path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/Makefile
diff options
authorFlorian Dold <>2019-04-03 15:43:32 +0200
committerFlorian Dold <>2019-04-03 15:45:57 +0200
commit71e285b94c7edaa43aa8115965cf5a36b8e0f80a (patch)
tree7d4aa9d0d5aff686b106cd5da72ba77960c4af43 /deps/node/deps/npm/Makefile
parent7dadf9356b4f3f4137ce982ea5bb960283116e9a (diff)
Node.js v11.13.0
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/npm/Makefile')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/npm/Makefile b/deps/node/deps/npm/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e00647a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/node/deps/npm/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# vim: set softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2:
+SHELL = bash
+PUBLISHTAG = $(shell node scripts/publish-tag.js)
+BRANCH = $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+markdowns = $(shell find doc -name '*.md' | grep -v 'index')
+html_docdeps = html/dochead.html \
+ html/docfoot.html \
+ scripts/ \
+ package.json
+cli_mandocs = $(shell find doc/cli -name '*.md' \
+ |sed 's|.md|.1|g' \
+ |sed 's|doc/cli/|man/man1/|g' ) \
+ man/man1/npm-README.1 \
+ man/man1/npx.1
+files_mandocs = $(shell find doc/files -name '*.md' \
+ |sed 's|.md|.5|g' \
+ |sed 's|doc/files/|man/man5/|g' ) \
+ man/man5/npm-json.5 \
+ man/man5/npm-global.5
+misc_mandocs = $(shell find doc/misc -name '*.md' \
+ |sed 's|.md|.7|g' \
+ |sed 's|doc/misc/|man/man7/|g' ) \
+ man/man7/npm-index.7
+cli_htmldocs = $(shell find doc/cli -name '*.md' \
+ |sed 's|.md|.html|g' \
+ |sed 's|doc/cli/|html/doc/cli/|g' ) \
+ html/doc/README.html
+files_htmldocs = $(shell find doc/files -name '*.md' \
+ |sed 's|.md|.html|g' \
+ |sed 's|doc/files/|html/doc/files/|g' ) \
+ html/doc/files/npm-json.html \
+ html/doc/files/npm-global.html
+misc_htmldocs = $(shell find doc/misc -name '*.md' \
+ |sed 's|.md|.html|g' \
+ |sed 's|doc/misc/|html/doc/misc/|g' ) \
+ html/doc/index.html
+mandocs = $(cli_mandocs) $(files_mandocs) $(misc_mandocs)
+htmldocs = $(cli_htmldocs) $(files_htmldocs) $(misc_htmldocs)
+all: doc
+ @echo "Installing latest published npm"
+ @echo "Use 'make install' or 'make link' to install the code"
+ @echo "in this folder that you're looking at right now."
+ node bin/npm-cli.js install -g -f npm ${NPMOPTS}
+install: all
+ node bin/npm-cli.js install -g -f ${NPMOPTS} $(shell node bin/npm-cli.js pack | tail -1)
+# backwards compat
+dev: install
+link: uninstall
+ node bin/npm-cli.js link -f
+clean: markedclean marked-manclean doc-clean
+ rm -rf npmrc
+ node bin/npm-cli.js cache clean --force
+ node bin/npm-cli.js rm npm -g -f
+doc: $(mandocs) $(htmldocs)
+ rm -rf node_modules/marked node_modules/.bin/marked .building_marked
+ rm -rf node_modules/marked-man node_modules/.bin/marked-man .building_marked-man
+docclean: doc-clean
+ rm -rf \
+ .building_marked \
+ .building_marked-man \
+ html/doc \
+ man
+## build-time tools for the documentation
+build-doc-tools := node_modules/.bin/marked \
+ node_modules/.bin/marked-man
+# use `npm install marked-man` for this to work.
+man/man1/npm-README.1: scripts/ package.json $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d man/man1 ] || mkdir -p man/man1
+ scripts/ $< $@
+man/man1/%.1: doc/cli/ scripts/ package.json $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d man/man1 ] || mkdir -p man/man1
+ scripts/ $< $@
+man/man1/npx.1: node_modules/libnpx/libnpx.1
+ cat $< | sed s/libnpx/npx/ > $@
+man/man5/npm-json.5: man/man5/package.json.5
+ cp $< $@
+man/man5/npm-global.5: man/man5/npm-folders.5
+ cp $< $@
+man/man5/%.5: doc/files/ scripts/ package.json $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d man/man5 ] || mkdir -p man/man5
+ scripts/ $< $@
+doc/misc/ scripts/index-build.js package.json $(build-doc-tools)
+ node scripts/index-build.js > $@
+html/doc/index.html: doc/misc/ $(html_docdeps) $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d html/doc ] || mkdir -p html/doc
+ scripts/ $< $@
+man/man7/%.7: doc/misc/ scripts/ package.json $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d man/man7 ] || mkdir -p man/man7
+ scripts/ $< $@
+html/doc/README.html: $(html_docdeps) $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d html/doc ] || mkdir -p html/doc
+ scripts/ $< $@
+html/doc/cli/%.html: doc/cli/ $(html_docdeps) $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d html/doc/cli ] || mkdir -p html/doc/cli
+ scripts/ $< $@
+html/doc/files/npm-json.html: html/doc/files/package.json.html
+ cp $< $@
+html/doc/files/npm-global.html: html/doc/files/npm-folders.html
+ cp $< $@
+html/doc/files/%.html: doc/files/ $(html_docdeps) $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d html/doc/files ] || mkdir -p html/doc/files
+ scripts/ $< $@
+html/doc/misc/%.html: doc/misc/ $(html_docdeps) $(build-doc-tools)
+ @[ -d html/doc/misc ] || mkdir -p html/doc/misc
+ scripts/ $< $@
+marked: node_modules/.bin/marked
+ node bin/npm-cli.js install marked --no-global --no-timing --no-save
+marked-man: node_modules/.bin/marked-man
+ node bin/npm-cli.js install marked-man --no-global --no-timing --no-save
+doc: man
+man: $(cli_docs)
+test: doc
+ node bin/npm-cli.js test
+ node bin/npm-cli.js tag npm@$(PUBLISHTAG) latest
+ node . ls >/dev/null
+ git clean -fd
+publish: gitclean ls-ok link doc-clean doc
+ @git push origin :v$(shell node bin/npm-cli.js --no-timing -v) 2>&1 || true
+ git push origin $(BRANCH) &&\
+ git push origin --tags &&\
+ node bin/npm-cli.js publish --tag=$(PUBLISHTAG)
+release: gitclean ls-ok markedclean marked-manclean doc-clean doc
+ node bin/npm-cli.js prune --production --no-save
+ @bash scripts/
+ @[ $$(whoami) = "root" ] && (echo "ok"; echo "ham" > sandwich) || (echo "make it yourself" && exit 13)
+.PHONY: all latest install dev link doc clean uninstall test man doc-clean docclean release ls-ok realclean