path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/changelogs/
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authorFlorian Dold <>2019-08-13 12:29:07 +0200
committerFlorian Dold <>2019-08-13 12:29:22 +0200
commitda736d8259331a8ef13bf4bbb10bbb8a5c0e5299 (patch)
tree4d849133b1c9a9c7067e96ff7dd8faa1d927e0bb /deps/node/deps/npm/changelogs/
parentda228cf9d71b747f1824e85127039e5afc7effd8 (diff)
remove node/v8 from source tree
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1566 deletions
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index 2c971bb1..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-## v4.6.1 (2017-04-21)
-A little release to tide you over while we hammer out the last bits for npm@5.
-* [`d13c9b2f2`](
- `init-package-json@1.10.0`:
- The `name:` prompt is now `package name:` to make this less ambiguous for new users.
- The default package name is now a valid package name. For example: If your package directory
- has mixed case, the default package name will be all lower case.
-* [`f08c66323`](
- [#16213](
- Add `--allow-same-version` option to `npm version` so that you can use `npm version` to run
- your version lifecycles and tag your git repo without actually changing the version number in
- your `package.json`.
- ([@lucastheisen](
-* [`f5e8becd0`](
- Timing has been added throughout the install implementation. You can see it by running
- a command with `--loglevel=timing`. You can also run commands with `--timing` which will write
- an `npm-debug.log` even on success and add an entry to `_timing.json` in your cache with
- the timing information from that run.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`9c860f2ed`](
- [#16021](
- Fix a crash in `npm doctor` when used with a registry that does not support
- the `ping` API endpoint.
- ([@watilde](
-* [`65b9943e9`](
- [#16364](
- Shorten the ELIFECYCLE error message. The shorter error message should make it much
- easier to discern the actual cause of the error.
- ([@j-f1](
-* [`a87a4a835`](
- `npmlog@4.0.2`:
- Fix flashing of the progress bar when your terminal is very narrow.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`41c10974f`](
- `write-file-atomic@1.3.2`:
- Wait for `fsync` to complete before considering our file written to disk.
- This will improve certain sorts of Windows diagnostic problems.
-* [`2afa9240c`](
- [#16336](
- Don't ham-it-up when expecting JSON.
- ([@bdukes](
-* [`566f3eebe`](
- [#16296](
- Use a single convention when referring to the `<command>` you're running.
- ([@desfero](
-* [`ccbb94934`](
- [#16267](
- Fix a missing space in the example package.json.
- ([@famousgarkin](
-* [`ebde4ea33`](
- `hosted-git-info@2.4.2`
-* [`c46ad71bb`](
- `init-package-json@1.9.6`
-* [`d856d570d`](
- `npm-registry-client@8.1.1`
-* [`4a2e14436`](
- `readable-stream@2.2.9`
-* [`f0399138e`](
- `normalize-package-data@2.3.8`
-### v4.5.0 (2017-03-24)
-Welcome a wrinkle on npm's registry API!
-Codename: Corgi
-This release has some bug fixes, but it's mostly about bringing support for
-MUCH smaller package metadata. How much smaller? Well, for npm itself it
-reduces 416K of gzip compressed JSON to 24K.
-As a user, all you have to do is update to get to use the new API. If
-you're interested in the details we've [documented the
-in detail.
-Package metadata: now smaller. This means a smaller cache and less to download.
-* [`86dad0d74`](
- Add support for filtered package metadata.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`41789cffa`](
- `npm-registry-client@8.1.0`
- ([@iarna](
-Previously we needed to extract every package's tarball to look for an
-`npm-shrinkwrap.json` before we could begin working through what its
-dependencies were. This was one of the things stopping npm's network
-accesses from happening more concurrently. The new filtered package
-metadata provides a new key, `_hasShrinkwrap`. When that's set to `false`
-then we know we don't have to look for one.
-* [`4f5060eb3`](
- [#15969](
- Add support for skipping `npm-shrinkwrap.json` extraction when the
- registry can affirm that one doesn't exist.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`878aceb25`](
- [#16129](
- Better handle Ctrl-C while running scripts. `npm` will now no longer exit
- until the script it is running has exited. If you press Ctrl-C a second
- time it kill the script rather than just forwarding the Ctrl-C.
- ([@jaridmargolin](
-* [`def75eebf`](
- `hosted-git-info@2.4.1`:
- Preserve case of the user name part of shortcut specifiers, previously they were lowercased.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`eb3789fd1`](
- `node-gyp@3.6.0`: Add support for VS2017 and Chakracore improvements.
- ([@refack](
- ([@kunalspathak](
-* [`245e25315`](
- `readable-stream@2.2.6` ([@mcollina](
-* [`30357ebc5`](
- `which@1.2.14` ([@isaacs](
-### v4.4.4 (2017-03-16)
-๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜… Okay! We have another `next`
-release for ya today. So, yes! With v4.4.3 we fixed the bug that made
-bundled scoped modules uninstallable. But somehow I overlooked the fact
-that we: A) were using these and B) that made upgrading to v4.4.3 impossible. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
-So I've renamed those two scoped modules to no longer use scopes and we now
-have a shiny new test to ensure that scoped modules don't creep into our
-transitive deps and make it impossible to upgrade to `npm`.
-(None of our woes applies to most of you all because most of you all don't
-use bundled dependencies. `npm` does because we want the published artifact to be
-installable without having to already have `npm`.)
-* [`2a7409fcb`](
- [#16066](
- Ensure we aren't using any scoped modules
- Because `npm`s prior 4.4.3 can't install dependencies that have bundled scoped
- modules. This didn't show up sooner because they ALSO had a bug that caused
- bundled scoped modules to not be included in the bundle.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`eb4c70796`](
- [#16066](
- Switch to move-concurrently to remove scoped dependency
- ([@iarna](
-### v4.4.3 (2017-03-15)
-This is a small patch release, mostly because the published tarball for
-v4.4.2 was missing a couple of modules, due to a bug involving scoped
-modules, bundled dependencies and legacy tree layouts.
-There are a couple of other things here that happened to be ready to go. So
-without further adoโ€ฆ
-* [`3d80f8f70`](
- [npm/fs-vacuum#6](
- `fs-vacuum@1.2.1`: Make sure we never, ever remove home directories. Previously if your
- home directory was entirely empty then we might `rmdir` it.
