path: root/bin/taler-deployment-prepare-with-eufin
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Diffstat (limited to 'bin/taler-deployment-prepare-with-eufin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 418 deletions
diff --git a/bin/taler-deployment-prepare-with-eufin b/bin/taler-deployment-prepare-with-eufin
deleted file mode 100755
index f3313b6..0000000
--- a/bin/taler-deployment-prepare-with-eufin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-# Values needed:
-# currency
-set -eu
-source "$HOME/activate"
-# $1 = {yes,no} indicates WITH_DB_RESET. Defaults to no.
-# Helps avoiding color Y destroying the DB while color X is in
-# production.
-if [[ -z ${TALER_ENV_NAME+x} ]]; then
- echo "TALER_ENV_NAME not set"
- exit 1
-if [[ -z ${TALER_CONFIG_CURRENCY+x} ]]; then
- echo "TALER_CONFIG_CURRENCY not set"
- exit 1
-# The script stops what started along the flow.
-# This function should help against processes left
-# somehow running.
-function stop_running() {
- taler-deployment-stop
- for n in `jobs -p`
- do
- kill $n 2> /dev/null || true
- done
- wait
-trap "stop_running" EXIT
-export IBAN_EXCHANGE="EX00000000000000000000"
-function generate_config() {
- EXCHANGE_PUB=$(gnunet-ecc -p "$HOME/deployment/private-keys/${TALER_ENV_NAME}-exchange-master.priv")
- mkdir -p "$HOME/.config"
- taler-deployment-config-generate \
- --exchange-pub "$EXCHANGE_PUB" \
- --currency "$TALER_CONFIG_CURRENCY" \
- --outdir "$HOME/.config" \
- --envname "$TALER_ENV_NAME" \
- --frontends-apitoken "$TALER_ENV_FRONTENDS_APITOKEN"
-taler-config -s exchange-account-1 \
- -o PAYTO_URI \
- -V "payto://sepa/bank.${TALER_ENV_NAME}$IBAN_EXCHANGE"
-## Step 1: Generate config
-echo -n "Generating configuration.."
-case $TALER_ENV_NAME in
- tanker|demo|test|int|local)
- generate_config
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Not generating config for env $TALER_ENV_NAME"
- ;;
-echo " OK"
-## Step 1b: initialize database
-if test $WITH_DB_RESET = resetDb; then
- echo -n "Reset and init exchange DB.."
- taler-exchange-dbinit --reset
- echo " OK"
-## Step 2: Copy key material and update denom keys
-# For demo, make sure the link to shared data between demo-blue and demo-green is
-# set up properly.
-case $TALER_ENV_NAME in
- demo)
- echo -n "Syminking demo's taler-data/ to the color's home directory.."
- ln -sfT ~demo/shared-data ~/taler-data
- # Check if we won't mess up permissions later
- if [[ ! -g ~/taler-data ]]; then
- echo "the shared-data directory should have the set-group-id bit set"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo " OK"
- ;;
-echo -n "Trying to copy the exchange private key from deployment.git.."
-case $TALER_ENV_NAME in
- demo|test|int|local)
- EXCHANGE_PUB=$(gnunet-ecc -p "$HOME/deployment/private-keys/${TALER_ENV_NAME}-exchange-master.priv")
- EXCHANGE_PRIV_FILE=$(taler-config -f -s exchange-offline -o master_priv_file)
- if [[ -e "$EXCHANGE_PRIV_FILE" ]]; then
- EXCHANGE_PUB2=$(gnunet-ecc -p "$EXCHANGE_PRIV_FILE")
- if [[ "$EXCHANGE_PUB" != "$EXCHANGE_PUB2" ]]; then
- echo "Warning: Different exchange private key already exists, not copying"
- fi
- else
- mkdir -p "$(dirname "$EXCHANGE_PRIV_FILE")"
- cp "$HOME/deployment/private-keys/${TALER_ENV_NAME}-exchange-master.priv" "$EXCHANGE_PRIV_FILE"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Not copying key material for env $TALER_ENV_NAME"
- ;;
-echo " OK"
-echo -n "Add this exchange to the auditor..."
-EXCHANGE_MASTER_PUB=$(taler-config -s exchange -o master_public_key)
-taler-auditor-exchange \
- -u "$(taler-config -s exchange -o base_url)" || true
-# Make configuration accessible to auditor
-chmod 750 "$HOME/.config"
-echo " OK"
-## Step 3: Set up the exchange key material
-echo -n "Setup exchange's key material.."
