path: root/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_formatimpl.cpp
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authorFlorian Dold <>2019-04-03 15:43:32 +0200
committerFlorian Dold <>2019-04-03 15:45:57 +0200
commit71e285b94c7edaa43aa8115965cf5a36b8e0f80a (patch)
tree7d4aa9d0d5aff686b106cd5da72ba77960c4af43 /deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_formatimpl.cpp
parent7dadf9356b4f3f4137ce982ea5bb960283116e9a (diff)
Node.js v11.13.0
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_formatimpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_formatimpl.cpp b/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_formatimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60c18ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_formatimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cstring.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "uresimp.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+#include "number_formatimpl.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+#include "number_patternstring.h"
+#include "number_utils.h"
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "unicode/dcfmtsym.h"
+#include "number_scientific.h"
+#include "number_compact.h"
+#include "uresimp.h"
+#include "ureslocs.h"
+using namespace icu;
+using namespace icu::number;
+using namespace icu::number::impl;
+namespace {
+struct CurrencyFormatInfoResult {
+ bool exists;
+ const char16_t* pattern;
+ const char16_t* decimalSeparator;
+ const char16_t* groupingSeparator;
+getCurrencyFormatInfo(const Locale& locale, const char* isoCode, UErrorCode& status) {
+ // TODO: Load this data in a centralized location like ICU4J?
+ // TODO: Move this into the CurrencySymbols class?
+ // TODO: Parts of this same data are loaded in dcfmtsym.cpp; should clean up.
+ CurrencyFormatInfoResult result = {false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return result; }
+ CharString key;
+ key.append("Currencies/", status);
+ key.append(isoCode, status);
+ UErrorCode localStatus = status;
+ LocalUResourceBundlePointer bundle(ures_open(U_ICUDATA_CURR, locale.getName(), &localStatus));
+ ures_getByKeyWithFallback(bundle.getAlias(),, bundle.getAlias(), &localStatus);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(localStatus) &&
+ ures_getSize(bundle.getAlias()) > 2) { // the length is 3 if more data is present
+ ures_getByIndex(bundle.getAlias(), 2, bundle.getAlias(), &localStatus);
+ int32_t dummy;
+ result.exists = true;
+ result.pattern = ures_getStringByIndex(bundle.getAlias(), 0, &dummy, &localStatus);
+ result.decimalSeparator = ures_getStringByIndex(bundle.getAlias(), 1, &dummy, &localStatus);
+ result.groupingSeparator = ures_getStringByIndex(bundle.getAlias(), 2, &dummy, &localStatus);
+ status = localStatus;
+ } else if (localStatus != U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
+ status = localStatus;
+ }
+ return result;
+} // namespace
+MicroPropsGenerator::~MicroPropsGenerator() = default;
+NumberFormatterImpl::NumberFormatterImpl(const MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status)
+ : NumberFormatterImpl(macros, true, status) {
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::formatStatic(const MacroProps& macros, DecimalQuantity& inValue,
+ NumberStringBuilder& outString, UErrorCode& status) {
+ NumberFormatterImpl impl(macros, false, status);
+ MicroProps& micros = impl.preProcessUnsafe(inValue, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; }
+ int32_t length = writeNumber(micros, inValue, outString, 0, status);
+ length += writeAffixes(micros, outString, 0, length, status);
+ return length;
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::getPrefixSuffixStatic(const MacroProps& macros, int8_t signum,
+ StandardPlural::Form plural,
+ NumberStringBuilder& outString, UErrorCode& status) {
+ NumberFormatterImpl impl(macros, false, status);
+ return impl.getPrefixSuffixUnsafe(signum, plural, outString, status);
+// The "safe" apply method uses a new MicroProps. In the MicroPropsGenerator, fMicros is copied into the new instance.
+// The "unsafe" method simply re-uses fMicros, eliminating the extra copy operation.
+// See MicroProps::processQuantity() for details.