- ([@helio-frota](
-* [`1af85ca9f`](
- [#16040](
- Fix bug where bundled transitive dependencies that happened to be
- installed under bundled scoped dependencies wouldn't be included in the
- tarball when building a package.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`13c7fdc2e`](
- [#16040](
- Fix a bug where bundled scoped dependencies couldn't be extracted.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`d6cde98c2`](
- [#16040](
- Stop printing `ENOENT` errors more than once.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`722fbf0f6`](
- [#16040](
- Rewrite the `extract` action for greater clarity.
- Specifically, this involves moving things around structurally to do the same
- thing [`d0c6d194`]( did, but in a more comprehensive manner.
- This also fixes a long standing bug where errors from the move step would be
- eaten during this phase and as a result we would get mysterious crashes in
- the finalize phase when finalize tried to act on them.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`6754dabb6`](
- [#16040](
- Flatten out `@npmcorp/move`'s deps for backwards compatibility reasons. Versions prior to this
- one will fail to install any package that bundles a scoped dependency. This was responsible
- for `ENOENT` errors during the `finalize` phase.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`fba51c582`](
- [#15960](
- Update troubleshooting and contribution guide links.
- ([@watilde](
-### v4.4.2 (2017-03-09):
-This week, the focus on the release was mainly going through [all of npm's deps
-that we manage
-ourselves](, and
-making sure all their PRs and versions were up to date. That means there's a few
-fixes here and there. Nothing too big codewise, though.
-The most exciting part of this release is probably our [shiny new
-Contributing]( and
-docs! [@snopeks]( did some โœจfantasticโœจ work hashing it
-out, and we're really hoping this is a nice big step towards making contributing
-to npm easier. The troubleshooting doc will also hopefully solve common issues
-for people! Do you think something is missing from it? File a PR and we'll add
-it! The current document is just a baseline for further editing and additions.
-Also there's maybe a bit of an easter egg in this release. 'Cause those are fun and I'm a huge nerd. ๐Ÿ˜‰
-* [`07e997a`](
- [#15756](
- Overhaul `` and add new `` files. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
- ([@snopeks](
-* [`2f3e4b6`](
- [#15833](
- Mention the [24-hour unpublish
- policy](
- on the main registry.
- ([@carols10cents](
-* [`84be534`](
- [#15888](
- Stop flattening `ls`-tree output. From now on, deduped deps will be marked as
- such in the place where they would've been before getting hoisted by the
- installer.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`e9a5dca`](
- [#15967](
- Limit metadata fetches to 10 concurrent requests.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`46aa9bc`](
- [#15967](
- Limit concurrent installer actions to 10.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`c3b994b`](
- [#15901](
- Use EXDEV aware move instead of rename. This will allow moving across devices
- and moving when filesystems don't support renaming directories full of files. It might make folks using Docker a bit happier.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`0de1a9c`](
- [#15735](
- Autocomplete support for npm scripts with `:` colons in the name.
- ([@beyondcompute](
-* [`84b0b92`](
- [#15874](
- Stop using [undocumented](
- `res.writeHeader` alias for `res.writeHead`.
- ([@ChALkeR](
-* [`895ffe4`](
- [#15824](
- Fix empty versions column in `npm search` output.
- ([@bcoe](
-* [`38c8d7a`](
- `init-package-json@1.9.5`: [npm/init-package-json#61]( Exclude existing `devDependencies` from being added to `dependencies`. Fixes [#12260](
- ([@addaleax](
-### v4.4.1 (2017-03-06):
-This is a quick little patch release to forgo the update notification
-checker if you're on an unsupported (but not otherwise broken) version of
-Node.js. Right now that means 0.10 or 0.12.
-* [`56ac249`](
- [#15864](
- Only use `update-notifier` on supported versions.
- ([@legodude17](
-### v4.4.0 (2017-02-23):
-Aaaah, [@iarna]( here, it's been a little while
-since I did one of these! This is a nice little release, we've got an
-update notifier, vastly less verbose error messages, new warnings on package
-metadata that will probably give you a bad day, and a sprinkling of bug
-We now have a little nudge to update your `npm`, courtesy of
-* [`148ee66`](
- [#15774](
- `npm` will now check at start up to see if a newer version is available.
- It will check once a day. If you want to disable this, set `optOut` to `true` in
- `~/.config/configstore/update-notifier-npm.json`.
- ([@ceejbot](
-`npm` has, for a long time, had very verbose error messages. There was a
-lot of info in there, including the cause of the error you were seeing but
-without a lot of experience reading them pulling that out was time consuming
-and difficult.
-With this change the output is cut down substantially, centering the error
-message. So, for example if you try to `npm run sdlkfj` then the entire
-error you'll get will be:
-npm ERR! missing script: sldkfj
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/rebecca/.npm/_logs/2017-02-24T00_41_36_988Z-debug.log
-The CLI team has discussed cutting this down even further and stripping the
-`npm ERR!` prefix off those lines too. We'd appreciate your feedback on
-* [`e544124`](
- [#15716](
- Make error output less verbose.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`166bda9`](
- [#15716](
- Stop encouraging users to visit the issue tracker unless we know for
- certain that it's an npm bug.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`53412eb`](
- [#15772](
- We now warn if you have a module listed in both dependencies and
- devDependencies.
- ([@TedYav](
-* [`426b180`](
- [#15757](
- Default reporting metrics to default registry. Previously it defaulted to using
- ``, now it will default to the result of
- `npm config get registry`. For most folks this won't actually change anything, but it
- means that folks who use a private registry will have metrics routed there by default.
- This has the potential to be interesting because it means that in the
- future private registry products ([npme](!)
- will be able to report on these metrics.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`8ea0de9`](
- [#15716](
- Write logs for `cb() never called` errors.
-* [`c4e83dc`](
- Make it so that errors while reading the existing node_modules tree can't
- result in installer crashes.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`2690dc2`](
- Update `npm doctor` to not treat broken symlinks in your global modules as
- a permission failure. This is particularly important if you link modules and your text
- editor uses the convention of creating symlinks from `.#filename.js` to a
- machine name and pid to lock files (eg emacs and compatible things).
- ([@iarna](
-* [`f4c3f48`](
- [#15777](
- Not exactly a bug, but change a parameterless `.apply` to `.call`.
- ([@notarseniy](
-* [`549dcff`](
- `rimraf@2.6.0`:
- Retry EBUSY, ENOTEMPTY and EPERM on non-Windows platforms too.
- More reliable `rimraf.sync` on Windows.
- ([@isaacs](
-* [`052dfb6`](
- `validate-npm-package-name@3.0.0`:
- Remove ableist language in README.
- Stop allowing ~'!()* in package names.
