path: root/deps/v8/src/objects/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/src/objects/')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/objects/ b/deps/v8/src/objects/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62190529f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/src/objects/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/execution/isolate-inl.h"
+#include "src/objects/code.h"
+#include "src/objects/maybe-object.h"
+#include "src/objects/shared-function-info.h"
+#include "src/objects/osr-optimized-code-cache.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+const int OSROptimizedCodeCache::kInitialLength;
+const int OSROptimizedCodeCache::kMaxLength;
+void OSROptimizedCodeCache::AddOptimizedCode(
+ Handle<NativeContext> native_context, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
+ Handle<Code> code, BailoutId osr_offset) {
+ DCHECK(!osr_offset.IsNone());
+ DCHECK_EQ(code->kind(), Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kEntryLength == 3);
+ Isolate* isolate = native_context->GetIsolate();
+ DCHECK(!isolate->serializer_enabled());
+ Handle<OSROptimizedCodeCache> osr_cache(
+ native_context->GetOSROptimizedCodeCache(), isolate);
+ DCHECK_EQ(osr_cache->FindEntry(shared, osr_offset), -1);
+ int entry = -1;
+ for (int index = 0; index < osr_cache->length(); index += kEntryLength) {
+ if (osr_cache->Get(index + kSharedOffset)->IsCleared() ||
+ osr_cache->Get(index + kCachedCodeOffset)->IsCleared()) {
+ entry = index;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (entry == -1 && osr_cache->length() + kEntryLength <= kMaxLength) {
+ entry = GrowOSRCache(native_context, &osr_cache);
+ } else if (entry == -1) {
+ // We reached max capacity and cannot grow further. Reuse an existing entry.
+ // TODO(mythria): We could use better mechanisms (like lru) to replace
+ // existing entries. Though we don't expect this to be a common case, so
+ // for now choosing to replace the first entry.
+ entry = 0;
+ }
+ osr_cache->InitializeEntry(entry, *shared, *code, osr_offset);
+void OSROptimizedCodeCache::Clear(NativeContext native_context) {
+ native_context.set_osr_code_cache(
+ *native_context.GetIsolate()->factory()->empty_weak_fixed_array());
+void OSROptimizedCodeCache::Compact(Handle<NativeContext> native_context) {
+ Handle<OSROptimizedCodeCache> osr_cache(
+ native_context->GetOSROptimizedCodeCache(), native_context->GetIsolate());
+ Isolate* isolate = native_context->GetIsolate();
+ // Re-adjust the cache so all the valid entries are on one side. This will
+ // enable us to compress the cache if needed.
+ int curr_valid_index = 0;
+ for (int curr_index = 0; curr_index < osr_cache->length();
+ curr_index += kEntryLength) {
+ if (osr_cache->Get(curr_index + kSharedOffset)->IsCleared() ||
+ osr_cache->Get(curr_index + kCachedCodeOffset)->IsCleared()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (curr_valid_index != curr_index) {
+ osr_cache->MoveEntry(curr_index, curr_valid_index, isolate);
+ }
+ curr_valid_index += kEntryLength;
+ }
+ if (!NeedsTrimming(curr_valid_index, osr_cache->length())) return;
+ Handle<OSROptimizedCodeCache> new_osr_cache =
+ Handle<OSROptimizedCodeCache>::cast(isolate->factory()->NewWeakFixedArray(
+ CapacityForLength(curr_valid_index), AllocationType::kOld));
+ DCHECK_LT(new_osr_cache->length(), osr_cache->length());
+ {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ new_osr_cache->CopyElements(native_context->GetIsolate(), 0, *osr_cache, 0,
+ new_osr_cache->length(),
+ new_osr_cache->GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc));
+ }
+ native_context->set_osr_code_cache(*new_osr_cache);
+Code OSROptimizedCodeCache::GetOptimizedCode(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
+ BailoutId osr_offset,
+ Isolate* isolate) {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ int index = FindEntry(shared, osr_offset);
+ if (index == -1) return Code();
+ Code code = GetCodeFromEntry(index);
+ if (code.is_null()) {
+ ClearEntry(index, isolate);
+ return code;
+ }
+ DCHECK(code.is_optimized_code() && !code.marked_for_deoptimization());
+ return code;
+void OSROptimizedCodeCache::EvictMarkedCode(Isolate* isolate) {
+ // This is called from DeoptimizeMarkedCodeForContext that uses raw pointers
+ // and hence the DisallowHeapAllocation scope here.
