } else null
+ val row = {
+ preparedPayment = pain001 // not really used/needed, just here to silence warnings
+ exchangeBaseUrl = transferRequest.exchange_base_url
+ requestUId = transferRequest.request_uid
+ amount = transferRequest.amount
+ wtid = transferRequest.wtid
+ creditAccount = transferRequest.credit_account
+ rawConfirmed = rawEbics
+ }
+ }
+ call.respond(
+ HttpStatusCode.OK,
+ TextContent(
+ customConverter(
+ TalerTransferResponse(
+ /**
+ * Normally should point to the next round where the background
+ * routine will send new PAIN.001 data to the bank; work in progress..
+ */
+ timestamp = GnunetTimestamp(,
+ row_id = opaque_row_id
+ )
+ ),
+ ContentType.Application.Json
+ )
+ )
+ return@post
+ }
+ /** Test-API that creates one new payment addressed to the exchange. */
+"/taler/admin/add-incoming") {
+ val exchangeUser = authenticateRequest(call.request)
+ val addIncomingData = call.receive<TalerAdminAddIncoming>()
+ val debtor = parsePayto(addIncomingData.debit_account)
+ val amount = parseAmount(addIncomingData.amount)
+ val (bookingDate, opaque_row_id) = transaction {
+ val rawPayment = {
+ unstructuredRemittanceInformation = addIncomingData.reserve_pub
+ transactionType = "CRDT"
+ currency = amount.currency
+ this.amount = amount.amount.toPlainString()
+ counterpartBic = debtor.bic
+ counterpartName =
+ counterpartIban = debtor.iban
+ bookingDate =
+ status = "BOOK"
+ bankAccount = { /* FIXME; exchange should communicate this value */ }
+ }
+ /** This payment is "valid by default" and will be returned
+ * as soon as the exchange will ask for new payments. */
+ val row = {
+ payment = rawPayment
+ valid = true
+ }
+ Pair(rawPayment.bookingDate,
+ }
+ call.respond(
+ TextContent(
+ customConverter(
+ TalerAddIncomingResponse(
+ timestamp = GnunetTimestamp(bookingDate/ 1000),
+ row_id = opaque_row_id
+ )
+ ),
+ ContentType.Application.Json
+ )
+ )
+ return@post
+ }
+ /** This endpoint triggers the refunding of invalid payments. 'Refunding'
+ * in this context means that nexus _prepares_ the payment instruction and
+ * places it into a further table. Eventually, another routine will perform
+ * all the prepared payments. */
+"/ebics/taler/{id}/accounts/{acctid}/refund-invalid-payments") {
+ val exchangeUser = authenticateRequest(call.request)
+ val callerBankAccount = ensureNonNull(call.parameters["acctid"])
+ transaction {
+ val bankAccount = NexusBankAccountEntity.findById(callerBankAccount)
+ TalerIncomingPaymentEntity.find {
+ TalerIncomingPayments.refunded eq false and (TalerIncomingPayments.valid eq false)
+ }.forEach {
+ addPreparedPayment(
+ Pain001Data(
+ creditorName = it.payment.counterpartName,
+ creditorIban = it.payment.counterpartIban,
+ creditorBic = it.payment.counterpartBic,
+ sum = calculateRefund(it.payment.amount),
+ subject = "Taler refund",
+ currency = it.payment.currency
+ ),
+ { /* FIXME; exchange should communicate this value */ }
+ )
+ it.refunded = true
+ }
+ }
+ return@post
+ }
+ /** This endpoint triggers the examination of raw incoming payments aimed
+ * at separating the good payments (those that will lead to a new reserve
+ * being created), from the invalid payments (those with a invalid subject
+ * that will soon be refunded.) Recently, the examination of raw OUTGOING
+ * payment was added as well.
+ */
+"/ebics/taler/{id}/crunch-raw-transactions") {
+ val id = ensureNonNull(call.parameters["id"])
+ // first find highest ID value of already processed rows.
+ transaction {
+ val subscriberAccount = { /* FIXME; exchange should communicate this value */ }
+ /**
+ * Search for fresh incoming payments in the raw table, and making pointers
+ * from the Taler incoming payments table to the found fresh (and valid!) payments.
+ */
+ val latestIncomingPaymentId: Long = TalerIncomingPaymentEntity.getLast()
+ RawBankTransactionEntity.find {
+ /** Those with exchange bank account involved */
+ RawBankTransactionsTable.bankAccount eq and
+ /** Those that are incoming */
+ (RawBankTransactionsTable.transactionType eq "CRDT") and
+ /** Those that are booked */
+ (RawBankTransactionsTable.status eq "BOOK") and
+ /** Those that came later than the latest processed payment */
+ (
+ }.forEach {
+ if (duplicatePayment(it)) {
+ logger.warn("Incoming payment already seen")
+ throw NexusError(
+ HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
+ "Incoming payment already seen"
+ )
+ }
+ if (CryptoUtil.checkValidEddsaPublicKey(it.unstructuredRemittanceInformation)) {
+ {
+ payment = it
+ valid = true
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ payment = it
+ valid = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Search for fresh OUTGOING transactions acknowledged by the bank. As well
+ * searching only for BOOKed transactions, even though status changes should
+ * be really unexpected here.
