path: root/wallet/src/main/java/net/taler
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-10-25[wallet] Don't allow zero amount for p2p transactionsIván Ávalos
2023-10-25[wallet] Refactor wire transfer and remove BIC/SWIFT fieldIván Ávalos
2023-10-25[wallet] Remove deprecated ExperimentalMaterial3Api decoratorsIván Ávalos
2023-10-25[wallet] Remove "Warning:" from push payment screenTorsten Grote
2023-10-17[wallet] update wallet-core to dev.33Torsten Grote
2023-10-11[wallet] upgrade wallet-core to dev.25Torsten Grote
2023-10-10[wallet] Trim text in URI input fragmentIván Ávalos
2023-10-10[wallet] Fix P2P payments (API changes)Iván Ávalos
2023-10-10[wallet] Prevent user from interacting with non-contacted exchangesIván Ávalos
2023-10-10[wallet] Fix extension and MIME type of exported database (JSON -> SQLite3)Iván Ávalos
2023-09-27[wallet] products in TransactionInfo seem to be optional nowTorsten Grote
2023-09-27[wallet] Fix back navigation crash due to duplicated core instanceTorsten Grote
2023-09-26[wallet] another NetworkManager fixTorsten Grote
2023-09-26[wallet] upgrade to qtart 0.9.3-dev.16Torsten Grote
2023-09-26[wallet] Fix back navigation after template prompt.Iván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] simplify pay templatesTorsten Grote
2023-09-26[wallet] simplify AmountInputFieldTorsten Grote
2023-09-26[wallet] fix: AmountInputField reacts to external changesIván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] Improved AmountInputField with a VisualTransformationIván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] Support 0.x fractions in AmountInputFieldIván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] Refactor amount input into single composableIván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] fixes for templates parsing and UIIván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] Additional refactoring of pay templatesIván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] add some potential TODOs for pay templatesTorsten Grote
2023-09-26[wallet] Improve internal logic of templatesIván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] first cleanup of payment template workTorsten Grote
the PayTemplateComposable still needs refactoring
2023-09-26[wallet] Improved templates UX and PoS confirmation codesIván Ávalos
2023-09-26[wallet] Initial version of template supportIván Ávalos
2023-09-19[wallet] don't crash when transaction list has no bindingAdapterPositionTorsten Grote
2023-09-19[wallet] some fixes for NetworkManagerTorsten Grote
2023-09-19[wallet] simplify state exposed by NetworkManagerTorsten Grote
2023-09-19[wallet] Add offline bannerIván Ávalos
2023-09-05[wallet] show p2p QR codes until tx readyIván Ávalos
bug 0007933
2023-09-05[wallet] skip ManualWithdrawFragment when doing a manual withdraw from ↵Iván Ávalos
balances list
2023-08-30[wallet] try not to instantiate TalerWalletCore more than onceTorsten Grote
2023-08-30[wallet] Fixed serialization error in contract termsIván Ávalos
2023-07-28[wallet] show peer transaction summary/purpose in listTorsten Grote
2023-07-17[wallet] update transaction list when receiving ↵Torsten Grote
`transaction-state-transition` notification
2023-07-17[wallet] Implement new `balance-change' notificationIván Ávalos
2023-07-11[wallet] fix refund transaction after API changeTorsten Grote
2023-07-11[wallet] use integration test v2Torsten Grote
2023-07-11[wallet] some dd37 fixes after mergingTorsten Grote
2023-07-11[wallet] Fully remove deprecated status fieldsIván Ávalos
2023-07-11[wallet] Show suspend/resume only in devMode and rename "fail" to "cancel" in UIIván Ávalos
2023-07-11[wallet] Make DD37 dialog data non-nullable and rename callbackIván Ávalos
2023-07-11[wallet] DD37 fixesIván Ávalos
2023-07-11[wallet] Better error handling for tx actions.Iván Ávalos
2023-07-11[wallet] Handle "fail" DD37 action and prevent non-deletable transactions ↵Iván Ávalos
from being deleted.
2023-07-11[wallet] Implemented DD37 with the new txActions fieldIván Ávalos
2023-07-11[wallet] Initial work for DD37 transitionsIván Ávalos