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::format(DecimalQuantity& inValue, NumberStringBuilder& outString,
+ UErrorCode& status) const {
+ MicroProps micros;
+ preProcess(inValue, micros, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; }
+ int32_t length = writeNumber(micros, inValue, outString, 0, status);
+ length += writeAffixes(micros, outString, 0, length, status);
+ return length;
+void NumberFormatterImpl::preProcess(DecimalQuantity& inValue, MicroProps& microsOut,
+ UErrorCode& status) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }
+ if (fMicroPropsGenerator == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fMicroPropsGenerator->processQuantity(inValue, microsOut, status);
+ microsOut.rounder.apply(inValue, status);
+ microsOut.integerWidth.apply(inValue, status);
+MicroProps& NumberFormatterImpl::preProcessUnsafe(DecimalQuantity& inValue, UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return fMicros; // must always return a value
+ }
+ if (fMicroPropsGenerator == nullptr) {
+ return fMicros; // must always return a value
+ }
+ fMicroPropsGenerator->processQuantity(inValue, fMicros, status);
+ fMicros.rounder.apply(inValue, status);
+ fMicros.integerWidth.apply(inValue, status);
+ return fMicros;
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::getPrefixSuffix(int8_t signum, StandardPlural::Form plural,
+ NumberStringBuilder& outString, UErrorCode& status) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; }
+ // #13453: DecimalFormat wants the affixes from the pattern only (modMiddle, aka pattern modifier).
+ // Safe path: use fImmutablePatternModifier.
+ const Modifier* modifier = fImmutablePatternModifier->getModifier(signum, plural);
+ modifier->apply(outString, 0, 0, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; }
+ return modifier->getPrefixLength();
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::getPrefixSuffixUnsafe(int8_t signum, StandardPlural::Form plural,
+ NumberStringBuilder& outString, UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; }
+ // #13453: DecimalFormat wants the affixes from the pattern only (modMiddle, aka pattern modifier).
+ // Unsafe path: use fPatternModifier.
+ fPatternModifier->setNumberProperties(signum, plural);
+ fPatternModifier->apply(outString, 0, 0, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; }
+ return fPatternModifier->getPrefixLength();
+NumberFormatterImpl::NumberFormatterImpl(const MacroProps& macros, bool safe, UErrorCode& status) {
+ fMicroPropsGenerator = macrosToMicroGenerator(macros, safe, status);
+const MicroPropsGenerator*
+NumberFormatterImpl::macrosToMicroGenerator(const MacroProps& macros, bool safe, UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; }
+ const MicroPropsGenerator* chain = &fMicros;
+ // Check that macros is error-free before continuing.
+ if (macros.copyErrorTo(status)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // TODO: Accept currency symbols from DecimalFormatSymbols?
+ // Pre-compute a few values for efficiency.
+ bool isCurrency = utils::unitIsCurrency(macros.unit);
+ bool isNoUnit = utils::unitIsNoUnit(macros.unit);
+ bool isPercent = isNoUnit && utils::unitIsPercent(macros.unit);
+ bool isPermille = isNoUnit && utils::unitIsPermille(macros.unit);
+ bool isCldrUnit = !isCurrency && !isNoUnit;
+ bool isAccounting =
+ macros.sign == UNUM_SIGN_ACCOUNTING || macros.sign == UNUM_SIGN_ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS ||
+ CurrencyUnit currency(nullptr, status);
+ if (isCurrency) {
+ currency = CurrencyUnit(macros.unit, status); // Restore CurrencyUnit from MeasureUnit
+ }
+ const CurrencySymbols* currencySymbols;
+ if (macros.currencySymbols != nullptr) {
+ // Used by the DecimalFormat code path
+ currencySymbols = macros.currencySymbols;
+ } else {
+ fWarehouse.fCurrencySymbols = {currency, macros.locale, status};
+ currencySymbols = &fWarehouse.fCurrencySymbols;
+ }
+ UNumberUnitWidth unitWidth = UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_SHORT;
+ if (macros.unitWidth != UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_COUNT) {
+ unitWidth = macros.unitWidth;
+ }
+ // Select the numbering system.
