AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-09-17Generate Sandbox admin password, store in file, and load in
2021-09-16use fresh portsms
2021-09-16use fresh portsms
2021-09-16env work for euFinms
2021-09-16'int' environment takes euFinms
2021-09-16euFin deployment: first stepsms
2021-08-30anastasis authz currencyFlorian Dold
2021-08-30start anastasisFlorian Dold
2021-08-30anastasis business nameFlorian Dold
2021-08-30missing truth upload feeFlorian Dold
2021-08-29anastasis auth configFlorian Dold
2021-08-29anastasis insuranceFlorian Dold
2021-08-29typoFlorian Dold
2021-08-29write to correct config fileFlorian Dold
2021-08-29anastasisFlorian Dold
2021-08-25backoffice doesn't need ARMms
2021-08-24follow upMS
2021-08-24Prepare-script cleanup trap.MS
2021-08-24follow upMS
2021-08-24Fix unbound argument with default expansion (bash).MS
2021-08-24prepare script: DB-reset is optionalMS
2021-08-24build stepsFlorian Dold
2021-08-24dpkg building WIPFlorian Dold
2021-08-24vagrantFlorian Dold
2021-08-24-dieChristian Grothoff
2021-08-18-use named tagChristian Grothoff
2021-08-18compat AnastasisChristian Grothoff
2021-08-18-upgrade demoChristian Grothoff
2021-08-13use new exchange-accountcredentials- sectionFlorian Dold
2021-08-05issue #6945Sebastian
2021-07-31vagrantFlorian Dold
2021-07-28libeufin changes trigger wallet builderms
2021-07-28specifying suitesms
2021-07-28fix syntaxms
2021-07-28fix PATH for wallet builderms
2021-07-28wallet factory builds all Talerms
2021-07-28revert unwantedms
2021-07-27trigger integration tests alwaysms
2021-07-27bootstrapping wallet workerms
2021-07-27integration tests depsms
2021-07-27installing Libeufin along integration testsms
2021-07-27integration tests depsms
2021-07-27disable backoffice (integrationtests)ms
2021-07-27no Twister dependency for wallet-driven
2021-07-27no need to build wallet on demo-checksms
2021-07-27workaround Python's NameErrorms
2021-07-21tolerate delayms