path: root/games
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diff --git a/games/games.tex b/games/games.tex
index 31556c6..abf57f9 100644
--- a/games/games.tex
+++ b/games/games.tex
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ protocol.
% pkDenom needs to appear in ExchangeKeygen
- \item \algo{Spend}(contract, \V{f}, \V{pkUser}, \V{skCoin}, pkReceiver):
+ \item \algo{Spend}(contract, \V{f}, \V{pkUser}, \V{skCoin}, \V{pkReceiver}):
Algorithm to produce and sign a deposit permission \V{depositPermission}
for a particular contract. The fraction $0 < \V{f} \le 1$ determines the
fraction of the coin's value that will be spent.
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ protocol.
On success, we mark $\V{pkCoin}$ spent in $\V{deposited}[\V{pkCoin}]$ and
return the exchange's signature over the request.
- \item \algo{Refresh}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkU}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkE}, \V{skCoin})):
+ \item \algo{Refresh}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkU}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkE}, \V{skCoin}, \V{pkDenom})):
Interactive protocol between exchange and user.
If $\V{pkCoin}$ (derived from \V{skCoin}) is being overspent, then
@@ -364,14 +364,14 @@ Let \oraSet{Anon} stand for access to the oracles
\item $(\V{pkU}_0, \V{pkU}_1, \V{contract}_0, \V{contract}_1) \leftarrow {\prt{A}}^{\oraSet{Anon}}()$ \\
The adversary creates two users and selects two contract identifiers.
\item Return 0 if $\V{pkU}_0$ or $\V{pkU}_1$ are not uncorrupted registered users.
- \item Select distinct fresh coins $\V{pkC}_0$ and $\V{pkC}_1$
+ \item Select distinct fresh coins $\V{pkCoin}_0$ and $\V{pkCoin}_1$
from the wallets of $\V{pkU}_0$ and $\V{pkU}_1$ respectively.%
\footnote{In principle, we might anonymously refresh coins before
or concurrently with spending them, but if our adversary directs a
non-anonymous refresh then they can mark coins with it}
Return 0 if either $\V{pkU}_0$ or $\V{pkU}_1$ has insufficient unspent unrefreshed coins.
- \item $\V{dp_0} \leftarrow \algo{Spend}(\V{contract}_0, \V{pkU}_b, \V{pkC}_b, \V{pkM})$, \\
- $\V{dp_1} \leftarrow \algo{Spend}(\V{contract}_1, \V{pkU}_{1-b}, \V{pkC}_{1-b}, \V{pkM})$ \\
+ \item $\V{dp_0} \leftarrow \algo{Spend}(\V{contract}_0, \V{pkU}_b, \V{pkCoin}_b, \V{pkM})$, \\
+ $\V{dp_1} \leftarrow \algo{Spend}(\V{contract}_1, \V{pkU}_{1-b}, \V{pkCoin}_{1-b}, \V{pkM})$ \\
Spend these two coins without revealing the mapping between users and coins.
\item $r_0 \leftarrow \algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), {\prt{A}}(dp_0))$, \\
$r_1 \leftarrow \algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), {\prt{A}}(dp_1))$ \\
@@ -607,50 +607,64 @@ but the condition restricts it to games in which $p \over b + p$ is defined.
Christian agrees with Jeff on using an abstract key exchange.
-Let $G \in \mathbb{E}$ be the generator of the Ed25519 curve (with Edwards coordinates).
+Let $G \in \mathbb{E}$ be the generator of an Edwards curve in which the DDH problem yields $\lambda$ bits of security, like Ed25519 if $\lambda = 128$.
- \item \algo{ExchangeKeygen}(): Generate an RSA key pair of length $\lambda$ and return it.
- \item \algo{UserKeygen}(): Generate an EdDSA key pair and return it.
- \item \algo{Withdraw}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkU})):
+ \item \algo{ExchangeKeygen}(): Generate and return denomination RSA key pair of a length that yields $\lambda$ bits of security, as well as the exchange signing key.
+ \item \algo{UserKeygen}(): Generate and return merchant EdDSA key pair, which doubles as a reserve key for our purposes.
+ \item \algo{Withdraw}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkU}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkE}, \V{pkDenom})):
- \item \prt{U} selects blinding factor $r \randsel \Z_N^*$, coin secret $\V{skC} \randsel \Z_{|\mathbb{E}|}$, computes
- $\V{pkC} = \V{skC} \cdot G$, $\overline{M} = r \cdot H(\V{pkC})$ and sends $\overline{M}$ to $\prt{E}$.
+ \item \prt{U} selects blinding factor $r \randsel \Z_N^*$, coin secret $\V{skCoin} \randsel \Z_{|\mathbb{E}|}$, computes
+ $\V{pkCoin} = \V{skCoin} \cdot G$, $\overline{M} = r \cdot \textrm{FDH}_{\V{pkDenom}}(\V{pkCoin})$ and sends $\overline{M}$ to $\prt{E}$.
\item \prt{E} receives $\overline{M}$ and sends back $\overline{M}^d \bmod N$ to \prt{U}.
Thus the protocol transcript is $(\overline {M}, \overline{M}^d \bmod N)$.
