path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/msvs_emulation.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/msvs_emulation.py')
1 files changed, 1087 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/msvs_emulation.py b/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/msvs_emulation.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/msvs_emulation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+This module helps emulate Visual Studio 2008 behavior on top of other
+build systems, primarily ninja.
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from gyp.common import OrderedSet
+import gyp.MSVSUtil
+import gyp.MSVSVersion
+windows_quoter_regex = re.compile(r'(\\*)"')
+def QuoteForRspFile(arg):
+ """Quote a command line argument so that it appears as one argument when
+ processed via cmd.exe and parsed by CommandLineToArgvW (as is typical for
+ Windows programs)."""
+ # See http://goo.gl/cuFbX and http://goo.gl/dhPnp including the comment
+ # threads. This is actually the quoting rules for CommandLineToArgvW, not
+ # for the shell, because the shell doesn't do anything in Windows. This
+ # works more or less because most programs (including the compiler, etc.)
+ # use that function to handle command line arguments.
+ # For a literal quote, CommandLineToArgvW requires 2n+1 backslashes
+ # preceding it, and results in n backslashes + the quote. So we substitute
+ # in 2* what we match, +1 more, plus the quote.
+ arg = windows_quoter_regex.sub(lambda mo: 2 * mo.group(1) + '\\"', arg)
+ # %'s also need to be doubled otherwise they're interpreted as batch
+ # positional arguments. Also make sure to escape the % so that they're
+ # passed literally through escaping so they can be singled to just the
+ # original %. Otherwise, trying to pass the literal representation that
+ # looks like an environment variable to the shell (e.g. %PATH%) would fail.
+ arg = arg.replace('%', '%%')
+ # These commands are used in rsp files, so no escaping for the shell (via ^)
+ # is necessary.
+ # Finally, wrap the whole thing in quotes so that the above quote rule
+ # applies and whitespace isn't a word break.
+ return '"' + arg + '"'
+def EncodeRspFileList(args):
+ """Process a list of arguments using QuoteCmdExeArgument."""
+ # Note that the first argument is assumed to be the command. Don't add
+ # quotes around it because then built-ins like 'echo', etc. won't work.
+ # Take care to normpath only the path in the case of 'call ../x.bat' because
+ # otherwise the whole thing is incorrectly interpreted as a path and not
+ # normalized correctly.
+ if not args: return ''
+ if args[0].startswith('call '):
+ call, program = args[0].split(' ', 1)
+ program = call + ' ' + os.path.normpath(program)
+ else:
+ program = os.path.normpath(args[0])
+ return program + ' ' + ' '.join(QuoteForRspFile(arg) for arg in args[1:])
+def _GenericRetrieve(root, default, path):
+ """Given a list of dictionary keys |path| and a tree of dicts |root|, find
+ value at path, or return |default| if any of the path doesn't exist."""
+ if not root:
+ return default
+ if not path:
+ return root
+ return _GenericRetrieve(root.get(path[0]), default, path[1:])
+def _AddPrefix(element, prefix):
+ """Add |prefix| to |element| or each subelement if element is iterable."""
+ if element is None:
+ return element
+ # Note, not Iterable because we don't want to handle strings like that.
+ if isinstance(element, list) or isinstance(element, tuple):
+ return [prefix + e for e in element]
+ else:
+ return prefix + element
+def _DoRemapping(element, map):
+ """If |element| then remap it through |map|. If |element| is iterable then
+ each item will be remapped. Any elements not found will be removed."""
+ if map is not None and element is not None:
+ if not callable(map):
+ map = map.get # Assume it's a dict, otherwise a callable to do the remap.
+ if isinstance(element, list) or isinstance(element, tuple):
+ element = filter(None, [map(elem) for elem in element])
+ else:
+ element = map(element)
+ return element
+def _AppendOrReturn(append, element):
+ """If |append| is None, simply return |element|. If |append| is not None,
+ then add |element| to it, adding each item in |element| if it's a list or
+ tuple."""
+ if append is not None and element is not None:
+ if isinstance(element, list) or isinstance(element, tuple):
+ append.extend(element)
+ else:
+ append.append(element)
+ else:
+ return element
+def _FindDirectXInstallation():
+ """Try to find an installation location for the DirectX SDK. Check for the
+ standard environment variable, and if that doesn't exist, try to find
+ via the registry. May return None if not found in either location."""
+ # Return previously calculated value, if there is one
+ if hasattr(_FindDirectXInstallation, 'dxsdk_dir'):
+ return _FindDirectXInstallation.dxsdk_dir
+ dxsdk_dir = os.environ.get('DXSDK_DIR')
+ if not dxsdk_dir:
+ # Setup params to pass to and attempt to launch reg.exe.
+ cmd = ['reg.exe', 'query', r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DirectX', '/s']
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ for line in p.communicate()[0].splitlines():
+ if 'InstallPath' in line:
+ dxsdk_dir = line.split(' ')[3] + "\\"
+ # Cache return value
+ _FindDirectXInstallation.dxsdk_dir = dxsdk_dir
+ return dxsdk_dir
+def GetGlobalVSMacroEnv(vs_version):
+ """Get a dict of variables mapping internal VS macro names to their gyp
+ equivalents. Returns all variables that are independent of the target."""
+ env = {}
+ # '$(VSInstallDir)' and '$(VCInstallDir)' are available when and only when
+ # Visual Studio is actually installed.
+ if vs_version.Path():
+ env['$(VSInstallDir)'] = vs_version.Path()
+ env['$(VCInstallDir)'] = os.path.join(vs_version.Path(), 'VC') + '\\'
+ # Chromium uses DXSDK_DIR in include/lib paths, but it may or may not be
+ # set. This happens when the SDK is sync'd via src-internal, rather than
+ # by typical end-user installation of the SDK. If it's not set, we don't
+ # want to leave the unexpanded variable in the path, so simply strip it.
