path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/npmlog/README.md
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+# npmlog
+The logger util that npm uses.
+This logger is very basic. It does the logging for npm. It supports
+custom levels and colored output.
+By default, logs are written to stderr. If you want to send log messages
+to outputs other than streams, then you can change the `log.stream`
+member, or you can just listen to the events that it emits, and do
+whatever you want with them.
+# Installation
+npm install npmlog --save
+# Basic Usage
+var log = require('npmlog')
+// additional stuff ---------------------------+
+// message ----------+ |
+// prefix ----+ | |
+// level -+ | | |
+// v v v v
+ log.info('fyi', 'I have a kitty cat: %j', myKittyCat)
+## log.level
+* {String}
+The level to display logs at. Any logs at or above this level will be
+displayed. The special level `silent` will prevent anything from being
+displayed ever.
+## log.record
+* {Array}
+An array of all the log messages that have been entered.
+## log.maxRecordSize
+* {Number}
+The maximum number of records to keep. If log.record gets bigger than
+10% over this value, then it is sliced down to 90% of this value.
+The reason for the 10% window is so that it doesn't have to resize a
+large array on every log entry.
+## log.prefixStyle
+* {Object}
+A style object that specifies how prefixes are styled. (See below)
+## log.headingStyle
+* {Object}
+A style object that specifies how the heading is styled. (See below)
+## log.heading
+* {String} Default: ""
+If set, a heading that is printed at the start of every line.
+## log.stream
+* {Stream} Default: `process.stderr`
+The stream where output is written.
+## log.enableColor()
+Force colors to be used on all messages, regardless of the output
+## log.disableColor()
+Disable colors on all messages.
+## log.enableProgress()
+Enable the display of log activity spinner and progress bar
+## log.disableProgress()
+Disable the display of a progress bar
+## log.enableUnicode()
+Force the unicode theme to be used for the progress bar.
+## log.disableUnicode()
+Disable the use of unicode in the progress bar.
+## log.setGaugeTemplate(template)
+Set a template for outputting the progress bar. See the [gauge documentation] for details.
+[gauge documentation]: https://npmjs.com/package/gauge
+## log.setGaugeThemeset(themes)
+Select a themeset to pick themes from for the progress bar. See the [gauge documentation] for details.
+## log.pause()
+Stop emitting messages to the stream, but do not drop them.
+## log.resume()
+Emit all buffered messages that were written while paused.
+## log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)
+* `level` {String} The level to emit the message at
+* `prefix` {String} A string prefix. Set to "" to skip.
+* `message...` Arguments to `util.format`
+Emit a log message at the specified level.
+## log\[level](prefix, message, ...)
+For example,
+* log.silly(prefix, message, ...)
+* log.verbose(prefix, message, ...)
+* log.info(prefix, message, ...)
+* log.http(prefix, message, ...)
+* log.warn(prefix, message, ...)
+* log.error(prefix, message, ...)
+Like `log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)`. In this way, each level is
+given a shorthand, so you can do `log.info(prefix, message)`.
+## log.addLevel(level, n, style, disp)
+* `level` {String} Level indicator
+* `n` {Number} The numeric level
+* `style` {Object} Object with fg, bg, inverse, etc.
+* `disp` {String} Optional replacement for `level` in the output.
+Sets up a new level with a shorthand function and so forth.
+Note that if the number is `Infinity`, then setting the level to that
+will cause all log messages to be suppressed. If the number is
+`-Infinity`, then the only way to show it is to enable all log messages.
+## log.newItem(name, todo, weight)
+* `name` {String} Optional; progress item name.
+* `todo` {Number} Optional; total amount of work to be done. Default 0.
+* `weight` {Number} Optional; the weight of this item relative to others. Default 1.
+This adds a new `are-we-there-yet` item tracker to the progress tracker. The
+object returned has the `log[level]` methods but is otherwise an
+`are-we-there-yet` `Tracker` object.
+## log.newStream(name, todo, weight)
+This adds a new `are-we-there-yet` stream tracker to the progress tracker. The
+object returned has the `log[level]` methods but is otherwise an
+`are-we-there-yet` `TrackerStream` object.
+## log.newGroup(name, weight)
+This adds a new `are-we-there-yet` tracker group to the progress tracker. The
+object returned has the `log[level]` methods but is otherwise an
+`are-we-there-yet` `TrackerGroup` object.
+# Events
+Events are all emitted with the message object.
+* `log` Emitted for all messages
+* `log.<level>` Emitted for all messages with the `<level>` level.
+* `<prefix>` Messages with prefixes also emit their prefix as an event.
+# Style Objects
+Style objects can have the following fields:
+* `fg` {String} Color for the foreground text
+* `bg` {String} Color for the background
+* `bold`, `inverse`, `underline` {Boolean} Set the associated property
+* `bell` {Boolean} Make a noise (This is pretty annoying, probably.)
+# Message Objects
+Every log event is emitted with a message object, and the `log.record`
+list contains all of them that have been created. They have the
+following fields:
+* `id` {Number}
+* `level` {String}
+* `prefix` {String}
+* `message` {String} Result of `util.format()`
+* `messageRaw` {Array} Arguments to `util.format()`
+# Blocking TTYs
+We use [`set-blocking`](https://npmjs.com/package/set-blocking) to set
+stderr and stdout blocking if they are tty's and have the setBlocking call.
+This is a work around for an issue in early versions of Node.js 6.x, which
+made stderr and stdout non-blocking on OSX. (They are always blocking
+Windows and were never blocking on Linux.) `npmlog` needs them to be blocking
+so that it can allow output to stdout and stderr to be interlaced.