- ([@tomdale](
- ([@chrisdickinson](
-* [`6663ea6`](
- `abbrev@1.1.0` ([@isaacs](
-* [`be6de9a`](
- `opener@1.4.3` ([@dominic](
-* [`900a5e3`](
- `readable-stream@2.2.3` ([@RangerMauve]( ([@mcollina](
-* [`c972a8b`](
- `tacks@1.2.6`
- ([@iarna](
-* [`85a36ef`](
- [`7ac9265`](
- `tap@10.2.0`
- ([@isaacs](
-### v4.3.0 (2017-02-09):
-Yay! Release time! It's a rainy day, and we have another smallish release for
-y'all. These things are not necessarily related. Or are they ๐ŸŒง๐Ÿค”
-As far as news go, you may have noticed that the CLI team dropped support for
-`node@0.12` when that version went out of maintenance. Still, we've avoided
-explicitly breaking it and `node@0.10` so far -- but not much longer.
-Sometime soon, the CLI team plans on switching over to language features only
-available as of `node@4 LTS`, and will likely start dropping old versions of node
-as they go out of maintenance. The new features are exciting! We're really
-looking forward to using them in the core CLI (and its dependencies) as we keep up
-with our current feature work.
-And speaking of features, this release is a minor bump due to a small change in
-how `npm login` works for the sake of supporting OAuth-based login for npm
-Enterprise users. But we won't leave the rest of y'all out -- we're working on a
-larger version of this feature. Soon enough, you'll be able to log in to npm
-with, say, GitHub -- and use some shiny features that come from the integration.
-Or turn on 2FA and other such security features. Keep your eyes peeled for new
-on this in the next few releases and our weekly newsletter!
-There's a new command line option: `--auth-type`, which can be used to log in to
-a supporting registry with OAuth2 or SAML. The current implementation is mainly
-meant to support npmE customers, so if you're one of those: ask us about using
-it! If not, just hold off cause we'll have a much more complete version of this
-feature out soon.
-* [`ac8595e`]( [`bcf2dd8`]( [`9298d20`]( [`66b61bc`]( [`dc85de7`](
- [#13389](
- Implement single-sign-on support with `--auth-type` option.
- ([@zkat](
-`request` is pretty heavy. And it loads a bunch of things. It's actually a
-pretty big chunk of npm's load time. This small patch by Rebecca will make it so
-npm only loads that module when we're actually intending to make network
-requests. Those of you who use npm commands that run offline might see a small
-speedup in startup time.
-* [`ac73568`](
- [#15631](
- Lazy load `caching-registry-client`.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`4ad9247`](
- [#15630](
- Fix formatting/rendering for root npm README.
- ([@ungoldman](
-* [`8cc1112`](
- [npm/hosted-git-info#21](
- `hosted-git-info@2.2.0`:
- Add support for `.tarball()` URLs.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`6eacc1b`](
- `npm-registry-mock@1.1.0`
- ([@addaleax](
-* [`a9b6d77`](
- `aproba@1.1.1`
- ([@iarna](
-### v4.2.0 (2017-01-26):
-Hi all! I'm Kat, and I'm currently sitting in a train traveling at ~300km/h
-through Spain. So clearly, this release should have *something* to do with
-speed. And it does! Heck, with this release, you could say we're really
-_blazing_, even. ๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜
-You might recall if you've been keeping up that one of the reasons for a
-semver-major bump to `npm@4` was an improved CLI search (read: no longer blowing
-up Node). The work done for that new search system, while still relying on a
-full metadata download and local search, was also meant to act as groundwork for
-then-ongoing work on a brand-new, smarter search system for npm. Shortly after
-`npm@4` came out, the bulk of the server-side work was done, and with this
-release, the npm CLI has integrated use of the new endpoint for high-quality,
-fast-turnaround searches.
-No, seriously, it's *fast*. And *relevant*:
-[![GOTTA GO FAST! This is a gif of the new npm search returning results in around a second for `npm search web framework`.](](
-Give it a shot! And remember to check out the new website version of the search,
-too, which uses the same backend as the CLI now. ๐ŸŽ‰
-Incidentally, the backend is a public service, so you can write your own search
-tools, be they web-based, CLI, or GUI-based. You can read up on the [full
-documentation for the search
-and let us know about the cool things you come up with!
-* [`ce3ca51`](
- [#15481](
- Add an internal `gunzip-maybe` utility for optional gunzipping.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`e322932`]( [`a53055e`]( [`a1f4365`]( [`c56618c`](
- [#15481](
- Add support for using the new npm search endpoint for fast, quality search
- results. Includes a fallback to "classic" search.
- ([@zkat](
-This is another pretty significant change: Usually, when the npm process
-crashed, you would get an `npm-debug.log` in your current working directory.
-This debug log would get cleared out as soon as you ran npm again. This was a
-bit annoying because 1) you would get a random file in your `git status` that
-you might accidentally commit, and 2) if you hit a hard-to-reproduce bug and
-instinctually tried again, you would no longer have access to the repro
-So now, any time a crash happens, we'll save your debug logs to your cache
-folder, under `_logs` (`~/.npm` on *nix, by default -- use `npm config get
-cache` to see what your current value is). The cache will now hold a
-(configurable) number of `npm-debug.log` files, which you can access in the
-future. Hopefully this will help clean stuff up and reduce frustration from
-missed repros! In the future, this will also be used by `npm report` to make it
-super easy to put up issues about crashes you run into with npm. ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™‚๏ธ
-* [`04fca22`](
- [#11439](
- Put debug logs in `$(npm get cache)/_logs` and store multiple log files.
- ([@KenanY](
- ([@othiym23](
- ([@isaacs](
- ([@iarna](
-#### DOCS
-* [`ae8e71c`](
- [#15402](
- Add missing backtick in one of the `npm doctor` messages.
- ([@watilde](, [@charlotteis](
-* [`821fee6`](
- [#15480](
- Clarify that unscoped packages can depend on scoped packages and vice-versa.
- ([@chocolateboy](
-* [`2ee45a8`](
- [#15515](
- Update minimum supported Node version number in the README to `node@>=4`.
- ([@watilde](
-* [`af06aa9`](
- [#15520](
- Add section to `npm-scope` docs to explain that scope owners will own scoped
- packages with that scope. That is, user `@alice` is not allowed to publish to
- `@bob/my-package` unless explicitly made an owner by user (or org) `@bob`.
- ([@hzoo](
-* [`bc892e6`](
- [#15539](
- Replace `http` with `https` and fix typos in some docs.
