path: root/lib/internal/http2/compat.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-12-08lib: replace Symbol global by the primordials SymbolSebastien Ahkrin
2019-11-30lib: enforce use of Boolean from primordialsMichaël Zasso
2019-11-27lib: enforce use of Array from primordialsMichaël Zasso
2019-11-26http2: change var to let compact.jsMaria Emmanouil
2019-11-25lib: flatten access to primordialsMichaël Zasso
2019-11-13http: outgoing corkRobert Nagy
2019-09-24stream: cleanup use of internal ended stateChetan Karande
2019-08-17http,stream: add writableEndedRobert Nagy
2019-07-29http2: destructure constants from require callDaniel Nalborczyk
2019-07-29http2: add constant to already destructured constantsDaniel Nalborczyk
2019-07-20http2: compat req.completeRobert Nagy
2019-05-18http2: do no throw in writeHead if state.closedMatteo Collina
2019-04-12lib: enforce the use of Object from primordialsMichaël Zasso
2019-04-04errors: add more information in case of invalid callbacksRuben Bridgewater
2019-04-03lib: force using primordials for JSON, Math and ReflectMichaël Zasso
2019-03-25tools: enable getter-return lint rulecjihrig
2019-03-23lib: refactor Error.captureStackTrace() usageRuben Bridgewater
2019-03-12http2: `Http2ServerResponse.end()` should always return selfRobert Nagy
2019-03-10benchmark,doc,lib,test: capitalize commentsRuben Bridgewater
2019-03-04http2: improve compatibility with http/1Sagi Tsofan
2019-02-11http2: improve compat performanceMatteo Collina
2019-02-09http2: makes response.writeHead return the responseMark S. Everitt
2019-02-08lib: replace 'assert' with 'internal/assert' for many built-insRich Trott
2018-12-20lib: switch to object spread where possibleRuben Bridgewater
2018-12-17doc,lib,test: capitalize comment sentencesRuben Bridgewater
2018-12-10tools: capitalize sentencesRuben Bridgewater
2018-12-02http2: make compat writeHead not crash if the stream is destroyedMatteo Collina
2018-11-29http2: add compat support for nested array headersSebastiaan Deckers
2018-11-20http2: replace unreachable error with assertionRich Trott
2018-10-04bootstrapper: move internalBinding to NativeModuleGus Caplan
2018-08-18http2: move process.binding('http2') to internalBindingJames M Snell
2018-08-15http2: emit timeout on compat request and responseJames M Snell
2018-08-11http2: remove `streamError` from docsJames M Snell
2018-08-07lib: extract validateString validatorJon Moss
2018-07-16http2: remove `waitTrailers` listener after closing a streamRidgeA
2018-05-17http2: fix end without readAnatoli Papirovski
2018-05-16http2: avoid bind and properly clean up in compatRobert Nagy
2018-04-26http: added aborted property to requestRobert Nagy
2018-04-16http2: refactor how trailers are doneJames M Snell
2018-03-25lib: improve error handlingRuben Bridgewater
2018-03-25lib: always show ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE received partRuben Bridgewater
2018-03-07lib: port remaining errors to new systemMichaël Zasso
2018-02-19http2: make response.end() return thisMatteo Collina
2018-02-09http2: add req and res options to server creationPeter Marton
2017-12-18http2: cleanup Http2Stream/Http2Session destroyJames M Snell
2017-11-28http2: remove unnecessary event handlersJames M Snell
2017-11-28http2: use 'close' event instead of 'streamClosed'James M Snell
2017-11-06http2: improve errors thrown in header validationJoyee Cheung
2017-10-25http2: do not allow socket manipulationAnatoli Papirovski
2017-10-06http2: near full http1 compatibility, add testsAnatoli Papirovski