path: root/lib/internal/process/esm_loader.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-12-06lib: add warning on dynamic import es modulesJuan José Arboleda
2019-11-12esm: unflag --experimental-modulesGuy Bedford
2019-10-16module: refactor modules bootstrapBradley Farias
2019-10-14vm: add Synthetic modulesGus Caplan
2019-04-25module: initialize module_wrap.callbackMap during pre-executionJoyee Cheung
2019-03-27esm: phase two of new esm implementationguybedford
2019-01-23process: clarify the pre- and post-condition of esm setupJoyee Cheung
2018-11-07src: cache the result of GetOptions() in JS landJoyee Cheung
2018-10-15lib: migrate process.binding to internalBindingsurreal8
2018-10-06vm: add dynamic import supportGus Caplan
2018-10-04bootstrapper: move internalBinding to NativeModuleGus Caplan
2018-09-04url: provide pathToFileURL and fileURLToPathguybedford
2018-07-31vm: rename vm.Module to vm.SourceTextModuleGus Caplan
2018-03-31vm: add support for import.meta to Modulepunteek
2018-03-28lib: rename js source to lower snake_caseDaniel Bevenius
2018-03-15lib: restructure cjs and esm loadersJoyee Cheung