path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/readable-stream/node_modules/unreachable-branch-transform/node_modules/recast/node_modules/ast-types/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 489 deletions
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--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/readable-stream/node_modules/unreachable-branch-transform/node_modules/recast/node_modules/ast-types/
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-AST Types
-This module provides an efficient, modular,
-[Esprima]( implementation of
-the [abstract syntax
-tree]( type hierarchy
-pioneered by the [Mozilla Parser
-[![Build Status](](
-From NPM:
- npm install ast-types
-From GitHub:
- cd path/to/node_modules
- git clone git://
- cd ast-types
- npm install .
-Basic Usage
-var assert = require("assert");
-var n = require("ast-types").namedTypes;
-var b = require("ast-types").builders;
-var fooId = b.identifier("foo");
-var ifFoo = b.ifStatement(fooId, b.blockStatement([
- b.expressionStatement(b.callExpression(fooId, []))
- ifFoo.consequent.body[0].expression.arguments.length,
- 0);
-assert.strictEqual(ifFoo.test, fooId);
-AST Traversal
-Because it understands the AST type system so thoroughly, this library
-is able to provide excellent node iteration and traversal mechanisms.
-If you want complete control over the traversal, and all you need is a way
-of enumerating the known fields of your AST nodes and getting their
-values, you may be interested in the primitives `getFieldNames` and
-var types = require("ast-types");
-var partialFunExpr = { type: "FunctionExpression" };
-// Even though partialFunExpr doesn't actually contain all the fields that
-// are expected for a FunctionExpression, types.getFieldNames knows:
-// [ 'type', 'id', 'params', 'body', 'generator', 'expression',
-// 'defaults', 'rest', 'async' ]
-// For fields that have default values, types.getFieldValue will return
-// the default if the field is not actually defined.
-console.log(types.getFieldValue(partialFunExpr, "generator"));
-// false
-Two more low-level helper functions, `eachField` and `someField`, are
-defined in terms of `getFieldNames` and `getFieldValue`:
-// Iterate over all defined fields of an object, including those missing
-// or undefined, passing each field name and effective value (as returned
-// by getFieldValue) to the callback. If the object has no corresponding
-// Def, the callback will never be called.
-exports.eachField = function(object, callback, context) {
- getFieldNames(object).forEach(function(name) {
-, name, getFieldValue(object, name));
- }, context);
-// Similar to eachField, except that iteration stops as soon as the
-// callback returns a truthy value. Like Array.prototype.some, the final
-// result is either true or false to indicates whether the callback
-// returned true for any element or not.
-exports.someField = function(object, callback, context) {
- return getFieldNames(object).some(function(name) {
- return, name, getFieldValue(object, name));
- }, context);
-So here's how you might make a copy of an AST node:
-var copy = {};
-require("ast-types").eachField(node, function(name, value) {
- // Note that undefined fields will be visited too, according to
- // the rules associated with node.type, and default field values
- // will be substituted if appropriate.
- copy[name] = value;
-But that's not all! You can also easily visit entire syntax trees using
-the powerful `types.visit` abstraction.
-Here's a trivial example of how you might assert that `arguments.callee`
-is never used in `ast`:
-var assert = require("assert");
-var types = require("ast-types");
-var n = types.namedTypes;
-types.visit(ast, {
- // This method will be called for any node with .type "MemberExpression":
- visitMemberExpression: function(path) {
- // Visitor methods receive a single argument, a NodePath object
- // wrapping the node of interest.
- var node = path.node;
- if (n.Identifier.check(node.object) &&
- === "arguments" &&
- n.Identifier.check( {
- assert.notStrictEqual(, "callee");
- }
- // It's your responsibility to call this.traverse with some
- // NodePath object (usually the one passed into the visitor
- // method) before the visitor method returns, or return false to
- // indicate that the traversal need not continue any further down
- // this subtree.
- this.traverse(path);
- }
-Here's a slightly more involved example of transforming ``
-parameters into browser-runnable ES5 JavaScript:
-var b =;
-// Reuse the same AST structure for
-var sliceExpr = b.memberExpression(
- b.memberExpression(
- b.memberExpression(
- b.identifier("Array"),
- b.identifier("prototype"),
- false
- ),
- b.identifier("slice"),
- false
- ),
- b.identifier("call"),
- false
-types.visit(ast, {
- // This method will be called for any node whose type is a subtype of
- // Function (e.g., FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, and
- // ArrowFunctionExpression). Note that types.visit precomputes a
- // lookup table from every known type to the appropriate visitor
- // method to call for nodes of that type, so the dispatch takes
- // constant time.