-taler-deployment-arm -s
-# Quickly start+shutdown exchange httpd and crypto SM helpers
-taler-deployment-arm -i taler-exchange
-taler-deployment-arm -i taler-exchange-secmod-rsa
-taler-deployment-arm -i taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa
-sleep 2 # FIXME: poll keys?
-if ! taler-deployment-arm -I | grep "^taler-exchange" | grep "status=started" > /dev/null; then
- echo "Exchange didn't start, cannot set up keys"
- exit 1
-if ! taler-deployment-arm -I | grep "^taler-exchange-secmod-rsa" | grep "status=started" > /dev/null; then
- echo "Exchange (RSA module) didn't start, cannot set up keys."
- exit 1
-if ! taler-deployment-arm -I | grep "^taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa" | grep "status=started" > /dev/null; then
- echo "Exchange (EDDSA module) didn't start, cannot set up keys."
- exit 1
-taler-exchange-offline download sign upload
-payto_uri=$(taler-config -s exchange-account-1 -o payto_uri)
-taler-exchange-offline enable-account "$payto_uri" upload
-# Set up wire fees for next 5 years
-year=$(date +%Y)
-for y in $(seq $year $((year + 5))); do
- taler-exchange-offline wire-fee $y sepa "$curr:0.01" "$curr:0.01" upload
-taler-deployment-arm -k taler-exchange
-taler-deployment-arm -k taler-exchange-secmod-rsa
-taler-deployment-arm -k taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa
-echo " OK"
-# Give time to store to disk.
-sleep 5
-## Step 4: Set up euFin
-if test $WITH_DB_RESET = resetDb; then
- echo -n "Resetting euFin databases.."
- # NOTE/FIXME: those values _could_ be extracted from
- # the environment, as this one contains already the DB
- # connection strings.
- rm ~/nexus.sqlite
- rm ~/sandbox.sqlite
- echo " OK"
-# $1 = ebics user id, $2 = ebics partner, $3 = bank connection name
-# $4 = bank account name local to Nexus, $5 = bank account name as known
-# by Sandbox
-function prepare_nexus_account() {
- echo -n "Making bank connection $3 ..."
- libeufin-cli connections new-ebics-connection \
- --ebics-url="${SANDBOX_URL}ebicsweb" \
- --host-id=$EBICS_HOST \
- --partner-id=$2 \
- --ebics-user-id=$1 \
- $3 > /dev/null
- echo " OK"
- echo -n "Connecting $3 ..."
- libeufin-cli connections connect $3 > /dev/null
- echo " OK"
- echo -n "Importing Sandbox bank account ($5) to Nexus ($4) ..."
- libeufin-cli connections download-bank-accounts $3 > /dev/null
- libeufin-cli connections import-bank-account \
- --offered-account-id=$5 --nexus-bank-account-id=$4 $3 > /dev/null
- echo " OK"
- # Set how often the automatic routing must fetch the bank account.
- echo -n "Setting background payment initiator.."
- libeufin-cli accounts task-schedule $4 \
- --task-type="submit" \
- --task-name='submit-payments-every-second' \
- --task-cronspec='* * *'
- echo " OK"
- echo -n "Setting background history fetch.."
- libeufin-cli accounts task-schedule $4 \
- --task-type="fetch" \
- --task-name='fetch-reports-every-second' \
- --task-cronspec='* * *' \
- --task-param-level=report \
- --task-param-range-type=latest
- echo " OK"
-# $1=ebics username, $2=ebics partner name,
-# $3=person name, $4=sandbox bank account name, $5=iban
-function prepare_sandbox_account() {
- echo -n "Activating ebics subscriber $1 at the sandbox ..."
- libeufin-cli \
- sandbox --sandbox-url=$SANDBOX_URL \
- ebicssubscriber create \
- --host-id=$EBICS_HOST \
- --partner-id=$2 \
- --user-id=$1
- echo " OK"
- echo -n "Giving a bank account ($4) to $1 ..."
- libeufin-cli \
- sandbox --sandbox-url=$SANDBOX_URL \
- ebicsbankaccount create \
- --iban=$5 \
- --bic="BCMAESM1XXX"\
- --person-name="$3" \
- --account-name=$4 \
- --ebics-user-id=$1 \
- --ebics-host-id=$EBICS_HOST \
- --ebics-partner-id=$2 \
- echo " OK"
-echo -n "Making Sandbox superuser..."
-libeufin-sandbox superuser admin --password=${LIBEUFIN_ENV_SANDBOX_ADMIN_PASSWORD}
-echo " OK"
-echo -n "Lunching Sandbox..."