- ([@watilde](
-* [`1dfe875`](
- [#15545](
- Update Node.js download link to point to the right place.
- ([@watilde](
- * [`b824bfb`](
- `ansi-regex@2.1.1`
- * [`81ea3e8`](
- `mississippi@1.3.0`
-#### MISC
-* [`98df212`](
- [#15492](
- Update the "master" node version used for AppVeyor to `node@7`.
- ([@watilde](
-* [`d75fc03`](
- [#15413](
- `npm run-script` now exits with the child process' exit code on exit.
- ([@kapals](
-### v4.1.2 (2017-01-12)
-We have a twee little release this week as we come back from the holidays.
-#### 0.12 IS UNSUPPORTED NOW (really)
-After [jumping the gun a
-little](, we can now
-officially remove 0.12 from our supported versions list. The Node.js
-project has now officially ended even maintenance support for 0.12 and thus,
-so will we. To reiterate from the last time we did this:
-What this means:
-* Your contributions will no longer block on the tests passing on 0.12.
-* We will no longer block dependency upgrades on working with 0.12.
-* Bugs filed on the npm CLI that are due to incompatibilities with 0.12
- (and older versions) will be closed with a strong urging to upgrade to a
- supported version of Node.
-* On the flip side, we'll continue to (happily!) accept patches that
- address regressions seen when running the CLI with Node.js 0.12.
-What this doesn't mean:
-* The CLI is going to start depending on ES2015+ features. npm continues
- to work, in almost all cases, all the way back to Node.js 0.8, and our
- long history of backwards compatibility is a source of pride for the
- team.
-* We aren't concerned about the problems of users who, for whatever
- reason, can't update to newer versions of npm. As mentioned above, we're
- happy to take community patches intended to address regressions.
-We're not super interested in taking sides on what version of Node.js
-you "should" be running. We're a workflow tool, and we understand that
-you all have a diverse set of operational environments you need to be
-able to support. At the same time, we _are_ a small team, and we need
-to put some limits on what we support. Tracking what's supported by our
-runtime's own team seems most practical, so that's what we're doing.
-* [`c7bbba8`](
- Remove 0.12 from our supported versions list.
- ([@iarna](
-If your `package.json`, `npm-shrinkwrap.json` or `.npmrc` were a symlink and
-you used an `npm` command that modified one of these (eg `npm config set` or
-`npm install --save`) then previously we would have removed your symlink and
-replaced it with an ordinary file. While making these files symlinks is pretty
-uncommon, this was still surprising behavior. With this fix we now overwrite
-the _destination_ of the symlink and preserve the symlink itself.
-* [`a583983`](
- [write-file-atomic/#5](
- [#10223](
- `write-file-atomic@1.3.1`:
- When the target is a symlink, write-file-atomic now overwrites the
- _destination_ of the symlink, instead of replacing the symlink itself. This
- makes it's behavior match `fs.writeFile`.
- Fixed a bug where it would ALWAYS fs.stat to look up default mode and chown
- values even if you'd passed them in. (It still used the values you passed
- in, but did a needless stat.)
- ([@iarna](
-* [`521f230`](
- `node-gyp@3.5.0`:
- Improvements to how Python is located. New `--devdir` flag.
- ([@bnoordhuis](
- ([@mhart](
-* [`ccd83e8`](
- `JSONStream@1.3.0`:
- Add new emitPath option.
- ([@nathanwills](
-* [`d76e084`](
- Disable metric reporting for test suite even if the user has it enabled.
- ([@iarna](
-### v4.1.1 (2016-12-16)
-This fixes a bug in the metrics reporting where, if you had enabled it then
-installs would create a metrics reporting process, that would create a
-metrics reporting process, that wouldโ€ฆ well, you get the idea. The only
-way to actually kill these processes is to turn off your networking, then
-on MacOS/Linux kill them with `kill -9`. Alternatively you can just reboot.
-Anyway, this is a quick release to fix that bug:
-* [`51c393f`](
- [#15237](
- Don't launch a metrics sender process if we're running from a metrics
- sender process.
- ([@iarna](
-### v4.1.0 (2016-12-15)
-I'm really excited about `npm@4.1.0`. I know, I know, I'm kinda overexcited
-in my changelogs, but this one is GREAT. We've got a WHOLE NEW subcommand, I
-mean, when was the last time you saw that? YEARS! And we have the beginnings
-of usage metrics reporting. Then there's a fix for a really subtle bug that
-resulted in `shasum` errors. And then we also have a few more bug fixes and
-other improvements.
-We're adding the ability for you all to help us track the quality of your
-experiences using `npm`. Metrics will be sent if you run:
-npm config set send-metrics true
-Then `npm` will report to `` the number of successful and
-failed installations you've had. The data contains no identifying
-information and npm will not attempt to correlate things like IP address
-with the metrics being submitted.
-Currently we only track number of successful and failed installations. In
-the future we would like to find additional metrics to help us better
-quantify the quality of the `npm` experience.
-* [`190a658`](
- [#15084](
- Add facility for recording and reporting success metrics.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`87afc8b`](
- [npm/npm-registry-client#147](
- `npm-registry-client@7.4.5`:
- Add support for sending anonymous CLI metrics.
- ([@iarna](,
- [@sisidovski](
-<u>Check</u> <u>Value</u> <u>Recommendation</u>
-npm ping ok
-npm -v v4.0.5
-node -v v4.6.1 Use node v6.9.2
-npm config get registry
-which git /Users/rebecca/bin/git
-Perms check on cached files ok
-Perms check on global node_modules ok
-Perms check on local node_modules ok
-Checksum cached files ok
-It's a rare day that we add a new command to `npm`, so I'm excited to
-present to you `npm doctor`. It checks for a number of common problems and
-provides some recommended solutions. It was put together through the hard
-work of [@watilde](
-* [`2359505`](
- [`0209ee5`](
- [#14582](
- Add new `npm doctor` to give your project environment a health check.
- ([@watilde](
-If you've been getting intermittent shasum errors then you'll be pleased to
-know that we've tracked down at least one source of them, if not THE source
-of them.
-* [`87afc8b`](
- [#14626](
- [npm/npm-registry-client#148](
- `npm-registry-client@7.4.5`:
- Fix a bug where an `ECONNRESET` while fetching a package file would result
- in a partial download that would be reported as a "shasum mismatch". It
- now throws away the partial download and retries it.
- ([@iarna](
-When `npm` was formatting `file` URLs we took advantage of `url.format` to
-construct them. Node.js 7 changed the behavior in such a way that our use of
-`url.format` stopped producing URLs that we could make use of.