+ LocalPointer<const NumberingSystem> nsLocal;
+ const NumberingSystem* ns;
+ if (macros.symbols.isNumberingSystem()) {
+ ns = macros.symbols.getNumberingSystem();
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Is there a way to avoid creating the NumberingSystem object?
+ ns = NumberingSystem::createInstance(macros.locale, status);
+ // Give ownership to the function scope.
+ nsLocal.adoptInstead(ns);
+ }
+ const char* nsName = U_SUCCESS(status) ? ns->getName() : "latn";
+ // Resolve the symbols. Do this here because currency may need to customize them.
+ if (macros.symbols.isDecimalFormatSymbols()) {
+ fMicros.symbols = macros.symbols.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
+ } else {
+ fMicros.symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(macros.locale, *ns, status);
+ // Give ownership to the NumberFormatterImpl.
+ fSymbols.adoptInstead(fMicros.symbols);
+ }
+ // Load and parse the pattern string. It is used for grouping sizes and affixes only.
+ // If we are formatting currency, check for a currency-specific pattern.
+ const char16_t* pattern = nullptr;
+ if (isCurrency) {
+ CurrencyFormatInfoResult info = getCurrencyFormatInfo(
+ macros.locale, currency.getSubtype(), status);
+ if (info.exists) {
+ pattern = info.pattern;
+ // It's clunky to clone an object here, but this code is not frequently executed.
+ auto* symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(*fMicros.symbols);
+ fMicros.symbols = symbols;
+ fSymbols.adoptInstead(symbols);
+ symbols->setSymbol(
+ DecimalFormatSymbols::ENumberFormatSymbol::kMonetarySeparatorSymbol,
+ UnicodeString(info.decimalSeparator),
+ symbols->setSymbol(
+ DecimalFormatSymbols::ENumberFormatSymbol::kMonetaryGroupingSeparatorSymbol,
+ UnicodeString(info.groupingSeparator),
+ }
+ }
+ if (pattern == nullptr) {
+ CldrPatternStyle patternStyle;
+ if (isPercent || isPermille) {
+ } else if (!isCurrency || unitWidth == UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME) {
+ } else if (isAccounting) {
+ // NOTE: Although ACCOUNTING and ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS are only supported in currencies right now,
+ // the API contract allows us to add support to other units in the future.
+ } else {
+ }
+ pattern = utils::getPatternForStyle(macros.locale, nsName, patternStyle, status);
+ }
+ auto patternInfo = new ParsedPatternInfo();
+ fPatternInfo.adoptInstead(patternInfo);
+ PatternParser::parseToPatternInfo(UnicodeString(pattern), *patternInfo, status);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Multiplier
+ if (macros.scale.isValid()) {
+ fMicros.helpers.multiplier.setAndChain(macros.scale, chain);
+ chain = &fMicros.helpers.multiplier;
+ }
+ // Rounding strategy
+ Precision precision;
+ if (!macros.precision.isBogus()) {
+ precision = macros.precision;
+ } else if (macros.notation.fType == Notation::NTN_COMPACT) {
+ precision = Precision::integer().withMinDigits(2);
+ } else if (isCurrency) {
+ precision = Precision::currency(UCURR_USAGE_STANDARD);
+ } else {
+ precision = Precision::maxFraction(6);
+ }
+ UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode;
+ if (macros.roundingMode != kDefaultMode) {
+ roundingMode = macros.roundingMode;
+ } else {
+ // Temporary until ICU 64
+ roundingMode = precision.fRoundingMode;
+ }
+ fMicros.rounder = {precision, roundingMode, currency, status};
