path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/finalize-manifest.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/finalize-manifest.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/finalize-manifest.js b/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/finalize-manifest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 80b37989..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/finalize-manifest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-'use strict'
-const BB = require('bluebird')
-const cacache = require('cacache')
-const cacheKey = require('./util/cache-key')
-const fetchFromManifest = require('./fetch').fromManifest
-const finished = require('./util/finished')
-const minimatch = require('minimatch')
-const normalize = require('normalize-package-data')
-const optCheck = require('./util/opt-check')
-const path = require('path')
-const pipe = BB.promisify(require('mississippi').pipe)
-const ssri = require('ssri')
-const tar = require('tar')
-// `finalizeManifest` takes as input the various kinds of manifests that
-// manifest handlers ('lib/fetchers/*.js#manifest()') return, and makes sure
-// they are:
-// * filled out with any required data that the handler couldn't fill in
-// * formatted consistently
-// * cached so we don't have to repeat this work more than necessary
-// The biggest thing this package might do is do a full tarball extraction in
-// order to find missing bits of metadata required by the npm installer. For
-// example, it will fill in `_shrinkwrap`, `_integrity`, and other details that
-// the plain manifest handlers would require a tarball to fill out. If a
-// handler returns everything necessary, this process is skipped.
-// If we get to the tarball phase, the corresponding tarball handler for the
-// requested type will be invoked and the entire tarball will be read from the
-// stream.
-module.exports = finalizeManifest
-function finalizeManifest (pkg, spec, opts) {
- const key = finalKey(pkg, spec)
- opts = optCheck(opts)
- const cachedManifest = (opts.cache && key && !opts.preferOnline && !opts.fullMetadata && !opts.enjoyBy)
- ?, key, opts)
- : BB.resolve(null)
- return cachedManifest.then(cached => {
- if (cached && cached.metadata && cached.metadata.manifest) {
- return new Manifest(cached.metadata.manifest)
- } else {
- return tarballedProps(pkg, spec, opts).then(props => {
- return pkg &&
- ? new Manifest(pkg, props, opts.fullMetadata)
- : new Manifest(props, null, opts.fullMetadata)
- }).then(manifest => {
- const cacheKey = key || finalKey(manifest, spec)
- if (!opts.cache || !cacheKey) {
- return manifest
- } else {
- return cacache.put(
- opts.cache, cacheKey, '.', {
- metadata: {
- id: manifest._id,
- manifest,
- type: 'finalized-manifest'
- }
- }
- ).then(() => manifest)
- }
- })
- }
- })
-module.exports.Manifest = Manifest
-function Manifest (pkg, fromTarball, fullMetadata) {
- fromTarball = fromTarball || {}
- if (fullMetadata) {
- Object.assign(this, pkg)
- }
- =
- this.version = pkg.version
- this.engines = pkg.engines || fromTarball.engines
- this.cpu = pkg.cpu || fromTarball.cpu
- this.os = pkg.os || fromTarball.os
- this.dependencies = pkg.dependencies || {}
- this.optionalDependencies = pkg.optionalDependencies || {}
- this.devDependencies = pkg.devDependencies || {}
- const bundled = (
- pkg.bundledDependencies ||
- pkg.bundleDependencies ||
- false
- )
- this.bundleDependencies = bundled
- this.peerDependencies = pkg.peerDependencies || {}
- this.deprecated = pkg.deprecated || false
- // These depend entirely on each handler
- this._resolved = pkg._resolved
- // Not all handlers (or registries) provide these out of the box,
- // and if they don't, we need to extract and read the tarball ourselves.
- // These are details required by the installer.
- this._integrity = pkg._integrity || fromTarball._integrity || null
- this._shasum = pkg._shasum || fromTarball._shasum || null
- this._shrinkwrap = pkg._shrinkwrap || fromTarball._shrinkwrap || null
- this.bin = pkg.bin || fromTarball.bin || null
- if (this.bin && Array.isArray(this.bin)) {
- // Code yanked from read-package-json.
- const m = (pkg.directories && pkg.directories.bin) || '.'
- this.bin = this.bin.reduce((acc, mf) => {
- if (mf && mf.charAt(0) !== '.') {
- const f = path.basename(mf)
- acc[f] = path.join(m, mf)
- }
- return acc
- }, {})
- }
- this._id = null
- // TODO - freezing and inextensibility pending npm changes. See test suite.
