path: root/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/ucbuf.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/ucbuf.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 788 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/ucbuf.cpp b/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/ucbuf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5269c817..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/ucbuf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
-// License & terms of use:
-* Copyright (C) 1998-2016, International Business Machines
-* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-* File ucbuf.cpp
-* Modification History:
-* Date Name Description
-* 05/10/01 Ram Creation.
-#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-#include "unicode/putil.h"
-#include "unicode/uchar.h"
-#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
-#include "unicode/ucnv_err.h"
-#include "unicode/ustring.h"
-#include "unicode/utf16.h"
-#include "filestrm.h"
-#include "cstring.h"
-#include "cmemory.h"
-#include "ustrfmt.h"
-#include "ucbuf.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define MAX_IN_BUF 1000
-#define MAX_U_BUF 1500
-#define CONTEXT_LEN 20
-struct UCHARBUF {
- UChar* buffer;
- UChar* currentPos;
- UChar* bufLimit;
- int32_t bufCapacity;
- int32_t remaining;
- int32_t signatureLength;
- FileStream* in;
- UConverter* conv;
- UBool showWarning; /* makes this API not produce any errors */
- UBool isBuffered;
-ucbuf_autodetect_fs(FileStream* in, const char** cp, UConverter** conv, int32_t* signatureLength, UErrorCode* error){
- char start[8];
- int32_t numRead;
- UChar target[1]={ 0 };
- UChar* pTarget;
- const char* pStart;
- /* read a few bytes */
- numRead=T_FileStream_read(in, start, sizeof(start));
- *cp = ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature(start, numRead, signatureLength, error);
- /* unread the bytes beyond what was consumed for U+FEFF */
- T_FileStream_rewind(in);
- if (*signatureLength > 0) {
- T_FileStream_read(in, start, *signatureLength);
- }
- if(*cp==NULL){
- *conv =NULL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* open the converter for the detected Unicode charset */
- *conv = ucnv_open(*cp,error);
- /* convert and ignore initial U+FEFF, and the buffer overflow */
- pTarget = target;
- pStart = start;
- ucnv_toUnicode(*conv, &pTarget, target+1, &pStart, start+*signatureLength, NULL, FALSE, error);
- *signatureLength = (int32_t)(pStart - start);
- *error=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- }
- /* verify that we successfully read exactly U+FEFF */
- if(U_SUCCESS(*error) && (pTarget!=(target+1) || target[0]!=0xfeff)) {
- }
- return TRUE;
-static UBool ucbuf_isCPKnown(const char* cp){
- if(ucnv_compareNames("UTF-8",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("UTF-16BE",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("UTF-16LE",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("UTF-16",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("UTF-32",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("UTF-32BE",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("UTF-32LE",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("SCSU",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("BOCU-1",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(ucnv_compareNames("UTF-7",cp)==0){
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-U_CAPI FileStream * U_EXPORT2
-ucbuf_autodetect(const char* fileName, const char** cp,UConverter** conv, int32_t* signatureLength,UErrorCode* error){
- FileStream* in=NULL;
- if(error==NULL || U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return NULL;
- }
- if(conv==NULL || cp==NULL || fileName==NULL){
- return NULL;
- }
- /* open the file */
- in= T_FileStream_open(fileName,"rb");
- if(in == NULL){
- return NULL;
- }
- if(ucbuf_autodetect_fs(in,cp,conv,signatureLength,error)) {
- return in;
- } else {
- ucnv_close(*conv);
- *conv=NULL;
- T_FileStream_close(in);
- return NULL;
- }
-/* fill the uchar buffer */
-static UCHARBUF*
-ucbuf_fillucbuf( UCHARBUF* buf,UErrorCode* error){
- UChar* pTarget=NULL;
- UChar* target=NULL;
