path: root/nlnet/task5
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nlnet/task5')
7 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nlnet/task5/date-range/Dockerfile b/nlnet/task5/date-range/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d1224f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlnet/task5/date-range/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+FROM debian:stable
+RUN apt-get update
+RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jre git python3-pip curl jq sqlite3 postgresql python3-requests python3-click sudo
+# Installation
+RUN git clone git://
+WORKDIR /libeufin
+RUN git fetch && git checkout a614d433a8307468f1074114086ae0a47b848472
+RUN ./bootstrap
+RUN ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
+RUN make install
diff --git a/nlnet/task5/date-range/ b/nlnet/task5/date-range/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f000a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlnet/task5/date-range/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+echo -n Delete previous data...
+libeufin-sandbox reset-tables
+libeufin-nexus reset-tables
+echo DONE
+echo -n Configure the default demobank with MANA...
+libeufin-sandbox config --with-signup-bonus --currency MANA default
+echo DONE
+echo -n Setting the default exchange at Sandbox...
+libeufin-sandbox \
+ default-exchange \
+ "" \
+ "payto://iban/NOTUSED"
+echo DONE
+echo -n Start the bank...
+libeufin-sandbox serve > sandbox.log 2>&1 &
+echo DONE
+echo -n Wait for the bank...
+curl --max-time 4 --retry-all-errors --retry-connrefused --retry-delay 1 --retry 10 http://localhost:5000/ &> /dev/null
+echo DONE
+echo -n Make one superuser at Nexus...
+libeufin-nexus superuser test-user --password x
+echo DONE
+echo -n Launching Nexus...
+libeufin-nexus serve &> nexus.log &
+echo DONE
+echo -n Waiting for Nexus...
+curl --max-time 4 --retry-all-errors --retry-connrefused --retry-delay 1 --retry 10 http://localhost:5001/ &> /dev/null
+echo DONE
diff --git a/nlnet/task5/date-range/ b/nlnet/task5/date-range/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c61cfee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlnet/task5/date-range/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# This script shows how Nexus can request histories from
+# a particular time frame. Such request must succeed via
+# two connection types: EBICS and x-libeufin-bank. EBICS
+# ensures the fetching of fiat payments made to the regional
+# currency authority, whereas x-libeufin-bank does it for
+# the regional currency circuit. Note: the time-framed
+# request is exceptional: it's used only after a complaint
+# from a user where they didn't get their funds as expected.
+set -eu
+service postgresql start
+sudo -u postgres createuser -s root
+createdb libeufincheck
+echo -n Launching and confirguring LibEuFin..
+source / &> /dev/null
+# Register the Sandbox account.
+export LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_USERNAME=sandbox-user
+libeufin-cli \
+ sandbox --sandbox-url http://localhost:5000/ \
+ demobank \
+ register
+# x-libeufin-bank connection.
+# Creating the x-libeufin-bank connection at Nexus.
+export LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_URL=http://localhost:5001
+libeufin-cli connections new-xlibeufinbank-connection \
+ --bank-url "http://localhost:5000/demobanks/default/access-api" \
+ --username sandbox-user \
+ --password foo \
+ xlibeufinbankconn
+# Connecting the x-libeufin-bank connection...
+libeufin-cli connections connect xlibeufinbankconn
+# Importing the bank account under a local name at Nexus.
+# Importing the x-libeufin-bank account locally..
+libeufin-cli connections import-bank-account \
+ --offered-account-id sandbox-user \
+ --nexus-bank-account-id foo-at-nexus xlibeufinbankconn
+# EBICS connection.
+## Sandbox side.
+# "Create EBICS host at Sandbox..."
+libeufin-cli sandbox \
+ --sandbox-url http://localhost:5000 \
+ ebicshost create --host-id wwwebics
+# Create nlnet EBICS subscriber at Sandbox
+libeufin-cli sandbox \
+ --sandbox-url http://localhost:5000 \
+ demobank new-ebicssubscriber --host-id wwwebics \
+ --user-id nlnet --partner-id nlnet \
+ --bank-account sandbox-user # that's a username _and_ a bank account name
+## Nexus side.
+export LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_URL=http://localhost:5001
+# Creating the EBICS connection at Nexus...
+libeufin-cli connections new-ebics-connection \
+ --ebics-url "http://localhost:5000/ebicsweb" \
+ --host-id wwwebics \
+ --partner-id nlnet \
+ --ebics-user-id nlnet \
+ ebicsconn
+# Setup EBICS keying...
+libeufin-cli connections connect ebicsconn > /dev/null
+# Download bank account name from Sandbox...
+libeufin-cli connections download-bank-accounts ebicsconn
+# Importing bank account info into Nexus...