- // Object.preventExtensions(this)
- normalize(this)
- // I don't want this why did you give it to me. Go away. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- delete this.readme
- // Object.freeze(this)
-// Some things aren't filled in by standard manifest fetching.
-// If this function needs to do its work, it will grab the
-// package tarball, extract it, and take whatever it needs
-// from the stream.
-function tarballedProps (pkg, spec, opts) {
- const needsShrinkwrap = (!pkg || (
- pkg._hasShrinkwrap !== false &&
- !pkg._shrinkwrap
- ))
- const needsBin = !!(!pkg || (
- !pkg.bin &&
- pkg.directories &&
- pkg.directories.bin
- ))
- const needsIntegrity = !pkg || (!pkg._integrity && pkg._integrity !== false)
- const needsShasum = !pkg || (!pkg._shasum && pkg._shasum !== false)
- const needsHash = needsIntegrity || needsShasum
- const needsManifest = !pkg || !
- const needsExtract = needsShrinkwrap || needsBin || needsManifest
- if (!needsShrinkwrap && !needsBin && !needsHash && !needsManifest) {
- return BB.resolve({})
- } else {
- opts = optCheck(opts)
- const tarStream = fetchFromManifest(pkg, spec, opts)
- const extracted = needsExtract && new tar.Parse()
- return BB.join(
- needsShrinkwrap && jsonFromStream('npm-shrinkwrap.json', extracted),
- needsManifest && jsonFromStream('package.json', extracted),
- needsBin && getPaths(extracted),
- needsHash && ssri.fromStream(tarStream, { algorithms: ['sha1', 'sha512'] }),
- needsExtract && pipe(tarStream, extracted),
- (sr, mani, paths, hash) => {
- if (needsManifest && !mani) {
- const err = new Error(`Non-registry package missing package.json: ${spec}.`)
- err.code = 'ENOPACKAGEJSON'
- throw err
- }
- const extraProps = mani || {}
- delete extraProps._resolved
- // drain out the rest of the tarball
- tarStream.resume()
- // if we have directories.bin, we need to collect any matching files
- // to add to bin
- if (paths && paths.length) {
- const dirBin = mani
- ? (mani && mani.directories && mani.directories.bin)
- : (pkg && pkg.directories && pkg.directories.bin)
- if (dirBin) {
- extraProps.bin = {}
- paths.forEach(filePath => {
- if (minimatch(filePath, dirBin + '/**')) {
- const relative = path.relative(dirBin, filePath)
- if (relative && relative[0] !== '.') {
- extraProps.bin[path.basename(relative)] = path.join(dirBin, relative)
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- return Object.assign(extraProps, {
- _shrinkwrap: sr,
- _resolved: (mani && mani._resolved) ||
- (pkg && pkg._resolved) ||
- spec.fetchSpec,
- _integrity: needsIntegrity && hash && hash.sha512 && hash.sha512[0].toString(),
- _shasum: needsShasum && hash && hash.sha1 && hash.sha1[0].hexDigest()
- })
- }
- )
- }
-function jsonFromStream (filename, dataStream) {
- return BB.fromNode(cb => {
- dataStream.on('error', cb)
- dataStream.on('close', cb)
- dataStream.on('entry', entry => {
- const filePath = entry.header.path.replace(/[^/]+\//, '')
- if (filePath !== filename) {
- entry.resume()
- } else {
- let data = ''
- entry.on('error', cb)
- finished(entry).then(() => {
- try {
- cb(null, JSON.parse(data))
- } catch (err) {
- cb(err)
- }
- }, err => {
- cb(err)
- })
- entry.on('data', d => { data += d })
- }
- })
- })
-function getPaths (dataStream) {
- return BB.fromNode(cb => {
- let paths = []
- dataStream.on('error', cb)
- dataStream.on('close', () => cb(null, paths))
- dataStream.on('entry', function handler (entry) {
- const filePath = entry.header.path.replace(/[^/]+\//, '')
- entry.resume()
- paths.push(filePath)
- })
- })
-function finalKey (pkg, spec) {
- if (pkg && pkg._uniqueResolved) {
- // git packages have a unique, identifiable id, but no tar sha
- return cacheKey(`${spec.type}-manifest`, pkg._uniqueResolved)
- } else {
- return (
- pkg && pkg._integrity &&
- cacheKey(
- `${spec.type}-manifest`,
- `${pkg._resolved}:${ssri.stringify(pkg._integrity)}`
- )
- )
- }