path: root/tools/eslint/node_modules/remark-parse/
diff options
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+# remark-parse [![Build Status][build-badge]][build-status] [![Coverage Status][coverage-badge]][coverage-status] [![Chat][chat-badge]][chat]
+[Parser][] for [**unified**][unified]. Parses markdown to an
+[**mdast**][mdast] syntax tree. Used in the [**remark**
+processor][processor]. Can be [extended][extend] to change how
+markdown is parsed.
+## Installation
+npm install remark-parse
+## Usage
+var unified = require('unified');
+var markdown = require('remark-parse');
+var html = require('remark-html');
+ .pipe(unified())
+ .use(markdown)
+ .use(html)
+ .pipe(process.stdout, {
+ 'commonmark': true
+ });
+## Table of Contents
+* [API](#api)
+ * [processor.use(parse)](#processoruseparse)
+ * [parse.Parser](#parseparser)
+* [Extending the Parser](#extending-the-parser)
+ * [Parser#blockTokenizers](#parserblocktokenizers)
+ * [Parser#blockMethods](#parserblockmethods)
+ * [Parser#inlineTokenizers](#parserinlinetokenizers)
+ * [Parser#inlineMethods](#parserinlinemethods)
+ * [function tokenizer(eat, value, silent)](#function-tokenizereat-value-silent)
+ * [tokenizer.locator(value, fromIndex)](#tokenizerlocatorvalue-fromindex)
+ * [eat(subvalue)](#eatsubvalue)
+ * [add(node\[, parent\])](#addnode-parent)
+ * [add.test()](#addtest)
+ * [add.reset(node\[, parent\])](#addresetnode-parent)
+* [License](#license)
+## API
+### `processor.use(parse)`
+Configure the `processor` to read markdown as input and process an
+[**mdast**][mdast] syntax tree.
+#### `options`
+Options are passed later through [`processor.parse()`][parse],
+[`processor.process()`][process], or [`processor.pipe()`][pipe].
+The following settings are supported:
+* [`gfm`][options-gfm] (`boolean`, default: `true`);
+* [`yaml`][options-yaml] (`boolean`, default: `true`);
+* [`commonmark`][options-commonmark] (`boolean`, default: `false`);
+* [`footnotes`][options-footnotes] (`boolean`, default: `false`);
+* [`pedantic`][options-pedantic] (`boolean`, default: `false`);
+* [`breaks`][options-breaks] (`boolean`, default: `false`).
+##### `options.gfm`
+hello ~~hi~~ world
+GFM mode (default: `true`) turns on:
+* [Fenced code blocks](;
+* [Autolinking of URLs](;
+* [Deletions (strikethrough)](;
+* [Task lists](;
+* [Tables](
+##### `options.yaml`
+title: YAML is Cool
+# YAML is Cool
+YAML mode (default: `true`) enables raw YAML front matter to be detected
+at the top.
+##### `options.commonmark`
+This is a paragraph
+ and this is also part of the preceding paragraph.
+CommonMark mode (default: `false`) allows:
+* Empty lines to split blockquotes;
+* Parentheses (`(` and `)`) around for link and image titles;
+* Any escaped [ASCII-punctuation][escapes] character;
+* Closing parenthesis (`)`) as an ordered list marker;
+* URL definitions (and footnotes, when enabled) in blockquotes.
+CommonMark mode disallows:
+* Code directly following a paragraph;
+* ATX-headings (`# Hash headings`) without spacing after opening hashes
+ or and before closing hashes;
+* Setext headings (`Underline headings\n---`) when following a paragraph;
+* Newlines in link and image titles;
+* White space in link and image URLs in auto-links (links in brackets,
+ `<` and `>`);
+* Lazy blockquote continuation, lines not preceded by a closing angle
+ bracket (`>`), for lists, code, and thematicBreak.
+##### `options.footnotes`
+Something something[^or something?].
+And something else[^1].
+[^1]: This reference footnote contains a paragraph...
+ * ...and a list
+Footnotes mode (default: `false`) enables reference footnotes and inline
+footnotes. Both are wrapped in square brackets and preceded by a caret
+(`^`), and can be referenced from inside other footnotes.
+##### `options.breaks`
+This is a
+Breaks mode (default: `false`) exposes newline characters inside
+paragraphs as breaks.
+##### `options.pedantic`
+Check out some_file_name.txt
+Pedantic mode (default: `false`) turns on:
+* Emphasis (`_alpha_`) and importance (`__bravo__`) with underscores
+ in words;
+* Unordered lists with different markers (`*`, `-`, `+`);
+* If `commonmark` is also turned on, ordered lists with different
+ markers (`.`, `)`);
+* And pedantic mode removes less spaces in list-items (at most four,
+ instead of the whole indent).
+### `parse.Parser`
+Access to the [parser][], if you need it.
+## Extending the Parser
+Most often, using transformers to manipulate a syntax tree produces
+the desired output. Sometimes, mainly when introducing new syntactic
+entities with a certain level of precedence, interfacing with the parser
+is necessary.
+If this plug-in is used, it adds a [`Parser`][parser] constructor to
+the `processor`. Other plug-ins can add tokenizers to the parser’s
+prototype to change how markdown is parsed.
+The below plug-in adds a [tokenizer][] for at-mentions.
