path: root/doc/sphinx/rest.rst
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authorChristian Grothoff <>2021-07-30 10:38:27 +0200
committerChristian Grothoff <>2021-07-30 10:38:27 +0200
commit7e669bcf6b6336ec429da949bcb4aa456971dba2 (patch)
treed19912f950d1cac1c38b857b7d5bdaba2289544e /doc/sphinx/rest.rst
folding history in preparation of GNU Anastasis v0.0.0 release
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/sphinx/rest.rst')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/rest.rst b/doc/sphinx/rest.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba9d768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/rest.rst
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+ This file is part of Anastasis
+ Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Anastasis SARL
+ Anastasis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
+ Anastasis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
+ Anastasis; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
+ @author Christian Grothoff
+ @author Dominik Meister
+ @author Dennis Neufeld
+.. include:: core/api-common.rst
+.. _salt:
+.. _config:
+Receiving Configuration
+.. http:get:: /config
+ Obtain the configuration details of the escrow provider.
+ **Response:**
+ Returns an `EscrowConfigurationResponse`_.
+ .. _EscrowConfigurationResponse:
+ .. ts:def:: EscrowConfigurationResponse
+ interface EscrowConfigurationResponse {
+ // Protocol identifier, clarifies that this is an Anastasis provider.
+ name: "anastasis";
+ // libtool-style representation of the Exchange protocol version, see
+ //
+ // The format is "current:revision:age".
+ version: string;
+ // Currency in which this provider processes payments.
+ currency: string;
+ // Supported authorization methods.
+ methods: AuthorizationMethodConfig[];
+ // Maximum policy upload size supported.
+ storage_limit_in_megabytes: number;
+ // Payment required to maintain an account to store policy documents for a year.
+ // Users can pay more, in which case the storage time will go up proportionally.
+ annual_fee: Amount;
+ // Payment required to upload truth. To be paid per upload.
+ truth_upload_fee: Amount;
+ // Limit on the liability that the provider is offering with
+ // respect to the services provided.
+ liability_limit: Amount;
+ // Salt value with 128 bits of entropy.
+ // Different providers
+ // will use different high-entropy salt values. The resulting
+ // **provider salt** is then used in various operations to ensure
+ // cryptographic operations differ by provider. A provider must
+ // never change its salt value.
+ server_salt: string;
+ }
+ .. _AuthorizationMethodConfig:
+ .. ts:def:: AuthorizationMethodConfig
+ interface AuthorizationMethodConfig {
+ // Name of the authorization method.
+ type: string;
+ // Fee for accessing key share using this method.
+ cost: Amount;
+ }
+.. _terms:
+Receiving Terms of Service
+.. http:get:: /terms
+ Obtain the terms of service provided by the escrow provider.
+ **Response:**
+ Returns the terms of service of the provider, in the best language
+ and format available based on the client's request.
+.. http:get:: /privacy
+ Obtain the privacy policy of the service provided by the escrow provider.
+ **Response:**
+ Returns the privacy policy of the provider, in the best language
+ and format available based on the client's request.
+.. _manage-policy:
+Manage policy
+This API is used by the Anastasis client to deposit or request encrypted
+recovery documents with the escrow provider. Generally, a client will deposit
+the same encrypted recovery document with each escrow provider, but provide
+a different truth to each escrow provider.
+Operations by the client are identified and authorized by ``$ACCOUNT_PUB``, which
+should be kept secret from third parties. ``$ACCOUNT_PUB`` should be an account
+public key using the Crockford base32-encoding.
+In the following, UUID is always defined and used according to `RFC 4122`_.
+.. _`RFC 4122`:
+.. http:get:: /policy/$ACCOUNT_PUB[?version=$NUMBER]
+ Get the customer's encrypted recovery document. If ``version``
+ is not specified, the server returns the latest available version. If
+ ``version`` is specified, returns the policy with the respective
+ ``version``. The response must begin with the nonce and
+ an AES-GCM tag and continue with the ciphertext. Once decrypted, the
+ plaintext is expected to contain:
+ * the escrow policy
+ * the separately encrypted master public key
+ Note that the key shares required to decrypt the master public key are
+ not included, as for this the client needs to obtain authorization.
+ The policy does provide sufficient information for the client to determine
+ how to authorize requests for **truth**.
+ The client MAY provide an ``If-None-Match`` header with an Etag.
+ In that case, the server MUST additionally respond with an ``304`` status
+ code in case the resource matches the provided Etag.
+ **Response**:
+ :http:statuscode:`200 OK`:
+ The escrow provider responds with an EncryptedRecoveryDocument_ object.
+ :http:statuscode:`304 Not modified`:
+ The client requested the same resource it already knows.
+ :http:statuscode:`400 Bad request`:
+ The ``$ACCOUNT_PUB`` is not an EdDSA public key.
