path: root/tools/node_modules/eslint/lib/rules/arrow-parens.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/node_modules/eslint/lib/rules/arrow-parens.js')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/node_modules/eslint/lib/rules/arrow-parens.js b/tools/node_modules/eslint/lib/rules/arrow-parens.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8f8ddd8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/node_modules/eslint/lib/rules/arrow-parens.js
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * @fileoverview Rule to require parens in arrow function arguments.
+ * @author Jxck
+ */
+"use strict";
+// Requirements
+const astUtils = require("../ast-utils");
+// Rule Definition
+module.exports = {
+ meta: {
+ docs: {
+ description: "require parentheses around arrow function arguments",
+ category: "ECMAScript 6",
+ recommended: false
+ },
+ fixable: "code",
+ schema: [
+ {
+ enum: ["always", "as-needed"]
+ },
+ {
+ type: "object",
+ properties: {
+ requireForBlockBody: {
+ type: "boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ additionalProperties: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ create(context) {
+ const message = "Expected parentheses around arrow function argument.";
+ const asNeededMessage = "Unexpected parentheses around single function argument.";
+ const asNeeded = context.options[0] === "as-needed";
+ const requireForBlockBodyMessage = "Unexpected parentheses around single function argument having a body with no curly braces";
+ const requireForBlockBodyNoParensMessage = "Expected parentheses around arrow function argument having a body with curly braces.";
+ const requireForBlockBody = asNeeded && context.options[1] && context.options[1].requireForBlockBody === true;
+ const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
+ /**
+ * Determines whether a arrow function argument end with `)`
+ * @param {ASTNode} node The arrow function node.
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function parens(node) {
+ const isAsync = node.async;
+ const firstTokenOfParam = sourceCode.getFirstToken(node, isAsync ? 1 : 0);
+ /**
+ * Remove the parenthesis around a parameter
+ * @param {Fixer} fixer Fixer
+ * @returns {string} fixed parameter
+ */
+ function fixParamsWithParenthesis(fixer) {
+ const paramToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(firstTokenOfParam);
+ /*
+ * ES8 allows Trailing commas in function parameter lists and calls
+ * https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/8834
+ */
+ const closingParenToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(paramToken, astUtils.isClosingParenToken);
+ const asyncToken = isAsync ? sourceCode.getTokenBefore(firstTokenOfParam) : null;
+ const shouldAddSpaceForAsync = asyncToken && (asyncToken.range[1] === firstTokenOfParam.range[0]);
+ return fixer.replaceTextRange([
+ firstTokenOfParam.range[0],
+ closingParenToken.range[1]
+ ], `${shouldAddSpaceForAsync ? " " : ""}${paramToken.value}`);
+ }
+ // "as-needed", { "requireForBlockBody": true }: x => x
+ if (
+ requireForBlockBody &&
+ node.params.length === 1 &&
+ node.params[0].type === "Identifier" &&
+ !node.params[0].typeAnnotation &&
+ node.body.type !== "BlockStatement" &&
+ !node.returnType
+ ) {
+ if (astUtils.isOpeningParenToken(firstTokenOfParam)) {
+ context.report({
+ node,
+ message: requireForBlockBodyMessage,
+ fix: fixParamsWithParenthesis
+ });
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (
+ requireForBlockBody &&
+ node.body.type === "BlockStatement"
+ ) {
+ if (!astUtils.isOpeningParenToken(firstTokenOfParam)) {
+ context.report({
+ node,
+ message: requireForBlockBodyNoParensMessage,
+ fix(fixer) {
+ return fixer.replaceText(firstTokenOfParam, `(${firstTokenOfParam.value})`);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // "as-needed": x => x
+ if (asNeeded &&
+ node.params.length === 1 &&
+ node.params[0].type === "Identifier" &&
+ !node.params[0].typeAnnotation &&
+ !node.returnType
+ ) {
+ if (astUtils.isOpeningParenToken(firstTokenOfParam)) {
+ context.report({
+ node,
+ message: asNeededMessage,
+ fix: fixParamsWithParenthesis
+ });
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (firstTokenOfParam.type === "Identifier") {
+ const after = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(firstTokenOfParam);
+ // (x) => x
+ if (after.value !== ")") {
+ context.report({
+ node,
+ message,
+ fix(fixer) {
+ return fixer.replaceText(firstTokenOfParam, `(${firstTokenOfParam.value})`);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ ArrowFunctionExpression: parens
+ };
+ }