path: root/doc/api/
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/api/')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/api/ b/doc/api/
index 173d0abeef..8d5d428e56 100644
--- a/doc/api/
+++ b/doc/api/
@@ -157,3 +157,254 @@ setTimeout(function() { v8.setFlagsFromString('--notrace_gc'); }, 60e3);
[`vm.Script`]: vm.html#vm_new_vm_script_code_options
+## Serialization API
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+The serialization API provides means of serializing JavaScript values in a way
+that is compatible with the [HTML structured clone algorithm][].
+The format is backward-compatible (i.e. safe to store to disk).
+*Note*: This API is under development, and changes (including incompatible
+changes to the API or wire format) may occur until this warning is removed.
+### v8.serialize(value)
+* Returns: {Buffer}
+Uses a [`DefaultSerializer`][] to serialize `value` into a buffer.
+### v8.deserialize(buffer)
+* `buffer` {Buffer|Uint8Array} A buffer returned by [`serialize()`][].
+Uses a [`DefaultDeserializer`][] with default options to read a JS value
+from a buffer.
+### class: v8.Serializer
+#### new Serializer()
+Creates a new `Serializer` object.
+#### serializer.writeHeader()
+Writes out a header, which includes the serialization format version.
+#### serializer.writeValue(value)
+Serializes a JavaScript value and adds the serialized representation to the
+internal buffer.
+This throws an error if `value` cannot be serialized.
+#### serializer.releaseBuffer()
+Returns the stored internal buffer. This serializer should not be used once
+the buffer is released. Calling this method results in undefined behavior
+if a previous write has failed.
+#### serializer.transferArrayBuffer(id, arrayBuffer)
+* `id` {integer} A 32-bit unsigned integer.
+* `arrayBuffer` {ArrayBuffer} An `ArrayBuffer` instance.
+Marks an `ArrayBuffer` as havings its contents transferred out of band.
+Pass the corresponding `ArrayBuffer` in the deserializing context to
+#### serializer.writeUint32(value)
+* `value` {integer}
+Write a raw 32-bit unsigned integer.
+For use inside of a custom [`serializer._writeHostObject()`][].
+#### serializer.writeUint64(hi, lo)
+* `hi` {integer}
+* `lo` {integer}
+Write a raw 64-bit unsigned integer, split into high and low 32-bit parts.
+For use inside of a custom [`serializer._writeHostObject()`][].
+#### serializer.writeDouble(value)
+* `value` {number}
+Write a JS `number` value.
+For use inside of a custom [`serializer._writeHostObject()`][].
+#### serializer.writeRawBytes(buffer)
+* `buffer` {Buffer|Uint8Array}
+Write raw bytes into the serializer’s internal buffer. The deserializer
+will require a way to compute the length of the buffer.
+For use inside of a custom [`serializer._writeHostObject()`][].
+#### serializer.\_writeHostObject(object)
+* `object` {Object}
+This method is called to write some kind of host object, i.e. an object created
+by native C++ bindings. If it is not possible to serialize `object`, a suitable
+exception should be thrown.
+This method is not present on the `Serializer` class itself but can be provided
+by subclasses.
+#### serializer.\_getDataCloneError(message)
+* `message` {string}
+This method is called to generate error objects that will be thrown when an
+object can not be cloned.
+This method defaults to the [`Error`][] constructor and can be be overridden on
+#### serializer.\_getSharedArrayBufferId(sharedArrayBuffer)
+* `sharedArrayBuffer` {SharedArrayBuffer}
+This method is called when the serializer is going to serialize a
+`SharedArrayBuffer` object. It must return an unsigned 32-bit integer ID for
+the object, using the same ID if this `SharedArrayBuffer` has already been
+serialized. When deserializing, this ID will be passed to
+If the object cannot be serialized, an exception should be thrown.
+This method is not present on the `Serializer` class itself but can be provided
+by subclasses.
+#### serializer.\_setTreatArrayBufferViewsAsHostObjects(flag)
+* `flag` {boolean}
+Indicate whether to treat `TypedArray` and `DataView` objects as
+host objects, i.e. pass them to [`serializer._writeHostObject`][].
