path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/test/need-npm5-update/belongs-in-pacote
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/npm/test/need-npm5-update/belongs-in-pacote')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/npm/test/need-npm5-update/belongs-in-pacote/add-remote-git-get-resolved.js b/deps/node/deps/npm/test/need-npm5-update/belongs-in-pacote/add-remote-git-get-resolved.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fadfc330..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/npm/test/need-npm5-update/belongs-in-pacote/add-remote-git-get-resolved.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-'use strict'
-var test = require('tap').test
-var npm = require('../../lib/npm.js')
-var common = require('../common-tap.js')
-var npa = require('npm-package-arg')
-var getResolved = null
- * Note: This is here because `normalizeGitUrl` is usually called
- * before getResolved is, and receives *that* URL.
- */
-function tryGetResolved (uri, treeish) {
- return getResolved(npa(uri), uri, treeish)
-test('setup', function (t) {
- var opts = {
- registry: common.registry,
- loglevel: 'silent'
- }
- npm.load(opts, function (er) {
- t.ifError(er, 'npm loaded without error')
- getResolved = require('../../lib/cache/add-remote-git.js').getResolved
- t.end()
- })
-test('add-remote-git#get-resolved git: passthru', function (t) {
- verify('')
- verify('')
- verify('git://')
- verify('git://')
- function verify (uri) {
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved(uri, 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git://',
- uri + ' normalized to canonical form git://'
- )
- }
- t.end()
-test('add-remote-git#get-resolved SSH', function (t) {
- t.comment('tests for')
- verify('git+ssh://')
- verify('git+ssh://')
- verify('git+ssh://')
- verify('git+ssh://')
- function verify (uri) {
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved(uri, 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git+ssh://',
- uri + ' normalized to canonical form git+ssh://'
- )
- }
- t.end()
-test('add-remote-git#get-resolved HTTPS', function (t) {
- verify('')
- verify('')
- verify('git+')
- verify('git+')
- // this is an invalid URL but we normalize it
- // anyway. Users shouldn't use this in the future. See note
- // below for how this affected non-hosted URLs.
- // See
- verify('git+')
- function verify (uri) {
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved(uri, 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git+',
- uri + ' normalized to canonical form git+'
- )
- }
- t.end()
-test('add-remote-git#get-resolved edge cases', function (t) {
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved('git+ssh://', 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git+ssh://',
- 'don\'t break non-hosted scp-style locations'
- )
- /*
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved('git+ssh://bananaboat:galbi/blah', 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git+ssh://bananaboat:galbi/blah#decadacefadabade',
- 'don\'t break non-hosted scp-style locations'
- )
- // When we were normalizing all git URIs, git+https: was being
- // automatically converted to ssh:. Some users were relying
- // on this funky behavior, so after removing the aggressive
- // normalization from non-hosted URIs, we brought this back.
- // See
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved('git+https://bananaboat:galbi/blah', 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git+https://bananaboat/galbi/blah#decadacefadabade',
- 'don\'t break non-hosted scp-style locations'
- )
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved('git+ssh://', 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git+ssh://',
- 'don\'t break non-hosted SSH URLs'
- )
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved('git+ssh://', 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git+ssh://',
- 'don\'t break non-hosted SSH URLs'
- )
- t.equal(
- tryGetResolved('git://', 'decadacefadabade'),
- 'git://',
- 'don\'t break non-hosted git: URLs'
- )
- t.end()
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/npm/test/need-npm5-update/belongs-in-pacote/git-races.js b/deps/node/deps/npm/test/need-npm5-update/belongs-in-pacote/git-races.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 60136125..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/npm/test/need-npm5-update/belongs-in-pacote/git-races.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable camelcase */
-var execFile = require('child_process').execFile
-var path = require('path')
-var zlib = require('zlib')
-var asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap
-var deepEqual = require('deep-equal')
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
-var once = require('once')
-var requireInject = require('require-inject')
-var rimraf = require('rimraf')
-var tar = require('tar')
-var test = require('tap').test
-var tmpdir = require('osenv').tmpdir
-var which = require('which')
-var wd = path.resolve(tmpdir(), 'git-races')
-var fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures')
-var testcase = 'github-com-BryanDonovan-npm-git-test'
-var testcase_git = path.resolve(wd, testcase + '.git')
-var testcase_path = path.resolve(wd, testcase)
-var testcase_tgz = path.resolve(fixtures, testcase + '.git.tar.gz')
-var testtarballs = []
-var testrepos = {}
-var testurls = {}
-This test is specifically for #7202, where the bug was if you tried installing multiple git urls that
-pointed at the same repo but had different comittishes, you'd sometimes get the wrong version.
-The test cases, provided by @BryanDonovan, have a dependency tree like this:
- top
- bar#4.0.0
- buzz#3.0.0
- foo#3.0.0
- buzz#3.0.0
- foo#4.0.0
- buzz#2.0.0
-But what would happen is that buzz#2.0.0 would end up installed under bar#4.0.0.