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ for (int index = 0; index < length(); index += kEntryLength) {
+ MaybeObject code_entry = Get(index + kCachedCodeOffset);
+ HeapObject heap_object;
+ if (!code_entry->GetHeapObject(&heap_object)) continue;
+ DCHECK(heap_object.IsCode());
+ DCHECK(Code::cast(heap_object).is_optimized_code());
+ if (!Code::cast(heap_object).marked_for_deoptimization()) continue;
+ ClearEntry(index, isolate);
+ }
+int OSROptimizedCodeCache::GrowOSRCache(
+ Handle<NativeContext> native_context,
+ Handle<OSROptimizedCodeCache>* osr_cache) {
+ Isolate* isolate = native_context->GetIsolate();
+ int old_length = (*osr_cache)->length();
+ int grow_by = CapacityForLength(old_length) - old_length;
+ DCHECK_GT(grow_by, kEntryLength);
+ *osr_cache = Handle<OSROptimizedCodeCache>::cast(
+ isolate->factory()->CopyWeakFixedArrayAndGrow(*osr_cache, grow_by));
+ for (int i = old_length; i < (*osr_cache)->length(); i++) {
+ (*osr_cache)->Set(i, HeapObjectReference::ClearedValue(isolate));
+ }
+ native_context->set_osr_code_cache(**osr_cache);
+ return old_length;
+Code OSROptimizedCodeCache::GetCodeFromEntry(int index) {
+ DCHECK_LE(index + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kEntryLength, length());
+ DCHECK_EQ(index % kEntryLength, 0);
+ HeapObject code_entry;
+ Get(index + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kCachedCodeOffset)
+ ->GetHeapObject(&code_entry);
+ return code_entry.is_null() ? Code() : Code::cast(code_entry);
+SharedFunctionInfo OSROptimizedCodeCache::GetSFIFromEntry(int index) {
+ DCHECK_LE(index + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kEntryLength, length());
+ DCHECK_EQ(index % kEntryLength, 0);
+ HeapObject sfi_entry;
+ Get(index + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kSharedOffset)->GetHeapObject(&sfi_entry);
+ return sfi_entry.is_null() ? SharedFunctionInfo()
+ : SharedFunctionInfo::cast(sfi_entry);
+BailoutId OSROptimizedCodeCache::GetBailoutIdFromEntry(int index) {
+ DCHECK_LE(index + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kEntryLength, length());
+ DCHECK_EQ(index % kEntryLength, 0);
+ Smi osr_offset_entry;
+ Get(index + kOsrIdOffset)->ToSmi(&osr_offset_entry);
+ return BailoutId(osr_offset_entry.value());
+int OSROptimizedCodeCache::FindEntry(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
+ BailoutId osr_offset) {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ DCHECK(!osr_offset.IsNone());
+ for (int index = 0; index < length(); index += kEntryLength) {
+ if (GetSFIFromEntry(index) != *shared) continue;
+ if (GetBailoutIdFromEntry(index) != osr_offset) continue;
+ return index;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void OSROptimizedCodeCache::ClearEntry(int index, Isolate* isolate) {
+ Set(index + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kSharedOffset,
+ HeapObjectReference::ClearedValue(isolate));
+ Set(index + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kCachedCodeOffset,
+ HeapObjectReference::ClearedValue(isolate));
+ Set(index + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kOsrIdOffset,
+ HeapObjectReference::ClearedValue(isolate));
+void OSROptimizedCodeCache::InitializeEntry(int entry,
+ SharedFunctionInfo shared,
+ Code code, BailoutId osr_offset) {
+ Set(entry + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kSharedOffset,
+ HeapObjectReference::Weak(shared));
+ Set(entry + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kCachedCodeOffset,
+ HeapObjectReference::Weak(code));
+ Set(entry + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kOsrIdOffset,
+ MaybeObject::FromSmi(Smi::FromInt(osr_offset.ToInt())));
+void OSROptimizedCodeCache::MoveEntry(int src, int dst, Isolate* isolate) {
+ Set(dst + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kSharedOffset,
+ Get(src + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kSharedOffset));
+ Set(dst + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kCachedCodeOffset,
+ Get(src + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kCachedCodeOffset));
+ Set(dst + OSRCodeCacheConstants::kOsrIdOffset, Get(src + kOsrIdOffset));
+ ClearEntry(src, isolate);
+int OSROptimizedCodeCache::CapacityForLength(int curr_length) {
+ // TODO(mythria): This is a randomly chosen heuristic and is not based on any
+ // data. We may have to tune this later.
+ if (curr_length == 0) return kInitialLength;
+ if (curr_length * 2 > kMaxLength) return kMaxLength;
+ return curr_length * 2;
+bool OSROptimizedCodeCache::NeedsTrimming(int num_valid_entries,
+ int curr_length) {
+ return curr_length > kInitialLength && curr_length > num_valid_entries * 3;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8