- visitFunction: function(path) {
- // Visitor methods receive a single argument, a NodePath object
- // wrapping the node of interest.
- var node = path.node;
- // It's your responsibility to call this.traverse with some
- // NodePath object (usually the one passed into the visitor
- // method) before the visitor method returns, or return false to
- // indicate that the traversal need not continue any further down
- // this subtree. An assertion will fail if you forget, which is
- // awesome, because it means you will never again make the
- // disastrous mistake of forgetting to traverse a subtree. Also
- // cool: because you can call this method at any point in the
- // visitor method, it's up to you whether your traversal is
- // pre-order, post-order, or both!
- this.traverse(path);
- // This traversal is only concerned with Function nodes that have
- // rest parameters.
- if (! {
- return;
- }
- // For the purposes of this example, we won't worry about functions
- // with Expression bodies.
- n.BlockStatement.assert(node.body);
- // Use to build a variable declaration of the form
- //
- // var rest =, n);
- //
- // where `rest` is the name of the rest parameter, and `n` is a
- // numeric literal specifying the number of named parameters the
- // function takes.
- var restVarDecl = b.variableDeclaration("var", [
- b.variableDeclarator(
- b.callExpression(sliceExpr, [
- b.identifier("arguments"),
- b.literal(node.params.length)
- ])
- )
- ]);
- // Similar to doing node.body.body.unshift(restVarDecl), except
- // that the other NodePath objects wrapping body statements will
- // have their indexes updated to accommodate the new statement.
- path.get("body", "body").unshift(restVarDecl);
- // Nullify now that we have simulated the behavior of
- // the rest parameter using ordinary JavaScript.
- path.get("rest").replace(null);
- // There's nothing wrong with doing = null, but I wanted
- // to point out that the above statement has the same effect.
- assert.strictEqual(, null);
- }
-Here's how you might use `types.visit` to implement a function that
-determines if a given function node refers to `this`:
-function usesThis(funcNode) {
- n.Function.assert(funcNode);
- var result = false;
- types.visit(funcNode, {
- visitThisExpression: function(path) {
- result = true;
- // The quickest way to terminate the traversal is to call
- // this.abort(), which throws a special exception (instanceof
- // this.AbortRequest) that will be caught in the top-level
- // types.visit method, so you don't have to worry about
- // catching the exception yourself.
- this.abort();
- },
- visitFunction: function(path) {
- // ThisExpression nodes in nested scopes don't count as `this`
- // references for the original function node, so we can safely
- // avoid traversing this subtree.
- return false;
- },
- visitCallExpression: function(path) {
- var node = path.node;
- // If the function contains CallExpression nodes involving
- // super, those expressions will implicitly depend on the
- // value of `this`, even though they do not explicitly contain
- // any ThisExpression nodes.
- if (this.isSuperCallExpression(node)) {
- result = true;
- this.abort(); // Throws AbortRequest exception.
- }
- this.traverse(path);
- },
- // Yes, you can define arbitrary helper methods.
- isSuperCallExpression: function(callExpr) {
- n.CallExpression.assert(callExpr);
- return this.isSuperIdentifier(callExpr.callee)
- || this.isSuperMemberExpression(callExpr.callee);
- },
- // And even helper helper methods!
- isSuperIdentifier: function(node) {
- return n.Identifier.check(node.callee)
- && === "super";
- },
- isSuperMemberExpression: function(node) {
- return n.MemberExpression.check(node.callee)
- && n.Identifier.check(node.callee.object)
- && === "super";
- }
- });
- return result;
-As you might guess, when an `AbortRequest` is thrown from a subtree, the
-exception will propagate from the corresponding calls to `this.traverse`
-in the ancestor visitor methods. If you decide you want to cancel the
-request, simply catch the exception and call its `.cancel()` method. The
-rest of the subtree beneath the `try`-`catch` block will be abandoned, but
-the remaining siblings of the ancestor node will still be visited.
-The `NodePath` object passed to visitor methods is a wrapper around an AST
-node, and it serves to provide access to the chain of ancestor objects
-(all the way back to the root of the AST) and scope information.
-In general, `path.node` refers to the wrapped node, `path.parent.node`
-refers to the nearest `Node` ancestor, `path.parent.parent.node` to the
-grandparent, and so on.