+ // Grouping strategy
+ if (!macros.grouper.isBogus()) {
+ fMicros.grouping = macros.grouper;
+ } else if (macros.notation.fType == Notation::NTN_COMPACT) {
+ // Compact notation uses minGrouping by default since ICU 59
+ fMicros.grouping = Grouper::forStrategy(UNUM_GROUPING_MIN2);
+ } else {
+ fMicros.grouping = Grouper::forStrategy(UNUM_GROUPING_AUTO);
+ }
+ fMicros.grouping.setLocaleData(*fPatternInfo, macros.locale);
+ // Padding strategy
+ if (!macros.padder.isBogus()) {
+ fMicros.padding = macros.padder;
+ } else {
+ fMicros.padding = Padder::none();
+ }
+ // Integer width
+ if (!macros.integerWidth.isBogus()) {
+ fMicros.integerWidth = macros.integerWidth;
+ } else {
+ fMicros.integerWidth = IntegerWidth::standard();
+ }
+ // Sign display
+ if (macros.sign != UNUM_SIGN_COUNT) {
+ fMicros.sign = macros.sign;
+ } else {
+ fMicros.sign = UNUM_SIGN_AUTO;
+ }
+ // Decimal mark display
+ if (macros.decimal != UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_COUNT) {
+ fMicros.decimal = macros.decimal;
+ } else {
+ }
+ // Use monetary separator symbols
+ fMicros.useCurrency = isCurrency;
+ // Inner modifier (scientific notation)
+ if (macros.notation.fType == Notation::NTN_SCIENTIFIC) {
+ fScientificHandler.adoptInstead(new ScientificHandler(&macros.notation, fMicros.symbols, chain));
+ chain = fScientificHandler.getAlias();
+ } else {
+ // No inner modifier required
+ fMicros.modInner = &fMicros.helpers.emptyStrongModifier;
+ }
+ // Middle modifier (patterns, positive/negative, currency symbols, percent)
+ auto patternModifier = new MutablePatternModifier(false);
+ fPatternModifier.adoptInstead(patternModifier);
+ patternModifier->setPatternInfo(
+ macros.affixProvider != nullptr ? macros.affixProvider
+ : static_cast<const AffixPatternProvider*>(fPatternInfo.getAlias()));
+ patternModifier->setPatternAttributes(fMicros.sign, isPermille);
+ if (patternModifier->needsPlurals()) {
+ patternModifier->setSymbols(
+ fMicros.symbols,
+ currencySymbols,
+ unitWidth,
+ resolvePluralRules(macros.rules, macros.locale, status));
+ } else {
+ patternModifier->setSymbols(fMicros.symbols, currencySymbols, unitWidth, nullptr);
+ }
+ if (safe) {
+ fImmutablePatternModifier.adoptInstead(patternModifier->createImmutableAndChain(chain, status));
+ chain = fImmutablePatternModifier.getAlias();
+ } else {
+ patternModifier->addToChain(chain);
+ chain = patternModifier;
+ }
+ // Outer modifier (CLDR units and currency long names)
+ if (isCldrUnit) {
+ fLongNameHandler.adoptInstead(
+ LongNameHandler::forMeasureUnit(
+ macros.locale,
+ macros.unit,
+ macros.perUnit,
+ unitWidth,
+ resolvePluralRules(macros.rules, macros.locale, status),
+ chain,
+ status));
+ chain = fLongNameHandler.getAlias();
+ } else if (isCurrency && unitWidth == UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME) {
+ fLongNameHandler.adoptInstead(
+ LongNameHandler::forCurrencyLongNames(
+ macros.locale,
+ currency,
+ resolvePluralRules(macros.rules, macros.locale, status),
+ chain,
+ status));
+ chain = fLongNameHandler.getAlias();
+ } else {
+ // No outer modifier required
+ fMicros.modOuter = &fMicros.helpers.emptyWeakModifier;
+ }
+ // Compact notation
+ // NOTE: Compact notation can (but might not) override the middle modifier and rounding.
+ // It therefore needs to go at the end of the chain.
