path: root/deps/node/benchmark/tls
diff options
authorFlorian Dold <>2019-08-13 12:29:07 +0200
committerFlorian Dold <>2019-08-13 12:29:22 +0200
commitda736d8259331a8ef13bf4bbb10bbb8a5c0e5299 (patch)
tree4d849133b1c9a9c7067e96ff7dd8faa1d927e0bb /deps/node/benchmark/tls
parentda228cf9d71b747f1824e85127039e5afc7effd8 (diff)
remove node/v8 from source tree
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/benchmark/tls')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/benchmark/tls/convertprotocols.js b/deps/node/benchmark/tls/convertprotocols.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba6c6dd..00000000
--- a/deps/node/benchmark/tls/convertprotocols.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const common = require('../common.js');
-const tls = require('tls');
-const bench = common.createBenchmark(main, {
- n: [1, 50000]
-function main({ n }) {
- const input = ['ABC', 'XYZ123', 'FOO'];
- var m = {};
- // First call dominates results
- if (n > 1) {
- tls.convertALPNProtocols(input, m);
- m = {};
- }
- bench.start();
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
- tls.convertALPNProtocols(input, m);
- bench.end(n);
diff --git a/deps/node/benchmark/tls/secure-pair.js b/deps/node/benchmark/tls/secure-pair.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ed678b90..00000000
--- a/deps/node/benchmark/tls/secure-pair.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const common = require('../common.js');
-const bench = common.createBenchmark(main, {
- dur: [5],
- securing: ['SecurePair', 'TLSSocket'],
- size: [2, 1024, 1024 * 1024]
-const fs = require('fs');
-const tls = require('tls');
-const net = require('net');
-const path = require('path');
-const cert_dir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../test/fixtures');
-const REDIRECT_PORT = 28347;
-function main({ dur, size, securing }) {
- const chunk = Buffer.alloc(size, 'b');
- const options = {
- key: fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_key.pem`),
- cert: fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_cert.pem`),
- ca: [ fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_ca.pem`) ],
- ciphers: 'AES256-GCM-SHA384',
- isServer: true,
- requestCert: true,
- rejectUnauthorized: true,
- };
- const server = net.createServer(onRedirectConnection);
- server.listen(REDIRECT_PORT, () => {
- const proxy = net.createServer(onProxyConnection);
- proxy.listen(common.PORT, () => {
- const clientOptions = {
- port: common.PORT,
- ca:,
- key: options.key,
- cert: options.cert,
- isServer: false,
- rejectUnauthorized: false,
- };
- const conn = tls.connect(clientOptions, () => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- const mbits = (received * 8) / (1024 * 1024);
- bench.end(mbits);
- if (conn)
- conn.destroy();
- server.close();
- proxy.close();
- }, dur * 1000);
- bench.start();
- conn.on('drain', write);
- write();
- });
- conn.on('error', (e) => {
- throw new Error(`Client error: ${e}`);
- });
- function write() {
- while (false !== conn.write(chunk));
- }
- });
- });
- function onProxyConnection(conn) {
- const client = net.connect(REDIRECT_PORT, () => {
- switch (securing) {
- case 'SecurePair':
- securePair(conn, client);
- break;
- case 'TLSSocket':
- secureTLSSocket(conn, client);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error('Invalid securing method');
- }
- });
- }
- function securePair(conn, client) {
- const serverCtx = tls.createSecureContext(options);
- const serverPair = tls.createSecurePair(serverCtx, true, true, false);
- conn.pipe(serverPair.encrypted);
- serverPair.encrypted.pipe(conn);
- serverPair.on('error', (error) => {
- throw new Error(`Pair error: ${error}`);
- });
- serverPair.cleartext.pipe(client);
- }
- function secureTLSSocket(conn, client) {
- const serverSocket = new tls.TLSSocket(conn, options);
- serverSocket.on('error', (e) => {
- throw new Error(`Socket error: ${e}`);
- });
