path: root/tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/ b/tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/
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index 7042e53487..0000000000
--- a/tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/
+++ /dev/null
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2012 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Unit tests for the aliaspass module."""
-# Allow non-Google copyright
-# pylint: disable=g-bad-file-header
-__author__ = (' (Nathan Naze)')
-import unittest as googletest
-from closure_linter import aliaspass
-from closure_linter import errors
-from closure_linter import javascriptstatetracker
-from closure_linter import testutil
-from closure_linter.common import erroraccumulator
-def _GetTokenByLineAndString(start_token, string, line_number):
- for token in start_token:
- if token.line_number == line_number and token.string == string:
- return token
-class AliasPassTest(googletest.TestCase):
- def testInvalidGoogScopeCall(self):
- start_token = testutil.TokenizeSourceAndRunEcmaPass(_TEST_SCOPE_SCRIPT)
- error_accumulator = erroraccumulator.ErrorAccumulator()
- alias_pass = aliaspass.AliasPass(
- error_handler=error_accumulator)
- alias_pass.Process(start_token)
- alias_errors = error_accumulator.GetErrors()
- self.assertEquals(1, len(alias_errors))
- alias_error = alias_errors[0]
- self.assertEquals(errors.INVALID_USE_OF_GOOG_SCOPE, alias_error.code)
- self.assertEquals('goog.scope', alias_error.token.string)
- def testAliasedIdentifiers(self):
- start_token = testutil.TokenizeSourceAndRunEcmaPass(_TEST_ALIAS_SCRIPT)
- alias_pass = aliaspass.AliasPass(set(['goog', 'myproject']))
- alias_pass.Process(start_token)
- alias_token = _GetTokenByLineAndString(start_token, 'Event', 4)
- self.assertTrue(alias_token.metadata.is_alias_definition)
- my_class_token = _GetTokenByLineAndString(start_token, 'myClass', 9)
- self.assertIsNone(my_class_token.metadata.aliased_symbol)
- component_token = _GetTokenByLineAndString(start_token, 'Component', 17)
- self.assertEquals('goog.ui.Component',
- component_token.metadata.aliased_symbol)
- event_token = _GetTokenByLineAndString(start_token, 'Event.Something', 17)
- self.assertEquals('',
- event_token.metadata.aliased_symbol)
- non_closurized_token = _GetTokenByLineAndString(
- start_token, 'NonClosurizedClass', 18)
- self.assertIsNone(non_closurized_token.metadata.aliased_symbol)
- long_start_token = _GetTokenByLineAndString(start_token, 'Event', 24)
- self.assertEquals('',
- long_start_token.metadata.aliased_symbol)
- def testAliasedDoctypes(self):
- """Tests that aliases are correctly expanded within type annotations."""
- start_token = testutil.TokenizeSourceAndRunEcmaPass(_TEST_ALIAS_SCRIPT)
- tracker = javascriptstatetracker.JavaScriptStateTracker()
- tracker.DocFlagPass(start_token, error_handler=None)
- alias_pass = aliaspass.AliasPass(set(['goog', 'myproject']))
- alias_pass.Process(start_token)
- flag_token = _GetTokenByLineAndString(start_token, '@type', 22)
- self.assertEquals(
- '<goog.ui.Component,Array<>>',
- repr(flag_token.attached_object.jstype))
- def testModuleAlias(self):
- start_token = testutil.TokenizeSourceAndRunEcmaPass("""
-var Alias = goog.require('goog.Alias');
- alias_pass = aliaspass.AliasPass(set(['goog']))
- alias_pass.Process(start_token)
- alias_token = _GetTokenByLineAndString(start_token, 'Alias', 3)
- self.assertTrue(alias_token.metadata.is_alias_definition)
- def testMultipleGoogScopeCalls(self):
- start_token = testutil.TokenizeSourceAndRunEcmaPass(
- error_accumulator = erroraccumulator.ErrorAccumulator()
- alias_pass = aliaspass.AliasPass(
- set(['goog', 'myproject']),
- error_handler=error_accumulator)
- alias_pass.Process(start_token)
- alias_errors = error_accumulator.GetErrors()
- self.assertEquals(3, len(alias_errors))
- error = alias_errors[0]
- self.assertEquals(errors.INVALID_USE_OF_GOOG_SCOPE, error.code)
- self.assertEquals(7, error.token.line_number)
- error = alias_errors[1]
- self.assertEquals(errors.EXTRA_GOOG_SCOPE_USAGE, error.code)
- self.assertEquals(7, error.token.line_number)
- error = alias_errors[2]
- self.assertEquals(errors.EXTRA_GOOG_SCOPE_USAGE, error.code)
- self.assertEquals(11, error.token.line_number)
-goog.scope(function() {
-var events =; // scope alias
-var Event = events.
- Event; // nested multiline scope alias
-// This should not be registered as an aliased identifier because
-// it appears before the alias.
-var myClass = new MyClass();
-var Component = goog.ui.Component; // scope alias
-var MyClass =; // scope alias
-// Scope alias of non-Closurized namespace.
-var NonClosurizedClass = aaa.bbb.NonClosurizedClass;
-var component = new Component(Event.Something);
-var nonClosurized = NonClosurizedClass();
- * A created namespace with a really long identifier.
- * @type {events.Event.<Component,Array<MyClass>}
- */
- MultilineIdentifier.
- someMethod = function() {};
-function foo () {
- // This goog.scope call is invalid.
- goog.scope(function() {
- });
-goog.scope(function() {
- // do nothing
-function foo() {
- var test = goog.scope; // We should not see goog.scope mentioned.
-// This goog.scope invalid. There can be only one.
-goog.scope(function() {
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- googletest.main()