path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/lib/profile.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/npm/lib/profile.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/npm/lib/profile.js b/deps/node/deps/npm/lib/profile.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ce9cb5c..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/npm/lib/profile.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-'use strict'
-const BB = require('bluebird')
-const ansistyles = require('ansistyles')
-const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding')
-const inspect = require('util').inspect
-const log = require('npmlog')
-const npm = require('./npm.js')
-const npmConfig = require('./config/figgy-config.js')
-const otplease = require('./utils/otplease.js')
-const output = require('./utils/output.js')
-const profile = require('libnpm/profile')
-const pulseTillDone = require('./utils/pulse-till-done.js')
-const qrcodeTerminal = require('qrcode-terminal')
-const queryString = require('query-string')
-const qw = require('qw')
-const readUserInfo = require('./utils/read-user-info.js')
-const Table = require('cli-table3')
-const url = require('url')
-module.exports = profileCmd
-profileCmd.usage =
- 'npm profile enable-2fa [auth-only|auth-and-writes]\n' +
- 'npm profile disable-2fa\n' +
- 'npm profile get [<key>]\n' +
- 'npm profile set <key> <value>'
-profileCmd.subcommands = qw`enable-2fa disable-2fa get set`
-profileCmd.completion = function (opts, cb) {
- var argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- switch (argv[2]) {
- case 'enable-2fa':
- case 'enable-tfa':
- if (argv.length === 3) {
- return cb(null, qw`auth-and-writes auth-only`)
- } else {
- return cb(null, [])
- }
- case 'disable-2fa':
- case 'disable-tfa':
- case 'get':
- case 'set':
- return cb(null, [])
- default:
- return cb(new Error(argv[2] + ' not recognized'))
- }
-function withCb (prom, cb) {
- prom.then((value) => cb(null, value), cb)
-const ProfileOpts = figgyPudding({
- json: {},
- otp: {},
- parseable: {},
- registry: {}
-function profileCmd (args, cb) {
- if (args.length === 0) return cb(new Error(profileCmd.usage))
- switch (args[0]) {
- case 'enable-2fa':
- case 'enable-tfa':
- case 'enable2fa':
- case 'enabletfa':
- withCb(enable2fa(args.slice(1)), cb)
- break
- case 'disable-2fa':
- case 'disable-tfa':
- case 'disable2fa':
- case 'disabletfa':
- withCb(disable2fa(), cb)
- break
- case 'get':
- withCb(get(args.slice(1)), cb)
- break
- case 'set':
- withCb(set(args.slice(1)), cb)
- break
- default:
- cb(new Error('Unknown profile command: ' + args[0]))
- }
-const knownProfileKeys = qw`
- name email ${'two-factor auth'} fullname homepage
- freenode twitter github created updated`
-function get (args) {
- const tfa = 'two-factor auth'
- const conf = ProfileOpts(npmConfig())
- return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.get(conf)).then((info) => {
- if (!info.cidr_whitelist) delete info.cidr_whitelist
- if (conf.json) {
- output(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2))
- return
- }
- const cleaned = {}
- knownProfileKeys.forEach((k) => { cleaned[k] = info[k] || '' })
- Object.keys(info).filter((k) => !(k in cleaned)).forEach((k) => { cleaned[k] = info[k] || '' })
- delete cleaned.tfa
- delete cleaned.email_verified
- cleaned['email'] += info.email_verified ? ' (verified)' : '(unverified)'
- if (info.tfa && !info.tfa.pending) {
- cleaned[tfa] = info.tfa.mode
- } else {
- cleaned[tfa] = 'disabled'
- }
- if (args.length) {
- const values = args // comma or space separated ↓
- .join(',').split(/,/).map((arg) => arg.trim()).filter((arg) => arg !== '')
- .map((arg) => cleaned[arg])
- .join('\t')
- output(values)
- } else {
- if (conf.parseable) {
- Object.keys(info).forEach((key) => {
- if (key === 'tfa') {
- output(`${key}\t${cleaned[tfa]}`)
- } else {
- output(`${key}\t${info[key]}`)
- }
- })
- } else {
- const table = new Table()
- Object.keys(cleaned).forEach((k) => table.push({[ansistyles.bright(k)]: cleaned[k]}))
- output(table.toString())
- }
- }
- })
-const writableProfileKeys = qw`
- email password fullname homepage freenode twitter github`
-function set (args) {
- let conf = ProfileOpts(npmConfig())
- const prop = (args[0] || '').toLowerCase().trim()
- let value = args.length > 1 ? args.slice(1).join(' ') : null
- if (prop !== 'password' && value === null) {
- return Promise.reject(Error('npm profile set <prop> <value>'))
- }
- if (prop === 'password' && value !== null) {
- return Promise.reject(Error(
- 'npm profile set password\n' +
- 'Do not include your current or new passwords on the command line.'))
- }
- if (writableProfileKeys.indexOf(prop) === -1) {
- return Promise.reject(Error(`"${prop}" is not a property we can set. Valid properties are: ` + writableProfileKeys.join(', ')))
- }
- return BB.try(() => {
- if (prop === 'password') {
- return readUserInfo.password('Current password: ').then((current) => {
- return readPasswords().then((newpassword) => {
- value = {old: current, new: newpassword}
- })
- })
- } else if (prop === 'email') {
- return readUserInfo.password('Password: ').then((current) => {
- return {password: current, email: value}
- })
- }
- function readPasswords () {
- return readUserInfo.password('New password: ').then((password1) => {
- return readUserInfo.password(' Again: ').then((password2) => {
- if (password1 !== password2) {
- log.warn('profile', 'Passwords do not match, please try again.')