-Note that `path.node` may not be a direct property value of
-`path.parent.node`; for instance, it might be the case that `path.node` is
-an element of an array that is a direct child of the parent node:
-path.node === path.parent.node.elements[3]
-in which case you should know that `path.parentPath` provides
-finer-grained access to the complete path of objects (not just the `Node`
-ones) from the root of the AST:
-// In reality, path.parent is the grandparent of path:
-path.parentPath.parentPath === path.parent
-// The path.parentPath object wraps the elements array (note that we use
-// .value because the elements array is not a Node):
-path.parentPath.value === path.parent.node.elements
-// The path.node object is the fourth element in that array:
-path.parentPath.value[3] === path.node
-// Unlike path.node and path.value, which are synonyms because path.node
-// is a Node object, path.parentPath.node is distinct from
-// path.parentPath.value, because the elements array is not a
-// Node. Instead, path.parentPath.node refers to the closest ancestor
-// Node, which happens to be the same as path.parent.node:
-path.parentPath.node === path.parent.node
-// The path is named for its index in the elements array: === 3
-// Likewise, path.parentPath is named for the property by which
-// path.parent.node refers to it: === "elements"
-// Putting it all together, we can follow the chain of object references
-// from path.parent.node all the way to path.node by accessing each
-// property by name:
-path.parent.node[][] === path.node
-These `NodePath` objects are created during the traversal without
-modifying the AST nodes themselves, so it's not a problem if the same node
-appears more than once in the AST (like `` in
-the example above), because it will be visited with a distict `NodePath`
-each time it appears.
-Child `NodePath` objects are created lazily, by calling the `.get` method
-of a parent `NodePath` object:
-// If a NodePath object for the elements array has never been created
-// before, it will be created here and cached in the future:
-path.get("elements").get(3).value === path.value.elements[3]
-// Alternatively, you can pass multiple property names to .get instead of
-// chaining multiple .get calls:
-path.get("elements", 0).value === path.value.elements[0]
-`NodePath` objects support a number of useful methods:
-// Replace one node with another node:
-var fifth = path.get("elements", 4);
-// Now do some stuff that might rearrange the list, and this replacement
-// remains safe:
-// Replace the third element in an array with two new nodes:
-path.get("elements", 2).replace(
- b.identifier("foo"),
- b.thisExpression()
-// Remove a node and its parent if it would leave a redundant AST node:
-//e.g. var t = 1, y =2; removing the `t` and `y` declarators results in `var undefined`.
-path.prune(); //returns the closest parent `NodePath`.
-// Remove a node from a list of nodes:
-path.get("elements", 3).replace();
-// Add three new nodes to the beginning of a list of nodes:
-path.get("elements").unshift(a, b, c);
-// Remove and return the first node in a list of nodes:
-// Push two new nodes onto the end of a list of nodes:
-path.get("elements").push(d, e);
-// Remove and return the last node in a list of nodes:
-// Insert a new node before/after the seventh node in a list of nodes:
-var seventh = path.get("elements", 6);
-// Insert a new element at index 5 in a list of nodes:
-path.get("elements").insertAt(5, newNode);
-The object exposed as `path.scope` during AST traversals provides
-information about variable and function declarations in the scope that
-contains `path.node`. See [scope.js](lib/scope.js) for its public
-interface, which currently includes `.isGlobal`, `.getGlobalScope()`,
-`.depth`, `.declares(name)`, `.lookup(name)`, and `.getBindings()`.
-Custom AST Node Types
-The `ast-types` module was designed to be extended. To that end, it
-provides a readable, declarative syntax for specifying new AST node types,
-based primarily upon the `require("ast-types").Type.def` function:
-var types = require("ast-types");
-var def = types.Type.def;
-var string = types.builtInTypes.string;
-var b =;
-// Suppose you need a named File type to wrap your Programs.
- .bases("Node")
- .build("name", "program")
- .field("name", string)
- .field("program", def("Program"));
-// Prevent further modifications to the File type (and any other
-// types newly introduced by def(...)).
-// The b.file builder function is now available. It expects two
-// arguments, as named by .build("name", "program") above.
-var main = b.file("main.js", b.program([
- // Pointless program contents included for extra color.
- b.functionDeclaration(b.identifier("succ"), [
- b.identifier("x")
- ], b.blockStatement([
- b.returnStatement(
- b.binaryExpression(
- "+", b.identifier("x"), b.literal(1)
- )
- )
- ]))
-assert.strictEqual(, "main.js");
-assert.strictEqual(main.program.body[0].params[0].name, "x");
-// etc.
-// If you pass the wrong type of arguments, or fail to pass enough
-// arguments, an AssertionError will be thrown.
-// ==> AssertionError: {"body":[],"type":"BlockStatement","loc":null} does not match type string
-b.file("lib/types.js", b.thisExpression());
-// ==> AssertionError: {"type":"ThisExpression","loc":null} does not match type Program
-The `def` syntax is used to define all the default AST node types found in
-[flow.js](def/flow.js), and
-[jsx.js](def/jsx.js), so you have
-no shortage of examples to learn from.