diff options
authorÖzgür Kesim <>2023-05-02 13:28:04 +0200
committerÖzgür Kesim <>2023-05-02 13:28:04 +0200
commit5cb0b3b593105ee4d806a8c756c78148bfd76466 (patch)
parent9361419fab13ccfd0cab340a8d6d986f76530250 (diff)
protocol and schema change for age-withdraw
During the commitment for age-withdraw, the wallet now has to provide all n*kappa blinded hashes and n denom_pubs. This allows the exchange to immediately sign the chosen coins in the initial commit with the corresponding denomination key.
2 files changed, 38 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/core/api-exchange.rst b/core/api-exchange.rst
index 8d1701d4..b09dadfa 100644
--- a/core/api-exchange.rst
+++ b/core/api-exchange.rst
@@ -2428,20 +2428,21 @@ If so, the exchange will blindly sign ``n`` undisclosed coins from the request.
.. ts:def:: AgeWithdrawRequest
interface AgeWithdrawRequest {
- // Commitment to the coins with age restriction. This is the SHA512
- // hash value $ACH over all n*kappa `BlindedCoinHash` values of all
- // coins and their age commitments. It is alter used as part of the URL
- // in the subsequent call to /age-withdraw/$ACH/reveal.
- h_commitment : HashCode;
- // The total amount that the client wants to withdraw from the reserve
- // and must be at most the balance of the reserve. The balance of the
- // reserve will be immediatley reduced by that amount.
- // In the subsequent call to /age-withdraw/$ACH/reveal, the client has to
- // provide the list of denominations (with support for age restriction)
- // that the coins shall be signed with. The sum of the values of those
- // denominations MUST equal this amount.
- amount: Amount;
+ // Array of ``n`` hash codes of denomination public keys to order.
+ // These denominations MUST support age restriction as defined in the
+ // output to /keys.
+ // The sum of all denomination's values plus fees MUST be at most the
+ // balance of the reserve. The balance of the reserve will be
+ // immediatley reduced by that amount.
+ denoms_h: HashCode[];
+ // ``n`` arrays of ``kappa`` entries with blinded coin envelopes. Each
+ // (toplevel) entry represents ``kappa`` canditates for a particular
+ // coin. The exchange will respond with an index ``gamma``, which is
+ // the index that shall remain undisclosed during the reveal phase.
+ // The SHA512 hash $ACH over the blinded coin envelopes is the commitment
+ // that is later used as the key to the reveal-URL.
+ blinded_coins_evs: CoinEnvelope[][];
// The maximum age to commit to. MUST be the same as the maximum
// age in the reserve.
@@ -2515,26 +2516,10 @@ If so, the exchange will blindly sign ``n`` undisclosed coins from the request.
// request. Needed for optimized database lookup.
reserve_pub: EddsaPublicKey;
- // Array of ``n`` hash codes of denomination public keys to order.
- // These denominations MUST support age restriction as defined in the
- // output to /keys.
- // The sum of all denomination's values MUST equal the original amount
- // of the previous commitment.
- denoms_h: HashCode[];
- // Array of ``n`` entries with blinded coins, which are the non-desclosed
- // coins in the previous commitment. They match the respective entries
- // in ``denoms_h``.
- coin_evs: CoinEnvelope[];
- // Array of ``n`` of ``(kappa - 1)`` disclosed coin secrets, from
+ // Array of ``n`` of ``(kappa - 1)`` disclosed coin master secrets, from
// which the coins' private key ``coin_priv``, blinding ``beta`` and nonce
// ``nonce`` (for Clause-Schnorr) itself are derived as usually in wallet
- // core.
- // (TODO: description of the derivation process of the coin's private
- // key, blinding and nonce).
- //
- // Given a coin's secret, the age commitment for the coin MUST be
+ // core. Given a coin's secret, the age commitment for the coin MUST be
// derived from this private key as follows:
// Let m ∈ {1,...,M} be the maximum age group as defined in the reserve
diff --git a/design-documents/024-age-restriction.rst b/design-documents/024-age-restriction.rst
index ec7edd69..50ea4705 100644
--- a/design-documents/024-age-restriction.rst
+++ b/design-documents/024-age-restriction.rst
@@ -332,33 +332,35 @@ for the withdrawal of one coin:
#. calculates :math:`f_i := \text{FDH}(C_i, H(\vec{Q}^i))` for :math:`i \in \{ 1,\ldots,\kappa \}`.
#. chooses random blindings :math:`\beta_i(.)` for :math:`i \in \{1,\ldots,\kappa\}`. The blinding functions depend on the cipher (RSA, CS).
