path: root/default/steps/env/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'default/steps/env/')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/default/steps/env/ b/default/steps/env/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1abcc38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/default/steps/env/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+## functions
+function fail {
+ echo $@ 1>&2
+ false
+export -f fail
+function __download {
+ local src=$1
+ local dst=$2
+ if [ -n "$DOWNLOAD_SRC_URL" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$src" ]; then
+ fail "No URL to download from"
+ fi
+ # If dst is unset or a directory, infers dst pathname from src
+ if [ -z "$dst" -o "${dst: -1}" == "/" ]; then
+ dst="$dst${src##*/}"
+ dst="${dst%%\?*}"
+ fi
+ local dstdir=${dst%/*}
+ if [ -n "$dstdir" -a "$dstdir" != "$dst" ]; then
+ mkdir -p $dstdir
+ fi
+ echo -n "Downloading: $src..."
+ # Put cURL first because it accept URIs (like file://...)
+ if which curl >/dev/null; then
+ echo " (cURL)"
+ curl -S --fail -# -L --retry 999 --retry-max-time 0 "$src" -o "$dst" 2>&1
+ elif which wget >/dev/null; then
+ echo " (wget)"
+ wget --retry-connrefused --progress=bar:force "$src" -O "$dst" 2>&1
+ elif which python >/dev/null; then
+ echo " (python)"
+ python -c <<EOF
+import sys
+import time
+if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ import urllib.request as urllib
+ import urllib
+def reporthook(count, block_size, total_size):
+ global start_time
+ if count == 0:
+ start_time = time.time()
+ return
+ duration = time.time() - start_time
+ progress_size = float(count * block_size)
+ if duration != 0:
+ if total_size == -1:
+ total_size = block_size
+ percent = 'Unknown size, '
+ else:
+ percent = '%.0f%%, ' % float(count * block_size * 100 / total_size)
+ speed = int(progress_size / (1024 * duration))
+ sys.stdout.write('\r%s%.2f MB, %d KB/s, %d seconds passed'
+ % (percent, progress_size / (1024 * 1024), speed, duration))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+urllib.urlretrieve('$src', '$dst', reporthook=reporthook)
+ true
+ else
+ fail "No way to download $src"
+ fi
+export -f __download
+function __download_recipe_build() {
+ set -e
+ local recipe=$1
+ local version=${2:-latest}
+ local do_checksum=${3:-true}
+ local do_checksign=${4:-false}
+ local do_cache=${5:-false}
+ local builds_url=${6:-}
+ local dest_dir="${7:-$recipe}"
+ local dest=""
+ mkdir -p $dest_dir
+ pushd $dest_dir > /dev/null
+ echo "Downloading $recipe ($version):"
+ __download $builds_url/${recipe}_$version.manifest
+ if [ "$do_checksign" == "true" ]; then
+ __download $builds_url/${recipe}_$version.manifest.sign
+ gpg --verify ${recipe}_$version.manifest{.sign,} || fail "Cannot verify signature"
+ fi
+ for f in $(< ${recipe}_$version.manifest); do
+ if [[ $f =~ ^$recipe-cache_ ]] && [ "$do_cache" != "true" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ $f =~ \.sha[[:digit:]]+sum$ ]]; then
+ if [ "$do_checksum" == "true" ]; then
+ __download $builds_url/$f
+ ${f##*.} -c $f || fail "Cannot verify checksum"
+ if [ "$do_checksign" == "true" ]; then
+ __download $builds_url/$f.sign
+ gpg --verify $f{.sign,} || fail "Cannot verify signature"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ __download $builds_url/$f
+ echo -n "Link to version-less filename: "
+ dest=${f%_*}.tar.${f#*.tar.}
+ ln -fv $f $dest
+ fi
+ done
+ popd > /dev/null
+ export UPSTREAM_TARBALL="$dest_dir/$dest"
+ set +e
+export -f __download_recipe_build
+function __download_kadeploy_environment_image() {
+ set -e
+ local kaenv_name=$1
+ local kaenv_user=$2
+ local kaenv_version=$3
+ local remote=$4
+ local dest_dir=${5:-$kaenv_name}
+ mkdir -p $dest_dir
+ echo "Retrieve image for Kadeploy environment $kaenv_name"
+ ${remote:+ssh $remote }which kaenv3 > /dev/null || fail "kaenv3 command not found (${remote:-localhost})"
+ # retrieve image[file], image[kind] and image[compression] from kaenv3
+ declare -A image
+ __kaenv() { local k=${2%%:*}; image[$k]=${2#*:}; }
+ mapfile -s 1 -t -c1 -C __kaenv < <(${remote:+ssh $remote }kaenv3${kaenv_user:+ -u $kaenv_user}${kaenv_version:+ --env-version $kaenv_version} -p $kaenv_name | grep -A3 -e '^image:' | sed -e 's/ //g')
+ [ -n "${image[file]}" ] || fail "Failed to retrieve environment $kaenv_name"
+ if [ "${image[compression]}" == "gzip" ]; then
+ image[compression]="gz"
+ elif [ "${image[compression]}" == "bzip2" ]; then
+ image[compression]="bz2"
+ fi
+ image[protocol]=${image[file]%%:*}
+ image[path]=${image[file]#*://}
+ image[filename]=${image[path]##*/}
+ local dest=$dest_dir/${image[filename]%%.*}.${image[kind]}.${image[compression]}
+ if [ "${image[kind]}" == "tar" ]; then
+ if [ "${image[protocol]}" == "http" -o "${image[protocol]}" == "https" ]; then
+ __download ${image[file]} $dest
+ else
+ if [ "${image[protocol]}" == "server" ]; then
+ # If server:// => see if available locally (NFS) or fail, same as if local:// <=> ""
+ echo "Image is server side, try and fetch it from local file ${image[path]}"
+ fi
+ [ -r ${image[path]} ] || fail "Cannot retrieve ${image[file]}"
+ cp -v ${image[path]} $dest
+ fi
+ else # dd or whatever
+ fail "Image format${image[kind]:+ ${image[kind]}} is not supported"
+ fi
+ export UPSTREAM_TARBALL=$dest
+ set +e
+export -f __download_kadeploy_environment_image
+function __find_linux_boot_device() {
+ local PDEVICE=`stat -c %04D /boot`
+ for file in $(find /dev -type b 2>/dev/null) ; do
+ local CURRENT_DEVICE=$(stat -c "%02t%02T" $file)
+ if [ $CURRENT_DEVICE = $PDEVICE ]; then
+ ROOTDEVICE="$file"
+ break;
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$ROOTDEVICE"
+export -f __find_linux_boot_device
+function __find_free_port() {
+ local begin_port=$1
+ local end_port=$2
+ local port=$begin_port
+ local ret=$(nc -z $port && echo in use || echo free)
+ while [ $port -le $end_port ] && [ "$ret" == "in use" ]
+ do
+ local port=$[$port+1]
+ local ret=$(nc -z $port && echo in use || echo free)
+ done
+ # manage loop exits
+ if [[ $port -gt $end_port ]]
+ then
+ fail "No free port available between $begin_port and $end_port"
+ fi
+ echo $port
+export -f __find_free_port