+libeufin-cli connections import-bank-account \
+ --offered-account-id sandbox-user \
+ --nexus-bank-account-id bar-at-nexus ebicsconn
+echo DONE
+FIRST_JAN_2020="1577833200000" # in milliseconds
+echo Make sample transaction..
+# 0, setup and start services.
+libeufin-sandbox make-transaction \
+ --credit-account=admin \
+ --debit-account=sandbox-user MANA:2 \
+ "task5" # subject.
+echo DONE
+echo -n Articifially set the transaction date to $FIRST_JAN_2020..
+# 1, set artificial time for the transaction at January, 1st 2020.
+echo "UPDATE bankaccounttransactions SET date='$FIRST_JAN_2020' WHERE subject='task5'" | psql -q -d libeufincheck
+echo DONE
+# 2, retrieve the transaction via Nexus, for both
+# connections and by asking for a (narrow) time frame
+# that includes the 2020-01-01 payment.
+echo -n Nexus: syncing banking records for the time frame $END_DEC_2019-$MID_JAN_2020 via EBICS..
+# Fetch time-framed payments via EBICS.
+libeufin-cli \
+ accounts \
+ fetch-transactions \
+ --level=report \
+ --range-type=time-range \
+ --start=$END_DEC_2019 \
+ --end=$MID_JAN_2020 \
+ bar-at-nexus > /dev/null # EBICS
+echo DONE
+echo Showing the synced data..
+# Now checks if Nexus ingested and shows the
+# expected payment.
+libeufin-cli \
+ accounts \
+ transactions \
+ bar-at-nexus
+echo DONE
+echo Resetting the Nexus database..
+# Bring the database state so that Nexus does not hold any payment.
+echo "DELETE FROM nexusbanktransactions" | psql -d libeufincheck
+echo "DELETE FROM nexusbankmessages" | psql -d libeufincheck
+echo DONE
+echo Checking that no payment data appears after the reset..
+# Double-checking that the future steps start
+# without the previous transactions.
+libeufin-cli \
+ accounts \
+ transactions \
+ foo-at-nexus # FIXME: put a 204 No Content check?
+echo DONE
+# Fetch time-framed payments via x-libeufin-bank.
+echo Nexus: syncing banking records for the time frame ${END_DEC_2019}_${MID_JAN_2020} via x-libeufin-bank..
+libeufin-cli \
+ accounts \
+ fetch-transactions \
+ --level=statement \
+ --range-type=time-range \
+ --start=$END_DEC_2019 \
+ --end=$MID_JAN_2020 \
+ foo-at-nexus
+echo DONE
+# As in the previous case, now Nexus should show
+# the 2020-01-01 the payment.
+echo Showing the synced data..
+libeufin-cli \
+ accounts \
+ transactions \
+ foo-at-nexus # FIXME: put a 200 OK check?
+echo DONE
diff --git a/nlnet/task5/long-poll/Dockerfile b/nlnet/task5/long-poll/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..713e47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlnet/task5/long-poll/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+FROM debian:stable
+RUN apt-get update
+RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jre git python3-pip curl jq sqlite3 postgresql python3-requests python3-click sudo libgnunet0.19
+# Installation
+RUN git clone git://
+WORKDIR /libeufin
+RUN git fetch && git checkout 934a73b09b9e9abba348e15ddc058df5bb9cd6a3
+RUN ./bootstrap
+RUN ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
+RUN make install
diff --git a/nlnet/task5/long-poll/ b/nlnet/task5/long-poll/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..46a0af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlnet/task5/long-poll/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+set -eu
+service postgresql start
+sudo -u postgres createuser -s root
+createdb libeufincheck
+wire_transfer () {
+ RESERVE_PUB=$(gnunet-ecc -g1 /tmp/www &> /dev/null && gnunet-ecc -p /tmp/www)
+ DB_CONN="postgresql:///libeufincheck"
+ libeufin-sandbox \
+ make-transaction \
+ --credit-account=sandbox-user \
+ --debit-account=admin MANA:2 \
+jq --version &> /dev/null || (echo "'jq' command not found"; exit 77)
+curl --version &> /dev/null || (echo "'curl' command not found"; exit 77)
+echo -n Delete previous data...
+libeufin-sandbox reset-tables
+libeufin-nexus reset-tables
+echo DONE
+echo -n Configure the default demobank with MANA...
+libeufin-sandbox config --with-signup-bonus --currency MANA default
+echo DONE
+echo -n Setting the default exchange at Sandbox...
+libeufin-sandbox \
+ default-exchange \
+ "" \
+ "payto://iban/NOTUSED"
+echo DONE
+echo -n Start the bank...
+libeufin-sandbox serve > sandbox.log 2>&1 &
+echo DONE
+echo -n Wait for the bank...
