path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/test/tap/repo.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/npm/test/tap/repo.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/npm/test/tap/repo.js b/deps/node/deps/npm/test/tap/repo.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 54907f62..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/npm/test/tap/repo.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-var common = require('../common-tap.js')
-var mr = require('npm-registry-mock')
-var test = require('tap').test
-var rimraf = require('rimraf')
-var fs = require('fs')
-var path = require('path')
-var fakeBrowser = path.join(__dirname, '')
-var outFile = path.join(__dirname, '/_output')
-var opts = { cwd: __dirname }
-common.pendIfWindows('This is trickier to convert without opening new shells')
-test('setup', function (t) {
- var s = '#!/usr/bin/env bash\n' +
- 'echo "$@" > ' + JSON.stringify(__dirname) + '/_output\n'
- fs.writeFileSync(fakeBrowser, s, 'ascii')
- fs.chmodSync(fakeBrowser, '0755')
- t.pass('made script')
- t.end()
-test('npm repo underscore', function (t) {
- mr({ port: common.port }, function (er, s) {
- common.npm([
- 'repo', 'underscore',
- '--registry=' + common.registry,
- '--loglevel=silent',
- '--browser=' + fakeBrowser
- ], opts, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
- t.ifError(err, 'repo command ran without error')
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exit ok')
- var res = fs.readFileSync(outFile, 'ascii')
- s.close()
- t.equal(res, '\n')
- rimraf.sync(outFile)
- t.end()
- })
- })
-test('npm repo optimist - github (https://)', function (t) {
- mr({ port: common.port }, function (er, s) {
- common.npm([
- 'repo', 'optimist',
- '--registry=' + common.registry,
- '--loglevel=silent',
- '--browser=' + fakeBrowser
- ], opts, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
- t.ifError(err, 'repo command ran without error')
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exit ok')
- var res = fs.readFileSync(outFile, 'ascii')
- s.close()
- t.equal(res, '\n')
- rimraf.sync(outFile)
- t.end()
- })
- })
-test('npm repo npm-test-peer-deps - no repo', function (t) {
- mr({ port: common.port }, function (er, s) {
- common.npm([
- 'repo', 'npm-test-peer-deps',
- '--registry=' + common.registry,
- '--loglevel=silent',
- '--browser=' + fakeBrowser
- ], opts, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
- t.ifError(err, 'repo command ran without error')
- t.equal(code, 1, 'exit not ok')
- s.close()
- t.end()
- })
- })
-test('npm repo test-repo-url-http - non-github (http://)', function (t) {
- mr({ port: common.port }, function (er, s) {
- common.npm([
- 'repo', 'test-repo-url-http',
- '--registry=' + common.registry,
- '--loglevel=silent',
- '--browser=' + fakeBrowser
- ], opts, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
- t.ifError(err, 'repo command ran without error')
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exit ok')
- var res = fs.readFileSync(outFile, 'ascii')
- s.close()
- t.equal(res, '\n')
- rimraf.sync(outFile)
- t.end()
- })
- })
-test('npm repo test-repo-url-https - non-github (https://)', function (t) {
- mr({ port: common.port }, function (er, s) {
- common.npm([
- 'repo', 'test-repo-url-https',
- '--registry=' + common.registry,
- '--loglevel=silent',
- '--browser=' + fakeBrowser
- ], opts, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
- t.ifError(err, 'repo command ran without error')
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exit ok')
- var res = fs.readFileSync(outFile, 'ascii')
- s.close()
- t.equal(res, '\n')
- rimraf.sync(outFile)
- t.end()
- })
- })
-test('npm repo test-repo-url-ssh - non-github (ssh://)', function (t) {
- mr({ port: common.port }, function (er, s) {
- common.npm([
- 'repo', 'test-repo-url-ssh',
- '--registry=' + common.registry,
- '--loglevel=silent',
- '--browser=' + fakeBrowser
- ], opts, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
- t.ifError(err, 'repo command ran without error')
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exit ok')
- var res = fs.readFileSync(outFile, 'ascii')
- s.close()
- t.equal(res, '\n')
- rimraf.sync(outFile)
- t.end()
- })
- })
-test('cleanup', function (t) {
- fs.unlinkSync(fakeBrowser)
- t.pass('cleaned up')
- t.end()