path: root/doc/sphinx/_exts/
diff options
authorChristian Grothoff <>2021-07-30 10:38:27 +0200
committerChristian Grothoff <>2021-07-30 10:38:27 +0200
commit7e669bcf6b6336ec429da949bcb4aa456971dba2 (patch)
treed19912f950d1cac1c38b857b7d5bdaba2289544e /doc/sphinx/_exts/
folding history in preparation of GNU Anastasis v0.0.0 release
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/sphinx/_exts/')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/_exts/ b/doc/sphinx/_exts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50ffdc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/_exts/
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+TypeScript domain.
+:copyright: Copyright 2019 by Taler Systems SA
+:license: LGPLv3+
+:author: Florian Dold
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+from docutils import nodes
+from typing import List, Optional, Iterable, Dict, Tuple
+from typing import cast
+from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
+from pygments.filter import Filter
+from pygments.token import Literal, Text, Operator, Keyword, Name, Number
+from pygments.token import Comment, Token, _TokenType
+from pygments.token import *
+from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, bygroups, include
+from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.nodes import Element, Node
+from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
+from import Domain, ObjType, Index
+from sphinx.directives import directives
+from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
+from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode
+from sphinx.util import logging
+from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge
+from import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
+from sphinx.pygments_styles import SphinxStyle
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TypeScriptDefinition(SphinxDirective):
+ """
+ Directive for a code block with special highlighting or line numbering
+ settings.
+ """
+ has_content = True
+ required_arguments = 1
+ optional_arguments = 0
+ final_argument_whitespace = False
+ option_spec = {
+ "force": directives.flag,
+ "linenos": directives.flag,
+ "dedent": int,
+ "lineno-start": int,
+ "emphasize-lines": directives.unchanged_required,
+ "caption": directives.unchanged_required,
+ "class": directives.class_option,
+ }
+ def run(self) -> List[Node]:
+ document = self.state.document
+ code = "\n".join(self.content)
+ location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
+ linespec = self.options.get("emphasize-lines")
+ if linespec:
+ try:
+ nlines = len(self.content)
+ hl_lines = parselinenos(linespec, nlines)
+ if any(i >= nlines for i in hl_lines):
+ logger.warning(
+ __("line number spec is out of range(1-%d): %r")
+ % (nlines, self.options["emphasize-lines"]),
+ location=location,
+ )
+ hl_lines = [x + 1 for x in hl_lines if x < nlines]
+ except ValueError as err:
+ return [document.reporter.warning(err, line=self.lineno)]
+ else:
+ hl_lines = None
+ if "dedent" in self.options:
+ location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
+ lines = code.split("\n")
+ lines = dedent_lines(lines, self.options["dedent"], location=location)
+ code = "\n".join(lines)
+ literal = nodes.literal_block(code, code) # type: Element
+ if "linenos" in self.options or "lineno-start" in self.options:
+ literal["linenos"] = True
+ literal["classes"] += self.options.get("class", [])
+ literal["force"] = "force" in self.options
+ literal["language"] = "tsref"
+ extra_args = literal["highlight_args"] = {}
+ if hl_lines is not None:
+ extra_args["hl_lines"] = hl_lines
+ if "lineno-start" in self.options:
+ extra_args["linenostart"] = self.options["lineno-start"]
+ self.set_source_info(literal)
+ caption = self.options.get("caption")
+ if caption:
+ try:
+ literal = container_wrapper(self, literal, caption)
+ except ValueError as exc:
+ return [document.reporter.warning(exc, line=self.lineno)]
+ tsid = "tsref-type-" + self.arguments[0]
+ literal["ids"].append(tsid)
+ tsname = self.arguments[0]
+ ts = self.env.get_domain("ts")
+ ts.add_object("type", tsname, self.env.docname, tsid)
+ return [literal]
+class TypeScriptDomain(Domain):
+ """TypeScript domain."""
+ name = "ts"
+ label = "TypeScript"
+ directives = {
+ "def": TypeScriptDefinition,
+ }
+ roles = {
+ "type": XRefRole(
+ lowercase=False, warn_dangling=True, innernodeclass=nodes.inline
+ ),
+ }
+ dangling_warnings = {
+ "type": "undefined TypeScript type: %(target)s",
+ }
+ def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, typ, target, node, contnode):
+ try:
+ info = self.objects[(str(typ), str(target))]
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.warn("type {}/{} not found".format(typ, target))
+ return None
+ else:
+ anchor = "tsref-type-{}".format(str(target))
+ title = typ.upper() + " " + target
+ return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, info[0], anchor, contnode, title)
+ def resolve_any_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, target, node, contnode):
+ """Resolve the pending_xref *node* with the given *target*.