+curl --max-time 4 --retry-all-errors --retry-connrefused --retry-delay 1 --retry 10 http://localhost:5000/ &> /dev/null
+echo DONE
+echo -n Make one superuser at Nexus...
+libeufin-nexus superuser test-user --password x
+echo DONE
+echo -n Launching Nexus...
+libeufin-nexus serve &> nexus.log &
+echo DONE
+echo -n Waiting for Nexus...
+curl --max-time 4 --retry-all-errors --retry-connrefused --retry-delay 1 --retry 10 http://localhost:5001/ &> /dev/null
+echo DONE
+echo -n "Register the Sandbox account..."
+export LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_USERNAME=sandbox-user
+libeufin-cli \
+ sandbox --sandbox-url http://localhost:5000/ \
+ demobank \
+ register
+echo DONE
+echo -n Creating the x-libeufin-bank connection at Nexus...
+export LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_URL=http://localhost:5001
+# echoing the password to STDIN, as that is a "prompt" option.
+libeufin-cli connections new-xlibeufinbank-connection \
+ --bank-url "http://localhost:5000/demobanks/default/access-api" \
+ --username sandbox-user \
+ --password foo \
+ wwwconn
+echo DONE
+echo -n Connecting the x-libeufin-bank connection...
+libeufin-cli connections connect wwwconn
+echo DONE
+# Importing the bank account under a local name at Nexus.
+echo -n Importing the x-libeufin-bank account locally..
+libeufin-cli connections import-bank-account \
+ --offered-account-id sandbox-user \
+ --nexus-bank-account-id foo-at-nexus wwwconn
+echo DONE
+echo -n Create the Taler facade at Nexus...
+libeufin-cli facades \
+ new-taler-wire-gateway-facade \
+ --currency TESTKUDOS --facade-name test-facade \
+ wwwconn foo-at-nexus
+echo DONE
+if test 1 = $WITH_TASKS; then
+ echo -n Creating submit transactions task..
+ libeufin-cli accounts task-schedule \
+ --task-type submit \
+ --task-name www-payments \
+ --task-cronspec "* * *" \
+ foo-at-nexus || true
+ # Tries every second. Ask C52
+ echo DONE
+ echo -n Creating fetch transactions task..
+ # Not idempotent, FIXME #7739
+ libeufin-cli accounts task-schedule \
+ --task-type fetch \
+ --task-name www-history \
+ --task-cronspec "* * *" \
+ --task-param-level statement \
+ --task-param-range-type since-last \
+ foo-at-nexus || true
+ echo DONE
+ echo NOT creating background tasks!
+echo Services are online! The following shell offers a 'wire_transfer'
+echo command that wires money to Nexus 'test-user'. Give it after having
+echo connected an HTTP client that long-polls to Nexus. As an example, a
+echo 100 seconds long-poller to Nexus is the following command:
+echo curl -v -u test-user:x "'http://localhost:5001/facades/test-facade/taler-wire-gateway/history/incoming?delta=5&long_poll_ms=100000'"
+echo Hint: after having issued the previous command and having observed
+echo that it actually long-polls, press CTRL-Z to send it in the background,
+echo "then wire the funds to the long-poller with 'wire_transfer',"
+echo "and finally give 'fg 1' to bring the long-poller in the foreground."
+echo If the client now shows a response, then the long-polling mechanism
+echo worked.
+cd /
+export -f wire_transfer
diff --git a/nlnet/task5/performance/Dockerfile b/nlnet/task5/performance/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4daeaf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlnet/task5/performance/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+FROM debian:stable
+RUN apt-get update
+RUN apt-get install -y \
+ git \
+ openjdk-17-jre \
+ python3-pip \
+ curl \
+ jq \
+ postgresql \
+ python3-requests \
+ python3-click \
+ sudo \
+ time \
+ autoconf \
+ autopoint \
+ libtool \
+ texinfo \
+ libgcrypt-dev \
+ libidn11-dev \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ libunistring-dev \
+ libjansson-dev \
+ recutils \
+ libsqlite3-dev \
+ libpq-dev \
+ libcurl4-openssl-dev \
+ libsodium-dev \
+ libqrencode-dev \
+ zip
+# Installation
+RUN git clone git://
+WORKDIR /libeufin
+RUN git fetch && git checkout 4bc5f38f571a45d427f73813ec3846bf59413afa
+RUN ./bootstrap
+RUN ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
+RUN make install
+RUN git clone git://
+WORKDIR /libmicrohttpd
+RUN ./bootstrap
+RUN ./configure --disable-doc
+RUN make install
+RUN git clone git://
+WORKDIR /gnunet
+RUN apt-get install -y python3-sphinx python3-sphinx-rtd-theme # Move up?