- \item \algo{Spend}(contract, skCoin, pkReceiver): TODO
- The deposit permission is computed as
+ \item \algo{Spend}(contract, \V{f}, \V{pkUser}, \V{skCoin}, \V{pkReceiver}):
+ The deposit permission is computed as $(\V{sig}, \V{pkCoin})$ where $\V{pkCoin} = \V{skCoin} \cdot G$ and
- (\V{sig}, \V{pkCoin}) = (\algo{Sign}(skCoin, (contract, pkReceiver)), \V{skCoin} \cdot G)
+ \V{sig} = \algo{Sign}(skCoin, (contract, pkReceiver))
\item \algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{M}(\V{skU}, \V{depositPermission})):
- Exchange checks signatures, adds contribution $f$ of each coin to database of spent coins.
- \item \algo{Refresh}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkU}, \V{\overrightarrow{skCoinList}})):
- The protocol transcript is
- \begin{equation*}
- (\V{pkCoin}, sig, T_1, \dots, T_\kappa, \overline{M}_1, \dots, \overline{M}_\kappa, \gamma, \tilde{t}_1, \dots, \tilde{t}_\kappa, \tilde{n}_1, \dots, \tilde{n}_i \overline{M}_\gamma)
- \end{equation*}
+ Exchange checks signatures, records contribution $f$ of each coin to database of spent coins.
+ \item \algo{Refresh}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkU}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkE}, \V{skCoin}, \V{pkDenom})):
- with
+ First the user samples a verification nonce $\V{nonce} \randsel U$ and, for each $i<\kappa$, computes the $i$th commitment data:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Transfer private key $t_i \randsel U$
+ \item Transfer public key $T_i = t_i \cdot G$A
+ \item $\V{linkSecret}_i = H(\V{nonce} \mathbin{\|} \V{skCoin} \mathbin{\|} i)$
+ \item Transfer secret $s_i = ECDH(t_i, pkCoin) \mathbin{\|} \V{linkSecret}_i$
+ \item Blinding factor $r_i = \textrm{FD-PRF}_{pkDenom}(s_i)$
+ \item Coin private key $m_i = \textrm{PRF}_{\V{pkCoin}}(s_i)$
+ \item Coin public key $M_i = m_i \cdot G$
+ \item Planchet $\overline{M}_i = r_i^e \cdot \textrm{FDH}_{\V{pkDenom}}(M_i) \bmod \V{pkDenom}$
+ \end{itemize}
+ The user aggregates this commitment data
- \item Refresh confirmation signature $sig = Sign(skCoin, "refresh", \V{pkCoin})$
- \item Verification nonce $n_i \randsel U$
- \item Transfer private key $t_i \randsel U$
- \item Transfer public key $T_i = t_i \cdot G$A
- \item Transfer secret $s_i = ECDH(t_i, pkCoin)$
- \item Blinding factor $r_i = PRF_{pkCoin}(s_i)$
- \item Coin private key $m_i = PRF_{pkCoin+1}(s_i \mathbin{\|} n_i)$
- \item Coin public key $M_i = m_i \cdot G$
- \item Planchet $\overline{M}_i = (r_i \cdot M_i)^d \bmod N$
- \item (tide denotes item at index $\gamma$ set to zero)
- \end{itemize}
- \item \algo{Link}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkU}, \V{linkSecret}, \V{skCoin})):
- The user obtains the protocol transcript for the Refresh with coin public key derived from \V{skCoin}.
- The refresh protocol is then used to withdraw the planchet $\overline{M}_\kappa$.
+ \item $h_M = H(\overline{M}_1, \dots, \overline{M}_\kappa)$,
+ \item $h_T = H(T_1, \dots, T_\kappa)$,
+ \end{itemize}
+ and send the commitment $(\pi_1, \V{sig})$ where $\pi_1 = (\V{pkCoin}, \V{nonce}, h_T, h_M)$ and $\V{sig} = Sign_{\V{skCoin}}(\pi_1)$.
+ Second, the exchange chooses a $0 \le \gamma < \kappa$ and signs this choice along with ???
+ Third, the user reveals $T_\gamma$ and $\overline{M}_\gamma$ along with
+ $$ t_1, \dots, t_{\gamma-1}, t_{\gamma+1}, \dots, t_\kappa \quad\textrm{and}\quad
+ \V{linkSecret}_1, \dots, \V{linkSecret}_{\gamma-1}, \V{linkSecret}_{\gamma+1}, \dots, \V{linkSecret}_i \mathcomma $$
+ again signing this message with $\V{skCoin}$.
+ Finally the exchange returns the signed planchet $\overline{M}_\gamma^d \bmod \V{pkDenom}$, which the user unblinds and verifies.
+ \item \algo{Link}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkE}, \V{skCoin})):
+ For each completed refresh of $\V{skCoin}$:
+ The user obtains the verification nonce $\V{nonce}$, the new denomination $\V{pkDenom}$, the transfer public key $T_\gamma$, and the signed planchet $\overline{M}_\gamma^d \bmod \V{pkDenom}$ from the protocol transcript for the Refresh with coin public key derived from \V{skCoin}. The user computes the $\V{linkSecret}_\gamma$ using $\V{nonce}$, computes both the blinding factor $r_i$ and the coin private key $m_i$ using $T_\gamma$, unblinds the signed planchet and verifies the result is the RSA signature for the new coin.
@@ -689,7 +703,7 @@ then Taler satisfies {anonymity}.
must fake a link secret that causes the oracle to return random data leading
to incorrect behavior by the customer. We recall however that link secrets
were constructed as $(\V{nonce}, \V{linkSecret})$ where
- $\V{linkSecret} = H(\V{nonce}, \V{skOldCoin})$,
+ $\V{linkSecret} = H(\V{nonce} \mathbin{\|} \V{skOldCoin})$,
with the customer rejecting link secrets that fail this test.
So our adversary must either find a hash collision or find the coin's private key.