path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/readable-stream/node_modules/unreachable-branch-transform/node_modules/recast/node_modules/ast-types/def/core.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/readable-stream/node_modules/unreachable-branch-transform/node_modules/recast/node_modules/ast-types/def/core.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 367 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/readable-stream/node_modules/unreachable-branch-transform/node_modules/recast/node_modules/ast-types/def/core.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/readable-stream/node_modules/unreachable-branch-transform/node_modules/recast/node_modules/ast-types/def/core.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2942c4b154..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/readable-stream/node_modules/unreachable-branch-transform/node_modules/recast/node_modules/ast-types/def/core.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-var types = require("../lib/types");
-var Type = types.Type;
-var def = Type.def;
-var or = Type.or;
-var shared = require("../lib/shared");
-var defaults = shared.defaults;
-var geq = shared.geq;
-// Abstract supertype of all syntactic entities that are allowed to have a
-// .loc field.
- .field("loc", or(
- def("SourceLocation"),
- null
- ), defaults["null"], true);
- .bases("Printable")
- .field("type", String)
- .field("comments", or(
- [def("Comment")],
- null
- ), defaults["null"], true);
- .build("start", "end", "source")
- .field("start", def("Position"))
- .field("end", def("Position"))
- .field("source", or(String, null), defaults["null"]);
- .build("line", "column")
- .field("line", geq(1))
- .field("column", geq(0));
- .bases("Node")
- .build("program")
- .field("program", def("Program"));
- .bases("Node")
- .build("body")
- .field("body", [def("Statement")]);
- .bases("Node")
- .field("id", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"])
- .field("params", [def("Pattern")])
- .field("body", def("BlockStatement"));
-// The empty .build() here means that an EmptyStatement can be constructed
-// (i.e. it's not abstract) but that it needs no arguments.
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("body")
- .field("body", [def("Statement")]);
-// TODO Figure out how to silently coerce Expressions to
-// ExpressionStatements where a Statement was expected.
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("expression")
- .field("expression", def("Expression"));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("test", "consequent", "alternate")
- .field("test", def("Expression"))
- .field("consequent", def("Statement"))
- .field("alternate", or(def("Statement"), null), defaults["null"]);
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("label", "body")
- .field("label", def("Identifier"))
- .field("body", def("Statement"));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("label")
- .field("label", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]);
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("label")
- .field("label", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]);
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("object", "body")
- .field("object", def("Expression"))
- .field("body", def("Statement"));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("discriminant", "cases", "lexical")
- .field("discriminant", def("Expression"))
- .field("cases", [def("SwitchCase")])
- .field("lexical", Boolean, defaults["false"]);
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("argument")
- .field("argument", or(def("Expression"), null));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("argument")
- .field("argument", def("Expression"));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("block", "handler", "finalizer")
- .field("block", def("BlockStatement"))
- .field("handler", or(def("CatchClause"), null), function() {
- return this.handlers && this.handlers[0] || null;
- })
- .field("handlers", [def("CatchClause")], function() {
- return this.handler ? [this.handler] : [];
- }, true) // Indicates this field is hidden from eachField iteration.
- .field("guardedHandlers", [def("CatchClause")], defaults.emptyArray)
- .field("finalizer", or(def("BlockStatement"), null), defaults["null"]);
- .bases("Node")
- .build("param", "guard", "body")
- .field("param", def("Pattern"))
- .field("guard", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"])
- .field("body", def("BlockStatement"));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("test", "body")
- .field("test", def("Expression"))
- .field("body", def("Statement"));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("body", "test")
- .field("body", def("Statement"))
- .field("test", def("Expression"));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("init", "test", "update", "body")
- .field("init", or(
- def("VariableDeclaration"),
- def("Expression"),
- null))
- .field("test", or(def("Expression"), null))
- .field("update", or(def("Expression"), null))
- .field("body", def("Statement"));
- .bases("Statement")
- .build("left", "right", "body")
- .field("left", or(
- def("VariableDeclaration"),
- def("Expression")))
- .field("right", def("Expression"))
- .field("body", def("Statement"));
- .bases("Function", "Declaration")
- .build("id", "params", "body")
- .field("id", def("Identifier"));
- .bases("Function", "Expression")
- .build("id", "params", "body");
- .bases("Declaration")
- .build("kind", "declarations")
- .field("kind", or("var", "let", "const"))
- .field("declarations", [def("VariableDeclarator")]);
- .bases("Node")
- .build("id", "init")
- .field("id", def("Pattern"))
- .field("init", or(def("Expression"), null));
-// TODO Are all Expressions really Patterns?