+ :http:statuscode:`402 Payment Required`:
+ The account's balance is too low for the specified operation.
+ See the Taler payment protocol specification for how to pay.
+ :http:statuscode:`403 Forbidden`:
+ The required account signature was invalid.
+ :http:statuscode:`404 Not found`:
+ The requested resource was not found.
+ *Anastasis-Version*: $NUMBER --- The server must return actual version of the encrypted recovery document via this header.
+ If the client specified a version number in the header of the request, the server must return that version. If the client
+ did not specify a version in the request, the server returns latest version of the EncryptedRecoveryDocument_.
+ *Etag*: Set by the server to the Base32-encoded SHA512 hash of the body. Used for caching and to prevent redundancies. The server MUST send the Etag if the status code is ``200 OK``.
+ *If-None-Match*: If this is not the very first request of the client, this contains the Etag-value which the client has received before from the server.
+ The client SHOULD send this header with every request (except for the first request) to avoid unnecessary downloads.
+ *Anastasis-Account-Signature*: The client must provide Base-32 encoded EdDSA signature over hash of body with ``$ACCOUNT_PRIV``, affirming desire to download the requested encrypted recovery document. The purpose used MUST be ``TALER_SIGNATURE_ANASTASIS_POLICY_DOWNLOAD`` (1401).
+.. http:post:: /policy/$ACCOUNT_PUB
+ Upload a new version of the customer's encrypted recovery document.
+ While the document's structure is described in JSON below, the upload
+ should just be the bytestream of the raw data (i.e. 32-byte nonce followed
+ by 16-byte tag followed by the encrypted document).
+ If the request has been seen before, the server should do nothing, and otherwise store the new version.
+ The body must begin with a nonce, an AES-GCM tag and continue with the ciphertext. The format
+ is the same as specified for the response of the GET method. The
+ Anastasis server cannot fully validate the format, but MAY impose
+ minimum and maximum size limits.
+ **Request**:
+ :query storage_duration=YEARS:
+ For how many years from now would the client like us to
+ store the recovery document? Defaults to 0 (that is, do
+ not extend / prolong existing storage contract).
+ The server will respond with a ``402 Payment required``, but only
+ if the rest of the request is well-formed (account
+ signature must match). Clients that do not actually
+ intend to make a new upload but that only want to pay
+ may attempt to upload the latest backup again, as this
+ option will be checked before the ``304 Not modified``
+ case.
+ :query timeout_ms=NUMBER: *Optional.* If specified, the Anastasis server will
+ wait up to ``timeout_ms`` milliseconds for completion of the payment before
+ sending the HTTP response. A client must never rely on this behavior, as the
+ backend may return a response immediately.
+ *If-None-Match*: This header MUST be present and set to the SHA512 hash (Etag) of the body by the client.
+ The client SHOULD also set the ``Expect: 100-Continue`` header and wait for ``100 continue``
+ before uploading the body. The server MUST
+ use the Etag to check whether it already knows the encrypted recovery document that is about to be uploaded.
+ The server MUST refuse the upload with a ``304`` status code if the Etag matches
+ the latest version already known to the server.
+ *Anastasis-Policy-Signature*: The client must provide Base-32 encoded EdDSA signature over hash of body with ``$ACCOUNT_PRIV``, affirming desire to upload an encrypted recovery document.
+ *Payment-Identifier*: Base-32 encoded 32-byte payment identifier that was included in a previous payment (see ``402`` status code). Used to allow the server to check that the client paid for the upload (to protect the server against DoS attacks) and that the client knows a real secret of financial value (as the **kdf_id** might be known to an attacker). If this header is missing in the client's request (or the associated payment has exceeded the upload limit), the server must return a ``402`` response. When making payments, the server must include a fresh, randomly-generated payment-identifier in the payment request.
+ **Response**:
+ :http:statuscode:`204 No content`:
+ The encrypted recovery document was accepted and stored. ``Anastasis-Version`` and ``Anastasis-UUID`` headers
+ indicate what version and UUID was assigned to this encrypted recovery document upload by the server.
+ :http:statuscode:`304 Not modified`:
+ The same encrypted recovery document was previously accepted and stored. ``Anastasis-Version`` header
+ indicates what version was previously assigned to this encrypted recovery document.
+ :http:statuscode:`400 Bad request`:
+ The ``$ACCOUNT_PUB`` is not an EdDSA public key or mandatory headers are missing.
+ The response body MUST elaborate on the error using a Taler error code in the typical JSON encoding.
+ :http:statuscode:`402 Payment required`:
+ The account's balance is too low for the specified operation.
+ See the Taler payment protocol specification for how to pay.
+ The response body MAY provide alternative means for payment.
+ :http:statuscode:`403 Forbidden`:
+ The required account signature was invalid. The response body may elaborate on the error.
