path: root/android-configure
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-01-27build: disable v8 snapshotsBen Noordhuis
Snapshots speed up start-up by a few milliseconds but are potentially dangerous because of the fixed hash seed that is used for strings and dictionaries, making collision denial-of-service attacks possible. Release builds on have snapshots disabled but source builds did not, until now. The risk for individual source builds is low; the binary gets a random 32 bits hash seed that should be hard to guess by an external attacker. It's when binaries are distributed by, for example, a distro vendor that the fixed hash seed becomes a vulnerability, because then it's possible to target a large group of people at once. People that really need the faster start-up time can use the new --with-snapshot configure flag. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Bert Belder <> Reviewed-By: Johan Bergström <> Reviewed-By: Rod Vagg <>
2013-06-17build: add android supportLinus MÃ¥rtensson
Resolves minor discrepancies between android and standard POSIX systems. In addition, some configure parameters were added, and a helper-script for android configuration. Ideally, this script should be merged into the standard configure script. To build for android, source the android-configure script with an NDK path: source ./android-configure ~/android-ndk-r8d This will create an android standalone toolchain and export the necessary environment parameters. After that, build as normal: make -j8 After the build, you should now have android-compatible NodeJS binaries.