path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/es-abstract/test/tests.js
diff options
authorisaacs <nope@not.real>2019-07-03 10:23:19 -0700
committerMichaël Zasso <>2019-07-20 11:29:59 +0200
commit1ce2b5e828bf8b68c4c55387eab5a14f8aac7e10 (patch)
tree610a82da92bc5b111f5ae238b99ee9549b3eec64 /deps/npm/node_modules/es-abstract/test/tests.js
parentb379c0e8b6b1f67fb7985d3c51f6200e2e3f2290 (diff)
deps: upgrade npm to 6.10.0
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Roman Reiss <> Reviewed-By: Trivikram Kamat <> Reviewed-By: Yongsheng Zhang <> Reviewed-By: Jiawen Geng <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Daijiro Wachi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/es-abstract/test/tests.js')
1 files changed, 1610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/es-abstract/test/tests.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/es-abstract/test/tests.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df52c82c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/es-abstract/test/tests.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1610 @@
+'use strict';
+var test = require('tape');
+var forEach = require('foreach');
+var is = require('object-is');
+var debug = require('object-inspect');
+var assign = require('object.assign');
+var v = require('./helpers/values');
+var diffOps = require('./diffOps');
+var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
+var getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor = function getArraySubclass(speciesConstructor) {
+ var Bar = function Bar() {
+ var inst = [];
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(inst, Bar.prototype);
+ Object.defineProperty(inst, 'constructor', { value: Bar });
+ return inst;
+ };
+ Bar.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype);
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(Bar, Array);
+ Object.defineProperty(Bar, Symbol.species, { value: speciesConstructor });
+ return Bar;
+var hasSpecies = v.hasSymbols && Symbol.species;
+var hasGroups = 'groups' in (/a/).exec('a');
+var groups = function groups(matchObject) {
+ return hasGroups ? assign(matchObject, { groups: matchObject.groups }) : matchObject;
+var es2015 = function ES2015(ES, ops, expectedMissing) {
+ test('has expected operations', function (t) {
+ var diff = diffOps(ES, ops, expectedMissing);
+ t.deepEqual(diff.extra, [], 'no extra ops');
+ t.deepEqual(diff.missing, [], 'no unexpected missing ops');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToPrimitive', function (t) {
+ t.test('primitives', function (st) {
+ var testPrimitive = function (primitive) {
+ st.ok(is(ES.ToPrimitive(primitive), primitive), debug(primitive) + ' is returned correctly');
+ };
+ forEach(v.primitives, testPrimitive);
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('objects', function (st) {
+ st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.coercibleObject), 3, 'coercibleObject with no hint coerces to valueOf');
+ st.ok(is(ES.ToPrimitive({}), '[object Object]'), '{} with no hint coerces to Object#toString');
+ st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.coercibleObject, Number), 3, 'coercibleObject with hint Number coerces to valueOf');
+ st.ok(is(ES.ToPrimitive({}, Number), '[object Object]'), '{} with hint Number coerces to NaN');
+ st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.coercibleObject, String), 42, 'coercibleObject with hint String coerces to nonstringified toString');
+ st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive({}, String), '[object Object]', '{} with hint String coerces to Object#toString');
+ st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.toStringOnlyObject), 7, 'toStringOnlyObject returns non-stringified toString');
+ st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.valueOfOnlyObject), 4, 'valueOfOnlyObject returns valueOf');
+ st['throws'](function () { return ES.ToPrimitive(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws a TypeError');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('dates', function (st) {
+ var invalid = new Date(NaN);
+ st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(invalid),, 'invalid Date coerces to Date#toString');
+ var now = new Date();
+ st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(now),, 'Date coerces to Date#toString');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToBoolean', function (t) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(undefined), 'undefined coerces to false');
+ t.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(null), 'null coerces to false');
+ t.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(false), 'false returns false');
+ t.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean(true), 'true returns true');
+ t.test('numbers', function (st) {
+ forEach([0, -0, NaN], function (falsyNumber) {
+ st.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(falsyNumber), 'falsy number ' + falsyNumber + ' coerces to false');
+ });
+ forEach([Infinity, 42, 1, -Infinity], function (truthyNumber) {
+ st.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean(truthyNumber), 'truthy number ' + truthyNumber + ' coerces to true');
+ });
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(''), 'empty string coerces to false');
+ t.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean('foo'), 'nonempty string coerces to true');
+ t.test('objects', function (st) {
+ forEach(v.objects, function (obj) {
+ st.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean(obj), 'object coerces to true');
+ });
+ st.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean(v.uncoercibleObject), 'uncoercibleObject coerces to true');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToNumber', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(NaN, ES.ToNumber(undefined)), 'undefined coerces to NaN');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToNumber(null), 0), 'null coerces to +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToNumber(false), 0), 'false coerces to +0');
+ t.equal(1, ES.ToNumber(true), 'true coerces to 1');
+ t.test('numbers', function (st) {
+ st.ok(is(NaN, ES.ToNumber(NaN)), 'NaN returns itself');
+ forEach([0, -0, 42, Infinity, -Infinity], function (num) {
+ st.equal(num, ES.ToNumber(num), num + ' returns itself');
+ });
+ forEach(['foo', '0', '4a', '2.0', 'Infinity', '-Infinity'], function (numString) {
+ st.ok(is(+numString, ES.ToNumber(numString)), '"' + numString + '" coerces to ' + Number(numString));
+ });
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('objects', function (st) {
+ forEach(v.objects, function (object) {
+ st.ok(is(ES.ToNumber(object), ES.ToNumber(ES.ToPrimitive(object))), 'object ' + object + ' coerces to same as ToPrimitive of object does');
+ });
+ st['throws'](function () { return ES.ToNumber(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('binary literals', function (st) {
+ st.equal(ES.ToNumber('0b10'), 2, '0b10 is 2');
+ st.equal(ES.ToNumber({ toString: function () { return '0b11'; } }), 3, 'Object that toStrings to 0b11 is 3');
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber('0b12'), NaN), '0b12 is NaN');
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber({ toString: function () { return '0b112'; } }), NaN), 'Object that toStrings to 0b112 is NaN');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('octal literals', function (st) {
+ st.equal(ES.ToNumber('0o10'), 8, '0o10 is 8');
+ st.equal(ES.ToNumber({ toString: function () { return '0o11'; } }), 9, 'Object that toStrings to 0o11 is 9');
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber('0o18'), NaN), '0o18 is NaN');
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber({ toString: function () { return '0o118'; } }), NaN), 'Object that toStrings to 0o118 is NaN');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('signed hex numbers', function (st) {
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber('-0xF'), NaN), '-0xF is NaN');
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber(' -0xF '), NaN), 'space-padded -0xF is NaN');
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber('+0xF'), NaN), '+0xF is NaN');
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber(' +0xF '), NaN), 'space-padded +0xF is NaN');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('trimming of whitespace and non-whitespace characters', function (st) {
+ var whitespace = ' \t\x0b\f\xa0\ufeff\n\r\u2028\u2029\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000';
+ st.equal(0, ES.ToNumber(whitespace + 0 + whitespace), 'whitespace is trimmed');
+ // Zero-width space (zws), next line character (nel), and non-character (bom) are not whitespace.