+ dxsdk_dir = _FindDirectXInstallation()
+ env['$(DXSDK_DIR)'] = dxsdk_dir if dxsdk_dir else ''
+ # Try to find an installation location for the Windows DDK by checking
+ # the WDK_DIR environment variable, may be None.
+ env['$(WDK_DIR)'] = os.environ.get('WDK_DIR', '')
+ return env
+def ExtractSharedMSVSSystemIncludes(configs, generator_flags):
+ """Finds msvs_system_include_dirs that are common to all targets, removes
+ them from all targets, and returns an OrderedSet containing them."""
+ all_system_includes = OrderedSet(
+ configs[0].get('msvs_system_include_dirs', []))
+ for config in configs[1:]:
+ system_includes = config.get('msvs_system_include_dirs', [])
+ all_system_includes = all_system_includes & OrderedSet(system_includes)
+ if not all_system_includes:
+ return None
+ # Expand macros in all_system_includes.
+ env = GetGlobalVSMacroEnv(GetVSVersion(generator_flags))
+ expanded_system_includes = OrderedSet([ExpandMacros(include, env)
+ for include in all_system_includes])
+ if any(['$' in include for include in expanded_system_includes]):
+ # Some path relies on target-specific variables, bail.
+ return None
+ # Remove system includes shared by all targets from the targets.
+ for config in configs:
+ includes = config.get('msvs_system_include_dirs', [])
+ if includes: # Don't insert a msvs_system_include_dirs key if not needed.
+ # This must check the unexpanded includes list:
+ new_includes = [i for i in includes if i not in all_system_includes]
+ config['msvs_system_include_dirs'] = new_includes
+ return expanded_system_includes
+class MsvsSettings(object):
+ """A class that understands the gyp 'msvs_...' values (especially the
+ msvs_settings field). They largely correpond to the VS2008 IDE DOM. This
+ class helps map those settings to command line options."""
+ def __init__(self, spec, generator_flags):
+ self.spec = spec
+ self.vs_version = GetVSVersion(generator_flags)
+ supported_fields = [
+ ('msvs_configuration_attributes', dict),
+ ('msvs_settings', dict),
+ ('msvs_system_include_dirs', list),
+ ('msvs_disabled_warnings', list),
+ ('msvs_precompiled_header', str),
+ ('msvs_precompiled_source', str),
+ ('msvs_configuration_platform', str),
+ ('msvs_target_platform', str),
+ ]
+ configs = spec['configurations']
+ for field, default in supported_fields:
+ setattr(self, field, {})
+ for configname, config in configs.iteritems():
+ getattr(self, field)[configname] = config.get(field, default())
+ self.msvs_cygwin_dirs = spec.get('msvs_cygwin_dirs', ['.'])
+ unsupported_fields = [
+ 'msvs_prebuild',
+ 'msvs_postbuild',
+ ]
+ unsupported = []
+ for field in unsupported_fields:
+ for config in configs.values():
+ if field in config:
+ unsupported += ["%s not supported (target %s)." %
+ (field, spec['target_name'])]
+ if unsupported:
+ raise Exception('\n'.join(unsupported))
+ def GetExtension(self):
+ """Returns the extension for the target, with no leading dot.
+ Uses 'product_extension' if specified, otherwise uses MSVS defaults based on
+ the target type.
+ """
+ ext = self.spec.get('product_extension', None)
+ if ext:
+ return ext
+ return gyp.MSVSUtil.TARGET_TYPE_EXT.get(self.spec['type'], '')
+ def GetVSMacroEnv(self, base_to_build=None, config=None):
+ """Get a dict of variables mapping internal VS macro names to their gyp
+ equivalents."""
+ target_platform = 'Win32' if self.GetArch(config) == 'x86' else 'x64'
+ target_name = self.spec.get('product_prefix', '') + \
+ self.spec.get('product_name', self.spec['target_name'])
+ target_dir = base_to_build + '\\' if base_to_build else ''
+ target_ext = '.' + self.GetExtension()
+ target_file_name = target_name + target_ext
+ replacements = {
+ '$(InputName)': '${root}',
+ '$(InputPath)': '${source}',
+ '$(IntDir)': '$!INTERMEDIATE_DIR',
+ '$(OutDir)\\': target_dir,
+ '$(PlatformName)': target_platform,
+ '$(ProjectDir)\\': '',
+ '$(ProjectName)': self.spec['target_name'],
+ '$(TargetDir)\\': target_dir,
+ '$(TargetExt)': target_ext,
+ '$(TargetFileName)': target_file_name,
+ '$(TargetName)': target_name,
+ '$(TargetPath)': os.path.join(target_dir, target_file_name),
+ }
+ replacements.update(GetGlobalVSMacroEnv(self.vs_version))
+ return replacements
+ def ConvertVSMacros(self, s, base_to_build=None, config=None):
+ """Convert from VS macro names to something equivalent."""
+ env = self.GetVSMacroEnv(base_to_build, config=config)
+ return ExpandMacros(s, env)
+ def AdjustLibraries(self, libraries):
+ """Strip -l from library if it's specified with that."""
+ libs = [lib[2:] if lib.startswith('-l') else lib for lib in libraries]
+ return [lib + '.lib' if not lib.endswith('.lib') else lib for lib in libs]
+ def _GetAndMunge(self, field, path, default, prefix, append, map):
+ """Retrieve a value from |field| at |path| or return |default|. If
+ |append| is specified, and the item is found, it will be appended to that
+ object instead of returned. If |map| is specified, results will be
+ remapped through |map| before being returned or appended."""
+ result = _GenericRetrieve(field, default, path)
+ result = _DoRemapping(result, map)
+ result = _AddPrefix(result, prefix)
+ return _AppendOrReturn(append, result)
+ class _GetWrapper(object):
+ def __init__(self, parent, field, base_path, append=None):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.field = field
+ self.base_path = [base_path]
+ self.append = append
+ def __call__(self, name, map=None, prefix='', default=None):
+ return self.parent._GetAndMunge(self.field, self.base_path + [name],
+ default=default, prefix=prefix, append=self.append, map=map)
+ def GetArch(self, config):
+ """Get architecture based on msvs_configuration_platform and
+ msvs_target_platform. Returns either 'x86' or 'x64'."""