-The reasons for this have to do with the `file` URL specification and how
-invalid (according to the specification) URLs are handled. How this changed
-is most easily explained with a table:
-<tr><th></th><th>URL</th><th>Node.js &lt;= 6</th><th><tt>npm</tt>'s understanding</th><th>Node.js 7</th><th><tt>npm</tt>'s understanding</th></tr>
-<tr><td>invalid</td><td><tt>file:abc/def</tt></td><td><tt>file:abc/def</tt></td><td><tt>$CWD/abc/def</tt></td><td><tt>file://abc/def</tt></td><td><tt>/def</tt> on the <tt>abc</tt> host</td></tr>
-<tr><td>invalid</td><td><tt>file:../abc/def</tt></td><td><tt>file:../abc/def</tt></td><td><tt>$CWD/../abc/def</tt></td><td><tt>file://../abc/def</tt></td><td><tt>/abc/def</tt> on the <tt>..</tt> host</td></tr>
-So the result was that passing a `file` URL that npm had received that used
-through Node.js 7's `url.format` changed its meaning as far as `npm` was
-concerned. As those kinds of URLs are, per the specification, invalid, how
-they should be handled is undefined and so the change in Node.js wasn't a
-bug per se.
-Our solution is to stop using `url.format` when constructing this kind of
-* [`173935b`](
- [#15114](
- Stop using `url.format` for relative local dep paths.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`afb1dfd`](
- [#15090](
- Skip top level lifecycles when uninstalling.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`c9b279a`](
- [#15205](
- [#15196](
- Only have one function that determines which version of a package to use
- given a specifier and a list of versions.
- ([@iarna](,
- [@zkat](
-* [`981ce63`](
- [#15090](
- Rewrite prune to use modern npm plumbing.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`bc4b739`](
- [#15089](
- Rename functions and variables in the module that computes what changes to
- make to your installation.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`2449f74`](
- [#15089](
- When computing changes to make to your installation, use a function to add
- new actions to take instead of just pushing on a list.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`335933a`](
- [#15089](
- Log when we remove obsolete dependencies in the tree.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`33ca4e6`](
- [#15157](
- Update `npm cache` docs to use more consistent language
- ([@JonahMoses](
-* [`c2d22fa`](
- [#15215](
- `nopt@4.0.1`:
- The breaking change is a small tweak to how empty string values are
- handled. See the brand-new
- [ for nopt]( for further
- details about what's changed in this release!
- ([@adius](,
- [@samjonester](,
- [@elidoran](,
- [@helio](,
- [@silkentrance](,
- [@othiym23](
-* [`54d949b`](
- [npm/lockfile#24](
- `lockfile@1.0.3`:
- Handled case where callback was not passed in by the user.
- ([@ORESoftware](
-* [`54acc03`](
- `npmlog@4.0.2`:
- Documentation update.
- ([@helio-frota](
-* [`57f4bc1`](
- `osenv@0.1.4`:
- Test changes.
- ([@isaacs](
-* [`bea1a2d`](
- `retry@0.10.1`:
- No changes.
- ([@tim-kos](
-* [`6749e39`](
- [kapouer/marked-man#9](
- `marked-man@0.2.0`:
- Add table support.
- ([@gholk](
-### v4.0.5 (2016-12-01)
-It's that time of year! December is upon us, which means y'all are just going to
-be doing a lot less, in general, for the next month or so. The "Xmas Chasm", as
-we like to call it, has already begun. So for those of you reading it from the
-other side: Hi! Welcome back!
-This week's release is a relatively small one, involving just a few bugfixes and
-dependency upgrades. The CLI team has been busy recently with scoping out
-`npm@5`, and starting to do initial spec work for in-scope stuff.
-On to the actual changes!
-* [`9776d8f`](
- [#15081](
- `bundledDependencies` are intended to be left untouched by the installer, as
- much as possible -- if they're bundled, we assume that you want to be
- particular about the contents of your bundle.
- The installer used to have a corner case where existing dependencies that had
- bundledDependencies would get clobbered by as the installer moved stuff
- around, even though the installer already avoided moving deps that were
- themselves bundled. This is now fixed, along with the connected crasher, and
- your bundledDeps should be left even more intact than before!
- ([@iarna](
-* [`fc61c08`](
- [#15082](
- Initialize nodes from bundled dependencies. This should address
- [#14427]( and related issues, but it's
- turned out to be a tremendously difficult issue to reproduce in a test. We
- decided to include it even pending tests, because we found the root cause of
- the errors.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`d8471a2`](
- [#12811](
- Consider `devDependencies` when deciding whether to hoist a package. This
- should resolve a variety of missing dependency issues some folks were seeing
- when `devDependencies` happened to also be dependencies of your
- `dependencies`. This often manifested as modules going missing, or only being
- installed, after `npm install` was called twice.
- ([@schmod](
-* [`5978703`](
- `graceful-fs@4.1.11`:
- `EPERM` errors are Windows are now handled more gracefully. Windows users that
- tended to see these errors due to, say, an antivirus-induced race condition,
- should see them much more rarely, if at all.
- ([@zkatr](
-* [`85b0174`](
- `request@2.79.0`
- ([@zkat](
-* [`9664d36`](
- `tap@8.0.1`
- ([@zkat](
-* [`f0f7b0f`](
- [#15083](
- Removed dead code.
- ([@iarna]( * [`bc32afe`]( [`c8a22fe`]( [`db2666d`](
- [#15085](
- Change some network tests so they can run offline.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`744a39b`](
- [#15085](
- Make Node.js tests compatible with Windows.
- ([@iarna](
-### v4.0.3 (2016-11-17)
-Hey you all, we've got a couple of bug fixes for you, a slew of
-documentation improvements and some improvements to our CI environment. I
-know we just got v4 out the door, but the CLI team is already busy planning
-v5. We'll have more for you in early December.
-* [`45d40d9`](
- [`ba2adc2`](
- [`1dc8908`](
- [`2ba19ee`](
- [#14403](
- Fix a bug where a scoped module could produce crashes when incorrectly
- computing the paths related to their location. This patch reorganizes how path information
- is passed in to eliminate the possibility of this sort of bug.
- ([@iarna](
- ([@NatalieWolfe](
-* [`1011ec6`](
- [npm/npmlog#46](
- `npmlog@4.0.1`: Fix a bug where the progress bar would still display even if
- you passed in `--no-progress`.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`c3ac177`](
- [#14406](
- Sync up the dispute policy included with the CLI with the [current official text](
- ([@mike-engel](
-* [`9c663b2`](
- [#14627](
- Update build status branch in README.