+ var nonWhitespaces = {
+ '\\u0085': '\u0085',
+ '\\u200b': '\u200b',
+ '\\ufffe': '\ufffe'
+ };
+ forEach(nonWhitespaces, function (desc, nonWS) {
+ st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber(nonWS + 0 + nonWS), NaN), 'non-whitespace ' + desc + ' not trimmed');
+ });
+ st.end();
+ });
+ forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ToNumber(symbol); },
+ TypeError,
+ 'Symbols can’t be converted to a Number: ' + debug(symbol)
+ );
+ });
+ t.test('dates', function (st) {
+ var invalid = new Date(NaN);
+ st.ok(is(ES.ToNumber(invalid), NaN), 'invalid Date coerces to NaN');
+ var now =;
+ st.equal(ES.ToNumber(new Date(now)), now, 'Date coerces to timestamp');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToInteger', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInteger(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0');
+ forEach([0, Infinity, 42], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(num, ES.ToInteger(num)), num + ' returns itself');
+ t.ok(is(-num, ES.ToInteger(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns itself');
+ });
+ t.equal(3, ES.ToInteger(Math.PI), 'pi returns 3');
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToInteger(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToInt32', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt32(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0');
+ forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt32(num)), num + ' returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt32(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0');
+ });
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToInt32(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(0x100000000 - 1), -1), '2^32 - 1 returns -1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(0x80000000), -0x80000000), '2^31 returns -2^31');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(0x80000000 - 1), 0x80000000 - 1), '2^31 - 1 returns 2^31 - 1');
+ forEach([0, Infinity, NaN, 0x100000000, 0x80000000, 0x10000, 0x42], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(num), ES.ToInt32(ES.ToUint32(num))), 'ToInt32(x) === ToInt32(ToUint32(x)) for 0x' + num.toString(16));
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(-num), ES.ToInt32(ES.ToUint32(-num))), 'ToInt32(x) === ToInt32(ToUint32(x)) for -0x' + num.toString(16));
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToUint32', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint32(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0');
+ forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint32(num)), num + ' returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint32(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0');
+ });
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToUint32(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(0x100000000 - 1), 0x100000000 - 1), '2^32 - 1 returns 2^32 - 1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(0x80000000), 0x80000000), '2^31 returns 2^31');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(0x80000000 - 1), 0x80000000 - 1), '2^31 - 1 returns 2^31 - 1');
+ forEach([0, Infinity, NaN, 0x100000000, 0x80000000, 0x10000, 0x42], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(num), ES.ToUint32(ES.ToInt32(num))), 'ToUint32(x) === ToUint32(ToInt32(x)) for 0x' + num.toString(16));
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(-num), ES.ToUint32(ES.ToInt32(-num))), 'ToUint32(x) === ToUint32(ToInt32(x)) for -0x' + num.toString(16));
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToInt16', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt16(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0');
+ forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt16(num)), num + ' returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt16(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0');
+ });
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToInt16(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x100000000 - 1), -1), '2^32 - 1 returns -1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x80000000), 0), '2^31 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x80000000 - 1), -1), '2^31 - 1 returns -1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x10000), 0), '2^16 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x10000 - 1), -1), '2^16 - 1 returns -1');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToUint16', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint16(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0');
+ forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint16(num)), num + ' returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint16(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0');
+ });
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToUint16(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x100000000 - 1), 0x10000 - 1), '2^32 - 1 returns 2^16 - 1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x80000000), 0), '2^31 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x80000000 - 1), 0x10000 - 1), '2^31 - 1 returns 2^16 - 1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x10000), 0), '2^16 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x10000 - 1), 0x10000 - 1), '2^16 - 1 returns 2^16 - 1');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToInt8', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt8(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0');
+ forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt8(num)), num + ' returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt8(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0');
+ });
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToInt8(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x100000000 - 1), -1), '2^32 - 1 returns -1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x80000000), 0), '2^31 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x80000000 - 1), -1), '2^31 - 1 returns -1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x10000), 0), '2^16 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x10000 - 1), -1), '2^16 - 1 returns -1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x100), 0), '2^8 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x100 - 1), -1), '2^8 - 1 returns -1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x10), 0x10), '2^4 returns 2^4');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToUint8', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0');
+ forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8(num)), num + ' returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0');
+ });
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToUint8(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x100000000 - 1), 0x100 - 1), '2^32 - 1 returns 2^8 - 1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x80000000), 0), '2^31 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x80000000 - 1), 0x100 - 1), '2^31 - 1 returns 2^8 - 1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x10000), 0), '2^16 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x10000 - 1), 0x100 - 1), '2^16 - 1 returns 2^8 - 1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x100), 0), '2^8 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x100 - 1), 0x100 - 1), '2^8 - 1 returns 2^16 - 1');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x10), 0x10), '2^4 returns 2^4');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x10 - 1), 0x10 - 1), '2^4 - 1 returns 2^4 - 1');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToUint8Clamp', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8Clamp(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8Clamp(0)), '+0 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8Clamp(-0)), '-0 returns +0');