+ :http:statuscode:`413 Request entity too large`:
+ The upload is too large *or* too small. The response body may elaborate on the error.
+ **Details:**
+ .. _EncryptedRecoveryDocument:
+ .. ts:def:: EncryptedRecoveryDocument
+ interface EncryptedRecoveryDocument {
+ // Nonce used to compute the (iv,key) pair for encryption of the
+ // encrypted_compressed_recovery_document.
+ nonce: [32]; //bytearray
+ // Authentication tag.
+ aes_gcm_tag: [16]; //bytearray
+ // Variable-size encrypted recovery document. After decryption,
+ // this contains a gzip compressed JSON-encoded `RecoveryDocument`.
+ // The nonce of the HKDF for this encryption must include the
+ // string "ERD".
+ encrypted_compressed_recovery_document: []; //bytearray of undefined length
+ }
+ .. _RecoveryDocument:
+ .. ts:def:: RecoveryDocument
+ interface RecoveryDocument {
+ // Account identifier at backup provider, AES-encrypted with
+ // the (symmetric) master_key, i.e. an URL
+ //$BACKUP_ID and
+ // a private key to decrypt the backup. Anastasis is oblivious
+ // to the details of how this is ultimately encoded.
+ backup_account: []; //bytearray of undefined length
+ // List of escrow providers and selected authentication method.
+ methods: EscrowMethod[];
+ // List of possible decryption policies.
+ policy: DecryptionPolicy[];
+ }
+ .. _EscrowMethod:
+ .. ts:def:: EscrowMethod
+ interface EscrowMethod {
+ // URL of the escrow provider (including possibly this Anastasis server).
+ provider_url : string;
+ // Type of the escrow method (e.g. security question, SMS etc.).
+ escrow_type: string;
+ // UUID of the escrow method (see /truth/ API below).
+ uuid: string;
+ // Key used to encrypt the `Truth` this `EscrowMethod` is related to.
+ // Client has to provide this key to the server when using ``/truth/``.
+ truth_encryption_key: [32]; //bytearray
+ // Salt used to encrypt the truth on the Anastasis server.
+ truth_salt: [32]; //bytearray
+ // The challenge to give to the user (i.e. the security question
+ // if this is challenge-response).
+ // (Q: as string in base32 encoding?)
+ // (Q: what is the mime-type of this value?)
+ //
+ // For some methods, this value may be absent.
+ //
+ // The plaintext challenge is not revealed to the
+ // Anastasis server.
+ challenge: []; //bytearray of undefined length
+ }
+ .. _DecryptionPolicy:
+ .. ts:def:: DecryptionPolicy
+ interface DecryptionPolicy {
+ // Salt included to encrypt master key share when
+ // using this decryption policy.
+ policy_salt: [32]; //bytearray
+ // Master key, AES-encrypted with key derived from
+ // salt and keyshares revealed by the following list of
+ // escrow methods identified by UUID.
+ encrypted_master_key: [32]; //bytearray
+ // List of escrow methods identified by their UUID.
+ uuid: string[];
+ }
+.. _Truth:
+Managing truth
+This API is used by the Anastasis client to deposit **truth** or request a (encrypted) **key share** with
+the escrow provider.
+An **escrow method** specifies an Anastasis provider and how the user should
+authorize themself. The **truth** API allows the user to provide the
+(encrypted) key share to the respective escrow provider, as well as auxiliary
+data required for such a respective escrow method.
+An Anastasis-server may store truth for free for a certain time period, or
+charge per truth operation using GNU Taler.
+.. http:post:: /truth/$UUID
+ Upload a `TruthUploadRequest`_-Object according to the policy the client created before (see `RecoveryDocument`_).
+ If request has been seen before, the server should do nothing, and otherwise store the new object.
+ **Request:**
+ :query timeout_ms=NUMBER: *Optional.* If specified, the Anastasis server will
+ wait up to ``timeout_ms`` milliseconds for completion of the payment before
+ sending the HTTP response. A client must never rely on this behavior, as the
+ backend may return a response immediately.
+ **Response:**
+ :http:statuscode:`204 No content`:
+ Truth stored successfully.
+ :http:statuscode:`304 Not modified`:
+ The same truth was previously accepted and stored under this UUID. The
+ Anastasis server must still update the expiration time for the truth when returning
+ this response code.
+ :http:statuscode:`402 Payment required`:
+ This server requires payment to store truth per item.
+ See the Taler payment protocol specification for how to pay.
+ The response body MAY provide alternative means for payment.
+ :http:statuscode:`409 Conflict`:
+ The server already has some truth stored under this UUID. The client should check that it
+ is generating UUIDs with enough entropy.
+ :http:statuscode:`412 Precondition failed`:
+ The selected authentication method is not supported on this provider.