- ([@cameronroe](
-* [`8a8a0a3`](
- [#14609](
- Update examples URLs of GitHub repos where those repos have moved to new URLs.
- ([@dougwilson](
-* [`7a6425b`](
- [#14472](
- Document `sign-git-tag` in
- [npm-version(1)]('s
- configuration section.
- ([@strugee](
-* [`f3087cc`](
- [#14546](
- Add a note about the dangers of configuring npm via uppercase env vars.
- ([@tuhoojabotti](
-* [`50e51b0`](
- [#14559](
- Remove documentation that incorrectly stated that we check `.npmrc` permissions.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`6f0c353`](
- [`f78bde6`](
- [#14591](
- Reintroduce Node.js 0.12 to our support matrix. We jumped the gun when
- removing it. We won't drop support for it till the Node.js project does
- so at the end of December 2016.
- ([@othiym23](
-* [`aa73d1c`](
- [`c914e80`](
-* [`58fe064`](
- [#14602](
- When running tests with coverage, use nyc's cache. This provides an 8x speedup!
- ([@bcoe](
-* [`ba091ce`](
- [#14435](
- Remove an unused zero byte `package.json` found in the test fixtures.
- ([@baderbuddy](
-* [`442e01e`](
- `readable-stream@2.2.2`:
- Bring in latest changes from Node.js 7.x.
- ([@calvinmetcalf](
-* [`bfc4a1c`](
- `which@1.2.12`:
- Remove unused require.
- ([@isaacs](
-* [`7075b05`](
- `marked-man@0.1.6`
- ([@kapouer](
-* [`3e13fea`](
- `tap@8.0.0`
- ([@isaacs](
-### v4.0.2 (2016-11-03)
-Hola, amigxs. I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but I
-been spending a lotta time quietly reflecting on all the things going on
-in my life. I was, like, [in Japan for a while](,
-and before that my swell colleagues [@zkat]( and
-[@iarna]( have been very capably managing the release
-process for quite a while. But I returned from Japan somewhat refreshed, very
-jetlagged, and filled with a burning urge to get `npm@4` as stable as possible
-before we push it out to the user community at large, so I decided to do this
-release myself. (Also, huge thanks to Kat and Rebecca for putting out `npm@4`
-so capably while I was on vacation! So cool to return to a major release having
-gone so well without my involvement!)
-That said...
-Even though 4.0.1 came out hard on the heels of 4.0.0 with a couple
-critical fixes, we've found a couple other major issues that we want to
-see fixed before making `npm@4` into `npm@latest`. Some of these are
-arguably breaking changes on their own, so now is the time to get them
-out if we're going to do so before `npm@5`, and all of them are pretty
-significant blockers for a substantial number of users, so now is the
-best time to fix them.
-The code running the `publish*` lifecycle events was very confusingly written.
-In fact, we didn't really figure out what it was doing until we added the new
-`prepublishOnly` event and it was running people's scripts from the wrong
-directory. We made it simpler. See the [commit
-for details.
-Because the change is no longer running publish events when publishing prebuilt
-artifacts, it's technically a breaking / semver-major change. In the off chance
-that the new behavior breaks any of y'all's workflows, let us know, and we can
-roll some or all of this change back until `npm@5` (or forever, if that works
-better for you).
-* [`8b32d67`](
- [#14502](
- Simplify lifecycle invocation and fix `prepublishOnly`.
- ([@othiym23](
-##### G'BYE NODE.JS 0.10, 0.12, and 5.X; HI THERE, NODE 7
-With the advent of the second official Node.js LTS release, Node 6.x
-'Boron', the Node.js project has now officially dropped versions 0.10
-and 0.12 out of the maintenance phase of LTS. (Also, Node 5 was never
-part of LTS, and will see no further support now that Node 7 has been
-released.) As a small team with limited resources, the npm CLI team is
-following suit and dropping those versions of Node from its CI test
-What this means:
-* Your contributions will no longer block on the tests passing on 0.10 and 0.12.
-* We will no longer block dependency upgrades on working with 0.10 and 0.12.
-* Bugs filed on the npm CLI that are due to incompatibilities with 0.10
- or 0.12 (and older versions) will be closed with a strong urging to
- upgrade to a supported version of Node.
-* On the flip side, we'll continue to (happily!) accept patches that
- address regressions seen when running the CLI with Node.js 0.10 and
- 0.12.
-What this doesn't mean:
-* The CLI is going to start depending on ES2015+ features. npm continues
- to work, in almost all cases, all the way back to Node.js 0.8, and our
- long history of backwards compatibility is a source of pride for the
- team.
-* We aren't concerned about the problems of users who, for whatever
- reason, can't update to newer versions of npm. As mentioned above, we're
- happy to take community patches intended to address regressions.
-We're not super interested in taking sides on what version of Node.js
-you "should" be running. We're a workflow tool, and we understand that
-you all have a diverse set of operational environments you need to be
-able to support. At the same time, we _are_ a small team, and we need
-to put some limits on what we support. Tracking what's supported by our
-runtime's own team seems most practical, so that's what we're doing.
-* [`ab630c9`](
- [#14503](
- Node 6 is LTS; 5.x, 0.10, and 0.12 are unsupported.
- ([@othiym23](
-* [`731ae52`](
- [#14503](
- Update supported version expression.
- ([@othiym23](
-The new `Npm-Scope` header was previously reusing the `scope`
-configuration option to pass the current scope back to your current
-registry (which, as [described
-previously](, is meant to set up some upcoming
-registry features). It turns out that had some [seriously weird
-consequences]( in the case where
-you were already configuring `scope` in your own environment. The CLI
-now uses separate configuration for this.
-* [`39358f7`](
- [#14477](
- Differentiate registry scope from project scope in configuration.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`7f41295`](
- [#14519](
- Document that as of `npm@4.0.1`, `npm shrinkwrap` now includes `devDependencies` unless
- instructed otherwise.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`bdc2f9e`](
- [#14501](
- The `ENOSELF` error message is tricky to word. It's also an error that
- normally bites new users. Clean it up in an effort to make it easier
- to understand what's going on.
- ([@snopeks](, [@zkat](
-* [`a52d0f0`](
- `glob@7.1.1`:
- - Handle files without associated perms on Windows.
- - Fix failing case with `absolute` option.
- ([@isaacs](, [@phated](
-* [`afda66d`](
- [isaacs/node-graceful-fs#97](
- `graceful-fs@4.1.10`: Better backoff for EPERM on Windows.
