path: root/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/xlibeufinbank/XLibeufinBankNexus.kt
diff options
authorMS <>2023-10-18 15:22:45 +0200
committerMS <>2023-10-18 15:22:45 +0200
commitc414263db597bae5a4c29019567b6299cd78553a (patch)
treeb48f9c0ea8ff3a6bfcc3e4af52e0b1bd4d429328 /nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/xlibeufinbank/XLibeufinBankNexus.kt
parent70379b90fb1e606fe5fc2f58c85b41c80a686e57 (diff)
obsolete nexus gone from master
Diffstat (limited to 'nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/xlibeufinbank/XLibeufinBankNexus.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/xlibeufinbank/XLibeufinBankNexus.kt b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/xlibeufinbank/XLibeufinBankNexus.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a433e63..00000000
--- a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/xlibeufinbank/XLibeufinBankNexus.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-import AgentIdentification
-import Batch
-import BatchTransaction
-import CamtBankAccountEntry
-import CashAccount
-import CreditDebitIndicator
-import CurrencyAmount
-import PartyIdentification
-import TransactionDetails
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
-import io.ktor.client.*
-import io.ktor.client.plugins.*
-import io.ktor.client.request.*
-import io.ktor.client.statement.*
-import io.ktor.http.*
-import io.ktor.server.util.*
-import io.ktor.util.*
-import tech.libeufin.util.*
-import java.time.LocalDate
-// Gets Sandbox URL and credentials, taking the connection name as input.
-private fun getXLibeufinBankCredentials(conn: NexusBankConnectionEntity): XLibeufinBankTransport {
- val maybeCredentials = transaction {
- XLibeufinBankUserEntity.find {
- XLibeufinBankUsersTable.nexusBankConnection eq
- }.firstOrNull()
- }
- if (maybeCredentials == null) throw internalServerError(
- "Existing connection ${conn.connectionId} has no transport details"
- )
- return XLibeufinBankTransport(
- username = maybeCredentials.username,
- password = maybeCredentials.password,
- baseUrl = maybeCredentials.baseUrl
- )
-private fun getXLibeufinBankCredentials(connId: String): XLibeufinBankTransport {
- val conn = getBankConnection(connId)
- return getXLibeufinBankCredentials(conn)
-class XlibeufinBankConnectionProtocol : BankConnectionProtocol {
- override fun getBankUrl(connId: String): String {
- return getXLibeufinBankCredentials(connId).baseUrl
- }
- /**
- * Together with checking the credentials, this method downloads
- * additional details from the bank, and stores them in the table
- * that holds offered bank accounts. That saves one call to the
- * "import" method by recycling the information obtained here.
- */
- override suspend fun connect(client: HttpClient, connId: String) {
- val conn = getBankConnection(connId)
- val connDetails = getXLibeufinBankCredentials(conn)
- // Defining the URL to request the bank account balance.
- val url = connDetails.baseUrl + "/accounts/${connDetails.username}"
- // Error handling expected by the caller.
- val details = client.get(url) {
- expectSuccess = true
- basicAuth(connDetails.username, connDetails.password)
- }
- val txtDetails = details.bodyAsText()
- val jDetails = jacksonObjectMapper().readTree(txtDetails)
- val paytoUri: String = try { jDetails.get("paytoUri").asText() }
- catch (e: Exception) {
- logger.error("Did not find 'paytoUri' along the connection" +
- " operation from x-libeufin-bank connection $connId." +
- " Bank says: $txtDetails"
- )
- throw badGateway("Bank missed basic account information ('paytoUri' field)")
- }
- val paytoObj = parsePayto(payto = paytoUri)
- val maybeOfferedAccount = transaction {
- OfferedBankAccountEntity.find {
- // Sandbox reliably names the bank account with the owner's username
- OfferedBankAccountsTable.offeredAccountId eq connDetails.username
- }.firstOrNull()
- }
- // Bank account already imported.
- if (maybeOfferedAccount != null)
- return
- // Import it.
- transaction {
- {
- offeredAccountId = connDetails.username
- bankConnection = conn
- accountHolder = paytoObj.receiverName ?: "Not given by the bank"
- bankCode = paytoObj.bic ?: "SANDBOXX"
- iban = paytoObj.iban
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * This operation is carried along connect(), because as a side
- * effect of checking the credentials it ALSO gets all the offered
- * bank account information that this function WOULD have obtained.
- *
- * Therefore, this method throws error when called, in order to raise
- * the clients' awareness not to rely on it.
- */
- override suspend fun fetchAccounts(client: HttpClient, connId: String) {
- throw NotImplementedError("Please skip this method when using x-libeufin-bank.")