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8Clamp(-Infinity)), '-Infinity returns +0');
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToUint8Clamp(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ forEach([255, 256, 0x100000, Infinity], function (number) {
+ t.ok(is(255, ES.ToUint8Clamp(number)), number + ' coerces to 255');
+ });
+ t.equal(1, ES.ToUint8Clamp(1.49), '1.49 coerces to 1');
+ t.equal(2, ES.ToUint8Clamp(1.5), '1.5 coerces to 2, because 2 is even');
+ t.equal(2, ES.ToUint8Clamp(1.51), '1.51 coerces to 2');
+ t.equal(2, ES.ToUint8Clamp(2.49), '2.49 coerces to 2');
+ t.equal(2, ES.ToUint8Clamp(2.5), '2.5 coerces to 2, because 2 is even');
+ t.equal(3, ES.ToUint8Clamp(2.51), '2.51 coerces to 3');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToString', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.nonSymbolPrimitives), function (item) {
+ t.equal(ES.ToString(item), String(item), 'ES.ToString(' + debug(item) + ') ToStrings to String(' + debug(item) + ')');
+ });
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToString(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws');
+ forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) {
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToString(symbol); }, TypeError, debug(symbol) + ' throws');
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToObject', function (t) {
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToObject(undefined); }, TypeError, 'undefined throws');
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToObject(null); }, TypeError, 'null throws');
+ forEach(v.numbers, function (number) {
+ var obj = ES.ToObject(number);
+ t.equal(typeof obj, 'object', 'number ' + number + ' coerces to object');
+ t.equal(true, obj instanceof Number, 'object of ' + number + ' is Number object');
+ t.ok(is(obj.valueOf(), number), 'object of ' + number + ' coerces to ' + number);
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('RequireObjectCoercible', function (t) {
+ t.equal(false, 'CheckObjectCoercible' in ES, 'CheckObjectCoercible -> RequireObjectCoercible in ES6');
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.RequireObjectCoercible(undefined); }, TypeError, 'undefined throws');
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.RequireObjectCoercible(null); }, TypeError, 'null throws');
+ var isCoercible = function (value) {
+ t.doesNotThrow(function () { return ES.RequireObjectCoercible(value); }, debug(value) + ' does not throw');
+ };
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.nonNullPrimitives), isCoercible);
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsCallable', function (t) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsCallable(function () {}), 'function is callable');
+ var nonCallables = [/a/g, {}, Object.prototype, NaN].concat(v.primitives);
+ forEach(nonCallables, function (nonCallable) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsCallable(nonCallable), debug(nonCallable) + ' is not callable');
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('SameValue', function (t) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.SameValue(NaN, NaN), 'NaN is SameValue as NaN');
+ t.equal(false, ES.SameValue(0, -0), '+0 is not SameValue as -0');
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (val) {
+ t.equal(val === val, ES.SameValue(val, val), debug(val) + ' is SameValue to itself');
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('SameValueZero', function (t) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.SameValueZero(NaN, NaN), 'NaN is SameValueZero as NaN');
+ t.equal(true, ES.SameValueZero(0, -0), '+0 is SameValueZero as -0');
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (val) {
+ t.equal(val === val, ES.SameValueZero(val, val), debug(val) + ' is SameValueZero to itself');
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToPropertyKey', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.nonSymbolPrimitives), function (value) {
+ t.equal(ES.ToPropertyKey(value), String(value), 'ToPropertyKey(value) === String(value) for non-Symbols');
+ });
+ forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) {
+ t.equal(
+ ES.ToPropertyKey(symbol),
+ symbol,
+ 'ToPropertyKey(' + debug(symbol) + ') === ' + debug(symbol)
+ );
+ t.equal(
+ ES.ToPropertyKey(Object(symbol)),
+ symbol,
+ 'ToPropertyKey(' + debug(Object(symbol)) + ') === ' + debug(symbol)
+ );
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToLength', function (t) {
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToLength(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws a TypeError');
+ t.equal(3, ES.ToLength(v.coercibleObject), 'coercibleObject coerces to 3');
+ t.equal(42, ES.ToLength('42.5'), '"42.5" coerces to 42');
+ t.equal(7, ES.ToLength(7.3), '7.3 coerces to 7');
+ forEach([-0, -1, -42, -Infinity], function (negative) {
+ t.ok(is(0, ES.ToLength(negative)), negative + ' coerces to +0');
+ });
+ t.equal(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, ES.ToLength(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1), '2^53 coerces to 2^53 - 1');
+ t.equal(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, ES.ToLength(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 3), '2^53 + 2 coerces to 2^53 - 1');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsArray', function (t) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsArray([]), '[] is array');
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsArray({}), '{} is not array');
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsArray({ length: 1, 0: true }), 'arraylike object is not array');
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (value) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsArray(value), debug(value) + ' is not array');
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsRegExp', function (t) {
+ forEach([/a/g, new RegExp('a', 'g')], function (regex) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsRegExp(regex), regex + ' is regex');
+ });
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (nonRegex) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsRegExp(nonRegex), debug(nonRegex) + ' is not regex');
+ });
+ t.test('Symbol.match', { skip: !v.hasSymbols || !Symbol.match }, function (st) {
+ var obj = {};
+ obj[Symbol.match] = true;
+ st.equal(true, ES.IsRegExp(obj), 'object with truthy Symbol.match is regex');
+ var regex = /a/;
+ regex[Symbol.match] = false;
+ st.equal(false, ES.IsRegExp(regex), 'regex with falsy Symbol.match is not regex');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsPropertyKey', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.numbers.concat(v.objects), function (notKey) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsPropertyKey(notKey), debug(notKey) + ' is not property key');