+ The reference comes from an "any" or similar role, which means that Sphinx
+ don't know the type.
+ For now sphinxcontrib-httpdomain doesn't resolve any xref nodes.
+ :return:
+ list of tuples ``('domain:role', newnode)``, where ``'domain:role'``
+ is the name of a role that could have created the same reference,
+ """
+ ret = []
+ try:
+ info = self.objects[("type", str(target))]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ anchor = "tsref-type-{}".format(str(target))
+ title = "TYPE" + " " + target
+ node = make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, info[0], anchor, contnode, title)
+ ret.append(("ts:type", node))
+ return ret
+ @property
+ def objects(self) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]]:
+ return
+ "objects", {}
+ ) # (objtype, name) -> docname, labelid
+ def add_object(self, objtype: str, name: str, docname: str, labelid: str) -> None:
+ self.objects[objtype, name] = (docname, labelid)
+class BetterTypeScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For `TypeScript <>`_ source code.
+ """
+ name = "TypeScript"
+ aliases = ["ts"]
+ filenames = ["*.ts"]
+ mimetypes = ["text/x-typescript"]
+ flags = re.DOTALL
+ tokens = {
+ "commentsandwhitespace": [
+ (r"\s+", Text),
+ (r"<!--", Comment),
+ (r"//.*?\n", Comment.Single),
+ (r"/\*.*?\*/", Comment.Multiline),
+ ],
+ "slashstartsregex": [
+ include("commentsandwhitespace"),
+ (
+ r"/(\\.|[^[/\\\n]|\[(\\.|[^\]\\\n])*])+/" r"([gim]+\b|\B)",
+ String.Regex,
+ "#pop",
+ ),
+ (r"(?=/)", Text, ("#pop", "badregex")),
+ (r"", Text, "#pop"),
+ ],
+ "badregex": [(r"\n", Text, "#pop")],
+ "typeexp": [
+ (r"[a-zA-Z0-9_?.$]+", Keyword.Type),
+ (r"\s+", Text),
+ (r"[|]", Text),
+ (r"\n", Text, "#pop"),
+ (r";", Text, "#pop"),
+ (r"", Text, "#pop"),
+ ],
+ "root": [
+ (r"^(?=\s|/|<!--)", Text, "slashstartsregex"),
+ include("commentsandwhitespace"),
+ (
+ r"\+\+|--|~|&&|\?|:|\|\||\\(?=\n)|"
+ r"(<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|[-<>+*%&\|\^/])=?",
+ Operator,
+ "slashstartsregex",
+ ),
+ (r"[{(\[;,]", Punctuation, "slashstartsregex"),
+ (r"[})\].]", Punctuation),
+ (
+ r"(for|in|while|do|break|return|continue|switch|case|default|if|else|"
+ r"throw|try|catch|finally|new|delete|typeof|instanceof|void|"
+ r"this)\b",
+ Keyword,
+ "slashstartsregex",
+ ),
+ (
+ r"(var|let|const|with|function)\b",
+ Keyword.Declaration,
+ "slashstartsregex",
+ ),
+ (
+ r"(abstract|boolean|byte|char|class|const|debugger|double|enum|export|"
+ r"extends|final|float|goto|implements|import|int|interface|long|native|"
+ r"package|private|protected|public|short|static|super|synchronized|throws|"
+ r"transient|volatile)\b",
+ Keyword.Reserved,
+ ),
+ (r"(true|false|null|NaN|Infinity|undefined)\b", Keyword.Constant),
+ (
+ r"(Array|Boolean|Date|Error|Function|Math|netscape|"
+ r"Number|Object|Packages|RegExp|String|sun|decodeURI|"
+ r"decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent|"
+ r"Error|eval|isFinite|isNaN|parseFloat|parseInt|document|this|"
+ r"window)\b",
+ Name.Builtin,
+ ),
+ # Match stuff like: module name {...}
+ (
+ r"\b(module)(\s*)(\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_?.$][\w?.$]*)(\s*)",
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Other, Text),
+ "slashstartsregex",
+ ),
+ # Match variable type keywords
+ (r"\b(string|bool|number)\b", Keyword.Type),
+ # Match stuff like: constructor
+ (r"\b(constructor|declare|interface|as|AS)\b", Keyword.Reserved),
+ # Match stuff like: super(argument, list)
+ (
+ r"(super)(\s*)\(([a-zA-Z0-9,_?.$\s]+\s*)\)",
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text),
+ "slashstartsregex",
+ ),
+ # Match stuff like: function() {...}
+ (r"([a-zA-Z_?.$][\w?.$]*)\(\) \{", Name.Other, "slashstartsregex"),
+ # Match stuff like: (function: return type)
+ (
+ r"([a-zA-Z0-9_?.$][\w?.$]*)(\s*:\s*)",
+ bygroups(Name.Other, Text),
+ "typeexp",
+ ),
+ # Match stuff like: type Foo = Bar | Baz
+ (
+ r"\b(type)(\s*)([a-zA-Z0-9_?.$]+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)",
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Other, Text, Operator, Text),
+ "typeexp",
+ ),
+ (r"[$a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*", Name.Other),
+ (r"[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?", Number.Float),
+ (r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+", Number.Hex),
+ (r"[0-9]+", Number.Integer),
+ (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String.Double),
+ (r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Single),
+ ],
+ }
+# Map from token id to props.