+ configuration_platform = self.msvs_configuration_platform.get(config, '')
+ platform = self.msvs_target_platform.get(config, '')
+ if not platform: # If no specific override, use the configuration's.
+ platform = configuration_platform
+ # Map from platform to architecture.
+ return {'Win32': 'x86', 'x64': 'x64'}.get(platform, 'x86')
+ def _TargetConfig(self, config):
+ """Returns the target-specific configuration."""
+ # There's two levels of architecture/platform specification in VS. The
+ # first level is globally for the configuration (this is what we consider
+ # "the" config at the gyp level, which will be something like 'Debug' or
+ # 'Release_x64'), and a second target-specific configuration, which is an
+ # override for the global one. |config| is remapped here to take into
+ # account the local target-specific overrides to the global configuration.
+ arch = self.GetArch(config)
+ if arch == 'x64' and not config.endswith('_x64'):
+ config += '_x64'
+ if arch == 'x86' and config.endswith('_x64'):
+ config = config.rsplit('_', 1)[0]
+ return config
+ def _Setting(self, path, config,
+ default=None, prefix='', append=None, map=None):
+ """_GetAndMunge for msvs_settings."""
+ return self._GetAndMunge(
+ self.msvs_settings[config], path, default, prefix, append, map)
+ def _ConfigAttrib(self, path, config,
+ default=None, prefix='', append=None, map=None):
+ """_GetAndMunge for msvs_configuration_attributes."""
+ return self._GetAndMunge(
+ self.msvs_configuration_attributes[config],
+ path, default, prefix, append, map)
+ def AdjustIncludeDirs(self, include_dirs, config):
+ """Updates include_dirs to expand VS specific paths, and adds the system
+ include dirs used for platform SDK and similar."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ includes = include_dirs + self.msvs_system_include_dirs[config]
+ includes.extend(self._Setting(
+ ('VCCLCompilerTool', 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories'), config, default=[]))
+ return [self.ConvertVSMacros(p, config=config) for p in includes]
+ def AdjustMidlIncludeDirs(self, midl_include_dirs, config):
+ """Updates midl_include_dirs to expand VS specific paths, and adds the
+ system include dirs used for platform SDK and similar."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ includes = midl_include_dirs + self.msvs_system_include_dirs[config]
+ includes.extend(self._Setting(
+ ('VCMIDLTool', 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories'), config, default=[]))
+ return [self.ConvertVSMacros(p, config=config) for p in includes]
+ def GetComputedDefines(self, config):
+ """Returns the set of defines that are injected to the defines list based
+ on other VS settings."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ defines = []
+ if self._ConfigAttrib(['CharacterSet'], config) == '1':
+ defines.extend(('_UNICODE', 'UNICODE'))
+ if self._ConfigAttrib(['CharacterSet'], config) == '2':
+ defines.append('_MBCS')
+ defines.extend(self._Setting(
+ ('VCCLCompilerTool', 'PreprocessorDefinitions'), config, default=[]))
+ return defines
+ def GetCompilerPdbName(self, config, expand_special):
+ """Get the pdb file name that should be used for compiler invocations, or
+ None if there's no explicit name specified."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ pdbname = self._Setting(
+ ('VCCLCompilerTool', 'ProgramDataBaseFileName'), config)
+ if pdbname:
+ pdbname = expand_special(self.ConvertVSMacros(pdbname))
+ return pdbname
+ def GetMapFileName(self, config, expand_special):
+ """Gets the explicitly overriden map file name for a target or returns None
+ if it's not set."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ map_file = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'MapFileName'), config)
+ if map_file:
+ map_file = expand_special(self.ConvertVSMacros(map_file, config=config))
+ return map_file
+ def GetOutputName(self, config, expand_special):
+ """Gets the explicitly overridden output name for a target or returns None
+ if it's not overridden."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ type = self.spec['type']
+ root = 'VCLibrarianTool' if type == 'static_library' else 'VCLinkerTool'
+ # TODO(scottmg): Handle OutputDirectory without OutputFile.