- return readPasswords()
- }
- return password1
- })
- })
- }
- }).then(() => {
- // FIXME: Work around to not clear everything other than what we're setting
- return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.get(conf).then((user) => {
- const newUser = {}
- writableProfileKeys.forEach((k) => { newUser[k] = user[k] })
- newUser[prop] = value
- return otplease(conf, conf => profile.set(newUser, conf))
- .then((result) => {
- if (conf.json) {
- output(JSON.stringify({[prop]: result[prop]}, null, 2))
- } else if (conf.parseable) {
- output(prop + '\t' + result[prop])
- } else if (result[prop] != null) {
- output('Set', prop, 'to', result[prop])
- } else {
- output('Set', prop)
- }
- })
- }))
- })
-function enable2fa (args) {
- if (args.length > 1) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('npm profile enable-2fa [auth-and-writes|auth-only]'))
- }
- const mode = args[0] || 'auth-and-writes'
- if (mode !== 'auth-only' && mode !== 'auth-and-writes') {
- return Promise.reject(new Error(`Invalid two-factor authentication mode "${mode}".\n` +
- 'Valid modes are:\n' +
- ' auth-only - Require two-factor authentication only when logging in\n' +
- ' auth-and-writes - Require two-factor authentication when logging in AND when publishing'))
- }
- const conf = ProfileOpts(npmConfig())
- if (conf.json || conf.parseable) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error(
- 'Enabling two-factor authentication is an interactive operation and ' +
- (conf.json ? 'JSON' : 'parseable') + ' output mode is not available'))
- }
- const info = {
- tfa: {
- mode: mode
- }
- }
- return BB.try(() => {
- // if they're using legacy auth currently then we have to update them to a
- // bearer token before continuing.
- const auth = getAuth(conf)
- if (auth.basic) {
-'profile', 'Updating authentication to bearer token')
- return profile.createToken(
- auth.basic.password, false, [], conf
- ).then((result) => {
- if (!result.token) throw new Error('Your registry ' + conf.registry + 'does not seem to support bearer tokens. Bearer tokens are required for two-factor authentication')
- npm.config.setCredentialsByURI(conf.registry, {token: result.token})
- return BB.fromNode((cb) =>'user', cb))
- })
- }
- }).then(() => {
- log.notice('profile', 'Enabling two factor authentication for ' + mode)
- return readUserInfo.password()
- }).then((password) => {
- info.tfa.password = password
-'profile', 'Determine if tfa is pending')
- return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.get(conf)).then((info) => {
- if (!info.tfa) return
- if (info.tfa.pending) {
-'profile', 'Resetting two-factor authentication')
- return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.set({tfa: {password, mode: 'disable'}}, conf))
- } else {
- if (conf.auth.otp) return
- return readUserInfo.otp('Enter one-time password from your authenticator app: ').then((otp) => {
- conf.auth.otp = otp
- })
- }
- })
- }).then(() => {
-'profile', 'Setting two-factor authentication to ' + mode)
- return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.set(info, conf))
- }).then((challenge) => {
- if (challenge.tfa === null) {
- output('Two factor authentication mode changed to: ' + mode)
- return
- }
- if (typeof challenge.tfa !== 'string' || !/^otpauth:[/][/]/.test(challenge.tfa)) {
- throw new Error('Unknown error enabling two-factor authentication. Expected otpauth URL, got: ' + inspect(challenge.tfa))
- }
- const otpauth = url.parse(challenge.tfa)
- const opts = queryString.parse(otpauth.query)
- return qrcode(challenge.tfa).then((code) => {
- output('Scan into your authenticator app:\n' + code + '\n Or enter code:', opts.secret)
- }).then((code) => {
- return readUserInfo.otp('And an OTP code from your authenticator: ')
- }).then((otp1) => {
-'profile', 'Finalizing two-factor authentication')
- return profile.set({tfa: [otp1]}, conf)
- }).then((result) => {
- output('2FA successfully enabled. Below are your recovery codes, please print these out.')
- output('You will need these to recover access to your account if you lose your authentication device.')
- result.tfa.forEach((c) => output('\t' + c))
- })
- })
-function getAuth (conf) {
- const creds = npm.config.getCredentialsByURI(conf.registry)
- let auth
- if (creds.token) {
- auth = {token: creds.token}
- } else if (creds.username) {
- auth = {basic: {username: creds.username, password: creds.password}}
- } else if (creds.auth) {
- const basic = Buffer.from(creds.auth, 'base64').toString().split(':', 2)
- auth = {basic: {username: basic[0], password: basic[1]}}
- } else {
- auth = {}
- }
- if (conf.otp) auth.otp = conf.otp
- return auth
-function disable2fa (args) {
- let conf = ProfileOpts(npmConfig())
- return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.get(conf)).then((info) => {
- if (!info.tfa || info.tfa.pending) {
- output('Two factor authentication not enabled.')
- return
- }
- return readUserInfo.password().then((password) => {
- return BB.try(() => {
- if (conf.otp) return
- return readUserInfo.otp('Enter one-time password from your authenticator: ').then((otp) => {
- conf = conf.concat({otp})
- })
- }).then(() => {
-'profile', 'disabling tfa')
- return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.set({tfa: {password: password, mode: 'disable'}}, conf)).then(() => {
- if (conf.json) {
- output(JSON.stringify({tfa: false}, null, 2))
- } else if (conf.parseable) {
- output('tfa\tfalse')
- } else {
- output('Two factor authentication disabled.')
- }
- })
- })
- })
- })
-function qrcode (url) {
- return new Promise((resolve) => qrcodeTerminal.generate(url, resolve))