+# Properties can't be added to tokens
+# since they derive from Python's tuple.
+token_props = {}
+class LinkFilter(Filter):
+ def __init__(self, app, **options):
+ = app
+ Filter.__init__(self, **options)
+ def _filter_one_literal(self, ttype, value):
+ last = 0
+ for m in re.finditer(literal_reg, value):
+ pre = value[last : m.start()]
+ if pre:
+ yield ttype, pre
+ t = copy_token(ttype)
+ tok_setprop(t, "is_literal", True)
+ yield t,
+ last = m.end()
+ post = value[last:]
+ if post:
+ yield ttype, post
+ def filter(self, lexer, stream):
+ for ttype, value in stream:
+ if ttype in Token.Keyword.Type:
+ t = copy_token(ttype)
+ tok_setprop(t, "xref", value.strip())
+ tok_setprop(t, "is_identifier", True)
+ yield t, value
+ elif ttype in Token.Comment:
+ last = 0
+ for m in re.finditer(link_reg, value):
+ pre = value[last : m.start()]
+ if pre:
+ yield from self._filter_one_literal(ttype, pre)
+ t = copy_token(ttype)
+ x1, x2 = m.groups()
+ x0 =
+ if x2 is None:
+ caption = x1.strip()
+ xref = x1.strip()
+ else:
+ caption = x1.strip()
+ xref = x2.strip()
+ tok_setprop(t, "xref", xref)
+ tok_setprop(t, "caption", caption)
+ if x0.endswith("_"):
+ tok_setprop(t, "trailing_underscore", True)
+ yield t,
+ last = m.end()
+ post = value[last:]
+ if post:
+ yield from self._filter_one_literal(ttype, post)
+ else:
+ yield ttype, value
+_escape_html_table = {
+ ord("&"): u"&amp;",
+ ord("<"): u"&lt;",
+ ord(">"): u"&gt;",
+ ord('"'): u"&quot;",
+ ord("'"): u"&#39;",
+class LinkingHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(LinkingHtmlFormatter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self._builder = kwargs["_builder"]
+ self._bridge = kwargs["_bridge"]
+ def _get_value(self, value, tok):
+ xref = tok_getprop(tok, "xref")
+ caption = tok_getprop(tok, "caption")
+ if tok_getprop(tok, "is_literal"):
+ return '<span style="font-weight: bolder">%s</span>' % (value,)
+ if tok_getprop(tok, "trailing_underscore"):
+ logger.warn(
+ "{}:{}: code block contains xref to '{}' with unsupported trailing underscore".format(
+ self._bridge.path, self._bridge.line, xref
+ )
+ )
+ if tok_getprop(tok, "is_identifier"):
+ if xref.startswith('"'):
+ return value
+ if re.match("^[0-9]+$", xref) is not None:
+ return value
+ if xref in (
+ "number",
+ "object",
+ "string",
+ "boolean",
+ "any",
+ "true",
+ "false",
+ "null",
+ "undefined",
+ "Array",
+ "unknown",
+ ):
+ return value
+ if self._bridge.docname is None:
+ return value
+ if xref is None:
+ return value
+ content = caption if caption is not None else value
+ ts = self._builder.env.get_domain("ts")
+ r1 = ts.objects.get(("type", xref), None)
+ if r1 is not None:
+ rel_uri = (
+ self._builder.get_relative_uri(self._bridge.docname, r1[0])
+ + "#"
+ + r1[1]
+ )
+ return (
+ '<a style="color:inherit;text-decoration:underline" href="%s">%s</a>'
+ % (rel_uri, content)
+ )
+ std = self._builder.env.get_domain("std")
+ r2 = std.labels.get(xref.lower(), None)
+ if r2 is not None:
+ rel_uri = (
+ self._builder.get_relative_uri(self._bridge.docname, r2[0])
+ + "#"
+ + r2[1]
+ )
+ return (
+ '<a style="color:inherit;text-decoration:underline" href="%s">%s</a>'
+ % (rel_uri, content)
+ )
+ r3 = std.anonlabels.get(xref.lower(), None)
+ if r3 is not None:
+ rel_uri = (
+ self._builder.get_relative_uri(self._bridge.docname, r3[0])
+ + "#"
+ + r3[1]
+ )
+ return (
+ '<a style="color:inherit;text-decoration:underline" href="%s">%s</a>'
+ % (rel_uri, content)
+ )
+ logger.warn(
+ "{}:{}: code block contains unresolved xref '{}'".format(
+ self._bridge.path, self._bridge.line, xref
+ )
+ )
+ return value
+ def _fmt(self, value, tok):
+ cls = self._get_css_class(tok)
+ value = self._get_value(value, tok)
+ if cls is None or cls == "":
+ return value
+ return '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % (cls, value)
+ def _format_lines(self, tokensource):
+ """
+ Just format the tokens, without any wrapping tags.