+ });
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsPropertyKey('foo'), 'string is property key');
+ forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsPropertyKey(symbol), debug(symbol) + ' is property key');
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsInteger', function (t) {
+ for (var i = -100; i < 100; i += 10) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsInteger(i), i + ' is integer');
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsInteger(i + 0.2), (i + 0.2) + ' is not integer');
+ }
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsInteger(-0), '-0 is integer');
+ var notInts = v.nonNumbers.concat(v.nonIntegerNumbers, [Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, [], new Date()]);
+ forEach(notInts, function (notInt) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsInteger(notInt), debug(notInt) + ' is not integer');
+ });
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsInteger(v.uncoercibleObject), 'uncoercibleObject is not integer');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsExtensible', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.objects, function (object) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsExtensible(object), debug(object) + ' object is extensible');
+ });
+ forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsExtensible(primitive), debug(primitive) + ' is not extensible');
+ });
+ if (Object.preventExtensions) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({})), 'object with extensions prevented is not extensible');
+ }
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('CanonicalNumericIndexString', function (t) {
+ var throwsOnNonString = function (notString) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { return ES.CanonicalNumericIndexString(notString); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(notString) + ' is not a string'
+ );
+ };
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.numbers), throwsOnNonString);
+ t.ok(is(-0, ES.CanonicalNumericIndexString('-0')), '"-0" returns -0');
+ for (var i = -50; i < 50; i += 10) {
+ t.equal(i, ES.CanonicalNumericIndexString(String(i)), '"' + i + '" returns ' + i);
+ t.equal(undefined, ES.CanonicalNumericIndexString(String(i) + 'a'), '"' + i + 'a" returns undefined');
+ }
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsConstructor', function (t) {
+ t.equal(true, ES.IsConstructor(function () {}), 'function is constructor');
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsConstructor(/a/g), 'regex is not constructor');
+ forEach(v.objects, function (object) {
+ t.equal(false, ES.IsConstructor(object), object + ' object is not constructor');
+ });
+ try {
+ var foo = Function('return class Foo {}')(); // eslint-disable-line no-new-func
+ t.equal(ES.IsConstructor(foo), true, 'class is constructor');
+ } catch (e) {
+ t.comment('SKIP: class syntax not supported.');
+ }
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('Call', function (t) {
+ var receiver = {};
+ var notFuncs = v.objects.concat(v.primitives).concat([/a/g, new RegExp('a', 'g')]);
+ t.plan(notFuncs.length + 4);
+ var throwsIfNotCallable = function (notFunc) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { return ES.Call(notFunc, receiver); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(notFunc) + ' (' + typeof notFunc + ') is not callable'
+ );
+ };
+ forEach(notFuncs, throwsIfNotCallable);
+ ES.Call(function (a, b) {
+ t.equal(this, receiver, 'context matches expected');
+ t.deepEqual([a, b], [1, 2], 'named args are correct');
+ t.equal(arguments.length, 3, 'extra argument was passed');
+ t.equal(arguments[2], 3, 'extra argument was correct');
+ }, receiver, [1, 2, 3]);
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('GetV', function (t) {
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.GetV({ 7: 7 }, 7); }, TypeError, 'Throws a TypeError if `P` is not a property key');
+ var obj = { a: function () {} };
+ t.equal(ES.GetV(obj, 'a'), obj.a, 'returns property if it exists');
+ t.equal(ES.GetV(obj, 'b'), undefined, 'returns undefiend if property does not exist');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('GetMethod', function (t) {
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.GetMethod({ 7: 7 }, 7); }, TypeError, 'Throws a TypeError if `P` is not a property key');
+ t.equal(ES.GetMethod({}, 'a'), undefined, 'returns undefined in property is undefined');
+ t.equal(ES.GetMethod({ a: null }, 'a'), undefined, 'returns undefined if property is null');
+ t.equal(ES.GetMethod({ a: undefined }, 'a'), undefined, 'returns undefined if property is undefined');
+ var obj = { a: function () {} };
+ t['throws'](function () { ES.GetMethod({ a: 'b' }, 'a'); }, TypeError, 'throws TypeError if property exists and is not callable');
+ t.equal(ES.GetMethod(obj, 'a'), obj.a, 'returns property if it is callable');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('Get', function (t) {
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.Get('a', 'a'); }, TypeError, 'Throws a TypeError if `O` is not an Object');
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.Get({ 7: 7 }, 7); }, TypeError, 'Throws a TypeError if `P` is not a property key');
+ var value = {};
+ t.test('Symbols', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (st) {
+ var sym = Symbol('sym');
+ var obj = {};
+ obj[sym] = value;
+ st.equal(ES.Get(obj, sym), value, 'returns property `P` if it exists on object `O`');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.equal(ES.Get({ a: value }, 'a'), value, 'returns property `P` if it exists on object `O`');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('Type', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (t) {
+ t.equal(ES.Type(Symbol.iterator), 'Symbol', 'Type(Symbol.iterator) is Symbol');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('SpeciesConstructor', function (t) {
+ t['throws'](function () { ES.SpeciesConstructor(null); }, TypeError);
+ t['throws'](function () { ES.SpeciesConstructor(undefined); }, TypeError);
+ var defaultConstructor = function Foo() {};
+ t.equal(
+ ES.SpeciesConstructor({ constructor: undefined }, defaultConstructor),
+ defaultConstructor,
+ 'undefined constructor returns defaultConstructor'
+ );
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { return ES.SpeciesConstructor({ constructor: null }, defaultConstructor); },
+ TypeError,
+ 'non-undefined non-object constructor throws'
+ );
+ t.test('with Symbol.species', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) {
+ var Bar = function Bar() {};
+ Bar[Symbol.species] = null;
+ st.equal(
+ ES.SpeciesConstructor(new Bar(), defaultConstructor),
+ defaultConstructor,
+ 'undefined/null Symbol.species returns default constructor'
+ );
+ var Baz = function Baz() {};
+ Baz[Symbol.species] = Bar;
+ st.equal(
+ ES.SpeciesConstructor(new Baz(), defaultConstructor),
+ Bar,
+ 'returns Symbol.species constructor value'
+ );
+ Baz[Symbol.species] = {};
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.SpeciesConstructor(new Baz(), defaultConstructor); },
+ TypeError,
+ 'throws when non-constructor non-null non-undefined species value found'
+ );
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ var bothDescriptor = function () {