- }
- override fun createConnectionFromBackup(
- connId: String,
- user: NexusUserEntity,
- passphrase: String?,
- backup: JsonNode
- ) {
- TODO("Not yet implemented")
- }
- override fun createConnection(
- connId: String,
- user: NexusUserEntity,
- data: JsonNode
- ) {
- val bankConn = transaction {
- {
- this.connectionId = connId
- owner = user
- type = "x-libeufin-bank"
- }
- }
- val newTransportData = jacksonObjectMapper().treeToValue(
- data,
- ) ?: throw badRequest("x-libeufin-bank details not found in the request")
- // Validate the base URL
- try { URL(newTransportData.baseUrl).toURI() }
- catch (e: MalformedURLException) {
- throw badRequest("Base URL (${newTransportData.baseUrl}) is invalid.")
- }
- transaction {
- {
- username = newTransportData.username
- password = newTransportData.password
- // Only addressing mild cases where ONE slash ends the base URL.
- baseUrl = newTransportData.baseUrl.dropLastWhile { it == '/' }
- nexusBankConnection = bankConn
- }
- }
- }
- override fun getConnectionDetails(conn: NexusBankConnectionEntity): JsonNode {
- val credentials = getXLibeufinBankCredentials(conn)
- val mapper = ObjectMapper()
- val details = mapper.createObjectNode()
- details.put("baseUrl", credentials.baseUrl)
- details.put("username", credentials.username)
- val node = mapper.createObjectNode()
- node.put("type", conn.type)
- node.put("owner", conn.owner.username)
- node.set<JsonNode>("details", details)
- return node
- }
- override fun exportBackup(bankConnectionId: String, passphrase: String): JsonNode {
- TODO("Not yet implemented")
- }
- override fun exportAnalogDetails(conn: NexusBankConnectionEntity): ByteArray {
- throw NotImplementedError("x-libeufin-bank does not need analog details")
- }
- override suspend fun submitPaymentInitiation(
- httpClient: HttpClient,
- paymentInitiationId: Long
- ) {
- /**
- * Main steps.
- *
- * 1) Get prep from the DB.
- * 2) Collect credentials.
- * 3) Create the format to POST.
- * 4) POST the transaction.
- * 5) Mark the prep as submitted.
- * */
- // 1
- val preparedPayment = getPaymentInitiation(paymentInitiationId)
- // 2
- val conn = transaction { preparedPayment.bankAccount.defaultBankConnection } ?: throw
- internalServerError("Default connection not found for bank account: ${preparedPayment.bankAccount.bankAccountName}")
- val credentials: XLibeufinBankTransport = getXLibeufinBankCredentials(conn)
- // 3
- val paytoUri = buildIbanPaytoUri(
- iban = preparedPayment.creditorIban,
- bic = preparedPayment.creditorBic ?: "SANDBOXX",
- receiverName = preparedPayment.creditorName,
- message = preparedPayment.subject
- )
- val req = jacksonObjectMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(
- XLibeufinBankPaytoReq(
- paytoUri = paytoUri,
- amount = "${preparedPayment.currency}:${preparedPayment.sum}",
- pmtInfId = preparedPayment.paymentInformationId
- )
- )
- // 4
- val url = credentials.baseUrl + "/accounts/${credentials.username}/transactions"
- logger.debug("POSTing transactions to x-libeufin-bank at: $url")
- val r = {
- expectSuccess = false
- contentType(ContentType.Application.Json)
- basicAuth(credentials.username, credentials.password)
- setBody(req)
- }
- if (r.status.value.toString().startsWith("5")) {
- throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.BadGateway,
- "The bank failed: ${r.bodyAsText()}"
- )
- }
- if (!r.status.value.toString().startsWith("2")) {
- throw NexusError(
- /**
- * Echoing whichever status code the bank gave. That
- * however masks client errors where - for example - a
- * request detail causes 404 where Nexus has no power.
- */
- HttpStatusCode(r.status.value, r.status.description),
- r.bodyAsText()
- )
- }
- // 5
- transaction { preparedPayment.submitted = true }
- }
- override suspend fun fetchTransactions(
- fetchSpec: FetchSpecJson, // FIXME: handle time range.
- client: HttpClient,
- bankConnectionId: String,
- accountId: String
- ): List<Exception>? {
- val conn = getBankConnection(bankConnectionId)
- if (fetchSpec.level == FetchLevel.REPORT || fetchSpec.level == FetchLevel.ALL)
- throw badRequest("level '${fetchSpec.level}' on x-libeufin-bank" +
- "connection (${conn.connectionId}) is not supported:" +
- " bank has only 'booked' state."
- )
- // Get credentials
- val credentials = getXLibeufinBankCredentials(conn)
- /**
- * Now builds the URL to ask the transactions, according to the
- * FetchSpec gotten in the args. Level 'statement' and time range
- * 'previous-days' are NOT implemented.