+ output_file = self._Setting((root, 'OutputFile'), config)
+ if output_file:
+ output_file = expand_special(self.ConvertVSMacros(
+ output_file, config=config))
+ return output_file
+ def GetPDBName(self, config, expand_special, default):
+ """Gets the explicitly overridden pdb name for a target or returns
+ default if it's not overridden, or if no pdb will be generated."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ output_file = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'ProgramDatabaseFile'), config)
+ generate_debug_info = self._Setting(
+ ('VCLinkerTool', 'GenerateDebugInformation'), config)
+ if generate_debug_info == 'true':
+ if output_file:
+ return expand_special(self.ConvertVSMacros(output_file, config=config))
+ else:
+ return default
+ else:
+ return None
+ def GetNoImportLibrary(self, config):
+ """If NoImportLibrary: true, ninja will not expect the output to include
+ an import library."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ noimplib = self._Setting(('NoImportLibrary',), config)
+ return noimplib == 'true'
+ def GetAsmflags(self, config):
+ """Returns the flags that need to be added to ml invocations."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ asmflags = []
+ safeseh = self._Setting(('MASM', 'UseSafeExceptionHandlers'), config)
+ if safeseh == 'true':
+ asmflags.append('/safeseh')
+ return asmflags
+ def GetCflags(self, config):
+ """Returns the flags that need to be added to .c and .cc compilations."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ cflags = []
+ cflags.extend(['/wd' + w for w in self.msvs_disabled_warnings[config]])
+ cl = self._GetWrapper(self, self.msvs_settings[config],
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool', append=cflags)
+ cl('Optimization',
+ map={'0': 'd', '1': '1', '2': '2', '3': 'x'}, prefix='/O', default='2')
+ cl('InlineFunctionExpansion', prefix='/Ob')
+ cl('DisableSpecificWarnings', prefix='/wd')
+ cl('StringPooling', map={'true': '/GF'})
+ cl('EnableFiberSafeOptimizations', map={'true': '/GT'})
+ cl('OmitFramePointers', map={'false': '-', 'true': ''}, prefix='/Oy')
+ cl('EnableIntrinsicFunctions', map={'false': '-', 'true': ''}, prefix='/Oi')
+ cl('FavorSizeOrSpeed', map={'1': 't', '2': 's'}, prefix='/O')
+ cl('FloatingPointModel',
+ map={'0': 'precise', '1': 'strict', '2': 'fast'}, prefix='/fp:',
+ default='0')
+ cl('CompileAsManaged', map={'false': '', 'true': '/clr'})
+ cl('WholeProgramOptimization', map={'true': '/GL'})
+ cl('WarningLevel', prefix='/W')
+ cl('WarnAsError', map={'true': '/WX'})
+ cl('CallingConvention',
+ map={'0': 'd', '1': 'r', '2': 'z', '3': 'v'}, prefix='/G')
+ cl('DebugInformationFormat',
+ map={'1': '7', '3': 'i', '4': 'I'}, prefix='/Z')
+ cl('RuntimeTypeInfo', map={'true': '/GR', 'false': '/GR-'})
+ cl('EnableFunctionLevelLinking', map={'true': '/Gy', 'false': '/Gy-'})
+ cl('MinimalRebuild', map={'true': '/Gm'})
+ cl('BufferSecurityCheck', map={'true': '/GS', 'false': '/GS-'})
+ cl('BasicRuntimeChecks', map={'1': 's', '2': 'u', '3': '1'}, prefix='/RTC')
+ cl('RuntimeLibrary',
+ map={'0': 'T', '1': 'Td', '2': 'D', '3': 'Dd'}, prefix='/M')
+ cl('ExceptionHandling', map={'1': 'sc','2': 'a'}, prefix='/EH')
+ cl('DefaultCharIsUnsigned', map={'true': '/J'})
+ cl('TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType',
+ map={'false': '-', 'true': ''}, prefix='/Zc:wchar_t')
+ cl('EnablePREfast', map={'true': '/analyze'})
+ cl('AdditionalOptions', prefix='')
+ cl('EnableEnhancedInstructionSet',
+ map={'1': 'SSE', '2': 'SSE2', '3': 'AVX', '4': 'IA32', '5': 'AVX2'},
+ prefix='/arch:')
+ cflags.extend(['/FI' + f for f in self._Setting(
+ ('VCCLCompilerTool', 'ForcedIncludeFiles'), config, default=[])])
+ if self.vs_version.short_name in ('2013', '2013e', '2015'):
+ # New flag required in 2013 to maintain previous PDB behavior.
+ cflags.append('/FS')
+ # ninja handles parallelism by itself, don't have the compiler do it too.
+ cflags = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('/MP'), cflags)
+ return cflags
+ def _GetPchFlags(self, config, extension):
+ """Get the flags to be added to the cflags for precompiled header support.
+ """
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ # The PCH is only built once by a particular source file. Usage of PCH must
+ # only be for the same language (i.e. C vs. C++), so only include the pch
+ # flags when the language matches.
+ if self.msvs_precompiled_header[config]:
+ source_ext = os.path.splitext(self.msvs_precompiled_source[config])[1]
+ if _LanguageMatchesForPch(source_ext, extension):
+ pch = os.path.split(self.msvs_precompiled_header[config])[1]
+ return ['/Yu' + pch, '/FI' + pch, '/Fp${pchprefix}.' + pch + '.pch']
+ return []
+ def GetCflagsC(self, config):
+ """Returns the flags that need to be added to .c compilations."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ return self._GetPchFlags(config, '.c')
+ def GetCflagsCC(self, config):
+ """Returns the flags that need to be added to .cc compilations."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ return ['/TP'] + self._GetPchFlags(config, '.cc')
+ def _GetAdditionalLibraryDirectories(self, root, config, gyp_to_build_path):
+ """Get and normalize the list of paths in AdditionalLibraryDirectories
+ setting."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ libpaths = self._Setting((root, 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories'),
+ config, default=[])
+ libpaths = [os.path.normpath(
+ gyp_to_build_path(self.ConvertVSMacros(p, config=config)))
+ for p in libpaths]
+ return ['/LIBPATH:"' + p + '"' for p in libpaths]
+ def GetLibFlags(self, config, gyp_to_build_path):
+ """Returns the flags that need to be added to lib commands."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ libflags = []
+ lib = self._GetWrapper(self, self.msvs_settings[config],
+ 'VCLibrarianTool', append=libflags)
+ libflags.extend(self._GetAdditionalLibraryDirectories(
+ 'VCLibrarianTool', config, gyp_to_build_path))
+ lib('LinkTimeCodeGeneration', map={'true': '/LTCG'})
+ lib('TargetMachine', map={'1': 'X86', '17': 'X64', '3': 'ARM'},
+ prefix='/MACHINE:')
+ lib('AdditionalOptions')
+ return libflags
+ def GetDefFile(self, gyp_to_build_path):
+ """Returns the .def file from sources, if any. Otherwise returns None."""
+ spec = self.spec
+ if spec['type'] in ('shared_library', 'loadable_module', 'executable'):
+ def_files = [s for s in spec.get('sources', []) if s.endswith('.def')]
+ if len(def_files) == 1:
+ return gyp_to_build_path(def_files[0])
+ elif len(def_files) > 1:
+ raise Exception("Multiple .def files")
+ return None
+ def _GetDefFileAsLdflags(self, ldflags, gyp_to_build_path):
+ """.def files get implicitly converted to a ModuleDefinitionFile for the
+ linker in the VS generator. Emulate that behaviour here."""
