path: root/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt
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authorFlorian Dold <>2020-06-19 12:21:57 +0530
committerFlorian Dold <>2020-06-19 12:21:57 +0530
commitb2bf9a3fb90f7dbfaa51faf4d0845fa0b7f7b3ca (patch)
tree36592175d0c5a485bdcddbab8a2d134ea6f97412 /nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt
parentf214ac079dae5a93e8716bf0349f8e70b5df0957 (diff)
rename according to Kotlin coding standard
Diffstat (limited to 'nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 555 deletions
diff --git a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt b/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e48af4..00000000
--- a/nexus/src/main/kotlin/tech/libeufin/nexus/taler.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A.
- *
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
-import io.ktor.application.ApplicationCall
-import io.ktor.client.HttpClient
-import io.ktor.content.TextContent
-import io.ktor.http.ContentType
-import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode
-import io.ktor.http.contentType
-import io.ktor.request.receive
-import io.ktor.response.respond
-import io.ktor.response.respondText
-import io.ktor.routing.Route
-import io.ktor.routing.get
-import tech.libeufin.util.CryptoUtil
-import tech.libeufin.util.EbicsProtocolError
-import tech.libeufin.util.parseAmount
-import tech.libeufin.util.parsePayto
-import kotlin.math.abs
-import kotlin.math.min
-/** Payment initiating data structures: one endpoint "$BASE_URL/transfer". */
-data class TalerTransferRequest(
- val request_uid: String,
- val amount: String,
- val exchange_base_url: String,
- val wtid: String,
- val credit_account: String
-data class TalerTransferResponse(
- // point in time when the nexus put the payment instruction into the database.
- val timestamp: GnunetTimestamp,
- val row_id: Long
-/** History accounting data structures */
-data class TalerIncomingBankTransaction(
- val row_id: Long,
- val date: GnunetTimestamp, // timestamp
- val amount: String,
- val credit_account: String, // payto form,
- val debit_account: String,
- val reserve_pub: String
-data class TalerIncomingHistory(
- var incoming_transactions: MutableList<TalerIncomingBankTransaction> = mutableListOf()
-data class TalerOutgoingBankTransaction(
- val row_id: Long,
- val date: GnunetTimestamp, // timestamp
- val amount: String,
- val credit_account: String, // payto form,
- val debit_account: String,
- val wtid: String,
- val exchange_base_url: String
-data class TalerOutgoingHistory(
- var outgoing_transactions: MutableList<TalerOutgoingBankTransaction> = mutableListOf()
-/** Test APIs' data structures. */
-data class TalerAdminAddIncoming(
- val amount: String,
- val reserve_pub: String,
- /**
- * This account is the one giving money to the exchange. It doesn't
- * have to be 'created' as it might (and normally is) simply be a payto://
- * address pointing to a bank account hosted in a different financial
- * institution.
- */
- val debit_account: String
-data class GnunetTimestamp(
- val t_ms: Long
-data class TalerAddIncomingResponse(
- val timestamp: GnunetTimestamp,
- val row_id: Long
- * Helper data structures.
- */
-data class Payto(
- val name: String = "NOTGIVEN",
- val iban: String,
- val bic: String = "NOTGIVEN"
-/** Sort query results in descending order for negative deltas, and ascending otherwise. */
-fun <T : Entity<Long>> SizedIterable<T>.orderTaler(delta: Int): List<T> {
- return if (delta < 0) {
- this.sortedByDescending { }
- } else {
- this.sortedBy { }
- }
- * Build an IBAN payto URI.
- */
-fun buildIbanPaytoUri(iban: String, bic: String, name: String): String {
- return "payto://iban/$bic/$iban?receiver-name=$name"
-/** Builds the comparison operator for history entries based on the sign of 'delta' */
-fun getComparisonOperator(delta: Int, start: Long, table: IdTable<Long>): Op<Boolean> {
- return if (delta < 0) {
- {
- less start
- }
- } else {
- {
- greater start
- }
- }
-fun expectLong(param: String?): Long {
- if (param == null) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "'$param' is not Long")
- }
- return try {
- param.toLong()
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "'$param' is not Long")
- }
-/** Helper handling 'start' being optional and its dependence on 'delta'. */
-fun handleStartArgument(start: String?, delta: Int): Long {
- if (start == null) {
- if (delta >= 0)
- return -1
- return Long.MAX_VALUE
- }
- return expectLong(start)
- * The Taler layer cannot rely on the ktor-internal JSON-converter/responder,
- * because this one adds a "charset" extra information in the Content-Type header
- * that makes the GNUnet JSON parser unhappy.