+ **Details:**
+ .. _TruthUploadRequest:
+ .. ts:def:: TruthUploadRequest
+ interface TruthUploadRequest {
+ // Contains the information of an interface `EncryptedKeyShare`, but simply
+ // as one binary block (in Crockford Base32 encoding for JSON).
+ key_share_data: []; //bytearray
+ // Key share method, i.e. "security question", "SMS", "e-mail", ...
+ type: string;
+ // Nonce used to compute the (iv,key) pair for encryption of the
+ // encrypted_truth.
+ nonce: [32]; //bytearray
+ // Authentication tag of ``encrypted_truth``.
+ aes_gcm_tag: [16]; //bytearray
+ // Variable-size truth. After decryption,
+ // this contains the ground truth, i.e. H(challenge answer),
+ // phone number, e-mail address, picture, fingerprint, ...
+ // **base32 encoded**.
+ //
+ // The nonce of the HKDF for this encryption must include the
+ // string "ECT".
+ encrypted_truth: [80]; //bytearray
+ // MIME type of truth, i.e. text/ascii, image/jpeg, etc.
+ truth_mime: string;
+ // For how many years from now would the client like us to
+ // store the truth?
+ storage_duration_years: Integer;
+ }
+.. http:get:: /truth/$UUID[?response=$H_RESPONSE]
+ Get the stored encrypted key share. If ``$H_RESPONSE`` is specified by the client, the server checks
+ if ``$H_RESPONSE`` matches the expected response specified before within the `TruthUploadRequest`_ (see ``encrypted_truth``).
+ Also, the user has to provide the correct *truth_encryption_key* with every get request (see below).
+ When ``$H_RESPONSE`` is correct, the server responds with the encrypted key share.
+ The encrypted key share is returned simply as a byte array and not in JSON format.
+ **Response**:
+ :http:statuscode:`200 OK`:
+ `EncryptedKeyShare`_ is returned in body (in binary).
+ :http:statuscode:`202 Accepted`:
+ The escrow provider will respond out-of-band (i.e. SMS).
+ The body may contain human-readable instructions on next steps.
+ :http:statuscode:`208 Already Reported`:
+ An authentication challenge was recently send, client should
+ simply respond to the pending challenge.
+ :http:statuscode:`303 See other`:
+ The provider redirects for authentication (i.e. video identification/WebRTC).
+ If the client is not a browser, it should launch a browser at the URL
+ given in the ``Location`` header and allow the user to re-try the operation
+ after successful authorization.
+ :http:statuscode:`402 Payment required`:
+ The service requires payment for access to truth.
+ See the Taler payment protocol specification for how to pay.
+ The response body MAY provide alternative means for payment.
+ :http:statuscode:`403 Forbidden`:
+ The server requires a valid "response" to the challenge associated with the UUID.
+ :http:statuscode:`404 Not found`:
+ The server does not know any truth under the given UUID.
+ :http:statuscode:`410 Gone`:
+ The server has not (recently) issued a challenge under the given UUID,
+ but a reply was provided. (This does not apply for secure question.)
+ :http:statuscode:`417 Expectation Failed`:
+ The decrypted ``truth`` does not match the expectations of the authentication
+ backend, i.e. a phone number for sending an SMS is not a number, or
+ an e-mail address for sending an E-mail is not a valid e-mail address.
+ :http:statuscode:`503 Service Unavailable`:
+ Server is out of Service.
+ *Truth-Decryption-Key*: Key used to encrypt the **truth** (see encrypted_truth within `TruthUploadRequest`_) and which has to provided by the user. The key is stored with
+ the according `EscrowMethod`_. The server needs this key to get the info out of `TruthUploadRequest`_ needed to verify the ``$RESPONSE``.
+ **Details:**
+ .. _EncryptedKeyShare:
+ .. ts:def:: EncryptedKeyShare
+ interface EncryptedKeyShare {
+ // Nonce used to compute the decryption (iv,key) pair.
+ nonce_i: [32]; //bytearray
+ // Authentication tag.
+ aes_gcm_tag_i: [16]; //bytearray
+ // Encrypted key-share in base32 encoding.
+ // After decryption, this yields a `KeyShare`. Note that
+ // the `KeyShare` MUST be encoded as a fixed-size binary
+ // block (instead of in JSON encoding).
+ //
+ // HKDF for the key generation must include the
+ // string "eks" as salt.
+ // Depending on the method,
+ // the HKDF may additionally include
+ // bits from the response (i.e. some hash over the
+ // answer to the security question).
+ encrypted_key_share_i: [32]; //bytearray
+ }
+ .. _KeyShare:
+ .. ts:def:: KeyShare
+ interface KeyShare {
+ // Key material to concatenate with policy_salt and KDF to derive
+ // the key to decrypt the master key.
+ key_share: [32]; //bytearray
+ // Signature over method, UUID, and ``key_share``.
+ account_sig: EddsaSignature;
+ }