+ return { '[[Get]]': function () {}, '[[Value]]': true };
+ };
+ var accessorDescriptor = function () {
+ return {
+ '[[Get]]': function () {},
+ '[[Enumerable]]': true,
+ '[[Configurable]]': true
+ };
+ };
+ var mutatorDescriptor = function () {
+ return {
+ '[[Set]]': function () {},
+ '[[Enumerable]]': true,
+ '[[Configurable]]': true
+ };
+ };
+ var dataDescriptor = function () {
+ return {
+ '[[Value]]': 42,
+ '[[Writable]]': false
+ };
+ };
+ var genericDescriptor = function () {
+ return {
+ '[[Configurable]]': true,
+ '[[Enumerable]]': false
+ };
+ };
+ test('IsPropertyDescriptor', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) {
+ t.equal(
+ ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(primitive),
+ false,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor'
+ );
+ });
+ t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor({ invalid: true }), false, 'invalid keys not allowed on a Property Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor({}), true, 'empty object is an incomplete Property Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(accessorDescriptor()), true, 'accessor descriptor is a Property Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(mutatorDescriptor()), true, 'mutator descriptor is a Property Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(dataDescriptor()), true, 'data descriptor is a Property Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(genericDescriptor()), true, 'generic descriptor is a Property Descriptor');
+ t['throws'](function () {
+ ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(bothDescriptor());
+ }, TypeError, 'a Property Descriptor can not be both a Data and an Accessor Descriptor');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsAccessorDescriptor', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor'
+ );
+ });
+ t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(), false, 'no value is not an Accessor Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(undefined), false, 'undefined value is not an Accessor Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(accessorDescriptor()), true, 'accessor descriptor is an Accessor Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(mutatorDescriptor()), true, 'mutator descriptor is an Accessor Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(dataDescriptor()), false, 'data descriptor is not an Accessor Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(genericDescriptor()), false, 'generic descriptor is not an Accessor Descriptor');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsDataDescriptor', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.IsDataDescriptor(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor'
+ );
+ });
+ t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(), false, 'no value is not a Data Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(undefined), false, 'undefined value is not a Data Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(accessorDescriptor()), false, 'accessor descriptor is not a Data Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(mutatorDescriptor()), false, 'mutator descriptor is not a Data Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(dataDescriptor()), true, 'data descriptor is a Data Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(genericDescriptor()), false, 'generic descriptor is not a Data Descriptor');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsGenericDescriptor', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.IsGenericDescriptor(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor'
+ );
+ });
+ t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(), false, 'no value is not a Data Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(undefined), false, 'undefined value is not a Data Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(accessorDescriptor()), false, 'accessor descriptor is not a generic Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(mutatorDescriptor()), false, 'mutator descriptor is not a generic Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(dataDescriptor()), false, 'data descriptor is not a generic Descriptor');
+ t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(genericDescriptor()), true, 'generic descriptor is a generic Descriptor');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('FromPropertyDescriptor', function (t) {
+ t.equal(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(), undefined, 'no value begets undefined');
+ t.equal(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(undefined), undefined, 'undefined value begets undefined');
+ forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor'
+ );
+ });
+ var accessor = accessorDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(accessor), {
+ get: accessor['[[Get]]'],
+ set: accessor['[[Set]]'],
+ enumerable: !!accessor['[[Enumerable]]'],
+ configurable: !!accessor['[[Configurable]]']
+ });
+ var mutator = mutatorDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(mutator), {
+ get: mutator['[[Get]]'],
+ set: mutator['[[Set]]'],
+ enumerable: !!mutator['[[Enumerable]]'],
+ configurable: !!mutator['[[Configurable]]']
+ });
+ var data = dataDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(data), {
+ value: data['[[Value]]'],
+ writable: data['[[Writable]]'],
+ enumerable: !!data['[[Enumerable]]'],
+ configurable: !!data['[[Configurable]]']
+ });
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(genericDescriptor()); },
+ TypeError,
+ 'a complete Property Descriptor is required'
+ );
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ToPropertyDescriptor', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ToPropertyDescriptor(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object'
+ );
+ });
+ var accessor = accessorDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({
+ get: accessor['[[Get]]'],
+ enumerable: !!accessor['[[Enumerable]]'],
+ configurable: !!accessor['[[Configurable]]']
+ }), accessor);
+ var mutator = mutatorDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({
+ set: mutator['[[Set]]'],
+ enumerable: !!mutator['[[Enumerable]]'],
+ configurable: !!mutator['[[Configurable]]']
+ }), mutator);
+ var data = dataDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({
+ value: data['[[Value]]'],
+ writable: data['[[Writable]]'],
+ configurable: !!data['[[Configurable]]']
+ }), assign(data, { '[[Configurable]]': false }));
+ var both = bothDescriptor();
+ t['throws'](
+ function () {
+ ES.FromPropertyDescriptor({ get: both['[[Get]]'], value: both['[[Value]]'] });
+ },
+ TypeError,
+ 'data and accessor descriptors are mutually exclusive'
+ );
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('CompletePropertyDescriptor', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor'
+ );
+ });
+ var generic = genericDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(generic), {
+ '[[Configurable]]': !!generic['[[Configurable]]'],
+ '[[Enumerable]]': !!generic['[[Enumerable]]'],
+ '[[Value]]': undefined,
+ '[[Writable]]': false
+ }, 'completes a Generic Descriptor');
+ var data = dataDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(data), {
+ '[[Configurable]]': !!data['[[Configurable]]'],
+ '[[Enumerable]]': false,
+ '[[Value]]': data['[[Value]]'],
+ '[[Writable]]': !!data['[[Writable]]']