+RUN ./bootstrap
+RUN ./configure
+RUN pip3 install --break-system-packages htmlark
+RUN make install
+RUN git clone git://
+WORKDIR /exchange
+RUN ./bootstrap
+RUN ./configure
+RUN make install
+RUN git clone git://
+WORKDIR /merchant
+RUN ./bootstrap
+RUN ./configure
+RUN make install
+RUN apt-get install -y wget
+RUN apt-get install -y bc
diff --git a/nlnet/task5/performance/ b/nlnet/task5/performance/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2cc9175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlnet/task5/performance/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# This script shows, via runnuing the benchmark, how
+# the LibEuFin database connections are significantly
+# shorter than the benchmark total time.
+# For this reason, it can only be that LibEuFin opens
+# and closes many PostgreSQL connections, as it is required
+# by milestone #3.
+set -eu
+service postgresql start
+sudo -u postgres createuser -s root
+# Activating the disconnection logs.
+sudo -u postgres psql -q -c "ALTER SYSTEM SET log_disconnections = 'on'" -c "SELECT pg_reload_conf()" > /dev/null
+# Converts AA:BB:CC.DDD to milliseconds.
+convert_pg_time_to_ms () {
+ awk -F[.:] '{SECS=(60*60*$1)+(60*$2)+$3; MILLI=$4; TOTAL_MS=(SECS*1000)+MILLI; print TOTAL_MS}'
+createdb talercheck
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
+prepare_and_run () {
+ \
+ -Wwemtns \
+ -c /exchange/src/benchmark/benchmark-cs.conf \
+ -u exchange-account-2 &> /check_ready.txt &
+ # Wait that the prep. went through.
+ echo -n Waiting the unified setup to complete..
+ for i in `seq 100` true; do
+ if grep -q "<<READY>>" /check_ready.txt; then
+ break
+ fi
+ echo -n "."; sleep 1
+ done
+ if test $READY = "YES"; then
+ echo "DONE"
+ else
+ cat /check_ready.txt
+ echo FAIL
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo Running the benchmark..
+ taler-exchange-benchmark \
+ -c /exchange/src/benchmark/benchmark-cs.conf.edited \
+ -u exchange-account-2 \
+ -n 1 \
+export -f prepare_and_run
+/usr/bin/time -o /benchmark-wall-clock-time.txt --format=%e bash -c "prepare_and_run"
+NEXUS_PID=$(cat /
+SANDBOX_PID=$(cat /
+if test -z $NEXUS_PID; then
+ echo Could not find Nexus PID, failing.
+ exit 1
+if test -z $SANDBOX_PID; then
+ echo Could not find Sandbox PID, failing.
+ exit 1
+# Convert the wall clock time to milliseconds, to make
+# it compatible with the format as GREPped through Postgres logs.
+BENCHMARK_TOT_MS=$(awk -F. '{t=($1 * 1000 + $2 * 10)} END {print t}' /benchmark-wall-clock-time.txt)
+NEXUS_LONGEST_DB_SESSION_MS=$(grep disconnection < /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-15-main.log | grep $NEXUS_PID | grep -o "session time:.*$" | grep -o [0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9] | convert_pg_time_to_ms | sort -n | tail -n 1)
+SANDBOX_LONGEST_DB_SESSION_MS=$(grep disconnection < /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-15-main.log | grep $SANDBOX_PID | grep -o "session time:.*$" | grep -o [0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9] | convert_pg_time_to_ms | sort -n | tail -n 1)
+ echo Nexus had a DB session longer than the benchmark itself, failing.
+ exit 1
+ echo Sandbox had a DB session longer than the benchmark itself, failing.
+ exit 1
+NEXUS_TIME_PORTION=$(echo "($NEXUS_LONGEST_DB_SESSION_MS / $BENCHMARK_TOT_MS) * 100" | bc -lq | sed 's/^\./0./')
+SANDBOX_TIME_PORTION=$(echo "($SANDBOX_LONGEST_DB_SESSION_MS / $BENCHMARK_TOT_MS) * 100" | bc -lq | sed 's/^\./0./')
+# Here: the further from 1 the better.
+echo Nexus longest DB session is $NEXUS_TIME_PORTION percent of the total benchmark time.
+echo Sandbox longest DB session is $SANDBOX_TIME_PORTION percent of the total benchmark time.
+# Now show the total space occupied by the database.
+# Although that's a _total_ estimate, it'll anyhow show
+# that _also_ libeufin has reasonable data usage.
+TOTAL_DB_SPACE=$(echo "SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('talercheck'))" | psql -d talercheck | grep "^ [0-9]" | tr -d "[:blank:]")
+echo "The total space occupied by the database for $HOW_MANY_WITHDRAWALS withdrawals is $TOTAL_DB_SPACE"