+ def_file = self.GetDefFile(gyp_to_build_path)
+ if def_file:
+ ldflags.append('/DEF:"%s"' % def_file)
+ def GetPGDName(self, config, expand_special):
+ """Gets the explicitly overridden pgd name for a target or returns None
+ if it's not overridden."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ output_file = self._Setting(
+ ('VCLinkerTool', 'ProfileGuidedDatabase'), config)
+ if output_file:
+ output_file = expand_special(self.ConvertVSMacros(
+ output_file, config=config))
+ return output_file
+ def GetLdflags(self, config, gyp_to_build_path, expand_special,
+ manifest_base_name, output_name, is_executable, build_dir):
+ """Returns the flags that need to be added to link commands, and the
+ manifest files."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ ldflags = []
+ ld = self._GetWrapper(self, self.msvs_settings[config],
+ 'VCLinkerTool', append=ldflags)
+ self._GetDefFileAsLdflags(ldflags, gyp_to_build_path)
+ ld('GenerateDebugInformation', map={'true': '/DEBUG'})
+ ld('TargetMachine', map={'1': 'X86', '17': 'X64', '3': 'ARM'},
+ prefix='/MACHINE:')
+ ldflags.extend(self._GetAdditionalLibraryDirectories(
+ 'VCLinkerTool', config, gyp_to_build_path))
+ ld('DelayLoadDLLs', prefix='/DELAYLOAD:')
+ ld('TreatLinkerWarningAsErrors', prefix='/WX',
+ map={'true': '', 'false': ':NO'})
+ out = self.GetOutputName(config, expand_special)
+ if out:
+ ldflags.append('/OUT:' + out)
+ pdb = self.GetPDBName(config, expand_special, output_name + '.pdb')
+ if pdb:
+ ldflags.append('/PDB:' + pdb)
+ pgd = self.GetPGDName(config, expand_special)
+ if pgd:
+ ldflags.append('/PGD:' + pgd)
+ map_file = self.GetMapFileName(config, expand_special)
+ ld('GenerateMapFile', map={'true': '/MAP:' + map_file if map_file
+ else '/MAP'})
+ ld('MapExports', map={'true': '/MAPINFO:EXPORTS'})
+ ld('AdditionalOptions', prefix='')
+ minimum_required_version = self._Setting(
+ ('VCLinkerTool', 'MinimumRequiredVersion'), config, default='')
+ if minimum_required_version:
+ minimum_required_version = ',' + minimum_required_version
+ ld('SubSystem',
+ map={'1': 'CONSOLE%s' % minimum_required_version,
+ '2': 'WINDOWS%s' % minimum_required_version},
+ prefix='/SUBSYSTEM:')
+ stack_reserve_size = self._Setting(
+ ('VCLinkerTool', 'StackReserveSize'), config, default='')
+ if stack_reserve_size:
+ stack_commit_size = self._Setting(
+ ('VCLinkerTool', 'StackCommitSize'), config, default='')
+ if stack_commit_size:
+ stack_commit_size = ',' + stack_commit_size
+ ldflags.append('/STACK:%s%s' % (stack_reserve_size, stack_commit_size))
+ ld('TerminalServerAware', map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/TSAWARE')
+ ld('LinkIncremental', map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/INCREMENTAL')
+ ld('BaseAddress', prefix='/BASE:')
+ ld('FixedBaseAddress', map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/FIXED')
+ ld('RandomizedBaseAddress',
+ map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/DYNAMICBASE')
+ ld('DataExecutionPrevention',
+ map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/NXCOMPAT')
+ ld('OptimizeReferences', map={'1': 'NOREF', '2': 'REF'}, prefix='/OPT:')
+ ld('ForceSymbolReferences', prefix='/INCLUDE:')
+ ld('EnableCOMDATFolding', map={'1': 'NOICF', '2': 'ICF'}, prefix='/OPT:')
+ ld('LinkTimeCodeGeneration',
+ map={'1': '', '2': ':PGINSTRUMENT', '3': ':PGOPTIMIZE',
+ '4': ':PGUPDATE'},
+ prefix='/LTCG')
+ ld('IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames', prefix='/NODEFAULTLIB:')
+ ld('ResourceOnlyDLL', map={'true': '/NOENTRY'})
+ ld('EntryPointSymbol', prefix='/ENTRY:')
+ ld('Profile', map={'true': '/PROFILE'})
+ ld('LargeAddressAware',
+ map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/LARGEADDRESSAWARE')
+ # TODO(scottmg): This should sort of be somewhere else (not really a flag).
+ ld('AdditionalDependencies', prefix='')
+ if self.GetArch(config) == 'x86':
+ safeseh_default = 'true'
+ else:
+ safeseh_default = None
+ ld('ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers',
+ map={'false': ':NO', 'true': ''}, prefix='/SAFESEH',
+ default=safeseh_default)
+ # If the base address is not specifically controlled, DYNAMICBASE should
+ # be on by default.
+ base_flags = filter(lambda x: 'DYNAMICBASE' in x or x == '/FIXED',
+ ldflags)
+ if not base_flags:
+ ldflags.append('/DYNAMICBASE')
+ # If the NXCOMPAT flag has not been specified, default to on. Despite the
+ # documentation that says this only defaults to on when the subsystem is
+ # Vista or greater (which applies to the linker), the IDE defaults it on
+ # unless it's explicitly off.
+ if not filter(lambda x: 'NXCOMPAT' in x, ldflags):
+ ldflags.append('/NXCOMPAT')
+ have_def_file = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('/DEF:'), ldflags)
+ manifest_flags, intermediate_manifest, manifest_files = \
+ self._GetLdManifestFlags(config, manifest_base_name, gyp_to_build_path,
+ is_executable and not have_def_file, build_dir)
+ ldflags.extend(manifest_flags)
+ return ldflags, intermediate_manifest, manifest_files
+ def _GetLdManifestFlags(self, config, name, gyp_to_build_path,
+ allow_isolation, build_dir):
+ """Returns a 3-tuple:
+ - the set of flags that need to be added to the link to generate
+ a default manifest
+ - the intermediate manifest that the linker will generate that should be
+ used to assert it doesn't add anything to the merged one.
+ - the list of all the manifest files to be merged by the manifest tool and
+ included into the link."""
+ generate_manifest = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'GenerateManifest'),
+ config,
+ default='true')
+ if generate_manifest != 'true':
+ # This means not only that the linker should not generate the intermediate
+ # manifest but also that the manifest tool should do nothing even when
+ # additional manifests are specified.
+ return ['/MANIFEST:NO'], [], []
+ output_name = name + '.intermediate.manifest'
+ flags = [
+ '/ManifestFile:' + output_name,
+ ]
+ # Instead of using the MANIFESTUAC flags, we generate a .manifest to
+ # include into the list of manifests. This allows us to avoid the need to
+ # do two passes during linking. The /MANIFEST flag and /ManifestFile are
+ # still used, and the intermediate manifest is used to assert that the
+ # final manifest we get from merging all the additional manifest files
+ # (plus the one we generate here) isn't modified by merging the
+ # intermediate into it.
+ # Always NO, because we generate a manifest file that has what we want.
+ flags.append('/MANIFESTUAC:NO')
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ enable_uac = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'EnableUAC'), config,
+ default='true')
+ manifest_files = []
+ generated_manifest_outer = \
+"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>" \
+"<assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'>%s" \
+ if enable_uac == 'true':
+ execution_level = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'UACExecutionLevel'),
+ config, default='0')
+ execution_level_map = {
+ '0': 'asInvoker',
+ '1': 'highestAvailable',
+ '2': 'requireAdministrator'
+ }
+ ui_access = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'UACUIAccess'), config,
+ default='false')
+ inner = '''
+<trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
+ <security>
+ <requestedPrivileges>
+ <requestedExecutionLevel level='%s' uiAccess='%s' />
+ </requestedPrivileges>
+ </security>
+</trustInfo>''' % (execution_level_map[execution_level], ui_access)
+ else:
+ inner = ''
+ generated_manifest_contents = generated_manifest_outer % inner
+ generated_name = name + '.generated.manifest'
+ # Need to join with the build_dir here as we're writing it during
+ # generation time, but we return the un-joined version because the build
+ # will occur in that directory. We only write the file if the contents
+ # have changed so that simply regenerating the project files doesn't
+ # cause a relink.
+ build_dir_generated_name = os.path.join(build_dir, generated_name)
+ gyp.common.EnsureDirExists(build_dir_generated_name)
+ f = gyp.common.WriteOnDiff(build_dir_generated_name)
+ f.write(generated_manifest_contents)
+ f.close()
+ manifest_files = [generated_name]
+ if allow_isolation:
+ flags.append('/ALLOWISOLATION')
+ manifest_files += self._GetAdditionalManifestFiles(config,
+ gyp_to_build_path)
+ return flags, output_name, manifest_files
+ def _GetAdditionalManifestFiles(self, config, gyp_to_build_path):
+ """Gets additional manifest files that are added to the default one
+ generated by the linker."""
+ files = self._Setting(('VCManifestTool', 'AdditionalManifestFiles'), config,
+ default=[])
+ if isinstance(files, str):
+ files = files.split(';')
+ return [os.path.normpath(
+ gyp_to_build_path(self.ConvertVSMacros(f, config=config)))
+ for f in files]
+ def IsUseLibraryDependencyInputs(self, config):
+ """Returns whether the target should be linked via Use Library Dependency
+ Inputs (using component .objs of a given .lib)."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ uldi = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'UseLibraryDependencyInputs'), config)
+ return uldi == 'true'
+ def IsEmbedManifest(self, config):
+ """Returns whether manifest should be linked into binary."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ embed = self._Setting(('VCManifestTool', 'EmbedManifest'), config,
+ default='true')
+ return embed == 'true'
+ def IsLinkIncremental(self, config):
+ """Returns whether the target should be linked incrementally."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ link_inc = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'LinkIncremental'), config)
+ return link_inc != '1'
+ def GetRcflags(self, config, gyp_to_ninja_path):
+ """Returns the flags that need to be added to invocations of the resource
+ compiler."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ rcflags = []
+ rc = self._GetWrapper(self, self.msvs_settings[config],
+ 'VCResourceCompilerTool', append=rcflags)
+ rc('AdditionalIncludeDirectories', map=gyp_to_ninja_path, prefix='/I')
+ rcflags.append('/I' + gyp_to_ninja_path('.'))
+ rc('PreprocessorDefinitions', prefix='/d')
+ # /l arg must be in hex without leading '0x'
+ rc('Culture', prefix='/l', map=lambda x: hex(int(x))[2:])
+ return rcflags
+ def BuildCygwinBashCommandLine(self, args, path_to_base):
+ """Build a command line that runs args via cygwin bash. We assume that all
+ incoming paths are in Windows normpath'd form, so they need to be
+ converted to posix style for the part of the command line that's passed to
+ bash. We also have to do some Visual Studio macro emulation here because
+ various rules use magic VS names for things. Also note that rules that
+ contain ninja variables cannot be fixed here (for example ${source}), so
+ the outer generator needs to make sure that the paths that are written out
+ are in posix style, if the command line will be used here."""
+ cygwin_dir = os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(path_to_base, self.msvs_cygwin_dirs[0]))
+ cd = ('cd %s' % path_to_base).replace('\\', '/')
+ args = [a.replace('\\', '/').replace('"', '\\"') for a in args]
+ args = ["'%s'" % a.replace("'", "'\\''") for a in args]
+ bash_cmd = ' '.join(args)
+ cmd = (
+ 'call "%s\\setup_env.bat" && set CYGWIN=nontsec && ' % cygwin_dir +
+ 'bash -c "%s ; %s"' % (cd, bash_cmd))
+ return cmd
+ def IsRuleRunUnderCygwin(self, rule):
+ """Determine if an action should be run under cygwin. If the variable is
+ unset, or set to 1 we use cygwin."""
+ return int(rule.get('msvs_cygwin_shell',
+ self.spec.get('msvs_cygwin_shell', 1))) != 0
+ def _HasExplicitRuleForExtension(self, spec, extension):
+ """Determine if there's an explicit rule for a particular extension."""
+ for rule in spec.get('rules', []):
+ if rule['extension'] == extension:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _HasExplicitIdlActions(self, spec):
+ """Determine if an action should not run midl for .idl files."""
+ return any([action.get('explicit_idl_action', 0)
+ for action in spec.get('actions', [])])
+ def HasExplicitIdlRulesOrActions(self, spec):
+ """Determine if there's an explicit rule or action for idl files. When
+ there isn't we need to generate implicit rules to build MIDL .idl files."""
+ return (self._HasExplicitRuleForExtension(spec, 'idl') or
+ self._HasExplicitIdlActions(spec))
+ def HasExplicitAsmRules(self, spec):
+ """Determine if there's an explicit rule for asm files. When there isn't we
+ need to generate implicit rules to assemble .asm files."""
+ return self._HasExplicitRuleForExtension(spec, 'asm')
+ def GetIdlBuildData(self, source, config):
+ """Determine the implicit outputs for an idl file. Returns output
+ directory, outputs, and variables and flags that are required."""
+ config = self._TargetConfig(config)
+ midl_get = self._GetWrapper(self, self.msvs_settings[config], 'VCMIDLTool')
+ def midl(name, default=None):
+ return self.ConvertVSMacros(midl_get(name, default=default),
+ config=config)
+ tlb = midl('TypeLibraryName', default='${root}.tlb')
+ header = midl('HeaderFileName', default='${root}.h')
+ dlldata = midl('DLLDataFileName', default='dlldata.c')
+ iid = midl('InterfaceIdentifierFileName', default='${root}_i.c')
+ proxy = midl('ProxyFileName', default='${root}_p.c')
+ # Note that .tlb is not included in the outputs as it is not always
+ # generated depending on the content of the input idl file.
+ outdir = midl('OutputDirectory', default='')
+ output = [header, dlldata, iid, proxy]
+ variables = [('tlb', tlb),
+ ('h', header),
+ ('dlldata', dlldata),
+ ('iid', iid),
+ ('proxy', proxy)]
+ # TODO(scottmg): Are there configuration settings to set these flags?
+ target_platform = 'win32' if self.GetArch(config) == 'x86' else 'x64'
+ flags = ['/char', 'signed', '/env', target_platform, '/Oicf']
+ return outdir, output, variables, flags
+def _LanguageMatchesForPch(source_ext, pch_source_ext):
+ c_exts = ('.c',)
+ cc_exts = ('.cc', '.cxx', '.cpp')
+ return ((source_ext in c_exts and pch_source_ext in c_exts) or
+ (source_ext in cc_exts and pch_source_ext in cc_exts))
+class PrecompiledHeader(object):
+ """Helper to generate dependencies and build rules to handle generation of
+ precompiled headers. Interface matches the GCH handler in xcode_emulation.py.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, settings, config, gyp_to_build_path, gyp_to_unique_output, obj_ext):
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.config = config
+ pch_source = self.settings.msvs_precompiled_source[self.config]
+ self.pch_source = gyp_to_build_path(pch_source)
+ filename, _ = os.path.splitext(pch_source)
+ self.output_obj = gyp_to_unique_output(filename + obj_ext).lower()
+ def _PchHeader(self):
+ """Get the header that will appear in an #include line for all source
+ files."""
+ return os.path.split(self.settings.msvs_precompiled_header[self.config])[1]
+ def GetObjDependencies(self, sources, objs, arch):
+ """Given a list of sources files and the corresponding object files,
+ returns a list of the pch files that should be depended upon. The
+ additional wrapping in the return value is for interface compatibility
+ with make.py on Mac, and xcode_emulation.py."""
+ assert arch is None
+ if not self._PchHeader():
+ return []
+ pch_ext = os.path.splitext(self.pch_source)[1]
+ for source in sources:
+ if _LanguageMatchesForPch(os.path.splitext(source)[1], pch_ext):
+ return [(None, None, self.output_obj)]
+ return []
+ def GetPchBuildCommands(self, arch):
+ """Not used on Windows as there are no additional build steps required
+ (instead, existing steps are modified in GetFlagsModifications below)."""
+ return []
+ def GetFlagsModifications(self, input, output, implicit, command,
+ cflags_c, cflags_cc, expand_special):
+ """Get the modified cflags and implicit dependencies that should be used
+ for the pch compilation step."""
+ if input == self.pch_source:
+ pch_output = ['/Yc' + self._PchHeader()]
+ if command == 'cxx':
+ return ([('cflags_cc', map(expand_special, cflags_cc + pch_output))],
+ self.output_obj, [])
+ elif command == 'cc':
+ return ([('cflags_c', map(expand_special, cflags_c + pch_output))],
+ self.output_obj, [])
+ return [], output, implicit
+vs_version = None
+def GetVSVersion(generator_flags):
+ global vs_version
+ if not vs_version:
+ vs_version = gyp.MSVSVersion.SelectVisualStudioVersion(
+ generator_flags.get('msvs_version', 'auto'),
+ allow_fallback=False)
+ return vs_version
+def _GetVsvarsSetupArgs(generator_flags, arch):
+ vs = GetVSVersion(generator_flags)
+ return vs.SetupScript()
+def ExpandMacros(string, expansions):
+ """Expand $(Variable) per expansions dict. See MsvsSettings.GetVSMacroEnv
+ for the canonical way to retrieve a suitable dict."""
+ if '$' in string:
+ for old, new in expansions.iteritems():
+ assert '$(' not in new, new
+ string = string.replace(old, new)
+ return string
+def _ExtractImportantEnvironment(output_of_set):
+ """Extracts environment variables required for the toolchain to run from
+ a textual dump output by the cmd.exe 'set' command."""