- *
- * The workaround is to explicitly convert the 'data class'-object into a JSON
- * string (what this function does), and use the simpler respondText method.
- */
-fun customConverter(body: Any): String {
- return jacksonObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(body)
- * Tries to extract a valid reserve public key from the raw subject line
- */
-fun extractReservePubFromSubject(rawSubject: String): String? {
- val re = "\\b[a-z0-9A-Z]{52}\\b".toRegex()
- val result = re.find(rawSubject) ?: return null
- return result.value.toUpperCase()
-private fun getTalerFacadeState(fcid: String): TalerFacadeStateEntity {
- val facade = FacadeEntity.find { eq fcid }.firstOrNull() ?: throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.NotFound,
- "Could not find facade '${fcid}'"
- )
- val facadeState = TalerFacadeStateEntity.find {
- TalerFacadeStateTable.facade eq
- }.firstOrNull() ?: throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.NotFound,
- "Could not find any state for facade: ${fcid}"
- )
- return facadeState
-private fun getTalerFacadeBankAccount(fcid: String): NexusBankAccountEntity {
- val facade = FacadeEntity.find { eq fcid }.firstOrNull() ?: throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.NotFound,
- "Could not find facade '${fcid}'"
- )
- val facadeState = TalerFacadeStateEntity.find {
- TalerFacadeStateTable.facade eq
- }.firstOrNull() ?: throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.NotFound,
- "Could not find any state for facade: ${fcid}"
- )
- val bankAccount = NexusBankAccountEntity.findById(facadeState.bankAccount) ?: throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.NotFound,
- "Could not find any bank account named ${facadeState.bankAccount}"
- )
- return bankAccount
- * Handle a Taler Wire Gateway /transfer request.
- */
-private suspend fun talerTransfer(call: ApplicationCall) {
- val transferRequest = call.receive<TalerTransferRequest>()
- val amountObj = parseAmount(transferRequest.amount)
- val creditorObj = parsePayto(transferRequest.credit_account)
- val opaque_row_id = transaction {
- val exchangeUser = authenticateRequest(call.request)
- val creditorData = parsePayto(transferRequest.credit_account)
- /** Checking the UID has the desired characteristics */
- TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.find {
- TalerRequestedPayments.requestUId eq transferRequest.request_uid
- }.forEach {
- if (
- (it.amount != transferRequest.amount) or
- (it.creditAccount != transferRequest.exchange_base_url) or
- (it.wtid != transferRequest.wtid)
- ) {
- throw NexusError(
- HttpStatusCode.Conflict,
- "This uid (${transferRequest.request_uid}) belongs to a different payment already"
- )
- }
- }
- val exchangeBankAccount = getTalerFacadeBankAccount(expectNonNull(call.parameters["fcid"]))
- val pain001 = addPaymentInitiation(
- Pain001Data(
- creditorIban = creditorData.iban,
- creditorBic = creditorData.bic,
- creditorName =,
- subject = transferRequest.wtid,
- sum = amountObj.amount,
- currency = amountObj.currency
- ),
- exchangeBankAccount
- )
- logger.debug("Taler requests payment: ${transferRequest.wtid}")
- val row = {
- preparedPayment = pain001 // not really used/needed, just here to silence warnings
- exchangeBaseUrl = transferRequest.exchange_base_url
- requestUId = transferRequest.request_uid
- amount = transferRequest.amount
- wtid = transferRequest.wtid
- creditAccount = transferRequest.credit_account
- }
- }
- return call.respond(
- HttpStatusCode.OK,
- TextContent(
- customConverter(
- TalerTransferResponse(
- /**
- * Normally should point to the next round where the background
- * routine will send new PAIN.001 data to the bank; work in progress..