- */
- val baseUrl = URL(credentials.baseUrl)
- val fetchUrl = url {
- protocol = URLProtocol(name = baseUrl.protocol, defaultPort = -1)
- port = baseUrl.port
- appendPathSegments(
- baseUrl.path.dropLastWhile { it == '/' },
- "accounts/${credentials.username}/transactions")
- when (fetchSpec) {
- is FetchSpecTimeRangeJson -> {
- // the parse() method defaults to the YYYY-MM-DD format.
- val start: LocalDate = LocalDate.parse(fetchSpec.start)
- val end: LocalDate = LocalDate.parse(fetchSpec.end)
- this.parameters["from_ms"] = start.millis().toString()
- this.parameters["until_ms"] = end.millis().toString()
- }
- // Gets the last 5 transactions
- is FetchSpecLatestJson -> {
- // Do nothing, the bare endpoint gets the last 5 txs by default.
- }
- /* Defines the from_ms URI param. according to the last transaction
- * timestamp that was seen in this connection */
- is FetchSpecSinceLastJson -> {
- val localBankAccount = getBankAccount(accountId)
- // Sandbox doesn't have report vs. statement, defaulting to statement time
- // and so does the ingestion routine when storing the last message time.
- // The sought time must be incremented by one because the filter is _inclusive_.
- this.parameters["from_ms"] = "${localBankAccount.lastStatementCreationTimestamp?.plus(1) ?: 0}"
- }
- // This wants ALL the transactions, hence it sets the from_ms to zero.
- is FetchSpecAllJson -> {
- this.parameters["from_ms"] = "0"
- }
- else -> throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented,
- "FetchSpec ${fetchSpec::class} not supported"
- )
- }
- }
- logger.debug("Requesting x-libeufin-bank transactions to: $fetchUrl")
- val resp: HttpResponse = try {
- client.get(fetchUrl) {
- expectSuccess = true
- contentType(ContentType.Application.Json)
- basicAuth(credentials.username, credentials.password)
- }
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- e.printStackTrace()
- logger.error(e.message)
- return listOf(e)
- }
- val respBlob = resp.bodyAsChannel().toByteArray()
- transaction {
- {
- bankConnection = conn
- message = ExposedBlob(respBlob)
- fetchLevel = fetchSpec.level
- }
- }
- return null
- }
-fun ingestXLibeufinBankMessage(
- bankAccountId: String,
- data: String // JSON
-): IngestedTransactionsCount {
- val jMessage = try { jacksonObjectMapper().readTree(data) }
- catch (e: Exception) {
- logger.error("Bank message $data could not" +
- " be parsed into JSON by the x-libeufin-bank ingestion.")
- throw internalServerError("Could not ingest x-libeufin-bank message.")
- }
- return ingestXLibeufinBankMessage(bankAccountId, jMessage)
- * Parses one x-libeufin-bank message and INSERTs Nexus local
- * transaction records into the database. After this function
- * returns, the transactions are ready to both being communicated
- * to the CLI via the native JSON interface OR being further processed
- * by ANY facade.
- *
- * This function:
- * - updates the local timestamps related to the latest report.
- * - inserts a new NexusBankTransactionEntity. To achieve that, it extracts the:
- * -- amount
- * -- credit/debit indicator
- * -- currency
- *
- * Note: in contrast to what the CaMt handler does, here there's NO
- * status, since Sandbox has only one (unnamed) transaction state and
- * all transactions are asked as reports.
- */
-fun ingestXLibeufinBankMessage(
- bankAccountId: String,
- data: JsonNode
-): IngestedTransactionsCount {
- data class XLibeufinBankTransactions(
- val transactions: List<XLibeufinBankTransaction>
- )
- val txs = try {
- jacksonObjectMapper().treeToValue(
- data,
- )
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.BadGateway,
- "The bank sent invalid x-libeufin-bank transactions."
- )
- }
- val bankAccount = getBankAccount(bankAccountId)
- var newTxs = 0 // Counts how many transactions are new.
- txs.transactions.forEach {
- val maybeTimestamp = try {
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.BadGateway,
- "The bank gave an invalid timestamp " +
- "for x-libeufin-bank message: ${it.uid}"
- )
- }
- // Searching for duplicates.
- if (findDuplicate(bankAccountId, "${PaymentUidQualifiers.BANK_GIVEN}:${it.uid}") != null) {
- logger.debug("x-libeufin-bank ingestion: transaction ${it.uid} is a duplicate, skipping.")
- return@forEach
- }
- val direction = if (it.debtorIban == bankAccount.iban)
- XLibeufinBankDirection.DEBIT else XLibeufinBankDirection.CREDIT
- // New tx, storing it.