+ if (macros.notation.fType == Notation::NTN_COMPACT) {
+ CompactType compactType = (isCurrency && unitWidth != UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME)
+ ? CompactType::TYPE_CURRENCY : CompactType::TYPE_DECIMAL;
+ fCompactHandler.adoptInstead(
+ new CompactHandler(
+ macros.notation.fUnion.compactStyle,
+ macros.locale,
+ nsName,
+ compactType,
+ resolvePluralRules(macros.rules, macros.locale, status),
+ safe ? patternModifier : nullptr,
+ chain,
+ status));
+ chain = fCompactHandler.getAlias();
+ }
+ return chain;
+const PluralRules*
+NumberFormatterImpl::resolvePluralRules(const PluralRules* rulesPtr, const Locale& locale,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (rulesPtr != nullptr) {
+ return rulesPtr;
+ }
+ // Lazily create PluralRules
+ if (fRules.isNull()) {
+ fRules.adoptInstead(PluralRules::forLocale(locale, status));
+ }
+ return fRules.getAlias();
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::writeAffixes(const MicroProps& micros, NumberStringBuilder& string,
+ int32_t start, int32_t end, UErrorCode& status) {
+ // Always apply the inner modifier (which is "strong").
+ int32_t length = micros.modInner->apply(string, start, end, status);
+ if (micros.padding.isValid()) {
+ length += micros.padding
+ .padAndApply(*micros.modMiddle, *micros.modOuter, string, start, length + end, status);
+ } else {
+ length += micros.modMiddle->apply(string, start, length + end, status);
+ length += micros.modOuter->apply(string, start, length + end, status);
+ }
+ return length;
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::writeNumber(const MicroProps& micros, DecimalQuantity& quantity,
+ NumberStringBuilder& string, int32_t index,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ int32_t length = 0;
+ if (quantity.isInfinite()) {
+ length += string.insert(
+ length + index,
+ micros.symbols->getSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::ENumberFormatSymbol::kInfinitySymbol),
+ status);
+ } else if (quantity.isNaN()) {
+ length += string.insert(
+ length + index,
+ micros.symbols->getSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::ENumberFormatSymbol::kNaNSymbol),
+ status);
+ } else {
+ // Add the integer digits
+ length += writeIntegerDigits(micros, quantity, string, length + index, status);
+ // Add the decimal point
+ if (quantity.getLowerDisplayMagnitude() < 0 || micros.decimal == UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_ALWAYS) {
+ length += string.insert(
+ length + index,
+ micros.useCurrency ? micros.symbols->getSymbol(
+ DecimalFormatSymbols::ENumberFormatSymbol::kMonetarySeparatorSymbol) : micros
+ .symbols
+ ->getSymbol(
+ DecimalFormatSymbols::ENumberFormatSymbol::kDecimalSeparatorSymbol),
+ status);
+ }
+ // Add the fraction digits
+ length += writeFractionDigits(micros, quantity, string, length + index, status);
+ }
+ return length;
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::writeIntegerDigits(const MicroProps& micros, DecimalQuantity& quantity,
+ NumberStringBuilder& string, int32_t index,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ int length = 0;
+ int integerCount = quantity.getUpperDisplayMagnitude() + 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < integerCount; i++) {
+ // Add grouping separator
+ if (micros.grouping.groupAtPosition(i, quantity)) {
+ length += string.insert(
+ index,
+ micros.useCurrency ? micros.symbols->getSymbol(
+ DecimalFormatSymbols::ENumberFormatSymbol::kMonetaryGroupingSeparatorSymbol)
+ : micros.symbols->getSymbol(
+ DecimalFormatSymbols::ENumberFormatSymbol::kGroupingSeparatorSymbol),
+ status);
+ }
+ // Get and append the next digit value
+ int8_t nextDigit = quantity.getDigit(i);
+ length += utils::insertDigitFromSymbols(
+ string, index, nextDigit, *micros.symbols, UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD, status);
+ }
+ return length;
+int32_t NumberFormatterImpl::writeFractionDigits(const MicroProps& micros, DecimalQuantity& quantity,
+ NumberStringBuilder& string, int32_t index,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ int length = 0;
+ int fractionCount = -quantity.getLowerDisplayMagnitude();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fractionCount; i++) {
+ // Get and append the next digit value
+ int8_t nextDigit = quantity.getDigit(-i - 1);
+ length += utils::insertDigitFromSymbols(
+ string, length + index, nextDigit, *micros.symbols, UNUM_FRACTION_FIELD, status);
+ }
+ return length;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */