path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/node_modules/libnpmpublish/README.md
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+# libnpmpublish [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/libnpmpublish.svg)](https://npm.im/libnpmpublish) [![license](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/libnpmpublish.svg)](https://npm.im/libnpmpublish) [![Travis](https://img.shields.io/travis/npm/libnpmpublish.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/npm/libnpmpublish) [![AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/zkat/libnpmpublish?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/zkat/libnpmpublish) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/npm/libnpmpublish/badge.svg?branch=latest)](https://coveralls.io/github/npm/libnpmpublish?branch=latest)
+[`libnpmpublish`](https://github.com/npm/libnpmpublish) is a Node.js library for
+programmatically publishing and unpublishing npm packages. It does not take care
+of packing tarballs from source code, but once you have a tarball, it can take
+care of putting it up on a nice registry for you.
+## Example
+const { publish, unpublish } = require('libnpmpublish')
+## Install
+`$ npm install libnpmpublish`
+## Table of Contents
+* [Example](#example)
+* [Install](#install)
+* [API](#api)
+ * [publish/unpublish opts](#opts)
+ * [`publish()`](#publish)
+ * [`unpublish()`](#unpublish)
+### API
+#### <a name="opts"></a> `opts` for `libnpmpublish` commands
+`libnpmpublish` uses [`npm-registry-fetch`](https://npm.im/npm-registry-fetch).
+Most options are passed through directly to that library, so please refer to
+[its own `opts`
+for options that can be passed in.
+A couple of options of note for those in a hurry:
+* `opts.token` - can be passed in and will be used as the authentication token for the registry. For other ways to pass in auth details, see the n-r-f docs.
+* `opts.Promise` - If you pass this in, the Promises returned by `libnpmpublish` commands will use this Promise class instead. For example: `{Promise: require('bluebird')}`
+#### <a name="publish"></a> `> libpub.publish(pkgJson, tarData, [opts]) -> Promise`
+Publishes `tarData` to the appropriate configured registry. `pkgJson` should be
+the parsed `package.json` for the package that is being published.
+`tarData` can be a Buffer, a base64-encoded string, or a binary stream of data.
+Note that publishing itself can't be streamed, so the entire stream will be
+consumed into RAM before publishing (and are thus limited in how big they can
+Since `libnpmpublish` does not generate tarballs itself, one way to build your
+own tarball for publishing is to do `npm pack` in the directory you wish to
+pack. You can then `fs.createReadStream('my-proj-1.0.0.tgz')` and pass that to
+`libnpmpublish`, along with `require('./package.json')`.
+`publish()` does its best to emulate legacy publish logic in the standard npm
+client, and so should generally be compatible with any registry the npm CLI has
+been able to publish to in the past.
+If `opts.npmVersion` is passed in, it will be used as the `_npmVersion` field in
+the outgoing packument. It's recommended you add your own user agent string in
+If `opts.algorithms` is passed in, it should be an array of hashing algorithms
+to generate `integrity` hashes for. The default is `['sha512']`, which means you
+end up with `dist.integrity = 'sha512-deadbeefbadc0ffee'`. Any algorithm
+supported by your current node version is allowed -- npm clients that do not
+support those algorithms will simply ignore the unsupported hashes.
+If `opts.access` is passed in, it must be one of `public` or `restricted`.
+Unscoped packages cannot be `restricted`, and the registry may agree or disagree
+with whether you're allowed to publish a restricted package.
+##### Example
+const pkg = require('./dist/package.json')
+const tarball = fs.createReadStream('./dist/pkg-1.0.1.tgz')
+await libpub.publish(pkg, tarball, {
+ npmVersion: 'my-pub-script@1.0.2',
+ token: 'my-auth-token-here'
+// Package has been published to the npm registry.
+#### <a name="unpublish"></a> `> libpub.unpublish(spec, [opts]) -> Promise`
+Unpublishes `spec` from the appropriate registry. The registry in question may
+have its own limitations on unpublishing.
+`spec` should be either a string, or a valid
+[`npm-package-arg`](https://npm.im/npm-package-arg) parsed spec object. For
+legacy compatibility reasons, only `tag` and `version` specs will work as
+expected. `range` specs will fail silently in most cases.
+##### Example
+await libpub.unpublish('lodash', { token: 'i-am-the-worst'})
+// `lodash` has now been unpublished, along with all its versions, and the world
+// devolves into utter chaos.
+// That, or we all go home to our friends and/or family and have a nice time
+// doing nothing having to do with programming or JavaScript and realize our
+// lives are just so much happier now, and we just can't understand why we ever
+// got so into this JavaScript thing but damn did it pay well. I guess you'll
+// settle for gardening or something.