-bar#4.0.0 shouldn't have gotten its own copy if buzz, and if it did, it shouldn've been buzz#3.0.0
-;['bar', 'foo', 'buzz'].forEach(function (name) {
- var mockurl = 'ssh://' + name + '.git'
- var realrepo = path.resolve(wd, 'github-com-BryanDonovan-dummy-npm-' + name + '.git')
- var tgz = path.resolve(fixtures, 'github-com-BryanDonovan-dummy-npm-' + name + '.git.tar.gz')
- testrepos[mockurl] = realrepo
- testtarballs.push(tgz)
-function cleanup () {
- process.chdir(tmpdir())
- rimraf.sync(wd)
-var npm = requireInject.installGlobally('../../lib/npm.js', {
- 'child_process': {
- 'execFile': function (cmd, args, options, cb) {
- // on win 32, the following prefix is added in utils/git.js
- // $ git -c core.longpaths=true clone
- var i = process.platform === 'win32' ? 2 : 0
- // If it's a clone we swap any requests for any of the urls we're mocking
- // with the path to the bare repo
- if (args[i] === 'clone') {
- var m2 = args.length - 2
- var m1 = args.length - 1
- if (testrepos[args[m2]]) {
- testurls[args[m1]] = args[m2]
- args[m2] = testrepos[args[m2]]
- }
- execFile(cmd, args, options, cb)
- // here, we intercept npm validating the remote origin url on one of the
- // clones we've done previously and return the original url that was requested
- } else if (args[i] === 'config' && args[i + 1] === '--get' && args[i + 2] === 'remote.origin.url') {
- process.nextTick(function () {
- cb(null, testurls[options.cwd], '')
- })
- } else {
- execFile(cmd, args, options, cb)
- }
- }
- }
-function extract (tarball, target, cb) {
- cb = once(cb)
- fs.createReadStream(tarball).on('error', function (er) { cb(er) })
- .pipe(zlib.createGunzip()).on('error', function (er) { cb(er) })
- .pipe(tar.Extract({path: target})).on('error', function (er) { cb(er) })
- .on('end', function () {
- cb()
- })
-// Copied from lib/utils/git, because we need to use
-// it before calling npm.load and lib/utils/git uses npm.js
-// which doesn't allow that. =( =(
-function prefixGitArgs () {
- return process.platform === 'win32' ? ['-c', 'core.longpaths=true'] : []
-var gitcmd
-function execGit (args, options, cb) {
- var fullArgs = prefixGitArgs().concat(args || [])
- return execFile(gitcmd, fullArgs, options, cb)
-function gitWhichAndExec (args, options, cb) {
- if (gitcmd) return execGit(args, options, cb)
- which('git', function (err, pathtogit) {
- if (err) {
- err.code = 'ENOGIT'
- return cb(err)
- }
- gitcmd = pathtogit
- execGit(args, options, cb)
- })
-function andClone (gitdir, repodir, cb) {
- return function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- gitWhichAndExec(['clone', gitdir, repodir], {}, cb)
- }
-function setup (cb) {
- cleanup()
- mkdirp.sync(wd)
- extract(testcase_tgz, wd, andClone(testcase_git, testcase_path, andExtractPackages))
- function andExtractPackages (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- asyncMap(testtarballs, function (tgz, done) {
- extract(tgz, wd, done)
- }, andChdir)
- }
- function andChdir (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- process.chdir(testcase_path)
- andLoadNpm()
- }
- function andLoadNpm () {
- var opts = {
- cache: path.resolve(wd, 'cache')
- }
- npm.load(opts, cb)
- }
-// there are two (sic) valid trees that can result we don't care which one we
-// get in npm@2
-var oneTree = [
- 'npm-git-test@1.0.0', [
- ['dummy-npm-bar@4.0.0', [
- ['dummy-npm-foo@3.0.0', []],
- ['dummy-npm-buzz@3.0.0', []]
- ]],
- ['dummy-npm-buzz@3.0.0', []],
- ['dummy-npm-foo@4.0.0', [
- ['dummy-npm-buzz@2.0.0', []]
- ]]
- ]
-var otherTree = [
- 'npm-git-test@1.0.0', [
- ['dummy-npm-bar@4.0.0', [
- ['dummy-npm-buzz@3.0.0', []],
- ['dummy-npm-foo@3.0.0', []]
- ]],
- ['dummy-npm-buzz@3.0.0', []],
- ['dummy-npm-foo@4.0.0', [
- ['dummy-npm-buzz@2.0.0', []]
- ]]
- ]
-function toSimple (tree) {
- var deps = []
- Object.keys(tree.dependencies || {}).forEach(function (dep) {
- deps.push(toSimple(tree.dependencies[dep]))
- })
- return [ tree['name'] + '@' + tree['version'], deps ]
-test('setup', function (t) {
- setup(function (er) {
- t.ifError(er, 'setup ran OK')
- t.end()
- })
-test('correct versions are installed for git dependency', function (t) {
- t.comment('test for')
- npm.commands.install([], function (er) {
- t.ifError(er, 'installed OK')
-[], true, function (er, result) {
- t.ifError(er, 'ls OK')
- var simplified = toSimple(result)
- if (deepEqual(simplified, oneTree) || deepEqual(simplified, otherTree)) {
- t.pass('install tree is correct')
- } else {
- t.isDeeply(simplified, oneTree, 'oneTree matches')
- t.isDeeply(simplified, otherTree, 'otherTree matches')
- }
- t.done()
- })
- })