+ }, 'completes a Data Descriptor');
+ var accessor = accessorDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(accessor), {
+ '[[Get]]': accessor['[[Get]]'],
+ '[[Enumerable]]': !!accessor['[[Enumerable]]'],
+ '[[Configurable]]': !!accessor['[[Configurable]]'],
+ '[[Set]]': undefined
+ }, 'completes an Accessor Descriptor');
+ var mutator = mutatorDescriptor();
+ t.deepEqual(ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(mutator), {
+ '[[Set]]': mutator['[[Set]]'],
+ '[[Enumerable]]': !!mutator['[[Enumerable]]'],
+ '[[Configurable]]': !!mutator['[[Configurable]]'],
+ '[[Get]]': undefined
+ }, 'completes a mutator Descriptor');
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(bothDescriptor()); },
+ TypeError,
+ 'data and accessor descriptors are mutually exclusive'
+ );
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('Set', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.Set(primitive, '', null, false); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonKey) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.Set({}, nonKey, null, false); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonKey) + ' is not a Property Key'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.nonBooleans, function (nonBoolean) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.Set({}, '', null, nonBoolean); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonBoolean) + ' is not a Boolean'
+ );
+ });
+ var o = {};
+ var value = {};
+ ES.Set(o, 'key', value, true);
+ t.deepEqual(o, { key: value }, 'key is set');
+ t.test('nonwritable', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) {
+ var obj = { a: value };
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, 'a', { writable: false });
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.Set(obj, 'a', value, true); },
+ TypeError,
+ 'can not Set nonwritable property'
+ );
+ st.doesNotThrow(
+ function () { ES.Set(obj, 'a', value, false); },
+ 'setting Throw to false prevents an exception'
+ );
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('nonconfigurable', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) {
+ var obj = { a: value };
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, 'a', { configurable: false });
+ ES.Set(obj, 'a', value, true);
+ st.deepEqual(obj, { a: value }, 'key is set');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('HasOwnProperty', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.HasOwnProperty(primitive, 'key'); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonKey) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.HasOwnProperty({}, nonKey); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonKey) + ' is not a Property Key'
+ );
+ });
+ t.equal(ES.HasOwnProperty({}, 'toString'), false, 'inherited properties are not own');
+ t.equal(
+ ES.HasOwnProperty({ toString: 1 }, 'toString'),
+ true,
+ 'shadowed inherited own properties are own'
+ );
+ t.equal(ES.HasOwnProperty({ a: 1 }, 'a'), true, 'own properties are own');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('HasProperty', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.HasProperty(primitive, 'key'); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonKey) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.HasProperty({}, nonKey); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonKey) + ' is not a Property Key'
+ );
+ });
+ t.equal(ES.HasProperty({}, 'nope'), false, 'object does not have nonexistent properties');
+ t.equal(ES.HasProperty({}, 'toString'), true, 'object has inherited properties');
+ t.equal(
+ ES.HasProperty({ toString: 1 }, 'toString'),
+ true,
+ 'object has shadowed inherited own properties'
+ );
+ t.equal(ES.HasProperty({ a: 1 }, 'a'), true, 'object has own properties');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('IsConcatSpreadable', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) {
+ t.equal(ES.IsConcatSpreadable(primitive), false, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object');
+ });
+ var hasSymbolConcatSpreadable = v.hasSymbols && Symbol.isConcatSpreadable;
+ t.test('Symbol.isConcatSpreadable', { skip: !hasSymbolConcatSpreadable }, function (st) {
+ forEach(v.falsies, function (falsy) {
+ var obj = {};
+ obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = falsy;
+ st.equal(
+ ES.IsConcatSpreadable(obj),
+ false,
+ 'an object with ' + debug(falsy) + ' as Symbol.isConcatSpreadable is not concat spreadable'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.truthies, function (truthy) {
+ var obj = {};
+ obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = truthy;
+ st.equal(
+ ES.IsConcatSpreadable(obj),
+ true,
+ 'an object with ' + debug(truthy) + ' as Symbol.isConcatSpreadable is concat spreadable'
+ );
+ });
+ st.end();
+ });
+ forEach(v.objects, function (object) {
+ t.equal(
+ ES.IsConcatSpreadable(object),
+ false,
+ 'non-array without Symbol.isConcatSpreadable is not concat spreadable'
+ );
+ });
+ t.equal(ES.IsConcatSpreadable([]), true, 'arrays are concat spreadable');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('Invoke', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonKey) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.Invoke({}, nonKey); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonKey) + ' is not a Property Key'
+ );
+ });
+ t['throws'](function () { ES.Invoke({ o: false }, 'o'); }, TypeError, 'fails on a non-function');
+ t.test('invoked callback', function (st) {
+ var aValue = {};
+ var bValue = {};
+ var obj = {
+ f: function (a) {
+ st.equal(arguments.length, 2, '2 args passed');
+ st.equal(a, aValue, 'first arg is correct');
+ st.equal(arguments[1], bValue, 'second arg is correct');
+ }
+ };
+ st.plan(3);
+ ES.Invoke(obj, 'f', aValue, bValue);
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('GetIterator', { skip: true });
+ test('IteratorNext', { skip: true });
+ test('IteratorComplete', { skip: true });
+ test('IteratorValue', { skip: true });
+ test('IteratorStep', { skip: true });
+ test('IteratorClose', { skip: true });
+ test('CreateIterResultObject', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonBooleans, function (nonBoolean) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.CreateIterResultObject({}, nonBoolean); },
+ TypeError,
+ '"done" argument must be a boolean; ' + debug(nonBoolean) + ' is not'
+ );
+ });
+ var value = {};
+ t.deepEqual(ES.CreateIterResultObject(value, true), {
+ value: value,
+ done: true
+ }, 'creates a "done" iteration result');
+ t.deepEqual(ES.CreateIterResultObject(value, false), {
+ value: value,
+ done: false
+ }, 'creates a "not done" iteration result');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('RegExpExec', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.RegExpExec(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ '"R" argument must be an object; ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.RegExpExec({}, nonString); },
+ TypeError,
+ '"S" argument must be a String; ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not'
+ );
+ });
+ t.test('gets and calls a callable "exec"', function (st) {
+ var str = '123';
+ var o = {
+ exec: function (S) {
+ st.equal(this, o, '"exec" receiver is R');
+ st.equal(S, str, '"exec" argument is S');
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ st.plan(2);