- serverSocket.pipe(client);
- }
- let received = 0;
- function onRedirectConnection(conn) {
- conn.on('data', (chunk) => {
- received += chunk.length;
- });
- }
diff --git a/deps/node/benchmark/tls/throughput.js b/deps/node/benchmark/tls/throughput.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c0c2d4e..00000000
--- a/deps/node/benchmark/tls/throughput.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const common = require('../common.js');
-const bench = common.createBenchmark(main, {
- dur: [5],
- type: ['buf', 'asc', 'utf'],
- size: [2, 1024, 1024 * 1024]
-const path = require('path');
-const fs = require('fs');
-const cert_dir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../test/fixtures');
-var options;
-const tls = require('tls');
-function main({ dur, type, size }) {
- var encoding;
- var server;
- var chunk;
- switch (type) {
- case 'buf':
- chunk = Buffer.alloc(size, 'b');
- break;
- case 'asc':
- chunk = 'a'.repeat(size);
- encoding = 'ascii';
- break;
- case 'utf':
- chunk = 'ΓΌ'.repeat(size / 2);
- encoding = 'utf8';
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error('invalid type');
- }
- options = {
- key: fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_key.pem`),
- cert: fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_cert.pem`),
- ca: [ fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_ca.pem`) ],
- ciphers: 'AES256-GCM-SHA384'
- };
- server = tls.createServer(options, onConnection);
- var conn;
- server.listen(common.PORT, () => {
- const opt = { port: common.PORT, rejectUnauthorized: false };
- conn = tls.connect(opt, () => {
- setTimeout(done, dur * 1000);
- bench.start();
- conn.on('drain', write);
- write();
- });
- function write() {
- while (false !== conn.write(chunk, encoding));
- }
- });
- var received = 0;
- function onConnection(conn) {
- conn.on('data', (chunk) => {
- received += chunk.length;
- });
- }
- function done() {
- const mbits = (received * 8) / (1024 * 1024);
- bench.end(mbits);
- if (conn)
- conn.destroy();
- server.close();
- }
diff --git a/deps/node/benchmark/tls/tls-connect.js b/deps/node/benchmark/tls/tls-connect.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 470d536f..00000000
--- a/deps/node/benchmark/tls/tls-connect.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const fs = require('fs');
-const path = require('path');
-const tls = require('tls');
-const common = require('../common.js');
-const bench = common.createBenchmark(main, {
- concurrency: [1, 10],
- dur: [5]
-var clientConn = 0;
-var serverConn = 0;
-var dur;
-var concurrency;
-var running = true;
-function main(conf) {
- dur = conf.dur;
- concurrency = conf.concurrency;
- const cert_dir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../test/fixtures');
- const options = {
- key: fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_key.pem`),
- cert: fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_cert.pem`),
- ca: [ fs.readFileSync(`${cert_dir}/test_ca.pem`) ],
- ciphers: 'AES256-GCM-SHA384'
- };
- const server = tls.createServer(options, onConnection);
- server.listen(common.PORT, onListening);
-function onListening() {
- setTimeout(done, dur * 1000);
- bench.start();
- for (var i = 0; i < concurrency; i++)
- makeConnection();
-function onConnection(conn) {
- serverConn++;
-function makeConnection() {
- const options = {
- port: common.PORT,
- rejectUnauthorized: false
- };
- var conn = tls.connect(options, () => {
- clientConn++;
- conn.on('error', (er) => {
- console.error('client error', er);
- throw er;
- });
- conn.end();
- if (running) makeConnection();
- });
-function done() {
- running = false;
- // It's only an established connection if they both saw it.
- // because we destroy the server somewhat abruptly, these
- // don't always match. Generally, serverConn will be
- // the smaller number, but take the min just to be sure.
- bench.end(Math.min(serverConn, clientConn));
- process.exit(0);