- const char* source=NULL;
- char carr[MAX_IN_BUF] = {'\0'};
- char* cbuf = carr;
- int32_t inputRead=0;
- int32_t outputWritten=0;
- int32_t offset=0;
- const char* sourceLimit =NULL;
- int32_t cbufSize=0;
- pTarget = buf->buffer;
- /* check if we arrived here without exhausting the buffer*/
- if(buf->currentPos<buf->bufLimit){
- offset = (int32_t)(buf->bufLimit-buf->currentPos);
- memmove(buf->buffer,buf->currentPos,offset* sizeof(UChar));
- }
- memset(pTarget+offset,0xff,sizeof(UChar)*(MAX_IN_BUF-offset));
- if(buf->isBuffered){
- cbufSize = MAX_IN_BUF;
- /* read the file */
- inputRead=T_FileStream_read(buf->in,cbuf,cbufSize-offset);
- buf->remaining-=inputRead;
- }else{
- cbufSize = T_FileStream_size(buf->in);
- cbuf = (char*)uprv_malloc(cbufSize);
- if (cbuf == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- inputRead= T_FileStream_read(buf->in,cbuf,cbufSize);
- buf->remaining-=inputRead;
- }
- /* just to be sure...*/
- if ( 0 == inputRead )
- buf->remaining = 0;
- target=pTarget;
- /* convert the bytes */
- if(buf->conv){
- /* set the callback to stop */
- UConverterToUCallback toUOldAction ;
- void* toUOldContext;
- void* toUNewContext=NULL;
- ucnv_setToUCallBack(buf->conv,
- toUNewContext,
- &toUOldAction,
- (const void**)&toUOldContext,
- error);
- /* since state is saved in the converter we add offset to source*/
- target = pTarget+offset;
- source = cbuf;
- sourceLimit = source + inputRead;
- ucnv_toUnicode(buf->conv,&target,target+(buf->bufCapacity-offset),
- &source,sourceLimit,NULL,
- (UBool)(buf->remaining==0),error);
- if(U_FAILURE(*error)){
- char context[CONTEXT_LEN+1];
- char preContext[CONTEXT_LEN+1];
- char postContext[CONTEXT_LEN+1];
- int8_t len = CONTEXT_LEN;
- int32_t start=0;
- int32_t stop =0;
- int32_t pos =0;
- /* use erro1 to preserve the error code */
- UErrorCode error1 =U_ZERO_ERROR;
- if( buf->showWarning==TRUE){
- fprintf(stderr,"\n###WARNING: Encountered abnormal bytes while"
- " converting input stream to target encoding: %s\n",
- u_errorName(*error));
- }
- /* now get the context chars */
- ucnv_getInvalidChars(buf->conv,context,&len,&error1);
- context[len]= 0 ; /* null terminate the buffer */
- pos = (int32_t)(source - cbuf - len);
- /* for pre-context */
- start = (pos <=CONTEXT_LEN)? 0 : (pos - (CONTEXT_LEN-1));
- stop = pos-len;
- memcpy(preContext,cbuf+start,stop-start);
- /* null terminate the buffer */
- preContext[stop-start] = 0;
- /* for post-context */
- start = pos+len;
- stop = (int32_t)(((pos+CONTEXT_LEN)<= (sourceLimit-cbuf) )? (pos+(CONTEXT_LEN-1)) : (sourceLimit-cbuf));
- memcpy(postContext,source,stop-start);
- /* null terminate the buffer */
- postContext[stop-start] = 0;
- if(buf->showWarning ==TRUE){
- /* print out the context */
- fprintf(stderr,"\tPre-context: %s\n",preContext);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tContext: %s\n",context);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tPost-context: %s\n", postContext);
- }
- /* reset the converter */
- ucnv_reset(buf->conv);
- /* set the call back to substitute
- * and restart conversion
- */
- ucnv_setToUCallBack(buf->conv,
- toUNewContext,
- &toUOldAction,
- (const void**)&toUOldContext,
- &error1);
- /* reset source and target start positions */
- target = pTarget+offset;
- source = cbuf;
- /* re convert */
- ucnv_toUnicode(buf->conv,&target,target+(buf->bufCapacity-offset),
- &source,sourceLimit,NULL,
- (UBool)(buf->remaining==0),&error1);
- }
- outputWritten = (int32_t)(target - pTarget);
- {
- int i;
- target = pTarget;
- for(i=0;i<numRead;i++){
- /* printf("%c", (char)(*target++));*/
- }
- }
- }else{
- u_charsToUChars(cbuf,target+offset,inputRead);
- outputWritten=((buf->remaining>cbufSize)? cbufSize:inputRead+offset);
- }
- buf->currentPos = pTarget;
- buf->bufLimit=pTarget+outputWritten;
- *buf->bufLimit=0; /*NUL terminate*/
- if(cbuf!=carr){
- uprv_free(cbuf);
- }
- return buf;
-/* get a UChar from the stream*/
-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-ucbuf_getc(UCHARBUF* buf,UErrorCode* error){
- if(error==NULL || U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(buf->currentPos>=buf->bufLimit){
- if(buf->remaining==0){
- return U_EOF;