+ ES.RegExpExec(o, str);
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('throws if a callable "exec" returns a non-null non-object', function (st) {
+ var str = '123';
+ st.plan(v.nonNullPrimitives.length);
+ forEach(v.nonNullPrimitives, function (nonNullPrimitive) {
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.RegExpExec({ exec: function () { return nonNullPrimitive; } }, str); },
+ TypeError,
+ '"exec" method must return `null` or an Object; ' + debug(nonNullPrimitive) + ' is not'
+ );
+ });
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('actual regex that should match against a string', function (st) {
+ var S = 'aabc';
+ var R = /a/g;
+ var match1 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S);
+ var match2 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S);
+ var match3 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S);
+ st.deepEqual(match1, assign(['a'], groups({ index: 0, input: S })), 'match object 1 is as expected');
+ st.deepEqual(match2, assign(['a'], groups({ index: 1, input: S })), 'match object 2 is as expected');
+ st.equal(match3, null, 'match 3 is null as expected');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('actual regex that should match against a string, with shadowed "exec"', function (st) {
+ var S = 'aabc';
+ var R = /a/g;
+ R.exec = undefined;
+ var match1 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S);
+ var match2 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S);
+ var match3 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S);
+ st.deepEqual(match1, assign(['a'], groups({ index: 0, input: S })), 'match object 1 is as expected');
+ st.deepEqual(match2, assign(['a'], groups({ index: 1, input: S })), 'match object 2 is as expected');
+ st.equal(match3, null, 'match 3 is null as expected');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ArraySpeciesCreate', function (t) {
+ t.test('errors', function (st) {
+ var testNonNumber = function (nonNumber) {
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate([], nonNumber); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonNumber) + ' is not a number'
+ );
+ };
+ forEach(v.nonNumbers, testNonNumber);
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate([], -1); },
+ TypeError,
+ '-1 is not >= 0'
+ );
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate([], -Infinity); },
+ TypeError,
+ '-Infinity is not >= 0'
+ );
+ var testNonIntegers = function (nonInteger) {
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate([], nonInteger); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonInteger) + ' is not an integer'
+ );
+ };
+ forEach(v.nonIntegerNumbers, testNonIntegers);
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('works with a non-array', function (st) {
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (nonArray) {
+ var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(nonArray, 0);
+ st.ok(ES.IsArray(arr), 'is an array');
+ st.equal(arr.length, 0, 'length is correct');
+ st.equal(arr.constructor, Array, 'constructor is correct');
+ });
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('works with a normal array', function (st) {
+ var len = 2;
+ var orig = [1, 2, 3];
+ var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(orig, len);
+ st.ok(ES.IsArray(arr), 'is an array');
+ st.equal(arr.length, len, 'length is correct');
+ st.equal(arr.constructor, orig.constructor, 'constructor is correct');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('-0 length produces +0 length', function (st) {
+ var len = -0;
+ st.ok(is(len, -0), '-0 is negative zero');
+ st.notOk(is(len, 0), '-0 is not positive zero');
+ var orig = [1, 2, 3];
+ var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(orig, len);
+ st.equal(ES.IsArray(arr), true);
+ st.ok(is(arr.length, 0));
+ st.equal(arr.constructor, orig.constructor);
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('works with species construtor', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) {
+ var sentinel = {};
+ var Foo = function Foo(len) {
+ this.length = len;
+ this.sentinel = sentinel;
+ };
+ var Bar = getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor(Foo);
+ var bar = new Bar();
+ t.equal(ES.IsArray(bar), true, 'Bar instance is an array');
+ var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(bar, 3);
+ st.equal(arr.constructor, Foo, 'result used species constructor');
+ st.equal(arr.length, 3, 'length property is correct');
+ st.equal(arr.sentinel, sentinel, 'Foo constructor was exercised');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('works with null species constructor', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) {
+ var Bar = getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor(null);
+ var bar = new Bar();
+ t.equal(ES.IsArray(bar), true, 'Bar instance is an array');
+ var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(bar, 3);
+ st.equal(arr.constructor, Array, 'result used default constructor');
+ st.equal(arr.length, 3, 'length property is correct');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('works with undefined species constructor', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) {
+ var Bar = getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor();
+ var bar = new Bar();
+ t.equal(ES.IsArray(bar), true, 'Bar instance is an array');
+ var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(bar, 3);
+ st.equal(arr.constructor, Array, 'result used default constructor');
+ st.equal(arr.length, 3, 'length property is correct');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('throws with object non-construtor species constructor', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) {
+ forEach(v.objects, function (obj) {
+ var Bar = getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor(obj);
+ var bar = new Bar();
+ st.equal(ES.IsArray(bar), true, 'Bar instance is an array');
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(bar, 3); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(obj) + ' is not a constructor'
+ );
+ });
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('CreateDataProperty', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.CreateDataProperty(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not an object'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.CreateDataProperty({}, nonPropertyKey); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a property key'
+ );
+ });
+ var sentinel = {};
+ forEach(v.propertyKeys, function (propertyKey) {
+ var obj = {};
+ var status = ES.CreateDataProperty(obj, propertyKey, sentinel);
+ t.equal(status, true, 'status is true');
+ t.equal(
+ obj[propertyKey],
+ sentinel,
+ debug(sentinel) + ' is installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object'
+ );
+ if (typeof Object.defineProperty === 'function') {
+ var nonWritable = Object.defineProperty({}, propertyKey, { configurable: true, writable: false });
+ var nonWritableStatus = ES.CreateDataProperty(nonWritable, propertyKey, sentinel);
+ t.equal(nonWritableStatus, false, 'create data property failed');
+ t.notEqual(
+ nonWritable[propertyKey],
+ sentinel,
+ debug(sentinel) + ' is not installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object when key is nonwritable'
+ );
