path: root/design-documents/039-taler-browser-integration.rst
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+DD 39: Taler Wallet Browser Integration Considerations
+This design document discusses considerations for integrating the GNU Taler
+wallet with browsers and highlights difficulties with the implementation of a
+GNU Taler wallet as a cross-browser WebExtension.
+GNU Taler is a payment system based on open standards with a free and open
+source reference implementation. The GNU Taler wallet is the main component
+used by end users to manage their electronic cash balance and payments.
+Payments with GNU Taler are typically initiated via a QR code or link that
+contains a ``taler://pay/{merchant}/{order_id}`` URI. Navigating to such a
+link should result in a context switch to the wallet, where the payment can can
+be approved/declined, and the user is subsequently redirected to the merchant's
+website again.
+Other ``taler://`` URIs (for withdrawals, refunds, etc.) are also commonly
+used, but not explicitly discussed in this document, as very similar
+considerations apply.
+There are multiple reference implementations available for multiple
+platforms (command line, Android, iOS, WebExtension).
+While native applications can register themselves as a handler for the
+``taler`` URI scheme, the story is different for WebExtensions: There is
+currently no reasonable, cross-platform mechanism that allows a WebExtension to
+register itself as the handler for the ``taler`` URI scheme.
+This is unfortunate, as a WebExtension could otherwise easily provide a Taler
+wallet implementation without requiring the user to install a native App,
+providing a better and safer user experience.
+The problems with individual browsers are:
+* Firefox allows specifying ``protocol_handlers`` in the extension manifest.
+ However, this list only allows schemes with the prefix ``ext+`` and
+ schemes that are included in an allowlist. The ``taler`` URI scheme
+ is not part of this list yet.
+* Chromium / Google Chrome allows extensions to use the
+ ``registerProtocolHandler`` API. However, the same allowlist restrictions
+ apply. Furthermore, the registered protocol scheme is not listed as the
+ extension's required/optional permissions. Instead, a different permission
+ prompt is dynamically shown to the user.
+* Safari currently neither supports ``registerProtocolHandler`` nor the
+ ``protocol_handlers`` mechanism.
+* Opera does not seem to have any support for WebExtension protocol handlers
+ either.
+Another issue is that Websites can't easily find out whether a browser
+extension handling the ``taler://`` protocol is installed.
+* No vendor lock-in: The integration should not require merchant
+ Websites to rely on a particular list of extension IDs but instead
+ any WebExtension to potentially handle ``taler://`` URIs
+ or other mechanisms that Websites can use to interact with Taler
+ wallets.
+* Security: The integration mechanism should require as few
+ permissions as possible.
+* Ergonomic user experience: As few clicks and permission
+ prompts as possible should be shown to the user.
+* Ergonomic developer experience: The code size and
+ effort to trigger a Taler payment on a merchant's Website
+ should be minimized.
+* Forward compatibility: The integration mechanism
+ should work smoothly with future browsers that
+ have native, built-in support for Taler payments.
+Proposed Solution
+.. note::
+ As of 2023-01-23, we've decided to go ahead with the approach
+ described in this section.
+The following integration approaches between Websites and the Taler Wallet webextension
+are provided:
+1. Directly triggering a ``taler://...`` URI on page load (via a meta tag).
+2. Overriding ``<a href="taler://..." onclick=...>`` tags to trigger the wallet.
+ The onclick handler (which must call preventDefault) can implement behavior
+ that happens only when the webextension is not available.
+3. Future (possibly post-1.0): A ``window.taler`` JavaScript API that is injected
+ into every page that requests it via a meta tag. This is useful for SPAs that
+ want to programmatically trigger the Taler wallet.
+To directly trigger the handling of a ``taler://`` URI on page load, the following meta tag can be used:
+.. code::
+ <meta name="taler-uri" content="taler://...">
+To enable additional communication features between a website and the GNU Taler Wallet webextension, the page must
+include the following meta tag:
+.. code::
+ <meta name="taler-support" content="$features">
+where ``$features`` is a comma-separated list of features.
+The following features are supported:
+* ``uri`` will hijack anchor elements (``<a href="taler://..." onclick=...>``) and replace their onclick handler
+ with a different handler that lets the webexension wallet handle the ``taler://`` URI.
+* (future): ``api`` will inject the ``window.taler`` API into the page
+Caveats and Comments
+* Anchor tag hijacking does not work in all use-cases, for example when a navigation
+ to a ``taler://`` URI is initiated programmatically or by pasting
+ the URI in the browser's address bar.
+* The ``window.taler`` API injection may break some websites
+ (
+* All these approaches require excessive permissions, as unfortunately,
+ browsers currently do not provide a safe way for the communication between a
+ WebExtension and the page without excessive permissions. This especially
+ applies if the Website does not know the extension's ID. Hard-coding the
+ extension IDs would violate the "no vendor lock-in requirement".
+* A neat feature of the anchor hijacking is that the ``taler://`` URI can be always be copied
+ in the browser (via "copy link address"). Clicking the link always results in either:
+ * The native URI handler, if no Taler Wallet webextension is installed and no onclick handler is defined
+ * The execution of the websites onclick handler if no Taler Wallet webextension is installed
+ * Triggering the webextension wallet to handle the ``taler://`` URI.
+* Future ``window.taler`` injection should be based on user preferences on
+ sites where the user has explicitly accepted to disclose that is owner of a
+ Taler wallet.
+Other Alternatives
+* Triggering interactions with the ``taler://`` URI in a ``Taler:`` HTTP
+ header. This approach would allow browsers with native Taler support
+ (or a WebExtension) to handle payment/withdrawal initiations directly,
+ without rendering a page that shows the QR code or link.
+ However, the WebExtension APIs do not allow extensions to
+ read particular headers without excessive permissions. Furthermore,
+ more recent versions of Chrome/Chromium do not allow blocking
+ processing of headers, leading to flickering when the extension
+ redirects based on the presence of the ``Taler:`` header.
+* Browser and wallet presence detection. Merchants' Websites could include custom
+ code to detect the browser and/or presence of a Taler WebExtension and show
+ different instructions to guide the user towards processing the payment or to
+ show ``ext+taler`` URIs instead of ``taler`` URIs. This is not a viable
+ solution, as it requires a lot of extra and brittle logic on merchants'
+ Websites.
+* Always use ``ext+taler`` URIs. This would help with Firefox.
+ Bad for forward compatibility, as we have already provisionally registered the
+ ``taler`` URI scheme.
+* Web Payments API: Using the Web Payments API is not possible, because current
+ browsers do not allow specifying a WebExtension as a handler. Furthermore,
+ the Web Payments API would not support the withdrawal flow
+ (``taler://withdraw`` URIs).
+* Browsers could provide anchor elements with a fallback when the protocol isn't supported, such as
+ ``<a href="taler://pay/..." handler-unavailable-href="">...</a>``.
+Related Work and References
+* **[1]**
+* **[2]**
+* **[3]**