path: root/tools/closure_linter/build/lib/closure_linter/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/closure_linter/build/lib/closure_linter/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2012 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Unit tests for the scopeutil module."""
-# Allow non-Google copyright
-# pylint: disable=g-bad-file-header
-__author__ = (' (Nathan Naze)')
-import unittest as googletest
-from closure_linter import ecmametadatapass
-from closure_linter import scopeutil
-from closure_linter import testutil
-def _FindContexts(start_token):
- """Depth first search of all contexts referenced by a token stream.
- Includes contexts' parents, which might not be directly referenced
- by any token in the stream.
- Args:
- start_token: First token in the token stream.
- Yields:
- All contexts referenced by this token stream.
- """
- seen_contexts = set()
- # For each token, yield the context if we haven't seen it before.
- for token in start_token:
- token_context = token.metadata.context
- contexts = [token_context]
- # Also grab all the context's ancestors.
- parent = token_context.parent
- while parent:
- contexts.append(parent)
- parent = parent.parent
- # Yield each of these contexts if we've not seen them.
- for context in contexts:
- if context not in seen_contexts:
- yield context
- seen_contexts.add(context)
-def _FindFirstContextOfType(token, context_type):
- """Returns the first statement context."""
- for context in _FindContexts(token):
- if context.type == context_type:
- return context
-def _ParseAssignment(script):
- start_token = testutil.TokenizeSourceAndRunEcmaPass(script)
- statement = _FindFirstContextOfType(
- start_token, ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext.VAR)
- return statement
-class StatementTest(googletest.TestCase):
- def assertAlias(self, expected_match, script):
- statement = _ParseAssignment(script)
- match = scopeutil.MatchAlias(statement)
- self.assertEquals(expected_match, match)
- def assertModuleAlias(self, expected_match, script):
- statement = _ParseAssignment(script)
- match = scopeutil.MatchModuleAlias(statement)
- self.assertEquals(expected_match, match)
- def testSimpleAliases(self):
- self.assertAlias(
- ('foo', ''),
- 'var foo =;')
- self.assertAlias(
- ('foo', ''),
- 'var foo =') # No semicolon
- def testAliasWithComment(self):
- self.assertAlias(
- ('Component', 'goog.ui.Component'),
- 'var Component = /* comment */ goog.ui.Component;')
- def testMultilineAlias(self):
- self.assertAlias(
- ('Component', 'goog.ui.Component'),
- 'var Component = \n goog.ui.\n Component;')
- def testNonSymbolAliasVarStatements(self):
- self.assertAlias(None, 'var foo = 3;')
- self.assertAlias(None, 'var foo = function() {};')
- self.assertAlias(None, 'var foo = bar ? baz : qux;')
- def testModuleAlias(self):
- self.assertModuleAlias(
- ('foo', ''),
- 'var foo = goog.require("");')
- self.assertModuleAlias(
- None,
- 'var foo = goog.require(notastring);')
-class ScopeBlockTest(googletest.TestCase):
- @staticmethod
- def _GetBlocks(source):
- start_token = testutil.TokenizeSourceAndRunEcmaPass(source)
- for context in _FindContexts(start_token):
- if context.type is ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext.BLOCK:
- yield context
- def assertNoBlocks(self, script):
- blocks = list(self._GetBlocks(script))
- self.assertEquals([], blocks)
- def testNotBlocks(self):
- # Ensure these are not considered blocks.
- self.assertNoBlocks('goog.scope(if{});')
- self.assertNoBlocks('goog.scope(for{});')
- self.assertNoBlocks('goog.scope(switch{});')
- self.assertNoBlocks('goog.scope(function foo{});')
- def testNonScopeBlocks(self):
- blocks = list(self._GetBlocks('goog.scope(try{});'))
- self.assertEquals(1, len(blocks))
- self.assertFalse(scopeutil.IsGoogScopeBlock(blocks.pop()))
- blocks = list(self._GetBlocks('goog.scope(function(a,b){});'))
- self.assertEquals(1, len(blocks))
- self.assertFalse(scopeutil.IsGoogScopeBlock(blocks.pop()))
- blocks = list(self._GetBlocks('goog.scope(try{} catch(){});'))
- # Two blocks: try and catch.
- self.assertEquals(2, len(blocks))
- self.assertFalse(scopeutil.IsGoogScopeBlock(blocks.pop()))
- self.assertFalse(scopeutil.IsGoogScopeBlock(blocks.pop()))
- blocks = list(self._GetBlocks('goog.scope(try{} catch(){} finally {});'))
- self.assertEquals(3, len(blocks))
- self.assertFalse(scopeutil.IsGoogScopeBlock(blocks.pop()))
- self.assertFalse(scopeutil.IsGoogScopeBlock(blocks.pop()))
- self.assertFalse(scopeutil.IsGoogScopeBlock(blocks.pop()))
-class AliasTest(googletest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.start_token = testutil.TokenizeSourceAndRunEcmaPass(_TEST_SCRIPT)
- def testMatchAliasStatement(self):
- matches = set()
- for context in _FindContexts(self.start_token):
- match = scopeutil.MatchAlias(context)
- if match:
- matches.add(match)
- self.assertEquals(
- set([('bar', 'baz'),
- ('foo', 'this.foo_'),
- ('Component', 'goog.ui.Component'),
- ('MyClass', ''),
- ('NonClosurizedClass', 'aaa.bbb.NonClosurizedClass')]),
- matches)
- def testMatchAliasStatement_withClosurizedNamespaces(self):
- closurized_namepaces = frozenset(['goog', 'myproject'])
- matches = set()
- for context in _FindContexts(self.start_token):
- match = scopeutil.MatchAlias(context)
- if match:
- unused_alias, symbol = match
- if scopeutil.IsInClosurizedNamespace(symbol, closurized_namepaces):
- matches.add(match)
- self.assertEquals(
- set([('MyClass', ''),
- ('Component', 'goog.ui.Component')]),
- matches)
-goog.scope(function() {
- var Component = goog.ui.Component; // scope alias
- var MyClass =; // scope alias
- // Scope alias of non-Closurized namespace.
- var NonClosurizedClass = aaa.bbb.NonClosurizedClass;
- var foo = this.foo_; // non-scope object property alias
- var bar = baz; // variable alias
- var component = new Component();
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- googletest.main()