+ var nonConfigurable = Object.defineProperty({}, propertyKey, { configurable: false, writable: true });
+ var nonConfigurableStatus = ES.CreateDataProperty(nonConfigurable, propertyKey, sentinel);
+ t.equal(nonConfigurableStatus, false, 'create data property failed');
+ t.notEqual(
+ nonConfigurable[propertyKey],
+ sentinel,
+ debug(sentinel) + ' is not installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object when key is nonconfigurable'
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('CreateDataPropertyOrThrow', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(primitive); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(primitive) + ' is not an object'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow({}, nonPropertyKey); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a property key'
+ );
+ });
+ var sentinel = {};
+ forEach(v.propertyKeys, function (propertyKey) {
+ var obj = {};
+ var status = ES.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(obj, propertyKey, sentinel);
+ t.equal(status, true, 'status is true');
+ t.equal(
+ obj[propertyKey],
+ sentinel,
+ debug(sentinel) + ' is installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object'
+ );
+ if (typeof Object.preventExtensions === 'function') {
+ var notExtensible = {};
+ Object.preventExtensions(notExtensible);
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(notExtensible, propertyKey, sentinel); },
+ TypeError,
+ 'can not install ' + debug(propertyKey) + ' on non-extensible object'
+ );
+ t.notEqual(
+ notExtensible[propertyKey],
+ sentinel,
+ debug(sentinel) + ' is not installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object'
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('ObjectCreate', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonNullPrimitives, function (value) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ObjectCreate(value); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(value) + ' is not null, or an object'
+ );
+ });
+ t.test('proto arg', function (st) {
+ var Parent = function Parent() {};
+ = {};
+ var child = ES.ObjectCreate(Parent.prototype);
+ st.equal(child instanceof Parent, true, 'child is instanceof Parent');
+ st.equal(,, 'child inherits properties from Parent.prototype');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('internal slots arg', function (st) {
+ st.doesNotThrow(function () { ES.ObjectCreate(null, []); }, 'an empty slot list is valid');
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ObjectCreate(null, ['a']); },
+ SyntaxError,
+ 'internal slots are not supported'
+ );
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('null proto', { skip: !Object.create }, function (st) {
+ st.equal('toString' in ({}), true, 'normal objects have toString');
+ st.equal('toString' in ES.ObjectCreate(null), false, 'makes a null object');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('null proto when no native Object.create', { skip: Object.create }, function (st) {
+ st['throws'](
+ function () { ES.ObjectCreate(null); },
+ SyntaxError,
+ 'without a native Object.create, can not create null objects'
+ );
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ test('AdvanceStringIndex', function (t) {
+ forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.AdvanceStringIndex(nonString); },
+ TypeError,
+ '"S" argument must be a String; ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not'
+ );
+ });
+ var notInts = v.nonNumbers.concat(
+ v.nonIntegerNumbers,
+ [Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, [], new Date(), Math.pow(2, 53), -1]
+ );
+ forEach(notInts, function (nonInt) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.AdvanceStringIndex('abc', nonInt); },
+ TypeError,
+ '"index" argument must be an integer, ' + debug(nonInt) + ' is not.'
+ );
+ });
+ forEach(v.nonBooleans, function (nonBoolean) {
+ t['throws'](
+ function () { ES.AdvanceStringIndex('abc', 0, nonBoolean); },
+ TypeError,
+ debug(nonBoolean) + ' is not a Boolean'
+ );
+ });
+ var str = 'a\uD83D\uDCA9c';
+ t.test('non-unicode mode', function (st) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length + 2; i += 1) {
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, i, false), i + 1, i + ' advances to ' + (i + 1));
+ }
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('unicode mode', function (st) {
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 0, true), 1, '0 advances to 1');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 1, true), 3, '1 advances to 3');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 2, true), 3, '2 advances to 3');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 3, true), 4, '3 advances to 4');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 4, true), 5, '4 advances to 5');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('lone surrogates', function (st) {
+ var halfPoo = 'a\uD83Dc';
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(halfPoo, 0, true), 1, '0 advances to 1');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(halfPoo, 1, true), 2, '1 advances to 2');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(halfPoo, 2, true), 3, '2 advances to 3');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(halfPoo, 3, true), 4, '3 advances to 4');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.test('surrogate pairs', function (st) {
+ var lowestPair = String.fromCharCode('0xD800') + String.fromCharCode('0xDC00');
+ var highestPair = String.fromCharCode('0xDBFF') + String.fromCharCode('0xDFFF');
+ var poop = String.fromCharCode('0xD83D') + String.fromCharCode('0xDCA9');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(lowestPair, 0, true), 2, 'lowest surrogate pair, 0 -> 2');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(highestPair, 0, true), 2, 'highest surrogate pair, 0 -> 2');
+ st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(poop, 0, true), 2, 'poop, 0 -> 2');
+ st.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+var es2016 = function ES2016(ES, ops, expectedMissing) {
+ es2015(ES, ops, expectedMissing);
+ test('SameValueNonNumber', function (t) {
+ var willThrow = [
+ [3, 4],
+ [NaN, 4],
+ [4, ''],
+ ['abc', true],
+ [{}, false]
+ ];
+ forEach(willThrow, function (nums) {
+ t['throws'](function () { return ES.SameValueNonNumber.apply(ES, nums); }, TypeError, 'value must be same type and non-number');
+ });
+ forEach(v.objects.concat(v.nonNumberPrimitives), function (val) {
+ t.equal(val === val, ES.SameValueNonNumber(val, val), debug(val) + ' is SameValueNonNumber to itself');
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+var es2017 = function E2017(ES, ops, expectedMissing) {
+ es2016(ES, ops, expectedMissing);
+ test('ToIndex', function (t) {
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToIndex(), 0), 'no value gives 0');
+ t.ok(is(ES.ToIndex(undefined), 0), 'undefined value gives 0');
+ t['throws'](function () { ES.ToIndex(-1); }, RangeError, 'negative numbers throw');
+ t['throws'](function () { ES.ToIndex(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1); }, RangeError, 'too large numbers throw');
+ t.equal(ES.ToIndex(3), 3, 'numbers work');
+ t.equal(ES.ToIndex(v.valueOfOnlyObject), 4, 'coercible objects are coerced');
+ t.end();
+ });
+module.exports = {
+ es2015: es2015,
+ es2016: es2016,
+ es2017: es2017