path: root/selenium
diff options
authorMarcello Stanisci <>2017-02-16 10:12:18 +0100
committerMarcello Stanisci <>2017-02-16 10:12:18 +0100
commit63327d51955d29ff94d79bd91cf8be4d8895c68c (patch)
tree4a783eee7df18319f2214c905b24c4bd13c05ce1 /selenium
parent6fee6020d06ea6534710f985f90a705400bf631a (diff)
Avoiding Docker in order to run selenium tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'selenium')
3 files changed, 1 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/selenium/crxmake b/selenium/crxmake
deleted file mode 100755
index 32d5778..0000000
--- a/selenium/crxmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-# Purpose: Pack a Chromium extension directory into crx format
-if test $# -ne 2; then
- echo "Usage: <extension dir> <pem path>"
- exit 1
-name=$(basename "$dir")
-trap 'rm -f "$pub" "$sig" "$zip"' EXIT
-# zip up the crx dir
-cwd=$(pwd -P)
-(cd "$dir" && zip -qr -9 -X "$cwd/$zip" .)
-# signature
-openssl sha1 -sha1 -binary -sign "$key" < "$zip" > "$sig"
-# public key
-openssl rsa -pubout -outform DER < "$key" > "$pub" 2>/dev/null
-byte_swap () {
- # Take "abcdefgh" and return it as "ghefcdab"
- echo "${1:6:2}${1:4:2}${1:2:2}${1:0:2}"
-crmagic_hex="4372 3234" # Cr24
-version_hex="0200 0000" # 2
-pub_len_hex=$(byte_swap $(printf '%08x\n' $(ls -l "$pub" | awk '{print $5}')))
-sig_len_hex=$(byte_swap $(printf '%08x\n' $(ls -l "$sig" | awk '{print $5}')))
- echo "$crmagic_hex $version_hex $pub_len_hex $sig_len_hex" | xxd -r -p
- cat "$pub" "$sig" "$zip"
-) > "$crx"
-echo "Wrote $crx"
diff --git a/selenium/launch_chrome_container b/selenium/launch_chrome_container
deleted file mode 100755
index 42935f2..0000000
--- a/selenium/launch_chrome_container
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# If container runs out of heap space, add '-e JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx2g'
-docker run --name container_chrome -d -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome-debug
diff --git a/selenium/launch_selenium_test b/selenium/launch_selenium_test
index 804d145..00fe6d0 100755
--- a/selenium/launch_selenium_test
+++ b/selenium/launch_selenium_test
@@ -14,19 +14,6 @@ git submodule update --remote
tsc # use 'make' once yarn problems art fixed.
-xvfb-run chromium --pack-extension $HOME/wallet-webex
-eval $(docker-machine env)
-# Get fresh image
-if docker restart container_chrome > /dev/null;
-then echo "Chrome container succesfully restarted";
-# Give time for the container to get fully operational
-sleep 2
# call python3 selenium script
python3 $HOME/wallet-webex/selenium/ \
- --ext=$HOME/ext.crx \
- --remote=http://$(docker-machine ip):4444/wd/hub
+ --ext-unpacked=$HOME/wallet-webex