-def("Expression").bases("Node", "Pattern");
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("elements")
- .field("elements", [or(def("Expression"), null)]);
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("properties")
- .field("properties", [def("Property")]);
-// TODO Not in the Mozilla Parser API, but used by Esprima.
- .bases("Node") // Want to be able to visit Property Nodes.
- .build("kind", "key", "value")
- .field("kind", or("init", "get", "set"))
- .field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier")))
- .field("value", def("Expression"));
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("expressions")
- .field("expressions", [def("Expression")]);
-var UnaryOperator = or(
- "-", "+", "!", "~",
- "typeof", "void", "delete");
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("operator", "argument", "prefix")
- .field("operator", UnaryOperator)
- .field("argument", def("Expression"))
- // Esprima doesn't bother with this field, presumably because it's
- // always true for unary operators.
- .field("prefix", Boolean, defaults["true"]);
-var BinaryOperator = or(
- "==", "!=", "===", "!==",
- "<", "<=", ">", ">=",
- "<<", ">>", ">>>",
- "+", "-", "*", "/", "%",
- "&", // TODO Missing from the Parser API.
- "|", "^", "in",
- "instanceof", "..");
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("operator", "left", "right")
- .field("operator", BinaryOperator)
- .field("left", def("Expression"))
- .field("right", def("Expression"));
-var AssignmentOperator = or(
- "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=",
- "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=",
- "|=", "^=", "&=");
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("operator", "left", "right")
- .field("operator", AssignmentOperator)
- .field("left", def("Pattern"))
- .field("right", def("Expression"));
-var UpdateOperator = or("++", "--");
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("operator", "argument", "prefix")
- .field("operator", UpdateOperator)
- .field("argument", def("Expression"))
- .field("prefix", Boolean);
-var LogicalOperator = or("||", "&&");
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("operator", "left", "right")
- .field("operator", LogicalOperator)
- .field("left", def("Expression"))
- .field("right", def("Expression"));
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("test", "consequent", "alternate")
- .field("test", def("Expression"))
- .field("consequent", def("Expression"))
- .field("alternate", def("Expression"));
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("callee", "arguments")
- .field("callee", def("Expression"))
- // The Mozilla Parser API gives this type as [or(def("Expression"),
- // null)], but null values don't really make sense at the call site.
- // TODO Report this nonsense.
- .field("arguments", [def("Expression")]);
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("callee", "arguments")
- .field("callee", def("Expression"))
- // See comment for NewExpression above.
- .field("arguments", [def("Expression")]);
- .bases("Expression")
- .build("object", "property", "computed")
- .field("object", def("Expression"))
- .field("property", or(def("Identifier"), def("Expression")))
- .field("computed", Boolean, function(){
- var type = this.property.type;
- if (type === 'Literal' ||
- type === 'MemberExpression' ||
- type === 'BinaryExpression') {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- });
- .bases("Node")
- .build("test", "consequent")
- .field("test", or(def("Expression"), null))
- .field("consequent", [def("Statement")]);
- // But aren't Expressions and Patterns already Nodes? TODO Report this.
- .bases("Node", "Expression", "Pattern")
- .build("name")
- .field("name", String);
- // But aren't Expressions already Nodes? TODO Report this.
- .bases("Node", "Expression")
- .build("value")
- .field("value", or(String, Boolean, null, Number, RegExp))
- .field("regex", or({
- pattern: String,
- flags: String
- }, null), function() {
- if (this.value instanceof RegExp) {
- var flags = "";
- if (this.value.ignoreCase) flags += "i";
- if (this.value.multiline) flags += "m";
- if (this.value.global) flags += "g";
- return {
- pattern: this.value.source,
- flags: flags
- };
- }
- return null;
- });
-// Abstract (non-buildable) comment supertype. Not a Node.
- .bases("Printable")
- .field("value", String)
- // A .leading comment comes before the node, whereas a .trailing
- // comment comes after it. These two fields should not both be true,
- // but they might both be false when the comment falls inside a node
- // and the node has no children for the comment to lead or trail,
- // e.g. { /*dangling*/ }.
- .field("leading", Boolean, defaults["true"])
- .field("trailing", Boolean, defaults["false"]);