diff options
authorÖzgür Kesim <>2023-01-10 18:13:30 +0100
committerÖzgür Kesim <>2023-01-10 18:13:30 +0100
commit1a65188965792a791229ecf6a039d72e9b013c0a (patch)
parentf219e4388e2c20bcd9417347b24cd297ce14d15d (diff)
added description of optimization and DB-schema
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/design-documents/024-age-restriction.rst b/design-documents/024-age-restriction.rst
index e2161688..996e5638 100644
--- a/design-documents/024-age-restriction.rst
+++ b/design-documents/024-age-restriction.rst
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ protocol, that gives the minor/ward a 1/κ chance to raise the minimum age for
the new coin).
The proposed solution maintains the guarantees of GNU Taler with respect to
-anonymity and unlinkability. We have published a paper
+anonymity and unlinkability. We have published a paper
`Zero Knowledge Age Restriction for GNU Taler <>`_
with the details.
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ NULL, but only iff the corresponding denomination (indirectly referenced via
table ``known_coins``) has ``.age_restricted`` set to true. This constraint
can not be expressed reliably with SQL.
Protocol changes
@@ -371,6 +372,88 @@ accomodate for handling multiple coins at once -- thus multiplying the amount
of data by the amount of coins in question--, but all with the same value of
+The *actual* implementation of the protocol above will have a major optimization
+to keep the bandwidth usage to a minimum. Instead of generating and sending
+the age commitment (array of public keys) for each coin, the wallet *MUST*
+derive the corresponding age commitments from the coin's private key
+:math:`c_s` itself as follows:
+Let :math:`m \in \{1,\ldots,M\}` be the maximum age (according to the reserve)
+that a wallet can commit to during the withdrawal.
+For age group :math:`a \in \{1,\ldots,m\}`, set
+.. math::
+ s_a &:= \text{HDKF}(c_s, \text{"age-commitment"}, a) \\
+ p_a &:= \text{Edx25519\_generate\_private}(s_a)
+and calculate the corresponding Edx25519PublicKey as
+.. math::
+ q_a &:= \text{Edx25519\_public\_from\_private}(p_a)
+For age group :math:`a \in \{m,\ldots,M\}`, set
+.. math::
+ f_a &:= \text{HDKF}(c_s, \text{"age-factor"}, a)
+and calculate the corresponding Edx25519PublicKey as
+.. math::
+ q_a &:= \text{Edx25519\_derive\_public}(P, f_a),
+where :math:`P` is a published constant public key, for which the private key
+is not known to the client.
+Provided with the private key :math:`c_s`, ghe exchange can therefore calculate the
+age commitment :math:`\vec{q}` itself, along with the coin's public key
+:math:`C_p` and use the value of
+.. math::
+ \text{TALER\_CoinPubHashP}(C_p, \text{age\_commitment\_hash}(\vec{q}))
+during the verification of the original age-withdraw-commitment.
+For the withdrawal with age restriction, a sketch of the corresponding database
+schema in the exchange is given here:
+.. graphviz::
+ digraph deposit_policies {
+ rankdir = LR;
+ splines = true;
+ fontname="monospace"
+ node [
+ fontname="monospace"
+ shape=record
+ ]
+ subgraph cluster_commitments {
+ label=<<B>withdraw_age_commitments</B>>
+ margin=20
+ commitments [
+ label="<id>id\l|h_commitment\l|amount_with_fee_val\l|amount_with_fee_frac\l|noreveal_index\l|<res>reserve_uuid\l|reserve_sig\l|timestamp\l"
+ ]
+ }
+ subgraph cluster_reveals {
+ label=<<B>withdraw_age_reveals</B>>
+ margin=20
+ reveals [
+ label="freshcoin_index\l|<comm>withdraw_age_commitments_id\l|<denom>denominations_serial\l|h_coin_ev\l"
+ ]
+ }
+ commitments:res->reserves:id [ label="n:1"; fontname="monospace"];
+ reveals:comm -> commitments:id [ label="n:1"; fontname="monospace" ];
+ reveals:denom -> denominations:id [ label="n:1"; fontname="monospace"] ;
+ }
Refresh - melting phase