+function mentions(processor) {
+ var Parser = processor.Parser;
+ var tokenizers = Parser.prototype.inlineTokenizers;
+ var methods = Parser.prototype.inlineMethods;
+ /* Add an inline tokenizer (defined in the following example). */
+ tokenizers.mention = tokenizeMention;
+ /* Run it just before `text`. */
+ methods.splice(methods.indexOf('text'), 0, 'mention');
+module.exports = mentions;
+### `Parser#blockTokenizers`
+An object mapping tokenizer names to [tokenizer][]s. These
+tokenizers (for example: `fencedCode`, `table`, and `paragraph`) eat
+from the start of a value to a line ending.
+### `Parser#blockMethods`
+Array of `blockTokenizers` names (`string`) specifying the order in
+which they run.
+### `Parser#inlineTokenizers`
+An object mapping tokenizer names to [tokenizer][]s. These tokenizers
+(for example: `url`, `reference`, and `emphasis`) eat from the start
+of a value. To increase performance, they depend on [locator][]s.
+### `Parser#inlineMethods`
+Array of `inlineTokenizers` names (`string`) specifying the order in
+which they run.
+### `function tokenizer(eat, value, silent)`
+function tokenizeMention(eat, value, silent) {
+ var match = /^@(\w+)/.exec(value);
+ if (match) {
+ if (silent) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return eat(match[0])({
+ 'type': 'link',
+ 'url': 'https://social-network/' + match[1],
+ 'children': [{
+ 'type': 'text',
+ 'value': match[0]
+ }]
+ });
+ }
+tokenizeMention.notInLink = true;
+tokenizeMention.locator = locateMention;
+The parser knows two types of tokenizers: block level and inline level.
+Block level tokenizers are the same as inline level tokenizers, with
+the exception that the latter must have a [locator][].
+Tokenizers _test_ whether a document starts with a certain syntactic
+entity. In _silent_ mode, they return whether that test passes.
+In _normal_ mode, they consume that token, a process which is called
+“eating”. Locators enable tokenizers to function faster by providing
+information on where the next entity may occur.
+###### Signatures
+* `Node? = tokenizer(eat, value)`;
+* `boolean? = tokenizer(eat, value, silent)`.
+###### Parameters
+* `eat` ([`Function`][eat]) — Eat, when applicable, an entity;
+* `value` (`string`) — Value which may start an entity;
+* `silent` (`boolean`, optional) — Whether to detect or consume.
+###### Properties
+* `locator` ([`Function`][locator])
+ — Required for inline tokenizers;
+* `onlyAtStart` (`boolean`)
+ — Whether nodes can only be found at the beginning of the document;
+* `notInBlock` (`boolean`)
+ — Whether nodes cannot be in blockquotes, lists, or footnote
+ definitions;
+* `notInLink` (`boolean`)
+ — Whether nodes cannot be in lists.
+* `notInLink` (`boolean`)
+ — Whether nodes cannot be in links.
+###### Returns
+* In _silent_ mode, whether a node can be found at the start of `value`;
+* In _normal_ mode, a node if it can be found at the start of `value`.
+### `tokenizer.locator(value, fromIndex)`
+function locateMention(value, fromIndex) {
+ return value.indexOf('@', fromIndex);
+Locators are required for inline tokenization to keep the process
+performant. Locators enable inline tokenizers to function faster by
+providing information on the where the next entity occurs. Locators
+may be wrong, it’s OK if there actually isn’t a node to be found at
+the index they return, but they must skip any nodes.
+###### Parameters
+* `value` (`string`) — Value which may contain an entity;
+* `fromIndex` (`number`) — Position to start searching at.
+###### Returns
+Index at which an entity may start, and `-1` otherwise.
+### `eat(subvalue)`
+var add = eat('foo');
+Eat `subvalue`, which is a string at the start of the
+[tokenize][tokenizer]d `value` (it’s tracked to ensure the correct
+value is eaten).
+###### Parameters
+* `subvalue` (`string`) - Value to eat.
+###### Returns
+### `add(node[, parent])`
+var add = eat('foo');
+add({type: 'text', value: 'foo'});
+Add [positional information][location] to `node` and add it to `parent`.
+###### Parameters
+* `node` ([`Node`][node]) - Node to patch position on and insert;
+* `parent` ([`Node`][node], optional) - Place to add `node` to in
+ the syntax tree. Defaults to the currently processed node.
+###### Returns
+The given `node`.
+### `add.test()`
+Get the [positional information][location] which would be patched on
+`node` by `add`.
+###### Returns
+### `add.reset(node[, parent])`
+`add`, but resets the internal location. Useful for example in
+lists, where the same content is first eaten for a list, and later
+for list items
+###### Parameters
+* `node` ([`Node`][node]) - Node to patch position on and insert;
+* `parent` ([`Node`][node], optional) - Place to add `node` to in
+ the syntax tree. Defaults to the currently processed node.
+###### Returns
+The given `node`.
+## License
+[MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author]
+<!-- Definitions -->
+[options-gfm]: #optionsgfm
+[options-yaml]: #optionsyaml
+[options-commonmark]: #optionscommonmark
+[options-footnotes]: #optionsfootnotes
+[options-pedantic]: #optionspedantic
+[options-breaks]: #optionsbreaks
+[extend]: #extending-the-parser
+[tokenizer]: #function-tokenizereat-value-silent
+[locator]: #tokenizerlocatorvalue-fromindex
+[eat]: #eatsubvalue
+[add]: #addnode-parent