+ */
+ val latestOutgoingPaymentId = TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.getLast()
+ RawBankTransactionEntity.find {
+ /** Those that came after the last processed payment */
+ greater latestOutgoingPaymentId and
+ /** Those involving the exchange bank account */
+ (RawBankTransactionsTable.bankAccount eq and
+ /** Those that are outgoing */
+ (RawBankTransactionsTable.transactionType eq "DBIT")
+ }.forEach {
+ if (paymentFailed(it)) {
+ logger.error("Bank didn't accept one payment from the exchange")
+ throw NexusError(
+ HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
+ "Bank didn't accept one payment from the exchange"
+ )
+ }
+ if (duplicatePayment(it)) {
+ logger.warn("Incomint payment already seen")
+ throw NexusError(
+ HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
+ "Outgoing payment already seen"
+ )
+ }
+ var talerRequested = TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.find {
+ TalerRequestedPayments.wtid eq it.unstructuredRemittanceInformation
+ }.firstOrNull() ?: throw NexusError(
+ HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
+ "Unrecognized fresh outgoing payment met (subject: ${it.unstructuredRemittanceInformation})."
+ )
+ talerRequested.rawConfirmed = it
+ }
+ }
+ call.respondText (
+ "New raw payments Taler-processed",
+ ContentType.Text.Plain,
+ HttpStatusCode.OK
+ )
+ return@post
+ }
+ /** Responds only with the payments that the EXCHANGE made. Typically to
+ * merchants but possibly to refund invalid incoming payments. A payment is
+ * counted only if was once confirmed by the bank.
+ */
+ app.get("/taler/history/outgoing") {
+ /* sanitize URL arguments */
+ val subscriberId = authenticateRequest(call.request)
+ val delta: Int = expectInt(call.expectUrlParameter("delta"))
+ val start: Long = handleStartArgument(call.request.queryParameters["start"], delta)
+ val startCmpOp = getComparisonOperator(delta, start, TalerRequestedPayments)
+ /* retrieve database elements */
+ val history = TalerOutgoingHistory()
+ transaction {
+ /** Retrieve all the outgoing payments from the _clean Taler outgoing table_ */
+ val subscriberBankAccount = { /* FIXME; exchange should communicate this value */ }
+ val reqPayments = TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.find {
+ TalerRequestedPayments.rawConfirmed.isNotNull() and startCmpOp
+ }.orderTaler(delta)
+ if (reqPayments.isNotEmpty()) {
+ reqPayments.subList(0, min(abs(delta), reqPayments.size)).forEach {
+ history.outgoing_transactions.add(
+ TalerOutgoingBankTransaction(
+ row_id =,
+ amount = it.amount,
+ wtid = it.wtid,
+ date = GnunetTimestamp(it.rawConfirmed?.bookingDate?.div(1000) ?: throw NexusError(
+ HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Null value met after check, VERY strange.")),
+ credit_account = it.creditAccount,
+ debit_account = buildPaytoUri(subscriberBankAccount.iban, subscriberBankAccount.bankCode),
+ exchange_base_url = "FIXME-to-request-along-subscriber-registration"
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ call.respond(
+ HttpStatusCode.OK,
+ TextContent(customConverter(history), ContentType.Application.Json)
+ )
+ return@get
+ }
+ /** Responds only with the valid incoming payments */
+ app.get("/taler/history/incoming") {
+ val exchangeUser = authenticateRequest(call.request)
+ val delta: Int = expectInt(call.expectUrlParameter("delta"))
+ val start: Long = handleStartArgument(call.request.queryParameters["start"], delta)
+ val history = TalerIncomingHistory()
+ val startCmpOp = getComparisonOperator(delta, start, TalerIncomingPayments)
+ transaction {
+ val orderedPayments = TalerIncomingPaymentEntity.find {
+ TalerIncomingPayments.valid eq true and startCmpOp
+ }.orderTaler(delta)
+ if (orderedPayments.isNotEmpty()) {
+ orderedPayments.subList(0, min(abs(delta), orderedPayments.size)).forEach {
+ history.incoming_transactions.add(
+ TalerIncomingBankTransaction(
+ date = GnunetTimestamp(it.payment.bookingDate / 1000),
+ row_id =,
+ amount = "${it.payment.currency}:${it.payment.amount}",
+ reserve_pub = it.payment.unstructuredRemittanceInformation,
+ credit_account = buildPaytoUri(
+ it.payment.bankAccount.accountHolder,
+ it.payment.bankAccount.iban,
+ it.payment.bankAccount.bankCode
+ ),
+ debit_account = buildPaytoUri(
+ it.payment.counterpartName,
+ it.payment.counterpartIban,
+ it.payment.counterpartBic
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ call.respond(TextContent(customConverter(history), ContentType.Application.Json))
+ return@get
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file