- }
- buf=ucbuf_fillucbuf(buf,error);
- if(U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return U_EOF;
- }
- }
- return *(buf->currentPos++);
-/* get a UChar32 from the stream*/
-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-ucbuf_getc32(UCHARBUF* buf,UErrorCode* error){
- int32_t retVal = (int32_t)U_EOF;
- if(error==NULL || U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(buf->currentPos+1>=buf->bufLimit){
- if(buf->remaining==0){
- return U_EOF;
- }
- buf=ucbuf_fillucbuf(buf,error);
- if(U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return U_EOF;
- }
- }
- if(U16_IS_LEAD(*(buf->currentPos))){
- retVal=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(buf->currentPos[0],buf->currentPos[1]);
- buf->currentPos+=2;
- }else{
- retVal = *(buf->currentPos++);
- }
- return retVal;
-/* u_unescapeAt() callback to return a UChar*/
-static UChar U_CALLCONV
-_charAt(int32_t offset, void *context) {
- return ((UCHARBUF*) context)->currentPos[offset];
-/* getc and escape it */
-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-ucbuf_getcx32(UCHARBUF* buf,UErrorCode* error) {
- int32_t length;
- int32_t offset;
- UChar32 c32,c1,c2;
- if(error==NULL || U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Fill the buffer if it is empty */
- if (buf->currentPos >=buf->bufLimit-2) {
- ucbuf_fillucbuf(buf,error);
- }
- /* Get the next character in the buffer */
- if (buf->currentPos < buf->bufLimit) {
- c1 = *(buf->currentPos)++;
- } else {
- c1 = U_EOF;
- }
- c2 = *(buf->currentPos);
- /* If it isn't a backslash, return it */
- if (c1 != 0x005C) {
- return c1;
- }
- /* Determine the amount of data in the buffer */
- length = (int32_t)(buf->bufLimit - buf->currentPos);
- /* The longest escape sequence is \Uhhhhhhhh; make sure
- we have at least that many characters */
- if (length < 10) {
- /* fill the buffer */
- ucbuf_fillucbuf(buf,error);
- length = (int32_t)(buf->bufLimit - buf->buffer);
- }
- /* Process the escape */
- offset = 0;
- c32 = u_unescapeAt(_charAt, &offset, length, (void*)buf);
- /* check if u_unescapeAt unescaped and converted
- * to c32 or not
- */
- if(c32==(UChar32)0xFFFFFFFF){
- if(buf->showWarning) {
- char context[CONTEXT_LEN+1];
- int32_t len = CONTEXT_LEN;
- if(length < len) {
- len = length;
- }
- context[len]= 0 ; /* null terminate the buffer */
- u_UCharsToChars( buf->currentPos, context, len);
- fprintf(stderr,"Bad escape: [%c%s]...\n", (int)c1, context);
- }
- return c1;
- }else if(c32!=c2 || (c32==0x0075 && c2==0x0075 && c1==0x005C) /* for \u0075 c2=0x0075 and c32==0x0075*/){
- /* Update the current buffer position */
- buf->currentPos += offset;
- }else{
- /* unescaping failed so we just return
- * c1 and not consume the buffer
- * this is useful for rules with escapes
- * in resouce bundles
- * eg: \' \\ \"
- */
- return c1;
- }
- return c32;
-ucbuf_open(const char* fileName,const char** cp,UBool showWarning, UBool buffered, UErrorCode* error){
- FileStream* in = NULL;
- int32_t fileSize=0;
- const char* knownCp;
- if(error==NULL || U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return NULL;
- }
- if(cp==NULL || fileName==NULL){
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!uprv_strcmp(fileName, "-")) {
- in = T_FileStream_stdin();
- }else{
- in = T_FileStream_open(fileName, "rb");
- }
- if(in!=NULL){
- UCHARBUF* buf =(UCHARBUF*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(UCHARBUF));
- fileSize = T_FileStream_size(in);
- if(buf == NULL){
- T_FileStream_close(in);
- return NULL;
- }
- buf->in=in;
- buf->conv=NULL;
- buf->showWarning = showWarning;
- buf->isBuffered = buffered;
- buf->signatureLength=0;
- if(*cp==NULL || **cp=='\0'){
- /* don't have code page name... try to autodetect */
- ucbuf_autodetect_fs(in,cp,&buf->conv,&buf->signatureLength,error);
- }else if(ucbuf_isCPKnown(*cp)){
- /* discard BOM */
- ucbuf_autodetect_fs(in,&knownCp,&buf->conv,&buf->signatureLength,error);
- }
- if(U_SUCCESS(*error) && buf->conv==NULL) {
- buf->conv=ucnv_open(*cp,error);
- }
- if(U_FAILURE(*error)){
- ucnv_close(buf->conv);
- uprv_free(buf);
- T_FileStream_close(in);
- return NULL;
- }
- if((buf->conv==NULL) && (buf->showWarning==TRUE)){