+ envvars_to_save = (
+ 'goma_.*', # TODO(scottmg): This is ugly, but needed for goma.
+ 'include',
+ 'lib',
+ 'libpath',
+ 'path',
+ 'pathext',
+ 'systemroot',
+ 'temp',
+ 'tmp',
+ )
+ env = {}
+ for line in output_of_set.splitlines():
+ for envvar in envvars_to_save:
+ if re.match(envvar + '=', line.lower()):
+ var, setting = line.split('=', 1)
+ if envvar == 'path':
+ # Our own rules (for running gyp-win-tool) and other actions in
+ # Chromium rely on python being in the path. Add the path to this
+ # python here so that if it's not in the path when ninja is run
+ # later, python will still be found.
+ setting = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) + os.pathsep + setting
+ env[var.upper()] = setting
+ break
+ for required in ('SYSTEMROOT', 'TEMP', 'TMP'):
+ if required not in env:
+ raise Exception('Environment variable "%s" '
+ 'required to be set to valid path' % required)
+ return env
+def _FormatAsEnvironmentBlock(envvar_dict):
+ """Format as an 'environment block' directly suitable for CreateProcess.
+ Briefly this is a list of key=value\0, terminated by an additional \0. See
+ CreateProcess documentation for more details."""
+ block = ''
+ nul = '\0'
+ for key, value in envvar_dict.iteritems():
+ block += key + '=' + value + nul
+ block += nul
+ return block
+def _ExtractCLPath(output_of_where):
+ """Gets the path to cl.exe based on the output of calling the environment
+ setup batch file, followed by the equivalent of `where`."""
+ # Take the first line, as that's the first found in the PATH.
+ for line in output_of_where.strip().splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('LOC:'):
+ return line[len('LOC:'):].strip()
+def GenerateEnvironmentFiles(toplevel_build_dir, generator_flags,
+ system_includes, open_out):
+ """It's not sufficient to have the absolute path to the compiler, linker,
+ etc. on Windows, as those tools rely on .dlls being in the PATH. We also
+ need to support both x86 and x64 compilers within the same build (to support
+ msvs_target_platform hackery). Different architectures require a different
+ compiler binary, and different supporting environment variables (INCLUDE,
+ LIB, LIBPATH). So, we extract the environment here, wrap all invocations
+ of compiler tools (cl, link, lib, rc, midl, etc.) via win_tool.py which
+ sets up the environment, and then we do not prefix the compiler with
+ an absolute path, instead preferring something like "cl.exe" in the rule
+ which will then run whichever the environment setup has put in the path.
+ When the following procedure to generate environment files does not
+ meet your requirement (e.g. for custom toolchains), you can pass
+ "-G ninja_use_custom_environment_files" to the gyp to suppress file
+ generation and use custom environment files prepared by yourself."""
+ archs = ('x86', 'x64')
+ if generator_flags.get('ninja_use_custom_environment_files', 0):
+ cl_paths = {}
+ for arch in archs:
+ cl_paths[arch] = 'cl.exe'
+ return cl_paths
+ vs = GetVSVersion(generator_flags)
+ cl_paths = {}
+ for arch in archs:
+ # Extract environment variables for subprocesses.
+ args = vs.SetupScript(arch)
+ args.extend(('&&', 'set'))
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(
+ args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ variables, _ = popen.communicate()
+ env = _ExtractImportantEnvironment(variables)
+ # Inject system includes from gyp files into INCLUDE.
+ if system_includes:
+ system_includes = system_includes | OrderedSet(
+ env.get('INCLUDE', '').split(';'))
+ env['INCLUDE'] = ';'.join(system_includes)
+ env_block = _FormatAsEnvironmentBlock(env)
+ f = open_out(os.path.join(toplevel_build_dir, 'environment.' + arch), 'wb')
+ f.write(env_block)
+ f.close()
+ # Find cl.exe location for this architecture.
+ args = vs.SetupScript(arch)
+ args.extend(('&&',
+ 'for', '%i', 'in', '(cl.exe)', 'do', '@echo', 'LOC:%~$PATH:i'))
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ output, _ = popen.communicate()
+ cl_paths[arch] = _ExtractCLPath(output)
+ return cl_paths
+def VerifyMissingSources(sources, build_dir, generator_flags, gyp_to_ninja):
+ """Emulate behavior of msvs_error_on_missing_sources present in the msvs
+ generator: Check that all regular source files, i.e. not created at run time,
+ exist on disk. Missing files cause needless recompilation when building via
+ VS, and we want this check to match for people/bots that build using ninja,
+ so they're not surprised when the VS build fails."""
+ if int(generator_flags.get('msvs_error_on_missing_sources', 0)):
+ no_specials = filter(lambda x: '$' not in x, sources)
+ relative = [os.path.join(build_dir, gyp_to_ninja(s)) for s in no_specials]
+ missing = filter(lambda x: not os.path.exists(x), relative)
+ if missing:
+ # They'll look like out\Release\..\..\stuff\things.cc, so normalize the
+ # path for a slightly less crazy looking output.
+ cleaned_up = [os.path.normpath(x) for x in missing]
+ raise Exception('Missing input files:\n%s' % '\n'.join(cleaned_up))
+# Sets some values in default_variables, which are required for many
+# generators, run on Windows.
+def CalculateCommonVariables(default_variables, params):
+ generator_flags = params.get('generator_flags', {})
+ # Set a variable so conditions can be based on msvs_version.
+ msvs_version = gyp.msvs_emulation.GetVSVersion(generator_flags)
+ default_variables['MSVS_VERSION'] = msvs_version.ShortName()
+ # To determine processor word size on Windows, in addition to checking
+ # PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE (which reflects the word size of the current
+ # process), it is also necessary to check PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 (which
+ # contains the actual word size of the system when running thru WOW64).
+ if ('64' in os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '') or
+ '64' in os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432', '')):
+ default_variables['MSVS_OS_BITS'] = 64
+ else:
+ default_variables['MSVS_OS_BITS'] = 32