- ([@sam-github](
-* [`e0023c0`](
- [npm/inflight#3](
- `inflight@1.0.6`: Clean up even if / when a callback throws.
- ([@phated](
-* [`1d91594`](
- `request@2.78.0`
- ([@othiym23](
-### v4.0.1 (2016-10-24)
-Ayyyy~ ๐ŸŒŠ
-So thanks to folks who were running on `npm@next`, we managed to find a few
-issues of notes in that preview version, and we're rolling out a small patch
-change to fix them. Most notably, anyone who was using a symlinked `node` binary
-(for example, if they installed Node.js through `homebrew`), was getting a very
-loud warning every time they ran scripts. Y'all should get warnings in a more
-useful way, now that we're resolving those path symlinks.
-Another fairly big change that we decided to slap into this version, since
-`npm@4.0.0` is never going to be `latest`, is to make it so `devDependencies`
-are included in `npm-shrinkwrap.json` by default -- if you do not want this, use
-`--production` with `npm shrinkwrap`.
-* [`eff46dd`](
- [#14374](
- Fully resolve the path for `node` executables in both `$PATH` and
- `process.execPath` to avoid issues with symlinked `node`.
- ([@addaleax](
-* [`964f2d3`](
- [#14375](
- Make including `devDependencies` in `npm-shrinkwrap.json` the default. This
- should help make the transition to `npm@5` smoother in the future.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`a5b0a8d`](
- [#14400](
- Recently, we've had some consistent timeout failures while running the test
- suite under Travis. This tweak to tests should take care of those issues and
- Travis should go back to being reliably green.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`c5907b2`](
- [#14251](
- Update links to Node.js downloads. They previously pointed to 404 pages.๐Ÿ˜ฌ
- ([@ArtskydJ](
-* [`0c122f2`](
- [#14380](
- Add note and clarification on when `prepare` script is run. Make it more
- consistent with surrounding descriptions.
- ([@SimenB](
-* [`51a62ab`](
- [#14359](
- Fixes typo in `npm@4` changelog.
- ([@kimroen](
-### v4.0.0 (2016-10-20)
-Welcome to `npm@4`, friends!
-This is our first semver major release since the release of `npm@3` just over a
-year ago. Back then, `@3` turned out to be a bit of a ground-shaking release,
-with a brand-new installer with significant structural changes to how npm set up
-your tree. This is the end of an era, in a way. `npm@4` also marks the release
-when we move *both* `npm@2` and `npm@3` into maintenance: We will no longer be
-updating those release branches with anything except critical bugfixes and
-security patches.
-While its predecessor had some pretty serious impaact, `npm@4` is expected to
-have a much smaller effect on your day-to-day use of npm. Over the past year,
-we've collected a handful of breaking changes that we wanted to get in which are
-only breaking under a strict semver interpretation (which we follow). Some of
-these are simple usability improvements, while others fix crashes and serious
-issues that required a major release to include.
-We hope this release sees you well, and you can look forward to an accelerated
-release pace now that the CLI team is done focusing on sustaining work -- our
-Windows fixing and big bugs pushes -- and we can start focusing again on
-usability, features, and performance. Keep an eye out for `npm@5` in Q1 2017,
-too: We're planning a major overhaul of `shrinkwrap` as well as various speed
-and usability fixes for that release. It's gonna be a fun ride. I promise. ๐Ÿ˜˜
-The following breaking changes are included in this release:
-* `npm search` rewritten to stream results, and no longer supports sorting.
-* `npm scripts` no longer prepend the path of the node executable used to run
- npm before running scripts. A `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option has been
- added to configure this behavior.
-* `npat` has been removed.
-* `prepublish` has been deprecated, replaced by `prepare`. A `prepublishOnly`
- script has been temporarily added, which will *only* run on `npm publish`.
-* `npm outdated` exits with exit code `1` if it finds any outdated packages.
-* `npm tag` has been removed after a deprecation cycle. Use `npm dist-tag`.
-* Partial shrinkwraps are no longer supported. `npm-shrinkwrap.json` is
- considered a complete installation manifest except for `devDependencies`.
-* npm's default git branch is no longer `master`. We'll be using `latest` from
- now on.
-Let's face it -- `npm search` simply doesn't work anymore. Apart from the fact
-that it grew slower over the years, it's reached a point where we can no longer
-fit the entire registry metadata in memory, and anyone who tries to use the
-command now sees a really awful memory overflow crash from node.
-It's still going to be some time before the CLI, registry, and web team are able
-to overhaul `npm search` altogether, but until then, we've rewritten the
-previous `npm search` implementation to *stream* results on the fly, from both
-the search endpoint and a local cache. In absolute terms, you won't see a
-performance increase and this patch *does* come at the cost of sorting
-capabilities, but what it does do is start outputting results as it finds them.
-This should make the experience much better, overall, and we believe this is an
-acceptable band-aid until we have that search endpoint in place.
-Incidentally, if you want a really nice search experience, we recommend checking
-out [](, which includes a handy-dandy
-[`npms-cli`]( for command-line usage -- it's an npm
-search site that returns high-quality results quickly and is operated by members
-of the npm community.
-* [`cfd43b4`]( [`2b8057b`](
- [#13746](
- Stream search process end-to-end.
- ([@zkat]( and [@aredridel](
-* [`50f4ec8`]( [`70b4bc2`]( [`8fb470f`]( [`ac3a6e0`]( [`bad54dd`]( [`87d504e`](
- [#13746](
- Updated search-related tests.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`3596de8`](
- [#13746](
- `JSONStream@1.2.1`
- ([@zkat](
-* [`4b09209`](
- [#13746](
- `mississippi@1.2.0`
- ([@zkat](
-* [`b650b39`](
- [#13746](
- `sorted-union-stream@2.1.3`
- ([@zkat](
-Thanks to some great work by [@addaleax](, we've
-addressed a fairly tricky issue involving the node process used by `npm
-Previously, npm would prefix the path of the node executable to the script's
-`PATH`. This had the benefit of making sure that the node process would be the
-same for both npm and `scripts` unless you had something like
-[`node-bin`]( in your `node_modules`. And it turns out
-lots of people relied on this behavior being this way!