- fprintf(stderr,"###WARNING: No converter defined. Using codepage of system.\n");
- }
- buf->remaining=fileSize-buf->signatureLength;
- if(buf->isBuffered){
- buf->bufCapacity=MAX_U_BUF;
- }else{
- buf->bufCapacity=buf->remaining+buf->signatureLength+1/*for terminating nul*/;
- }
- buf->buffer=(UChar*) uprv_malloc(U_SIZEOF_UCHAR * buf->bufCapacity );
- if (buf->buffer == NULL) {
- ucbuf_close(buf);
- return NULL;
- }
- buf->currentPos=buf->buffer;
- buf->bufLimit=buf->buffer;
- if(U_FAILURE(*error)){
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not open codepage [%s]: %s\n", *cp, u_errorName(*error));
- ucbuf_close(buf);
- return NULL;
- }
- ucbuf_fillucbuf(buf,error);
- if(U_FAILURE(*error)){
- ucbuf_close(buf);
- return NULL;
- }
- return buf;
- }
- return NULL;
-/* TODO: this method will fail if at the
- * begining of buffer and the uchar to unget
- * is from the previous buffer. Need to implement
- * system to take care of that situation.
- */
-ucbuf_ungetc(int32_t c,UCHARBUF* buf){
- /* decrement currentPos pointer
- * if not at the begining of buffer
- */
- if(buf->currentPos!=buf->buffer){
- if(*(buf->currentPos-1)==c){
- buf->currentPos--;
- } else {
- /* ungetc failed - did not match. */
- }
- } else {
- /* ungetc failed - beginning of buffer. */
- }
-/* frees the resources of UChar* buffer */
-static void
-ucbuf_closebuf(UCHARBUF* buf){
- uprv_free(buf->buffer);
- buf->buffer = NULL;
-/* close the buf and release resources*/
-ucbuf_close(UCHARBUF* buf){
- if(buf!=NULL){
- if(buf->conv){
- ucnv_close(buf->conv);
- }
- T_FileStream_close(buf->in);
- ucbuf_closebuf(buf);
- uprv_free(buf);
- }
-/* rewind the buf and file stream */
-ucbuf_rewind(UCHARBUF* buf,UErrorCode* error){
- if(error==NULL || U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return;
- }
- if(buf){
- buf->currentPos=buf->buffer;
- buf->bufLimit=buf->buffer;
- T_FileStream_rewind(buf->in);
- buf->remaining=T_FileStream_size(buf->in)-buf->signatureLength;
- ucnv_resetToUnicode(buf->conv);
- if(buf->signatureLength>0) {
- UChar target[1]={ 0 };
- UChar* pTarget;
- char start[8];
- const char* pStart;
- int32_t numRead;
- /* read the signature bytes */
- numRead=T_FileStream_read(buf->in, start, buf->signatureLength);
- /* convert and ignore initial U+FEFF, and the buffer overflow */
- pTarget = target;
- pStart = start;
- ucnv_toUnicode(buf->conv, &pTarget, target+1, &pStart, start+numRead, NULL, FALSE, error);
- *error=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- }
- /* verify that we successfully read exactly U+FEFF */
- if(U_SUCCESS(*error) && (numRead!=buf->signatureLength || pTarget!=(target+1) || target[0]!=0xfeff)) {
- }
- }
- }
-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-ucbuf_size(UCHARBUF* buf){
- if(buf){
- if(buf->isBuffered){
- return (T_FileStream_size(buf->in)-buf->signatureLength)/ucnv_getMinCharSize(buf->conv);
- }else{
- return (int32_t)(buf->bufLimit - buf->buffer);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2
-ucbuf_getBuffer(UCHARBUF* buf,int32_t* len,UErrorCode* error){
- if(error==NULL || U_FAILURE(*error)){
- return NULL;
- }
- if(buf==NULL || len==NULL){
- return NULL;
- }
- *len = (int32_t)(buf->bufLimit - buf->buffer);
- return buf->buffer;
-U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
-ucbuf_resolveFileName(const char* inputDir, const char* fileName, char* target, int32_t* len, UErrorCode* status){
- int32_t requiredLen = 0;
- int32_t dirlen = 0;
- int32_t filelen = 0;
- if(status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)){
- return NULL;
- }
- if(inputDir == NULL || fileName == NULL || len==NULL || (target==NULL && *len>0)){
- return NULL;
- }
- dirlen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(inputDir);
- filelen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(fileName);
- if(inputDir[dirlen-1] != U_FILE_SEP_CHAR) {
- requiredLen = dirlen + filelen + 2;
- if((*len < requiredLen) || target==NULL){
- *len = requiredLen;
- return NULL;
- }
- target[0] = '\0';
- /*
- * append the input dir to openFileName if the first char in
- * filename is not file seperation char and the last char input directory is not '.'.
