path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/npmlog/node_modules/gauge/index.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/npmlog/node_modules/gauge/index.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/npmlog/node_modules/gauge/index.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/npmlog/node_modules/gauge/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eefb9507b..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/npmlog/node_modules/gauge/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-'use strict'
-var Plumbing = require('./plumbing.js')
-var hasUnicode = require('has-unicode')
-var hasColor = require('./has-color.js')
-var onExit = require('signal-exit')
-var defaultThemes = require('./themes')
-var setInterval = require('./set-interval.js')
-var process = require('./process.js')
-var setImmediate = require('./set-immediate')
-module.exports = Gauge
-function callWith (obj, method) {
- return function () {
- return
- }
-function Gauge (arg1, arg2) {
- var options, writeTo
- if (arg1 && arg1.write) {
- writeTo = arg1
- options = arg2 || {}
- } else if (arg2 && arg2.write) {
- writeTo = arg2
- options = arg1 || {}
- } else {
- writeTo = process.stderr
- options = arg1 || arg2 || {}
- }
- this._status = {
- spun: 0,
- section: '',
- subsection: ''
- }
- this._paused = false // are we paused for back pressure?
- this._disabled = true // are all progress bar updates disabled?
- this._showing = false // do we WANT the progress bar on screen
- this._onScreen = false // IS the progress bar on screen
- this._needsRedraw = false // should we print something at next tick?
- this._hideCursor = options.hideCursor == null ? true : options.hideCursor
- this._fixedFramerate = options.fixedFramerate == null
- ? !(/^v0\.8\./.test(process.version))
- : options.fixedFramerate
- this._lastUpdateAt = null
- this._updateInterval = options.updateInterval == null ? 50 : options.updateInterval
- this._themes = options.themes || defaultThemes
- this._theme = options.theme
- var theme = this._computeTheme(options.theme)
- var template = options.template || [
- {type: 'progressbar', length: 20},
- {type: 'activityIndicator', kerning: 1, length: 1},
- {type: 'section', kerning: 1, default: ''},
- {type: 'subsection', kerning: 1, default: ''}
- ]
- this.setWriteTo(writeTo, options.tty)
- var PlumbingClass = options.Plumbing || Plumbing
- this._gauge = new PlumbingClass(theme, template, this.getWidth())
- this._$$doRedraw = callWith(this, this._doRedraw)
- this._$$handleSizeChange = callWith(this, this._handleSizeChange)
- if (options.cleanupOnExit == null || options.cleanupOnExit) {
- onExit(callWith(this, this.disable))
- }
- if (options.enabled || (options.enabled == null && this._tty && this._tty.isTTY)) {
- this.enable()
- } else {
- this.disable()
- }
-Gauge.prototype = {}
-Gauge.prototype.setTemplate = function (template) {
- this._gauge.setTemplate(template)
- if (this._showing) this._requestRedraw()
-Gauge.prototype._computeTheme = function (theme) {
- if (!theme) theme = {}
- if (theme && (Object.keys(theme).length === 0 || theme.hasUnicode != null || theme.hasColor != null)) {
- var useUnicode = theme.hasUnicode == null ? hasUnicode() : theme.hasUnicode
- var useColor = theme.hasColor == null ? hasColor : theme.hasColor
- theme = this._themes.getDefault({hasUnicode: useUnicode, hasColor: useColor, platform: theme.platform})
- } else if (typeof theme === 'string') {
- theme = this._themes.getTheme(theme)
- }
- return theme
-Gauge.prototype.setThemeset = function (themes) {
- this._themes = themes
- this.setTheme(this._theme)
-Gauge.prototype.setTheme = function (theme) {
- this._gauge.setTheme(this._computeTheme(theme))
- if (this._showing) this._requestRedraw()
- this._theme = theme
-Gauge.prototype._requestRedraw = function () {
- this._needsRedraw = true
- if (!this._fixedFramerate) this._doRedraw()
-Gauge.prototype.getWidth = function () {
- return ((this._tty && this._tty.columns) || 80) - 1
-Gauge.prototype.setWriteTo = function (writeTo, tty) {
- var enabled = !this._disabled
- if (enabled) this.disable()
- this._writeTo = writeTo
- this._tty = tty ||
- (writeTo === process.stderr && process.stdout.isTTY && process.stdout) ||
- (writeTo.isTTY && writeTo) ||
- this._tty
- if (this._gauge) this._gauge.setWidth(this.getWidth())
- if (enabled) this.enable()
-Gauge.prototype.enable = function () {
- if (!this._disabled) return
- this._disabled = false
- if (this._tty) this._enableEvents()
- if (this._showing)
-Gauge.prototype.disable = function () {
- if (this._disabled) return
- if (this._showing) {
- this._lastUpdateAt = null
- this._showing = false
- this._doRedraw()
- this._showing = true
- }
- this._disabled = true
- if (this._tty) this._disableEvents()
-Gauge.prototype._enableEvents = function () {
- this._tty.on('resize', this._$$handleSizeChange)
- if (this._fixedFramerate) {
- this.redrawTracker = setInterval(this._$$doRedraw, this._updateInterval)
- if (this.redrawTracker.unref) this.redrawTracker.unref()
- }
-Gauge.prototype._disableEvents = function () {
- this._tty.removeListener('resize', this._$$handleSizeChange)
- if (this._fixedFramerate) clearInterval(this.redrawTracker)
-Gauge.prototype.hide = function (cb) {
- if (this._disabled) return cb && process.nextTick(cb)
- if (!this._showing) return cb && process.nextTick(cb)
- this._showing = false
- this._doRedraw()
- cb && setImmediate(cb)
- = function (section, completed) {
- if (this._disabled) return
- this._showing = true
- if (typeof section === 'string') {
- this._status.section = section
- } else if (typeof section === 'object') {
- var sectionKeys = Object.keys(section)
- for (var ii = 0; ii < sectionKeys.length; ++ii) {
- var key = sectionKeys[ii]
- this._status[key] = section[key]
- }
- }
- if (completed != null) this._status.completed = completed
- this._requestRedraw()
-Gauge.prototype.pulse = function (subsection) {
- if (this._disabled) return
- if (!this._showing) return
- this._status.subsection = subsection || ''
- this._status.spun ++
- this._requestRedraw()
-Gauge.prototype._handleSizeChange = function () {
- this._gauge.setWidth(this._tty.columns - 1)
- this._requestRedraw()
-Gauge.prototype._doRedraw = function () {
- if (this._disabled || this._paused) return
- if (!this._fixedFramerate) {
- var now =
- if (this._lastUpdateAt && now - this._lastUpdateAt < this._updateInterval) return
- this._lastUpdateAt = now
- }
- if (!this._showing && this._onScreen) {
- this._onScreen = false
- var result = this._gauge.hide()
- if (this._hideCursor) {
- result += this._gauge.showCursor()
- }
- return this._writeTo.write(result)
- }
- if (!this._showing && !this._onScreen) return
- if (this._showing && !this._onScreen) {
- this._onScreen = true
- this._needsRedraw = true
- if (this._hideCursor) {
- this._writeTo.write(this._gauge.hideCursor())
- }
- }
- if (!this._needsRedraw) return
- if (!this._writeTo.write( {
- this._paused = true
- this._writeTo.on('drain', callWith(this, function () {
- this._paused = false
- this._doRedraw()
- }))
- }