-taler-deployment-arm -i libeufin-sandbox
-if ! curl -s --retry 5 --retry-connrefused $SANDBOX_URL > /dev/null; then
- echo "Could not launch Sandbox"
- stop_running
- exit 1
-echo " OK"
-echo -n "Launching Nexus..."
-taler-deployment-arm -i libeufin-nexus
-if ! curl -s --retry 5 --retry-connrefused $NEXUS_URL > /dev/null; then
- echo "Could not launch Nexus"
- stop_running
- exit 1
-echo " OK"
-echo -n "Make Sandbox EBICS host..."
-libeufin-cli \
- sandbox --sandbox-url=$SANDBOX_URL \
- ebicshost create \
- --host-id=$EBICS_HOST
-echo " OK"
-export IBAN_MERCHANT="ME00000000000000000001"
-export IBAN_CUSTOMER="WA00000000000000000000"
-# note: Ebisc schema doesn't allow dashed names.
-prepare_sandbox_account \
- ebicsuserExchange \
- ebicspartnerExchange \
- "Person Exchange" \
- sandbox-account-exchange \
-prepare_sandbox_account \
- ebicsuserMerchant \
- ebicspartnerMerchant \
- "Person Merchant" \
- sandbox-account-merchant \
-prepare_sandbox_account \
- ebicsuserCustomer \
- ebicspartnerCustomer \
- "Person Customer" \
- sandbox-account-customer \
-# Only the exchange needs Nexus.
-echo -n "Make Nexus superuser ..."
-libeufin-nexus superuser $EXCHANGE_NEXUS_USERNAME --password=$EXCHANGE_NEXUS_PASSWORD
-echo " OK"
-# FIXME: this command below likely not needed. Please
-# remove, run the test, and commit+push if it still works!
-prepare_nexus_account \
- ebicsuserExchange \
- ebicspartnerExchange \
- bankconnection-exchange \
- nexus-bankaccount-exchange \
- sandbox-account-exchange
-echo -n "Create Taler facade ..."
-libeufin-cli facades new-taler-wire-gateway-facade \
- --facade-name=facade-exchange \
- bankconnection-exchange nexus-bankaccount-exchange
-echo " OK"
-FACADE_URL=$(libeufin-cli facades list | jq .facades[0].baseUrl | tr -d \")
-taler-deployment-arm -k libeufin-nexus
-taler-deployment-arm -k libeufin-sandbox
-# Point the exchange to the facade.
-taler-config -s exchange-accountcredentials-1 \
- -V "${FACADE_URL}"
-taler-config -s exchange-accountcredentials-1 \
-taler-config -s exchange-accountcredentials-1 \
-## Step 5: Adjust some permissions
-case $TALER_ENV_NAME in
- demo|test|int)
- # Make sure the web server can read ~/local
- chmod og+rx ~/local
- # Make sure that shared files created by this user
- # are group writable and readable.
- find ~/taler-data/ -user "$USER" -exec chmod g+rw {} \;
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
-## Step 6: Set up merchant
-if test $WITH_DB_RESET = resetDb; then
- echo -n "Reset and init merchant database.."
- taler-merchant-dbinit --reset
- echo " OK"
-# Making sure ARM is not running yet.
-taler-deployment-arm -e
-# Need the following services to config instances and tip reserve:
-taler-deployment-arm -s
-taler-deployment-arm -i taler-exchange
-taler-deployment-arm -i taler-exchange-secmod-rsa
-taler-deployment-arm -i taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa
-sleep 5
-if ! taler-deployment-arm -I | grep "^taler-exchange" | grep "status=started" > /dev/null; then
- echo "Exchange didn't start, cannot create tip reserve."
- exit 1
-if ! taler-deployment-arm -I | grep "^taler-exchange-secmod-rsa" | grep "status=started" > /dev/null; then
- echo "Exchange (RSA module) didn't start, cannot create tip reserve."
- exit 1
-if ! taler-deployment-arm -I | grep "^taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa" | grep "status=started" > /dev/null; then
- echo "Exchange (EDDSA module) didn't start, cannot create tip reserve."
- exit 1
-echo "Configuring instances"
-echo "Stopping all the services"
-# The following three commands should be removed,
-# because the last one is already supposed to stop
-# all the running ones.
-taler-deployment-arm -k taler-exchange
-taler-deployment-arm -k taler-exchange-secmod-rsa
-taler-deployment-arm -k taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa
-taler-deployment-arm -e