- transaction {
- val localTx = {
- this.bankAccount = bankAccount
- this.amount = it.amount
- this.currency = it.currency
- /**
- * Sandbox has only booked state for its transactions: as soon as
- * one payment makes it to the database, that is the final (booked)
- * state.
- */
- this.status = EntryStatus.BOOK
- this.accountTransactionId = "${PaymentUidQualifiers.BANK_GIVEN}:${it.uid}"
- this.transactionJson = jacksonObjectMapper(
- ).writeValueAsString(it.exportAsCamtModel())
- this.creditDebitIndicator = direction.exportAsCamtDirection()
- newTxs++
- logger.debug("x-libeufin-bank transaction with subject '${it.subject}' ingested.")
- }
- /**
- * The following block tries to reconcile a previous prepared
- * (outgoing) payment with the one being iterated over.
- */
- if (direction == XLibeufinBankDirection.DEBIT) {
- val maybePrepared = it.pmtInfId?.let { it1 -> getPaymentInitiation(pmtInfId = it1) }
- if (maybePrepared != null) maybePrepared.confirmationTransaction = localTx
- }
- // x-libeufin-bank transactions are ALWAYS modeled as reports
- // in Nexus, because such bank protocol supplier doesn't have
- // the report vs. statement distinction. Therefore, we only
- // consider the last report timestamp.
- if ((bankAccount.lastStatementCreationTimestamp ?: 0L) < maybeTimestamp)
- bankAccount.lastStatementCreationTimestamp = maybeTimestamp
- }
- }
- return IngestedTransactionsCount(
- newTransactions = newTxs,
- downloadedTransactions = txs.transactions.size
- )
-fun XLibeufinBankTransaction.exportCamtDirectionIndicator(): CreditDebitIndicator =
- if (this.direction == XLibeufinBankDirection.CREDIT)
- CreditDebitIndicator.CRDT else CreditDebitIndicator.DBIT
- * This function transforms an x-libeufin-bank transaction
- * into the JSON representation of CaMt used by Nexus along
- * its processing. Notably, this helps to stick to one unified
- * type when facades process transactions.
- */
-fun XLibeufinBankTransaction.exportAsCamtModel(): CamtBankAccountEntry =
- CamtBankAccountEntry(
- /**
- * Amount obtained by summing all the transactions accounted
- * in this report/statement. Here this field equals the amount of the
- * _unique_ transaction accounted.
- */
- amount = CurrencyAmount(currency = this.currency, value = this.amount),
- accountServicerRef = this.uid,
- bankTransactionCode = "Not given",
- bookingDate =,
- counterValueAmount = null,
- creditDebitIndicator = this.exportCamtDirectionIndicator(),
- currencyExchange = null,
- entryRef = null,
- instructedAmount = null,
- valueDate = null,
- status = EntryStatus.BOOK, // x-libeufin-bank always/only BOOK.
- /**
- * This field accounts for the _unique_ transaction that this
- * object represents.
- */
- batches = listOf(
- Batch(
- messageId = null,
- paymentInformationId = this.uid,
- batchTransactions = listOf(
- BatchTransaction(
- amount = CurrencyAmount(
- currency = this.currency,
- value = this.amount
- ),
- creditDebitIndicator = this.exportCamtDirectionIndicator(),
- details = TransactionDetails(
- debtor = PartyIdentification(
- name = this.debtorName,
- countryOfResidence = null,
- organizationId = null,
- otherId = null,
- postalAddress = null,
- privateId = null
- ),
- debtorAccount = CashAccount(
- name = null,
- currency = this.currency,
- iban = this.debtorIban,
- otherId = null
- ),
- debtorAgent = AgentIdentification(
- name = null,
- bic = this.debtorBic,
- clearingSystemCode = null,
- clearingSystemMemberId = null,
- lei = null,
- otherId = null,
- postalAddress = null,
- proprietaryClearingSystemCode = null
- ),
- counterValueAmount = null,
- currencyExchange = null,
- interBankSettlementAmount = null,
- proprietaryPurpose = null,
- purpose = null,
- returnInfo = null,
- ultimateCreditor = null,
- ultimateDebtor = null,
- unstructuredRemittanceInformation = this.subject,
- instructedAmount = null,
- creditor = PartyIdentification(
- name = this.creditorName,
- countryOfResidence = null,
- organizationId = null,
- otherId = null,
- postalAddress = null,
- privateId = null
- ),
- creditorAccount = CashAccount(
- name = null,
- currency = this.currency,
- iban = this.creditorIban,
- otherId = null
- ),
- creditorAgent = AgentIdentification(
- name = null,
- bic = this.creditorBic,
- clearingSystemCode = null,
- clearingSystemMemberId = null,
- lei = null,
- otherId = null,
- postalAddress = null,
- proprietaryClearingSystemCode = null
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ) \ No newline at end of file