+The default is not to treat those objects as host objects.
+### class: v8.Deserializer
+#### new Deserializer(buffer)
+* `buffer` {Buffer|Uint8Array} A buffer returned by [`serializer.releaseBuffer()`][].
+Creates a new `Deserializer` object.
+#### deserializer.readHeader()
+Reads and validates a header (including the format version).
+May, for example, reject an invalid or unsupported wire format. In that case,
+an `Error` is thrown.
+#### deserializer.readValue()
+Deserializes a JavaScript value from the buffer and returns it.
+#### deserializer.transferArrayBuffer(id, arrayBuffer)
+* `id` {integer} A 32-bit unsigned integer.
+* `arrayBuffer` {ArrayBuffer|SharedArrayBuffer} An `ArrayBuffer` instance.
+Marks an `ArrayBuffer` as havings its contents transferred out of band.
+Pass the corresponding `ArrayBuffer` in the serializing context to
+[`serializer.transferArrayBuffer()`][] (or return the `id` from
+[`serializer._getSharedArrayBufferId()`][] in the case of `SharedArrayBuffer`s).
+#### deserializer.getWireFormatVersion()
+* Returns: {integer}
+Reads the underlying wire format version. Likely mostly to be useful to
+legacy code reading old wire format versions. May not be called before
+#### deserializer.readUint32()
+* Returns: {integer}
+Read a raw 32-bit unsigned integer and return it.
+For use inside of a custom [`deserializer._readHostObject()`][].
+#### deserializer.readUint64()
+* Returns: {Array}
+Read a raw 64-bit unsigned integer and return it as an array `[hi, lo]`
+with two 32-bit unsigned integer entries.
+For use inside of a custom [`deserializer._readHostObject()`][].
+#### deserializer.readDouble()
+* Returns: {number}
+Read a JS `number` value.
+For use inside of a custom [`deserializer._readHostObject()`][].
+#### deserializer.readRawBytes(length)
+* Returns: {Buffer}
+Read raw bytes from the deserializer’s internal buffer. The `length` parameter
+must correspond to the length of the buffer that was passed to
+For use inside of a custom [`deserializer._readHostObject()`][].
+#### deserializer.\_readHostObject()
+This method is called to read some kind of host object, i.e. an object that is
+created by native C++ bindings. If it is not possible to deserialize the data,
+a suitable exception should be thrown.
+This method is not present on the `Deserializer` class itself but can be
+provided by subclasses.
+### class: v8.DefaultSerializer
+A subclass of [`Serializer`][] that serializes `TypedArray`
+(in particular [`Buffer`][]) and `DataView` objects as host objects, and only
+stores the part of their underlying `ArrayBuffer`s that they are referring to.
+### class: v8.DefaultDeserializer
+A subclass of [`Deserializer`][] corresponding to the format written by
+[`Buffer`]: buffer.html
+[`Error`]: errors.html#errors_class_error
+[`deserializer.transferArrayBuffer()`]: #v8_deserializer_transferarraybuffer_id_arraybuffer
+[`deserializer._readHostObject()`]: #v8_deserializer_readhostobject
+[`serializer.transferArrayBuffer()`]: #v8_serializer_transferarraybuffer_id_arraybuffer
+[`serializer.releaseBuffer()`]: #v8_serializer_releasebuffer
+[`serializer.writeRawBytes()`]: #v8_serializer_writerawbytes_buffer
+[`serializer._writeHostObject()`]: #v8_serializer_writehostobject_object
+[`serializer._getSharedArrayBufferId()`]: #v8_serializer_getsharedarraybufferid_sharedarraybuffer
+[`Serializer`]: #v8_class_v8_serializer
+[`Deserializer`]: #v8_class_v8_deserializer
+[`DefaultSerializer`]: #v8_class_v8_defaultserializer
+[`DefaultDeserializer`]: #v8_class_v8_defaultdeserializer
+[`serialize()`]: #v8_v8_serialize_value
+[HTML structured clone algorithm]: