path: root/crypto-anastasis.rst
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+ This file is part of GNU TALER.
+ Copyright (C) 2019 Taler Systems SA
+ TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
+ TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
+ TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
+ @author Christian Grothoff
+ @author Dominik Meister
+ @author Dennis Neufeld
+Specification of Cryptography in Anastasis
+This document specifies the Crypto used in Anastasis.
+1. Key derivations
+EdDSA and ECDHE public keys are always points on Curve25519 and represented
+using the standard 256 bit Ed25519 compact format. The binary representation
+is converted to Crockford Base32 when transmitted inside JSON or as part of
+To start, a user provides their private, unique and unforgettable
+**identifier** as a seed to identify their account. For example, this could
+be a social security number together with their full name. Specifics may
+depend on the cultural context, in this document we will simply refer to this
+information as the **user_identifier**.
+This user_identifier will be first hashed with SCrypt, to provide a **kdf_id**
+which will be used to derive other keys later. The Hash must also include the
+respective **server_salt**. This also ensures that the **kdf_id** is different
+on each server. The use of SCrypt and the respective server_salt is intended
+to make it difficult to brute-force **kdf_id** values and help protect user's
+privacy. Also this ensures that the kdf_ids on every server differs. However,
+we do not assume that the **user_identifier** or the **kdf_id** cannot be
+determined by an adversary performing a targeted attack, as a user's
+**user_identifier** is likely to always be known to state actors and may
+likely also be available to other actors.
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ kdf_id := SCrypt( user_identifier, server_salt, keysize )
+**user_identifier**: The secret defined from the user beforehand.
+**server_salt**: The salt from the Server
+**keysize**: The desired output size of the KDF, here 32 bytes.
+1.1 Verification
+For users to authorize **policy** operations we need an EdDSA key pair. As we
+cannot assure that the corresponding private key is truly secret, such policy
+operations must never be destructive: Should an adversary learn the private
+key, they could access (and with the kdf_id decrypt) the user's policy (but
+not the core secret), or upload a new version of the policy (but not delete an
+existing version).
+For the generation of the private key we use the kdf_id as the entropy source,
+hash it to derive a base secret which will then be processed to fit the
+requirements for EdDSA private keys. From the private key we can then
+generate the corresponding public key. Here, "ver" is used as a salt for the
+HKDF to ensure that the result differs from other cases where we hash
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ ver_secret:= HKDF(kdf_id, "ver", keysize)
+ eddsa_priv := eddsa_d_to_a(ver_secret)
+ eddsa_pub := get_EdDSA_Pub(eddsa_priv)
+**HKDF()**: The HKDF-function uses to phases: First we use HMAC-SHA512 for the extraction phase, then HMAC-SHA256 is used for expansion phase.
+**kdf_id**: Hashed user_identifier.
+**key_size**: Size of the output, here 32 bytes.
+**ver_secret**: Derived key from the kdf_id, serves as intermediate step for the generation of the private key
+**eddsa_d_to_a()**: Function which converts the ver_key to a valid EdDSA private key. Specifically, assuming the value eddsa_priv is in a 32-byte array "digest", the function clears and sets certain bits as follows:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ digest[0] = (digest[0] & 0x7f) | 0x40;
+ digest[31] &= 0xf8;
+**eddsa_priv**: The generated EdDSA private key.
+**eddsa_pub**: The generated EdDSA public key.
+1.2 Encryption
+For symmetric encryption of data we use AES256-GCM. For this we need a
+symmetric key and an initialization vector (IV). To ensure that the
+symmetric key changes for each encryption operation, we compute the
+key material using an HKDF over a nonce and the kdf_id.
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ (iv,key) := HKDF(kdf_id, nonce, keysize + ivsize)
+**HKDF()**: The HKDF-function uses to phases: First we use HMAC-SHA512 for the extraction phase, then HMAC-SHA256 is used for expansion phase.
+**kdf_id**: Hashed user_identifier
+**keysize**: Size of the AES symmetric key, here 32 bytes
+**ivsize**: Size of the AES GCM IV, here 12 bytes
+**prekey**: Original key material.
+**nonce**: 32-byte nonce, must never match "ver" (which it cannot as the length is different).
+**key**: Symmetric key which is later used to encrypt the documents with AES256-GCM.
+**iv**: IV which will be used for AES-GCM
+2. Key Usage
+The keys we have generated, are now used to encrypt the recovery_document and
+the key_share of the user.
+2.1 Encryption
+Before every encryption a 32-byte nonce is generated.
+From this the symmetric key is computed as described above.
+We use AES256-GCM for the encryption of the recovery_document and
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ (encrypted_recovery_document, aes_gcm_tag) = AES256_GCM(recovery_document, key, iv)
+ (encrypted_key_share, aes_gcm_tag) = AES256_GCM(key_share, key, iv)
+**encrypted_recovery_document**: The encrypted RecoveryDocument (recovery_document) which contains the policies.
+**encrypted_key_share**: The encrypted KeyShare (key_share).
+2.2 Signatures
+The EdDSA keys are used to sign the data sent from the client to the
+server. Everything the client sends to server is signed. The following algorithm is equivalent for **Anastasis-Policy-Signature**.
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ (anastasis-account-signature) = eddsa_sign(h_body, eddsa_priv)
+ ver_res = eddsa_verifiy(h_body, anastasis-account-signature, eddsa_pub)
+**anastasis-account-signature**: Signature over the hash of body.
+**h_body**: The hashed body.
+**ver_res**: A boolean value. True: Verification passed, False: Verification failed.