- #. calculates :math:`F := \text{H}(\beta_1(f_1)||\ldots||\beta_\kappa(f_\kappa))`
- #. sends :math:`F` to the Exchange
+ #. sends :math:`(\beta_1(f_1),\ldots,\beta_\kappa(f_\kappa))` to the Exchange
- *Exchange*
- 7. receives and stores :math:`F`
+ 7. receives :math:`(b_1,\ldots,b_\kappa)`
+ #. calculates :math:`F := \text{H}(b_1||\ldots||b_\kappa)`
#. chooses randomly :math:`\gamma \in \{1,\ldots,\kappa\}` and
+ #. signs :math:`r := b_\gamma` resulting in signature :math:`\sigma_r`
+ #. stores :math:`F \mapsto (r, \sigma_r)`
#. sends :math:`\gamma` to the Wallet.
- *Wallet*
10. receives :math:`\gamma`
- #. sends to the Exchange the tuple :math:`\left(r_\gamma, \vec{\beta}, \vec{\vec{Q}}, \vec{\vec{S}}\right)` with
+ #. sends to the Exchange the tuple :math:`\left(F, \vec{\beta}, \vec{\vec{Q}}, \vec{\vec{S}}\right)` with
- - :math:`r_\gamma := \beta_\gamma(f_\gamma)`
- - :math:`\vec{\beta} := (\beta^1,\ldots,\beta^{\gamma-1},\bot,\beta^{\gamma+1},\ldots,\beta^\kappa)`
+ - :math:`F := \text{H}(\beta_1(f_1)||\ldots||\beta_\kappa(f_\kappa))`
+ - :math:`\vec{\beta} := (\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_{\gamma-1},\bot,\beta_{\gamma+1},\ldots,\beta_\kappa)`
- :math:`\vec{\vec{Q}} := (\vec{Q}^1,\ldots,\vec{Q}^{\gamma-1},\bot,\vec{Q}^{\gamma+1},\ldots,\vec{Q}^\kappa)`
- :math:`\vec{\vec{S}} := (\vec{S}^1,\ldots,\vec{S}^{\gamma-1},\bot,\vec{S}^{\gamma+1},\ldots,\vec{S}^\kappa)`
with :math:`\vec{S}^i := (s^i_j)`
- *Exchange*
- 12. receives :math:`\left(r, (\beta^i), (\vec{Q}^i), (\vec{B}^i) \right)`
- #. calculates :math:`g_i := \beta_i\left(\text{FDH}(\vec{Q}^i)\right)` for :math:`i \neq \gamma`
- #. compares :math:`F \overset{?}{=} \text{H}(g_1||\ldots||g_{\gamma - 1}||r||g_{\gamma+1}||\ldots||g_\kappa)` and bails out on inequality
+ 12. receives :math:`\left(F, (\beta_i), (\vec{Q}^i), (\vec{B}^i) \right)`
+ #. retrieves :math:`(r, \sigma_r)` from :math:`F` or bails out if not present
+ #. calculates :math:`b_i := \beta_i\left(\text{FDH}(\vec{Q}^i)\right)` for :math:`i \neq \gamma`
+ #. compares :math:`F \overset{?}{=} \text{H}(b_1||\ldots||b_{\gamma - 1}||r||b_{\gamma+1}||\ldots||b_\kappa)` and bails out on inequality
#. for each :math:`\vec{B}^i, i \neq \gamma`
i. calculates :math:`\tilde{\omega}^i_j := b^i_j * \Omega` for :math:`j \in \{a+1,\ldots,M\}`
#. compares each :math:`\tilde{\omega}^i_j` to :math:`q^i_j` from :math:`\vec{Q}^i = (q^i_1, \ldots, q^i_M)` and bails out on inequality
- #. signs :math:`r`
#. sends (blinded) signature :math:`\sigma_r` to Wallet
- *Wallet*
@@ -372,11 +374,13 @@ accomodate for handling multiple coins at once -- thus multiplying the amount
of data by the amount of coins in question--, but all with the same value of
-The *actual* implementation of the protocol above will have a major optimization
-to keep the bandwidth usage to a minimum. Instead of generating and sending
-the age commitment (array of public keys) and blindings for each coin, the
-wallet *MUST* derive the corresponding blindings and the age commitments from
-the coin's private key itself as follows:
+The *actual* implementation of the protocol above will have major optimizations
+to keep the bandwidth usage to a minimum and also ensure that a denomination in
+the commitment doesn't expire before the reveal.
+Instead of generating and sending the age commitment (array of public keys) and
+blindings for each coin, the wallet *MUST* derive the corresponding blindings
+and the age commitments from the coin's private key itself as follows:
@@ -440,10 +444,10 @@ schema in the exchange is given here:
subgraph cluster_reveals {
- label=<<B>age_withdraw_reveals</B>>
+ label=<<B>age_withdraw_revealed_coins</B>>
reveals [
- label="freshcoin_index\l|<comm>h_commitment\l|<denom>denominations_serial\l|coin_ev\l|h_coin_ev\l|ev_sig\l"
+ label="freshcoin_index\l|<comm>h_commitment\l|<denom>denominations_serial\l|h_blind_ev\l|denom_sig\l"