- */
- timestamp = GnunetTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()),
- row_id = opaque_row_id
- )
- ),
- ContentType.Application.Json
- )
- )
- * Serve a /taler/admin/add-incoming
- */
-private suspend fun talerAddIncoming(call: ApplicationCall, httpClient: HttpClient): Unit {
- val addIncomingData = call.receive<TalerAdminAddIncoming>()
- val debtor = parsePayto(addIncomingData.debit_account)
- val res = transaction {
- val user = authenticateRequest(call.request)
- val facadeID = expectNonNull(call.parameters["fcid"])
- val facadeState = getTalerFacadeState(facadeID)
- val facadeBankAccount = getTalerFacadeBankAccount(facadeID)
- return@transaction object {
- val facadeLastSeen = facadeState.highestSeenMsgID
- val facadeIban = facadeBankAccount.iban
- val facadeBic = facadeBankAccount.bankCode
- val facadeHolderName = facadeBankAccount.accountHolder
- }
- }
- /** forward the payment information to the sandbox. */
- urlString = "http://localhost:5000/admin/payments",
- block = {
- /** FIXME: ideally Jackson should define such request body. */
- val parsedAmount = parseAmount(addIncomingData.amount)
- this.body = """{
- "creditorIban": "${res.facadeIban}",
- "creditorBic": "${res.facadeBic}",
- "creditorName": "${res.facadeHolderName}",
- "debitorIban": "${debtor.iban}",
- "debitorBic": "${debtor.bic}",
- "debitorName": "${}",
- "amount": "${parsedAmount.amount}",
- "currency": "${parsedAmount.currency}",
- "subject": "${addIncomingData.reserve_pub}"
- }""".trimIndent()
- contentType(ContentType.Application.Json)
- }
- )
- return call.respond(
- TextContent(
- customConverter(
- TalerAddIncomingResponse(
- timestamp = GnunetTimestamp(
- System.currentTimeMillis()
- ),
- row_id = res.facadeLastSeen
- )
- ),
- ContentType.Application.Json
- )
- )
-private fun ingestIncoming(payment: NexusBankTransactionEntity, txDtls: TransactionDetails) {
- val subject = txDtls.unstructuredRemittanceInformation
- val debtorName = txDtls.relatedParties.debtor?.name
- if (debtorName == null) {
- logger.warn("empty debtor name")
- return
- }
- val debtorAcct = txDtls.relatedParties.debtorAccount
- if (debtorAcct == null) {
- // FIXME: Report payment, we can't even send it back
- logger.warn("empty debitor account")
- return
- }
- if (debtorAcct !is AccountIdentificationIban) {
- // FIXME: Report payment, we can't even send it back
- logger.warn("non-iban debitor account")
- return
- }
- val debtorAgent = txDtls.relatedParties.debtorAgent
- if (debtorAgent == null) {
- // FIXME: Report payment, we can't even send it back
- logger.warn("missing debitor agent")
- return
- }
- val reservePub = extractReservePubFromSubject(subject)
- if (reservePub == null) {
- // FIXME: send back!
- logger.warn("could not find reserve pub in remittance information")
- return
- }
- if (!CryptoUtil.checkValidEddsaPublicKey(reservePub)) {
- // FIXME: send back!
- logger.warn("invalid public key")
- return
- }
- {
- this.payment = payment
- reservePublicKey = reservePub
- timestampMs = System.currentTimeMillis()
- incomingPaytoUri = buildIbanPaytoUri(debtorAcct.iban, debtorAgent.bic, debtorName)
- }
- return
- * Crawls the database to find ALL the users that have a Taler
- * facade and process their histories respecting the TWG policy.
- * The two main tasks it does are: (1) marking as invalid those
- * payments with bad subject line, and (2) see if previously requested
- * payments got booked as outgoing payments (and mark them accordingly
- * in the local table).
- */
-fun ingestTalerTransactions() {
- fun ingest(subscriberAccount: NexusBankAccountEntity, facade: FacadeEntity) {
- logger.debug("Ingesting transactions for Taler facade ${}")
- val facadeState = getTalerFacadeState(
- var lastId = facadeState.highestSeenMsgID
- NexusBankTransactionEntity.find {
- /** Those with exchange bank account involved */
- NexusBankTransactionsTable.bankAccount eq and
- /** Those that are booked */
- (NexusBankTransactionsTable.status eq TransactionStatus.BOOK) and
- /** Those that came later than the latest processed payment */
- (
- }.orderBy(Pair(, SortOrder.ASC)).forEach {
- // Incoming payment.
- val tx = jacksonObjectMapper().readValue(it.transactionJson,
- if (tx.isBatch) {
- // We don't support batch transactions at the moment!