- * This is to support :
- * genrb -s. /home/icu/data
- * genrb -s. icu/data
- * The user cannot mix notations like
- * genrb -s. /icu/data --- the absolute path specified. -s redundant
- * user should use
- * genrb -s. icu/data --- start from CWD and look in icu/data dir
- */
- if( (fileName[0] != U_FILE_SEP_CHAR) && (inputDir[dirlen-1] !='.')){
- uprv_strcpy(target, inputDir);
- target[dirlen] = U_FILE_SEP_CHAR;
- }
- target[dirlen + 1] = '\0';
- } else {
- requiredLen = dirlen + filelen + 1;
- if((*len < requiredLen) || target==NULL){
- *len = requiredLen;
- return NULL;
- }
- uprv_strcpy(target, inputDir);
- }
- uprv_strcat(target, fileName);
- return target;
- * Unicode TR 13 says any of the below chars is
- * a new line char in a readline function in addition
- * to CR+LF combination which needs to be
- * handled seperately
- */
-static UBool ucbuf_isCharNewLine(UChar c){
- switch(c){
- case 0x000A: /* LF */
- case 0x000D: /* CR */
- case 0x000C: /* FF */
- case 0x0085: /* NEL */
- case 0x2028: /* LS */
- case 0x2029: /* PS */
- return TRUE;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
-U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2
-ucbuf_readline(UCHARBUF* buf,int32_t* len,UErrorCode* err){
- UChar* temp = buf->currentPos;
- UChar* savePos =NULL;
- UChar c=0x0000;
- if(buf->isBuffered){
- /* The input is buffered we have to do more
- * for returning a pointer U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND
- */
- for(;;){
- c = *temp++;
- if(buf->remaining==0){
- return NULL; /* end of file is reached return NULL */
- }
- if(temp>=buf->bufLimit && buf->currentPos == buf->buffer){
- return NULL;
- }else{
- ucbuf_fillucbuf(buf,err);
- if(U_FAILURE(*err)){
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Accoding to TR 13 readLine functions must interpret
- * CR, CR+LF, LF, NEL, PS, LS or FF as line seperators
- */
- /* Windows CR LF */
- if(c ==0x0d && temp <= buf->bufLimit && *temp == 0x0a ){
- *len = (int32_t)(temp++ - buf->currentPos);
- savePos = buf->currentPos;
- buf->currentPos = temp;
- return savePos;
- }
- /* else */
- if (temp>=buf->bufLimit|| ucbuf_isCharNewLine(c)){ /* Unipad inserts 2028 line separators! */
- *len = (int32_t)(temp - buf->currentPos);
- savePos = buf->currentPos;
- buf->currentPos = temp;
- return savePos;
- }
- }
- }else{
- /* we know that all input is read into the internal
- * buffer so we can safely return pointers
- */
- for(;;){
- c = *temp++;
- if(buf->currentPos==buf->bufLimit){
- return NULL; /* end of file is reached return NULL */
- }
- /* Windows CR LF */
- if(c ==0x0d && temp <= buf->bufLimit && *temp == 0x0a ){
- *len = (int32_t)(temp++ - buf->currentPos);
- savePos = buf->currentPos;
- buf->currentPos = temp;
- return savePos;
- }
- /* else */
- if (temp>=buf->bufLimit|| ucbuf_isCharNewLine(c)) { /* Unipad inserts 2028 line separators! */
- *len = (int32_t)(temp - buf->currentPos);
- savePos = buf->currentPos;
- buf->currentPos = temp;
- return savePos;
- }
- }
- }
- /* not reached */
- /* A compiler warning will appear if all paths don't contain a return statement. */
-/* return NULL;*/