-It turns out that this had some unintended consequences: it broke systems like
-[`nyc`](, but also completely broke/defeated things like
-[`rvm`]( and
-[`virtualenv`]( by often causing things
-that relied on them to fall back to the global system versions of ruby and
-In the face of two perfectly valid, and used alternatives, we decided that the
-second case was much more surprising for users, and that we should err on the
-side of doing what those users expect. Anna put some hard work in and managed to
-put together a patch that changes npm's behavior such that we no longer prepend
-the node executable's path *by default*, and adds a new option,
-`--scripts-prepend-node-path`, to allow users who rely on this behavior to have
-it add the node path for them.
-This patch also makes it so this feature is discoverable by people who might run
-into the first case above, by warning if the node executable is either missing
-or shadowed by another one in `PATH`. This warning can also be disabled with the
-`--scripts-prepend-node-path` option as needed.
-* [`3fb1eb3`]( [`6a7d375`]( [`378ae08`](
- [#13409](
- Add a `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to configure whether npm prepends
- the current node executable's path to `PATH`.
- ([@addaleax](
-* [`70b352c`](
- [#13409](
- Change the default behaviour of npm to never prepending the current node
- executableโ€™s directory to `PATH` but printing a warning in the cases in which
- it previously did.
- ([@addaleax](
-#### REMOVE `npat` (**BREAKING**)
-Let's be real here -- almost no one knows this feature ever existed, and it's a
-vestigial feature of the days when the ideal for npm was to distribute full
-packages that could be directly developed on, even from the registry.
-It turns out the npm community decided to go a different way: primarily
-publishing packages in a production-ready format, with no tests, build tools,
-etc. And so, we say goodbye to `npat`.
-* [`e16c14a`](
- [#14329](
- Remove the npat feature.
- ([@iarna](
-#### NEW `prepare` SCRIPT. `prepublish` DEPRECATED (**BREAKING**)
-If there's anything that really seemed to confuse users, it's that the
-`prepublish` script ran when invoking `npm install` without any arguments.
-Turns out many, many people really expected that it would only run on `npm
-publish`, even if it actually did what most people expected: prepare the package
-for publishing on the registry.
-And so, we've added a `prepare` command that runs in the exact same cases where
-`prepublish` ran, and we've begun a deprecation cycle for `prepublish` itself
-**only when run by `npm install`**, which will now include a warning any time
-you use it that way.
-We've also added a `prepublishOnly` script which will execute **only** when `npm
-publish` is invoked. Eventually, `prepublish` will stop executing on `npm
-install`, and `prepublishOnly` will be removed, leaving `prepare` and
-`prepublish` as two distinct lifecycles.
-* [`9b4a227`]( [`bc32078`](
- [#14290](
- Add `prepare` and `prepublishOnly` lifecycle events.
- ([@othiym23](
-* [`52fdefd`](
- [#14290](
- Warn when running `prepublish` on `npm pack`.
- ([@othiym23](
-* [`4c2a948`]( [`a55bd65`](
- [#14290](
- Added `prepublish` warnings to `npm install`.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`c27412b`](
- [#14290](
- Replace `prepublish` with `prepare` in `npm help package.json` documentation.
- ([@zkat](
-That's right. No more partial shrinkwraps. That means that if you have an
-`npm-shrinkwrap.json` in your project, npm will no longer install anything that
-isn't explicitly listed there, unless it's a `devDependency`. This will open
-doors to some nice optimizations and make use of `npm shrinkwrap` just generally
-smoother by removing some awful corner cases. We will also skip `devDependency`
-installation from `package.json` if you added `devDependencies` to your
-shrinkwrap by using `npm shrinkwrap --dev`.
-* [`b7dfae8`](
- [#14327](
- Use `readShrinkwrap` to read top level shrinkwrap. There's no reason for npm
- to be doing its own bespoke heirloom-grade artisanal thing here.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`0ae1f4b`]( [`4a54997`]( [`f22a1ae`]( [`3f61189`](
- [#14327](
- Treat shrinkwrap as canonical. That is, don't try to fill in for partial
- shrinkwraps. Partial shrinkwraps should produce partial installs. If your
- shrinkwrap contains NO `devDependencies` then we'll still try to install them
- from your `package.json` instead of assuming you NEVER want `devDependencies`.
- ([@iarna](
-#### `npm tag` REMOVED (**BREAKING**)
-* [`94255da`](
- [#14328](
- Remove deprecated tag command. Folks must use the `dist-tag` command from now
- on.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`40a04d8`]( [`e2fa18d`]( [`3ee3948`]( [`3fa25d0`](
- [#14013](
- Do `exit 1` if any outdated dependencies are found by `npm outdated`.
- ([@watilde](
-* [`c81838a`](
- [#14013](
- Log non-zero exit codes at `verbose` level -- this isn't something command
- line tools tend to do. It's generally the shell's job to display, if at all.
- ([@zkat](
-For the purposes of supporting shiny new registry features, we've started
-sending `Npm-Scope` and `Npm-In-CI` headers in outgoing requests.
-* [`846f61c`](
- [npm/npm-registry-client#145](
- [npm/npm-registry-client#147](
- `npm-registry-client@7.3.0`:
- * Allow npm to add headers to outgoing requests.
- * Add `Npm-In-CI` header that reports whether we're running in CI.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`6b6bb08`](
- [#14129](
- Send `Npm-Scope` header along with requests to registry. `Npm-Scope` is set to
- the `@scope` of the current top level project. This will allow registries to
- implement user/scope-aware features and services.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`506de80`](
- [#14129](
- Add test to ensure `Npm-In-CI` header is being sent when CI is set in env.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`bc84012`](
- [#14117](
- Fixes a bug where installing a shrinkwrapped package would fail if the
- platform failed to install an optional dependency included in the shrinkwrap.
- ([@watilde](
-* [`a40b32d`](
- [#13519](
- If a package has malformed metadata, `node.requiredBy` is sometimes missing.
- Stop crashing when that happens.
- ([@creationix](
-* [`643dae2`](
- [#14244](
- Remove some ancient aliases that we'd rather not have around.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`bdeac3e`](
- [#14230](
- Detect unsupported Node.js versions and warn about it. Also error on really
- old versions where we know we can't work.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`9ca18ad`](
- [#13746](
- Updated docs for `npm search` options.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`e02a47f`](
- Move the `npm@3` changelog into the archived changelogs directory.
- ([@zkat](
-* [`c12bbf8`](
- [#14290](
- Document prepublish-on-install deprecation.
- ([@othiym23](
-* [`c246a75`](
- [#14129](
- Document headers added by npm to outgoing registry requests.
- ([@iarna](
-* [`cb20c73`](
- [#13953](
- `signal-exit@3.0.1`
- ([@benjamincoe](