- logger.warn("batch transactions not supported")
- } else {
- when (tx.creditDebitIndicator) {
- CreditDebitIndicator.CRDT -> ingestIncoming(it, txDtls = tx.details[0])
- }
- }
- lastId =
- }
- facadeState.highestSeenMsgID = lastId
- }
- // invoke ingestion for all the facades
- transaction {
- FacadeEntity.find {
- FacadesTable.type eq "taler-wire-gateway"
- }.forEach {
- val subscriberAccount = getTalerFacadeBankAccount(
- ingest(subscriberAccount, it)
- }
- }
- * Handle a /taler/history/outgoing request.
- */
-private suspend fun historyOutgoing(call: ApplicationCall) {
- val param = call.expectUrlParameter("delta")
- val delta: Int = try {
- param.toInt()
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "'${param}' is not Int")
- }
- val start: Long = handleStartArgument(call.request.queryParameters["start"], delta)
- val startCmpOp = getComparisonOperator(delta, start, TalerRequestedPayments)
- /* retrieve database elements */
- val history = TalerOutgoingHistory()
- transaction {
- val user = authenticateRequest(call.request)
- /** Retrieve all the outgoing payments from the _clean Taler outgoing table_ */
- val subscriberBankAccount = getTalerFacadeBankAccount(expectNonNull(call.parameters["fcid"]))
- val reqPayments = mutableListOf<TalerRequestedPaymentEntity>()
- val reqPaymentsWithUnconfirmed = TalerRequestedPaymentEntity.find {
- startCmpOp
- }.orderTaler(delta)
- reqPaymentsWithUnconfirmed.forEach {
- if (it.preparedPayment.confirmationTransaction != null) {
- reqPayments.add(it)
- }
- }
- if (reqPayments.isNotEmpty()) {
- reqPayments.subList(0, min(abs(delta), reqPayments.size)).forEach {
- history.outgoing_transactions.add(
- TalerOutgoingBankTransaction(
- row_id =,
- amount = it.amount,
- wtid = it.wtid,
- date = GnunetTimestamp(it.preparedPayment.preparationDate),
- credit_account = it.creditAccount,
- debit_account = buildIbanPaytoUri(
- subscriberBankAccount.iban,
- subscriberBankAccount.bankCode,
- subscriberBankAccount.accountHolder
- ),
- exchange_base_url = "FIXME-to-request-along-subscriber-registration"
- )
- )
- }
- }
- }
- call.respond(
- HttpStatusCode.OK,
- TextContent(customConverter(history), ContentType.Application.Json)
- )
- * Handle a /taler/history/incoming request.
- */
-private suspend fun historyIncoming(call: ApplicationCall): Unit {
- val param = call.expectUrlParameter("delta")
- val delta: Int = try {
- param.toInt()
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "'${param}' is not Int")
- }
- val start: Long = handleStartArgument(call.request.queryParameters["start"], delta)
- val history = TalerIncomingHistory()
- val startCmpOp = getComparisonOperator(delta, start, TalerIncomingPayments)
- transaction {
- val orderedPayments = TalerIncomingPaymentEntity.find {
- startCmpOp
- }.orderTaler(delta)
- if (orderedPayments.isNotEmpty()) {
- orderedPayments.subList(0, min(abs(delta), orderedPayments.size)).forEach {
- history.incoming_transactions.add(
- TalerIncomingBankTransaction(
- date = GnunetTimestamp(it.timestampMs),
- row_id =,
- amount = "${it.payment.currency}:${it.payment.amount}",
- reserve_pub = it.reservePublicKey,
- credit_account = buildIbanPaytoUri(
- it.payment.bankAccount.iban,
- it.payment.bankAccount.bankCode,
- it.payment.bankAccount.accountHolder
- ),
- debit_account = it.incomingPaytoUri
- )
- )
- }
- }
- }
- return call.respond(TextContent(customConverter(history), ContentType.Application.Json))
-fun talerFacadeRoutes(route: Route, httpClient: HttpClient) {
-"/transfer") {
- talerTransfer(call)
- return@post
- }
-"/admin/add-incoming") {
- talerAddIncoming(call, httpClient)
- return@post
- }
- route.get("/history/outgoing") {
- historyOutgoing(call)
- return@get
- }
- route.get("/history/incoming") {
- historyIncoming(call)
- return@get
- }
- route.get("") {
- call.respondText("Hello, this is Taler Facade")
- return@get
- }