+ Yield individual lines.
+ """
+ lsep = self.lineseparator
+ escape_table = _escape_html_table
+ line = ""
+ for ttype, value in tokensource:
+ link = get_annotation(ttype, "link")
+ parts = value.translate(escape_table).split("\n")
+ if len(parts) == 0:
+ # empty token, usually should not happen
+ pass
+ elif len(parts) == 1:
+ # no newline before or after token
+ line += self._fmt(parts[0], ttype)
+ else:
+ line += self._fmt(parts[0], ttype)
+ yield 1, line + lsep
+ for part in parts[1:-1]:
+ yield 1, self._fmt(part, ttype) + lsep
+ line = self._fmt(parts[-1], ttype)
+ if line:
+ yield 1, line + lsep
+class MyPygmentsBridge(PygmentsBridge):
+ def __init__(self, builder, trim_doctest_flags):
+ self.dest = "html"
+ self.trim_doctest_flags = trim_doctest_flags
+ self.formatter_args = {
+ "style": SphinxStyle,
+ "_builder": builder,
+ "_bridge": self,
+ }
+ self.formatter = LinkingHtmlFormatter
+ self.builder = builder
+ self.path = None
+ self.line = None
+ self.docname = None
+ def highlight_block(
+ self, source, lang, opts=None, force=False, location=None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ if isinstance(location, tuple):
+ docname, line = location
+ self.line = line
+ self.path = self.builder.env.doc2path(docname)
+ self.docname = docname
+ elif isinstance(location, Element):
+ self.line = location.line
+ self.path = location.source
+ self.docname = self.builder.env.path2doc(self.path)
+ return super().highlight_block(source, lang, opts, force, location, **kwargs)
+class MyHtmlBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder):
+ name = "html-linked"
+ def init_highlighter(self):
+ if self.config.pygments_style is not None:
+ style = self.config.pygments_style
+ elif self.theme:
+ style = self.theme.get_confstr("theme", "pygments_style", "none")
+ else:
+ style = "sphinx"
+ self.highlighter = MyPygmentsBridge(self, self.config.trim_doctest_flags)
+ self.dark_highlighter = None
+def get_annotation(tok, key):
+ if not hasattr(tok, "kv"):
+ return None
+ return tok.kv.get(key)
+def copy_token(tok):
+ new_tok = _TokenType(tok)
+ # This part is very fragile against API changes ...
+ new_tok.subtypes = set(tok.subtypes)
+ new_tok.parent = tok.parent
+ return new_tok
+def tok_setprop(tok, key, value):
+ tokid = id(tok)
+ e = token_props.get(tokid)
+ if e is None:
+ e = token_props[tokid] = (tok, {})
+ _, kv = e
+ kv[key] = value
+def tok_getprop(tok, key):
+ tokid = id(tok)
+ e = token_props.get(tokid)
+ if e is None:
+ return None
+ _, kv = e
+ return kv.get(key)
+link_reg = re.compile(r"(?<!`)`([^`<]+)\s*(?:<([^>]+)>)?\s*`_?")
+literal_reg = re.compile(r"``([^`]+)``")
+def setup(app):
+ class TsrefLexer(BetterTypeScriptLexer):
+ def __init__(self, **options):
+ super().__init__(**options)
+ self.add_filter(LinkFilter(app))
+ app.add_lexer("tsref", TsrefLexer)
+ app.add_domain(TypeScriptDomain)
+ app.add_builder(MyHtmlBuilder)