path: root/talerbackoffice/backoffice/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-09-04Select the language based on the /<lang>/ URL component.Marcello Stanisci
2018-09-03fix translations paths.Marcello Stanisci
2018-09-03Include .mo(s) among prefix-installed bundle.Marcello Stanisci
2018-07-31Fix babel.mapMarcello Stanisci
2018-07-31Rename 'locale' directory to 'translations'.Marcello Stanisci
2018-06-07Remove unnice print statement.Marcello Stanisci
2018-06-07Aggregate commit.Marcello Stanisci
2018-06-04Query the backend respecting the new authorization scheme.Marcello Stanisci
2018-01-09testing the javascript license pageMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-09testing /historyMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-05change instance and trigger /historyMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-05up to the point where the site fetches all theMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-05test GET "/" is 200 OKMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-05transitioning towards talerbackofficeMarcello Stanisci